28 research outputs found

    Dynamic Physiological Partitioning on a Shared-nothing Database Cluster

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    Traditional DBMS servers are usually over-provisioned for most of their daily workloads and, because they do not show good-enough energy proportionality, waste a lot of energy while underutilized. A cluster of small (wimpy) servers, where its size can be dynamically adjusted to the current workload, offers better energy characteristics for these workloads. Yet, data migration, necessary to balance utilization among the nodes, is a non-trivial and time-consuming task that may consume the energy saved. For this reason, a sophisticated and easy to adjust partitioning scheme fostering dynamic reorganization is needed. In this paper, we adapt a technique originally created for SMP systems, called physiological partitioning, to distribute data among nodes, that allows to easily repartition data without interrupting transactions. We dynamically partition DB tables based on the nodes' utilization and given energy constraints and compare our approach with physical partitioning and logical partitioning methods. To quantify possible energy saving and its conceivable drawback on query runtimes, we evaluate our implementation on an experimental cluster and compare the results w.r.t. performance and energy consumption. Depending on the workload, we can substantially save energy without sacrificing too much performance

    Final Report: Efficient Databases for MPC Microdata

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    The purpose of this grant was to develop the theory and practice of high-performance databases for massive streamed datasets. Over the last three years, we have developed fast indexing technology, that is, technology for rapidly ingesting data and storing that data so that it can be efficiently queried and analyzed. During this project we developed the technology so that high-bandwidth data streams can be indexed and queried efficiently. Our technology has been proven to work data sets composed of tens of billions of rows when the data streams arrives at over 40,000 rows per second. We achieved these numbers even on a single disk driven by two cores. Our work comprised (1) new write-optimized data structures with better asymptotic complexity than traditional structures, (2) implementation, and (3) benchmarking. We furthermore developed a prototype of TokuFS, a middleware layer that can handle microdata I/O packaged up in an MPI-IO abstraction

    Efficient bulk-loading methods for temporal and multidimensional index structures

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    Nahezu alle naturwissenschaftlichen Bereiche profitieren von neuesten Analyse- und Verarbeitungsmethoden für große Datenmengen. Diese Verfahren setzten eine effiziente Verarbeitung von geo- und zeitbezogenen Daten voraus, da die Zeit und die Position wichtige Attribute vieler Daten sind. Die effiziente Anfrageverarbeitung wird insbesondere durch den Einsatz von Indexstrukturen ermöglicht. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit liegen zwei Indexstrukturen: Multiversion B-Baum (MVBT) und R-Baum. Die erste Struktur wird für die Verwaltung von zeitbehafteten Daten, die zweite für die Indexierung von mehrdimensionalen Rechteckdaten eingesetzt. Ständig- und schnellwachsendes Datenvolumen stellt eine große Herausforderung an die Informatik dar. Der Aufbau und das Aktualisieren von Indexen mit herkömmlichen Methoden (Datensatz für Datensatz) ist nicht mehr effizient. Um zeitnahe und kosteneffiziente Datenverarbeitung zu ermöglichen, werden Verfahren zum schnellen Laden von Indexstrukturen dringend benötigt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit widmen wir uns der Frage, ob es ein Verfahren für das Laden von MVBT existiert, das die gleiche I/O-Komplexität wie das externe Sortieren besitz. Bis jetzt blieb diese Frage unbeantwortet. In dieser Arbeit haben wir eine neue Kostruktionsmethode entwickelt und haben gezeigt, dass diese gleiche Zeitkomplexität wie das externe Sortieren besitzt. Dabei haben wir zwei algorithmische Techniken eingesetzt: Gewichts-Balancierung und Puffer-Bäume. Unsere Experimenten zeigen, dass das Resultat nicht nur theoretischer Bedeutung ist. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage, ob und wie statistische Informationen über Geo-Anfragen ausgenutzt werden können, um die Anfrageperformanz von R-Bäumen zu verbessern. Unsere neue Methode verwendet Informationen wie Seitenverhältnis und Seitenlängen eines repräsentativen Anfragerechtecks, um einen guten R-Baum bezüglich eines häufig eingesetzten Kostenmodells aufzubauen. Falls diese Informationen nicht verfügbar sind, optimieren wir R-Bäume bezüglich der Summe der Volumina von minimal umgebenden Rechtecken der Blattknoten. Da das Problem des Aufbaus von optimalen R-Bäumen bezüglich dieses Kostenmaßes NP-hart ist, führen wir zunächst das Problem auf ein eindimensionales Partitionierungsproblem zurück, indem wir die Daten bezüglich optimierte raumfüllende Kurven sortieren. Dann lösen wir dieses Problem durch Einsatz vom dynamischen Programmieren. Die I/O-Komplexität des Verfahrens ist gleich der von externem Sortieren, da die I/O-Laufzeit der Methode durch die Laufzeit des Sortierens dominiert wird. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit haben wir die entwickelten Partitionierungsvefahren für den Aufbau von Geo-Histogrammen eingesetzt, da diese ähnlich zu R-Bäumen eine disjunkte Partitionierung des Raums erzeugen. Ergebnisse von intensiven Experimenten zeigen, dass sich unter Verwendung von neuen Partitionierungstechniken sowohl R-Bäume mit besserer Anfrageperformanz als auch Geo-Histogrammen mit besserer Schätzqualität im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzverfahren generieren lassen

    Letter from the Special Issue Editor

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    Editorial work for DEBULL on a special issue on data management on Storage Class Memory (SCM) technologies

    Honeycomb: ordered key-value store acceleration on an FPGA-based SmartNIC

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    In-memory ordered key-value stores are an important building block in modern distributed applications. We present Honeycomb, a hybrid software-hardware system for accelerating read-dominated workloads on ordered key-value stores that provides linearizability for all operations including scans. Honeycomb stores a B-Tree in host memory, and executes SCAN and GET on an FPGA-based SmartNIC, and PUT, UPDATE and DELETE on the CPU. This approach enables large stores and simplifies the FPGA implementation but raises the challenge of data access and synchronization across the slow PCIe bus. We describe how Honeycomb overcomes this challenge with careful data structure design, caching, request parallelism with out-of-order request execution, wait-free read operations, and batching synchronization between the CPU and the FPGA. For read-heavy YCSB workloads, Honeycomb improves the throughput of a state-of-the-art ordered key-value store by at least 1.8x. For scan-heavy workloads inspired by cloud storage, Honeycomb improves throughput by more than 2x. The cost-performance, which is more important for large-scale deployments, is improved by at least 1.5x on these workloads

    High Performance Computing using Infiniband-based clusters

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    High-Performance In-Memory OLTP via Coroutine-to-Transaction

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    Data stalls are a major overhead in main-memory database engines due to the use of pointer-rich data structures. Lightweight coroutines ease the implementation of software prefetching to hide data stalls by overlapping computation and asynchronous data prefetching. Prior solutions, however, mainly focused on (1) individual components and operations and (2) intra-transaction batching that requires interface changes, breaking backward compatibility. It was not clear how they apply to a full database engine and how much end-to-end benefit they bring under various workloads. This thesis presents CoroBase, a main-memory database engine that tackles these challenges with a new coroutine-to-transaction paradigm. Coroutine-to-transaction models transactions as coroutines and thus enables inter-transaction batching, avoiding application changes but retaining the benefits of prefetching. We show that on a 48-core server, CoroBase can perform close to 2Ă— better for read-intensive workloads and remain competitive for workloads that inherently do not benefit from software prefetching

    Database and System Design for Emerging Storage Technologies

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    Emerging storage technologies offer an alternative to disk that is durable and allows faster data access. Flash memory, made popular by mobile devices, provides block access with low latency random reads. New nonvolatile memories (NVRAM) are expected in upcoming years, presenting DRAM-like performance alongside persistent storage. Whereas both technologies accelerate data accesses due to increased raw speed, used merely as disk replacements they may fail to achieve their full potentials. Flash’s asymmetric read/write access (i.e., reads execute faster than writes opens new opportunities to optimize Flash-specific access. Similarly, NVRAM’s low latency persistent accesses allow new designs for high performance failure-resistant applications. This dissertation addresses software and hardware system design for such storage technologies. First, I investigate analytics query optimization for Flash, expecting Flash’s fast random access to require new query planning. While intuition suggests scan and join selection should shift between disk and Flash, I find that query plans chosen assuming disk are already near-optimal for Flash. Second, I examine new opportunities for durable, recoverable transaction processing with NVRAM. Existing disk-based recovery mechanisms impose large software overheads, yet updating data in-place requires frequent device synchronization that limits throughput. I introduce a new design, NVRAM Group Commit, to amortize synchronization delays over many transactions, increasing throughput at some cost to transaction latency. Finally, I propose a new framework for persistent programming and memory systems to enable high performance recoverable data structures with NVRAM, extending memory consistency with persistent semantics to introduce memory persistency.PhDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107114/1/spelley_1.pd