929 research outputs found

    Forecasting methods in energy planning models

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    Energy planning models (EPMs) play an indispensable role in policy formulation and energy sector development. The forecasting of energy demand and supply is at the heart of an EPM. Different forecasting methods, from statistical to machine learning have been applied in the past. The selection of a forecasting method is mostly based on data availability and the objectives of the tool and planning exercise. We present a systematic and critical review of forecasting methods used in 483 EPMs. The methods were analyzed for forecasting accuracy; applicability for temporal and spatial predictions; and relevance to planning and policy objectives. Fifty different forecasting methods have been identified. Artificial neural network (ANN) is the most widely used method, which is applied in 40% of the reviewed EPMs. The other popular methods, in descending order, are: support vector machine (SVM), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), fuzzy logic (FL), linear regression (LR), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey prediction (GM) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA). In terms of accuracy, computational intelligence (CI) methods demonstrate better performance than that of the statistical ones, in particular for parameters with greater variability in the source data. However, hybrid methods yield better accuracy than that of the stand-alone ones. Statistical methods are useful for only short and medium range, while CI methods are preferable for all temporal forecasting ranges (short, medium and long). Based on objective, most EPMs focused on energy demand and load forecasting. In terms geographical coverage, the highest number of EPMs were developed on China. However, collectively, more models were established for the developed countries than the developing ones. Findings would benefit researchers and professionals in gaining an appreciation of the forecasting methods, and enable them to select appropriate method(s) to meet their needs

    Research on optimization operation technology of qt oil pipeline based on the heuristic algorithm

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    Global environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, and China, as one of the world’s major powers, should take action. China promises to achieve a “carbon peak” by 2030, and carbon dioxide emissions will no longer increase, and will gradually decrease after reaching the peak. To achieve “carbon neutrality” by 2060, all the carbon dioxide emissions will be offset by tree planting, energy saving and emission reduction. The optimization of pipeline energy consumption is also associated with it. In recent years, the transportation mode of the QT oil pipeline has changed from normal temperature transportation to heating transportation. The energy consumption of this transportation method mainly comes from heating furnaces and pumps. In order to reduce energy consumption and find a suitable pipeline operation plan, this article optimizes and analyzes the transformed QT oil pipeline under the premise of ensuring safe production. Based on programming software, this article establishes a corresponding mathematical model of energy consumption of the QT oil pipeline, and uses artificial bee colony algorithm, invasive weed algorithm and optimization algorithm based on biogeography to solve the model. The article innovatively introduces the speed of the variable frequency pump as a variable to study the energy consumption optimization problem of the oil pipeline, analyze the practical application of the oil pipeline of the QT oil pipeline, and obtains the best plan for the optimized operation of the oil pipeline of the QT oil pipeline It provided research basis and played a role in promoting the country’s dual-carbon goals

    Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Based on Carbon Emission and Multiobjective Hybrid Quantum Immune Algorithm

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    © 2018 Xiao-Hong Liu et al. Green Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem (GVROP) is currently a scientific research problem that takes into account the environmental impact and resource efficiency. Therefore, the optimal allocation of resources and the carbon emission in GVROP are becoming more and more important. In order to improve the delivery efficiency and reduce the cost of distribution requirements through intelligent optimization method, a novel multiobjective hybrid quantum immune algorithm based on cloud model (C-HQIA) is put forward. Simultaneously, the computational results have proved that the C-HQIA is an efficient algorithm for the GVROP. We also found that the parameter optimization of the C-HQIA is related to the types of artificial intelligence algorithms. Consequently, the GVROP and the C-HQIA have important theoretical and practical significance

    Optimization of East Med service of ZIM

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    An Estimation of Transport Energy Demand in Turkey via Artificial Neural Networks

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    The transportation sector accounts for nearly 19% of total energy consumption in Turkey, where energy demand increases rapidly depending on the economic and human population growth and the increasing number of motor vehicles. Hence, the estimation of future energy demand is of great importance to design, plan and use the transportation systems more efficiently, for which a reliable quantitative estimation is of primary concern. However, the estimation of transport energy demand is a complex task, since various model parameters are interacting with each other. In this study, artificial neural networks were used to estimate the energy demand in transportation sector in Turkey. Gross domestic product, oil prices, population, vehicle-km, ton-km and passenger-km were selected as parameters by considering the data for the period from 1975 to 2016. Seven models in total were created and analyzed. The best yielding model with the parameters of oil price, population and motor vehicle-km was determined to have the lowest error and the highest R2 values. This model was selected to estimate transport energy demand for the years 2020, 2023, 2025 and 2030.</p

    Understanding AI Application Dynamics in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management and Development: A Location Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application dynamics in the oil and gas supply chain. A location perspective is used to explore the opportunities and challenges of specific AI technologies from upstream to downstream of the oil and gas supply chain. A literature review approach is adopted to capture representative research along these locations. This was followed by descriptive and comparative analysis for the reviewed literature. Results from the conducted analysis revealed important insights about AI implementation dynamics in the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, various recommendations for technology managers, policymakers, practitioners, and industry leaders in the oil and gas industry to ensure successful AI implementation were outlined. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-SP2022-03-01 Full Text: PD

    Research of Oil Product Secondary Distribution Optimization Based on Collaborative Distribution

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    AbstractDuring peak seasons, the petrol company's oil supply capacity is insufficient, therefore, with limited trucks, adjusting the distribution quantity of petrol station and formulating an effective distribution route can minimize the total cost and maximize the vehicle utilization. In this paper we observe the extension of the multi-depot half open vehicle routing problem with time windows (MDHOVRPTW) in oil product secondary distribution. Based on the characteristics of secondary distribution and MDHOVRPTW problem, this paper formulates oil distribution model intra-area with distribution quantity and distribution routing as decision variables. A proposed algorithm is applied to solve this model and result compared with the traditional non-cooperative method to verify the effectiveness of collaborative distribution

    Transportation Optimization Model Of Palm Oil Products For Northern Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Dalam tesis ini, model matematik pemprograman integer telah dibangunkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengangkutan minyak sawit mentah dan isirong sawit di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia. In this thesis, integer mathematical programming models were developed to solve the crude palm oil (CPO) and the palm kernel (PK) transportation problems for northern peninsular Malaysia

    Commercial Helicopter Services: Toward Quantitative Solutions for Understanding Industry Phenomena and Achieving Stakeholder Optimization

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    An understanding of industry phenomena and optimization techniques within the upstream energy industry’s transportation sector is markedly absent in the extant literature and suitable for rigorous investigation. This manuscript presents analyses related to the optimization of offshore worker transportation and econometric analyses of factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns, which are represented throughout the manuscript as Part I and Part II, respectively. The global energy industry transports supplies and personnel via helicopter to offshore locations and has been increasingly focusing on optimizing upstream logistics. Using a unique sample of deepwater and ultra-deepwater permanent offshore locations in the Gulf of Mexico, transportation networks consisting of 58 locations operated by 19 firms are optimized via a randomized greedy algorithm. The model developed in Part I has been found to effectively solve the complex transportation problem and simulation results show the potential advantages of alternative clustered and integrated network structures, as compared to an independent firm-level structure. The evaluation of clustered and integrated network structures, which allow ride sharing via energy firm cooperation, provides evidence that such network structures may yield cost reductions for participating firms. The extent to which commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns are related to commodity prices and other relevant industry variables is absent in the extant literature. Often, firms attribute favorable results to internal factors whereas unfavorable results are attributed to external factors. Using a unique data set from 2013-2018, the current research identifies structural relationships between crude oil prices, natural gas prices, the rotary rig count, a subset of the overall market, firms’ degree of diversification and stock returns of commercial helicopter operators. Empirical analyses developed in Part II show that the prevalent price of crude oil and the overall market environment possess explanatory power of commercial helicopter firms’ stock returns, ceteris paribus. Specifically, 10% increases in the crude oil price and the S&P 500 index yield a 2.7% and 8.0% increase in stock returns, respectively. Collectively, the abovementioned parts of this manuscript provide rigorous, quantitative analyses of topics unrepresented within the extant literature, which are foundational for future practice and research. Specifically, new knowledge regarding a practical approach to model development and solution deliverance for the transportation of offshore workers to their respective locations and factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns has been appropriately designed and empirically evaluated

    Simulating The Impact of Emissions Control on Economic Productivity Using Particle Systems and Puff Dispersion Model

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    A simulation platform is developed for quantifying the change in productivity of an economy under passive and active emission control mechanisms. The program uses object-oriented programming to code a collection of objects resembling typical stakeholders in an economy. These objects include firms, markets, transportation hubs, and boids which are distributed over a 2D surface. Firms are connected using a modified Prim’s Minimum spanning tree algorithm, followed by implementation of an all-pair shortest path Floyd Warshall algorithm for navigation purposes. Firms use a non-linear production function for transformation of land, labor, and capital inputs to finished product. A GA-Vehicle Routing Problem with multiple pickups and drop-offs is implemented for efficient delivery of commodities across multiple nodes in the economy. Boids are autonomous agents which perform several functions in the economy including labor, consumption, renting, saving, and investing. Each boid is programmed with several microeconomic functions including intertemporal choice models, Hicksian and Marshallian demand function, and labor-leisure model. The simulation uses a Puff Dispersion model to simulate the advection and diffusion of emissions from point and mobile sources in the economy. A dose-response function is implemented to quantify depreciation of a Boid’s health upon contact with these emissions. The impact of emissions control on productivity and air quality is examined through a series of passive and active emission control scenarios. Passive control examines the impact of various shutdown times on economic productivity and rate of emissions exposure experienced by boids. The active control strategy examines the effects of acceptable levels of emissions exposure on economic productivity. The key findings on 7 different scenarios of passive and active emissions controls indicate that rate of productivity and consumption in an economy declines with increased scrutiny of emissions from point sources. In terms of exposure rates, the point sources may not be the primary source of average exposure rates, however they significantly impact the maximum exposure rate experienced by a boid. Tightening of emissions control also negatively impacts the transportation sector by reducing the asset utilization rate as well as reducing the total volume of goods transported across the economy