5,760 research outputs found

    Exploratory Analysis of Functional Data via Clustering and Optimal Segmentation

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    We propose in this paper an exploratory analysis algorithm for functional data. The method partitions a set of functions into KK clusters and represents each cluster by a simple prototype (e.g., piecewise constant). The total number of segments in the prototypes, PP, is chosen by the user and optimally distributed among the clusters via two dynamic programming algorithms. The practical relevance of the method is shown on two real world datasets

    Hypertuned temporal fusion transformer for multi-horizon time series forecasting of dam level in hydroelectric power plants

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    This paper addresses the challenge of predicting dam level rise in hydroelectric power plants during floods and proposes a solution using an automatic hyperparameters tuning temporal fusion transformer (AutoTFT) model. Hydroelectric power plants play a critical role in long-term energy planning, and accurate prediction of dam level rise is crucial for maintaining operational safety and optimizing energy generation. The AutoTFT model is applied to analyze time series data representing the water storage capacity of a hydroelectric power plant, providing valuable insights for decision-making in emergency situations. The results demonstrate that the AutoTFT model surpasses other deep learning approaches, achieving high accuracy in predicting dam level rise across different prediction horizons. Having a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.78×10−3 for short-term forecasting and 1.72 considering median-term forecasting, the AutoTFT shows to be promising for time series prediction presented in this paper. The AutoTFT had lower RMSE than the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, long short-term memory, bootstrap aggregation (bagged), sequential learning (boosted), and stacked generalization ensemble learning approaches. The findings underscore the potential of the AutoTFT model for improving operational efficiency, ensuring safety, and optimizing energy generation in hydroelectric power plants during flood events

    Dynamic energy system modeling using hybrid physics-based and machine learning encoder–decoder models

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    Three model configurations are presented for multi-step time series predictions of the heat absorbed by the water and steam in a thermal power plant. The models predict over horizons of 2, 4, and 6 steps into the future, where each step is a 5-minute increment. The evaluated models are a pure machine learning model, a novel hybrid machine learning and physics-based model, and the hybrid model with an incomplete dataset. The hybrid model deconstructs the machine learning into individual boiler heat absorption units: economizer, water wall, superheater, and reheater. Each configuration uses a gated recurrent unit (GRU) or a GRU-based encoder–decoder as the deep learning architecture. Mean squared error is used to evaluate the models compared to target values. The encoder–decoder architecture is over 11% more accurate than the GRU only models. The hybrid model with the incomplete dataset highlights the importance of the manipulated variables to the system. The hybrid model, compared to the pure machine learning model, is over 10% more accurate on average over 20 iterations of each model. Automatic differentiation is applied to the hybrid model to perform a local sensitivity analysis to identify the most impactful of the 72 manipulated variables on the heat absorbed in the boiler. The models and sensitivity analyses are used in a discussion about optimizing the thermal power plant

    Developing a long short-term memory-based model for forecasting the daily energy consumption of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in buildings

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    Forecasting the energy consumption of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems is important for the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. In fact, conventional models present limitations in these systems due to their complexity and unpredictability. To overcome this, the long short-term memory-based model is employed in this work. Our objective is to develop and evaluate a model to forecast the daily energy consumption of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in buildings. For this purpose, we apply a comprehensive methodology that allows us to obtain a robust, generalizable, and reliable model by tuning different parameters. The results show that the proposed model achieves a significant improvement in the coefficient of variation of root mean square error of 9.5% compared to that proposed by international agencies. We conclude that these results provide an encouraging outlook for its implementation as an intelligent service for decision making, capable of overcoming the problems of other noise-sensitive models affected by data variations and disturbances without the need for expert knowledge in the domain.Se buscó pronosticar el consumo de energía de los sistemas de calefacción Heating, ventilating y aire acondicionado (HVAC) para la eficiencia energética de los edificios. En este estudio, se desarrolla un modelo de red neuronal artificial (RNA) recurrente del tipo Long short-term memory (LSTM) destinada a pronosticar el consumo de energía de un sistema HVAC en los edificios, en concreto una bomba de calor del Teatro Real de España. El trabajo comparó diferentes configuraciones del modelo con respecto a los datos reales proporcionados por el BMS del edificio y se identificó los hiperparámetros adecuados para el LSTM. El objetivo fue desarrollar y evaluar el modelo para pronosticar el consumo diario de energía de los sistemas HVAC, lográndose una predicción del uso de la energía según los criterios indicados por las directrices de American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASHRAE, The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol IPMVP y The Federal Energy Management Program organismos que validan un modelo HVAC. La contribución del solicitante se centró en el diseño del LSTM, y en la validación de las pruebas con los datos experimentales, así como en el análisis de los resultados obtenidos

    Electricity market price forecasting by grid computing optimizing artificial neural networks

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    This paper presents a grid computing approach to parallel-process a neural network time-series model for forecasting electricity market prices. A grid computing environment introduced in a university computing laboratory provides access to otherwise underused computing resources.The grid computing of the neural network model not only processes several times faster than a single iterative process, but also provides chances of improving forecasting accuracy. Results of numerical tests using real market data on twenty grid-connected PCs are reported

    AI-driven approaches for optimizing the energy efficiency of integrated energy system

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    To decarbonize the global energy system and replace the unidirectional architecture of existing grid networks, integrated and electrified energy systems are becoming more demanding. Energy integration is critical for renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower. However, there are still specific challenges to overcome, such as their high reliance on the weather and the complexity of their integrated operation. As a result, this research goes through the study of a new approach to energy service that has arisen in the shape of data-driven AI technologies, which hold tremendous promise for system improvement while maximizing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. This research aims to evaluate the use of data-driven AI techniques in electrical integrated energy systems, focusing on energy integration, operation, and planning of multiple energy supplies and demand. Based on the formation point, the main research question is: "To what extent do AI algorithms contribute to attaining greater efficiency of integrated grid systems?". It also included a discussion on four key research areas of AI application: Energy and load prediction, fault prediction, AI-based technologies IoT used for smart monitoring grid system optimization such as energy storage, demand response, grid flexibility, and Business value creation. The study adopted a two-way approach that includes empirical research on energy industry expert interviews and a Likert scale survey among energy sector representatives from Finland, Norway, and Nepal. On the other hand, the theoretical part was from current energy industry optimization models and a review of publications linked to a given research issue. The research's key findings were AI's significant potential in electrically integrated energy systems, which concluded AI's implication as a better understanding of energy consumption patterns, highly effective and precise energy load and fault prediction, automated energy management, enhanced energy storage system, more excellent business value, a smart control center, smooth monitoring, tracking, and communication of energy networks. In addition, further research directions are prospects towards its technical characteristics on energy conversion
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