55,483 research outputs found

    Evolved embodied phase coordination enables robust quadruped robot locomotion

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    Overcoming robotics challenges in the real world requires resilient control systems capable of handling a multitude of environments and unforeseen events. Evolutionary optimization using simulations is a promising way to automatically design such control systems, however, if the disparity between simulation and the real world becomes too large, the optimization process may result in dysfunctional real-world behaviors. In this paper, we address this challenge by considering embodied phase coordination in the evolutionary optimization of a quadruped robot controller based on central pattern generators. With this method, leg phases, and indirectly also inter-leg coordination, are influenced by sensor feedback.By comparing two very similar control systems we gain insight into how the sensory feedback approach affects the evolved parameters of the control system, and how the performances differs in simulation, in transferal to the real world, and to different real-world environments. We show that evolution enables the design of a control system with embodied phase coordination which is more complex than previously seen approaches, and that this system is capable of controlling a real-world multi-jointed quadruped robot.The approach reduces the performance discrepancy between simulation and the real world, and displays robustness towards new environments.Comment: 9 page

    Multi-Objective Design Optimization of the Leg Mechanism for a Piping Inspection Robot

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    This paper addresses the dimensional synthesis of an adaptive mechanism of contact points ie a leg mechanism of a piping inspection robot operating in an irradiated area as a nuclear power plant. This studied mechanism is the leading part of the robot sub-system responsible of the locomotion. Firstly, three architectures are chosen from the literature and their properties are described. Then, a method using a multi-objective optimization is proposed to determine the best architecture and the optimal geometric parameters of a leg taking into account environmental and design constraints. In this context, the objective functions are the minimization of the mechanism size and the maximization of the transmission force factor. Representations of the Pareto front versus the objective functions and the design parameters are given. Finally, the CAD model of several solutions located on the Pareto front are presented and discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo : United States (2014

    Bipedal Hopping: Reduced-order Model Embedding via Optimization-based Control

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    This paper presents the design and validation of controlling hopping on the 3D bipedal robot Cassie. A spring-mass model is identified from the kinematics and compliance of the robot. The spring stiffness and damping are encapsulated by the leg length, thus actuating the leg length can create and control hopping behaviors. Trajectory optimization via direct collocation is performed on the spring-mass model to plan jumping and landing motions. The leg length trajectories are utilized as desired outputs to synthesize a control Lyapunov function based quadratic program (CLF-QP). Centroidal angular momentum, taking as an addition output in the CLF-QP, is also stabilized in the jumping phase to prevent whole body rotation in the underactuated flight phase. The solution to the CLF-QP is a nonlinear feedback control law that achieves dynamic jumping behaviors on bipedal robots with compliance. The framework presented in this paper is verified experimentally on the bipedal robot Cassie.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by IROS 201

    Design Of Lunar-Gravity-Assisted Escape Trajectories

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    Lunar gravity assist is a means to boost the energy and C3 of an escape trajectory. Trajectories with two lunar gravity assists are considered and analyzed. Two approaches are applied and tested for the design of missions aimed at Near-Earth asteroids. In the first method, indirect optimization of the heliocentric leg is combined to an approximate analytical treatment of the geocentric phase for short escape trajectories. In the second method, the results of pre-computed maps of escape C3 are employed for the design of longer Sun-perturbed escape sequences combined with direct optimization of the heliocentric leg. Features are compared and suggestions about a combined use of the approaches are presented. The techniques are efficiently applied to the design of a mission to a near-Earth asteroid

    Design Of Lunar-Gravity-Assisted Escape Trajectories

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    AbstractLunar gravity assist is a means to boost the energy and C3 of an escape trajectory. Trajectories with two lunar gravity assists are considered and analyzed. Two approaches are applied and tested for the design of missions aimed at Near-Earth asteroids. In the first method, indirect optimization of the heliocentric leg is combined to an approximate analytical treatment of the geocentric phase for short escape trajectories. In the second method, the results of pre-computed maps of escape C3 are employed for the design of longer Sun-perturbed escape sequences combined with direct optimization of the heliocentric leg. Features are compared and suggestions about a combined use of the approaches are presented. The techniques are efficiently applied to the design of a mission to a near-Earth asteroid

    Design optimization of switching-cell-array-based power converters

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.With the aim to increase standardization, reduce the cost, and obtain advanced performance features, the design of voltage-source power converter legs can be undertaken by combining several instances of a standard switching cell, properly connected in active neutral-point-clamped structures to reach the desired voltage and current ratings. These switching cells can be organized into switching-cell arrays. This design approach introduces several degrees of freedom into the design. Namely, the different options to interconnect the cells and the distribution of switching losses among these cells. This article aims to define an optimization problem to explore this design space. The design problem is formulated in different scenarios, involving different conversion configurations (dc-dc and dc-ac), different leg number of levels (two and three), and different types of available cells (standard and conduction-optimized in combination with switching-optimized). A weighted objective function is then defined in terms of leg simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. The value of the design variables that minimize the objective function with different sets of weighting factors are obtained under selected scenarios and operating conditions, to illustrate the flexibility of the converter design approach under study. The solution of the optimization problem is obtained using a surrogate optimization algorithm in MATLAB, well suited to quickly solve optimization problems involving a combination of integer design variables (the number of parallel switching cells in each converter leg position) and continuous design variables (the proportion of switching losses taken by each cell), together with linear and nonlinear constraints.Postprint (author's final draft

    A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary approach for optimal path planning of a hexapod robot

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    Hexapod robots are six-legged robotic systems, which have been widely investigated in the literature for various applications including exploration, rescue, and surveillance. Designing hexapod robots requires to carefully considering a number of different aspects. One of the aspects that require careful design attention is the planning of leg trajectories. In particular, given the high demand for fast motion and high-energy autonomy it is important to identify proper leg operation paths that can minimize energy consumption while maximizing the velocity of the movements. In this frame, this paper presents a preliminary study on the application of a hybrid multi-objective optimization approach for the computer-aided optimal design of a legged robot. To assess the methodology, a kinematic and dynamic model of a leg of a hexapod robot is proposed as referring to the main design parameters of a leg. Optimal criteria have been identified for minimizing the energy consumption and efficiency as well as maximizing the walking speed and the size of obstacles that a leg can overtake. We evaluate the performance of the hybrid multi-objective evolutionary approach to explore the design space and provide a designer with an optimal setting of the parameters. Our simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the hybrid approach by obtaining improved Pareto sets of trade-off solutions as compared with a standard evolutionary algorithm. Computational costs show an acceptable increase for an off-line path planner. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Design of a Passive Ankle Prosthesis with Powered Push-Off Using a Cam Timing Mechanism

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    This thesis presents the design and simulation results of the CamWalk, a novel passive prosthetic ankle that has mechanical behavior similar to that for a natural ankle. The CamWalk uses a compression spring network that allows coupling between two degrees of freedom; one for translation along the leg and another for rotation about the ankle joint. When walking, potential energy from the person\u27s weight is stored in the spring network in deflection along the leg. The energy is released by the network as rotation of the foot. The amount of translational work that is converted to rotational work about the ankle is proportional to the maximum allowed leg deflection, which was limited to 15 mm. A quasi-static model is used to assess the performance of the design and is used in the optimization of the design parameters. Optimizing the design parameters to match the natural ankle characteristics of published average kinetic and kinematic data from gait analyses, yields a design that provides 44.47% of the net rotational work of a natural ankle. Conventional compression springs, used for the spring network of the CamWalk, are interchangeable. These springs are optimized for the individual user, keeping the same prosthesis geometry determined by the optimization for the average walker. Simulation results for three individuals show that spring optimization is sufficient to produce 44.4% (or more) of the natural ankle work. The individual subject results also show that the CamWalk preforms reliably even with variation in the dynamics on the walker. A proof-of-concept prototype was fabricated and tested to verify the quasi-static model accuracy and validate the overall approach. The prototype was walked using an industrial robotic manipulator as a positioning source. The deflection and load profiles were measured using potentiometers and a 6-axis force/torque sensor. The prototype\u27s measured rotational work was 93.7% of the work predicted by the quasi-static model, verifying the model\u27s accuracy and demonstrating that energy generated in the deflection is converted into torque about the ankle
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