23 research outputs found

    Robust Detection of Impaired Resting State Functional Connectivity Networks in Alzheimer's Disease Using Elastic Net Regularized Regression

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    The large number of multicollinear regional features that are provided by resting state (rs) fMRI data requires robust feature selection to uncover consistent networks of functional disconnection in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we compared elastic net regularized and classical stepwise logistic regression in respect to consistency of feature selection and diagnostic accuracy using rs-fMRI data from four centers of the German resting-state initiative for diagnostic biomarkers (psymri.org), comprising 53 AD patients and 118 age and sex matched healthy controls. Using all possible pairs of correlations between the time series of rs-fMRI signal from 84 functionally defined brain regions as the initial set of predictor variables, we calculated accuracy of group discrimination and consistency of feature selection with bootstrap cross-validation. Mean areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves as measure of diagnostic accuracy were 0.70 in unregularized and 0.80 in regularized regression. Elastic net regression was insensitive to scanner effects and recovered a consistent network of functional connectivity decline in AD that encompassed parts of the dorsal default mode as well as brain regions involved in attention, executive control, and language processing. Stepwise logistic regression found no consistent network of AD related functional connectivity decline. Regularized regression has high potential to increase diagnostic accuracy and consistency of feature selection from multicollinear functional neuroimaging data in AD. Our findings suggest an extended network of functional alterations in AD, but the diagnostic accuracy of rs-fMRI in this multicenter setting did not reach the benchmark defined for a useful biomarker of AD

    Delineating disorder-general and disorder-specific dimensions of psychopathology from functional brain networks in a developmental clinical sample

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    The interplay between functional brain network maturation and psychopathology during development remains elusive. To establish the structure of psychopathology and its neurobiological mechanisms, mapping of both shared and unique functional connectivity patterns across developmental clinical populations is needed. We investigated shared associations between resting-state functional connectivity and psychopathology in children and adolescents aged 5–21 (n =1689). Specifically, we used partial least squares (PLS) to identify latent variables (LV) between connectivity and both symptom scores and diagnostic information. We also investigated associations between connectivity and each diagnosis specifically, controlling for other diagnosis categories. PLS identified five significant LVs between connectivity and symptoms, mapping onto the psychopathology hierarchy. The first LV resembled a general psychopathology factor, followed by dimensions of internalising- externalising, neurodevelopment, somatic complaints, and thought problems. Another PLS with diagnostic data revealed one significant LV, resembling a cross-diagnostic case-control pattern. The diagnosis-specific PLS identified a unique connectivity pattern for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). All LVs were associated with distinct patterns of functional connectivity. These dimensions largely replicated in an independent sample (n = 420) from the same dataset, as well as to an independent cohort (n =3504). This suggests that covariance in developmental functional brain networks supports transdiagnostic dimensions of psychopathology.publishedVersio

    Spatial parcellations, spectral filtering, and connectivity measures in fMRI: Optimizing for discrimination.

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    The analysis of Functional Connectivity (FC) is a key technique of fMRI, having been used to distinguish brain states and conditions. While many approaches to calculating FC are available, there have been few assessments of their differences, making it difficult to choose approaches and compare results. Here, we assess the impact of methodological choices on discriminability, using a fully controlled dataset of continuous active states involving basic visual and motor tasks, providing robust localized FC changes. We tested a range of anatomical and functional parcellations, including the AAL atlas, parcellations derived from the Human Connectome Project and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of many dimensionalities. We measure amplitude, covariance, correlation and regularized partial correlation under different temporal filtering choices. We evaluate features derived from these methods for discriminating states using MVPA. We find that multidimensional parcellations derived from functional data performed similarly, outperforming an anatomical atlas, with correlation and partial correlation (p<0.05, FDR). Partial correlation, with appropriate regularization, outperformed correlation. Amplitude and covariance generally discriminated less well, although gave good results with high-dimensionality ICA. We found that discriminative FC properties are frequency specific; higher frequencies performed surprisingly well under certain configurations of atlas choices and dependency measures, with ICA-based parcellations revealing greater discriminability at high frequencies compared to other parcellations. Methodological choices in FC analyses can have a profound impact on results and can be selected to optimize accuracy, interpretability, and sharing of results. This work contributes to a basis for consistent selection of approaches to estimating and analyzing FC

    Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Social Cognition and Brain Functional Connectivity in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients

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    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of impulsivity, affective instability, and difficulty to establish and manage interpersonal relationships. However, little is known about its etiology and neurobiological substrates. In our study, we wanted to investigate the influence of child abuse in the psychopathology of BPD by means of social cognitive paradigms [the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC) and the reading the mind in the eyes test (RMET)], and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). For this, we recruited 33 participants, 18 BPD patients, and 15 controls. High levels of self-reported childhood maltreatment were reported by BPD patients. For the sexual abuse subdimension, there were no differences between the BPD and the control groups, but there was a negative correlation between MASC scores and total childhood maltreatment levels, as well as between physical abuse, physical negligence, and MASC. Both groups showed that the higher the level of childhood maltreatment, the lower the performance on the MASC social cognitive test. Further, in the BPD group, there was hypoconnectivity between the structures responsible for emotion regulation and social cognitive responses that have been described as part of the frontolimbic circuitry (i.e., amygdala). Differential levels of connectivity, associated with different types and levels of abuse were also observed

    Resting State fMRI Functional Connectivity Analysis Using Dynamic Time Warping

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    Traditional resting-state network concept is based on calculating linear dependence of spontaneous low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD signals of different brain areas, which assumes temporally stable zero-lag synchrony across regions. However, growing amount of experimental findings suggest that functional connectivity exhibits dynamic changes and a complex time-lag structure, which cannot be captured by the static zero-lag correlation analysis. Here we propose a new approach applying Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance to evaluate functional connectivity strength that accounts for non-stationarity and phase-lags between the observed signals. Using simulated fMRI data we found that DTW captures dynamic interactions and it is less sensitive to linearly combined global noise in the data as compared to traditional correlation analysis. We tested our method using resting-state fMRI data from repeated measurements of an individual subject and showed that DTW analysis results in more stable connectivity patterns by reducing the within-subject variability and increasing robustness for preprocessing strategies. Classification results on a public dataset revealed a superior sensitivity of the DTW analysis to group differences by showing that DTW based classifiers outperform the zero-lag correlation and maximal lag cross-correlation based classifiers significantly. Our findings suggest that analysing resting-state functional connectivity using DTW provides an efficient new way for characterizing functional networks

    Test-retest reliability of neural correlates of response inhibition and error monitoring: An fMRI study of a stop-signal task

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    Response inhibition (RI) and error monitoring (EM) are important processes of adaptive goal-directed behavior, and neural correlates of these processes are being increasingly used as transdiagnostic biomarkers of risk for a range of neuropsychiatric disorders. Potential utility of these purported biomarkers relies on the assumption that individual differences in brain activation are reproducible over time; however, available data on test-retest reliability (TRR) of task-fMRI are very mixed. This study examined TRR of RI and EM-related activations using a stop signal task in young adults

    Test-retest reliability of modular-relevant analysis in brain functional network

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    Introduction: The human brain could be modeled as a complex network via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and the architecture of these brain functional networks can be studied from multiple spatial scales with different graph theory tools. Detecting modules is an important mesoscale network measuring approach that has provided crucial insights for uncovering how brain organizes itself among different functional subsystems. Despite its successful application in a wide range of brain network studies, the lack of comprehensive reliability assessment prevents its potential extension to clinical trials. Methods: To fill this gap, this paper, using resting-state test-retest fMRI data, systematically explored the reliabilities of five popular network metrics derived from modular structure. Considering the repeatability of network partition depends heavily on network size and module detection algorithm, we constructed three types of brain functional networks for each subject by using a set of coarse-to-fine brain atlases and adopted four methods for single-subject module detection and twelve methods for group-level module detection. Results: The results reported moderate-to-good reliability in modularity, intra- and inter-modular functional connectivities, within-modular degree and participation coefficient at both individual and group levels, indicating modular-relevant network metrics can provide robust evaluation results. Further analysis identified the significant influence of module detection algorithm and node definition approach on reliabilities of network partitions and its derived network analysis results. Discussion: This paper provides important guidance for choosing reliable modular-relevant network metrics and analysis strategies in future studies

    Alterations in Functional Connectivity Measured by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Relationship With Heart Rate Variability in Subjects After Performing Orgasmic Meditation: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: We measured changes in resting brain functional connectivity, with blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), associated with a creative meditation practice that is augmented by clitoral stimulation and is designed to not only achieve a spiritual experience but to help individuals manage their most intimate personal relationships. Briefly, the meditative state is attained by both the male and female participants while the male stimulates the woman\u27s clitoris. The goal of this practice, called orgasmic meditation (OM), according to the practitioners is not sexual, but to use the focus on clitoral stimulation to facilitate a meditative state of connectedness and calm alertness between the two participants. Methods: fMRI was acquired on 20 pairs of subjects shortly following one of two states that were randomized in their order - during the OM practice or during a neutral condition. The practice is performed while the female is lying down on pillows with the clitoris exposed. During the practice, the male performs digital stimulation of the clitoris for 15 min. Resting BOLD image acquisition was performed at completion of the practice to assess changes in functional connectivity associated with the performance of the practice. Results: The results demonstrated significant changes (p \u3c 0.05) in functional connectivity associated with the OM compared to the neutral condition. For the entire group there was altered connectivity following the OM practice involving the left superior temporal lobe, the frontal lobe, anterior cingulate, and insula. In female subjects, there was altered connectivity involving the cerebellum, thalamus, inferior frontal lobe posterior parietal lobe, angular gyrus, amygdala and middle temporal gyrus, and prefrontal cortex. In males, functional connectivity changes involved the supramarginal gyrus, cerebellum, and orbitofrontal gyrus, cerebellum, parahippocampus, inferior temporal gyrus, and anterior cingulate. Conclusion: Overall, these findings suggest a complex pattern of functional connectivity changes occurring in both members of the couple pair that result from this unique meditation practice. The changes represent a hybrid of functional connectivity findings with some similarities to meditation based practices and some with sexual stimulation and orgasm. This study has broader implications for understanding the dynamic relationship between sexuality and spirituality

    Gamma-hydroxybutyrate increases brain resting-state functional connectivity of the salience network and dorsal nexus in humans

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    According to the triple network hypothesis the brain is equipped with three core neurocognitive networks: the default mode (DMN), the salience (SN), and the central executive (CEN) network. Moreover, the so called dorsal nexus, has met growing interest as it is a hub region connecting these three networks. Assessment of resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) of these networks enables the elucidation of drug-induced brain alterations. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a GHB/GABA-B receptor agonist that induces a paradoxical state of mixed stimulation and sedation at moderate doses, which makes it a valuable tool to investigate neural signatures of subjective drug effects. Employing a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized, cross-over design, we assessed the effects of GHB (35 mg/kg p. o.) in 19 healthy male subjects on DMN-, SN-, CEN-, and dorsal nexus-rsFC measured by functional magnet resonance imaging and applying independent component as well as seed-based analyses, while subjective drug effects were investigated using visual analog scales (VAS). Subjectively, GHB increased VAS ratings of a general drug effect, stimulation, and sedation. Intrinsic DMN-, and CEN-rsFC remained largely unchanged under GHB, but the drug increased SN-DMN-rsFC and SN-dorsal nexus-rsFC, while dorsal nexus-rsFC was reciprocally increased to both the SN (right anterior insula) and to the CEN (right middle frontal gyrus). Increased sedation significantly predicted the observed SN-dorsal nexus-rsFC. In conclusion, GHB generates a unique stimulant/sedative subjective state that is paralleled by a complex pattern of increased functional connectivity encompassing all three core neurocognitive networks of the brain, while increased SN-dorsal nexus-rsFC was demonstrated to be a potential signature of the sedative component of the drug effect