566 research outputs found

    Optimization and Performance of Non-Uniform Rotated Constellations With Multi-RF Transmission Technique

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Non-Uniform Constellations (NUC) have been introduced in ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Committee - Third Generation) as one of the main novelties to improve the performance compared to uniform Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellations. NUCs are optimized by means of signal geometrical shaping, considering the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the channel model. ATSC 3.0 implements two types of NUC, depending on the number of real-valued dimensions in which they are optimized: 1D-NUC and 2D-NUC. However, the gain of NUCs becomes almost non-existent at high SNRs, especially when optimizing for fading channels. In that particular case, Rotated Constellations (RC) can be used to further improve the overall system performance. RCs may become especially effective when using multi-radio frequency (multi-RF) SNR averaging techniques such as Channel Bonding (CB) or Time-Frequency Slicing (TFS), where in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components are transmitted in different RF channels. 2D-NUCs can be rotated without increasing the demapping complexity, since a 2D-demapper is also needed. In this paper, we propose an optimization method designed for rotated 2D-NUCs, in which the rotation angle is considered as an additional variable, together with the symbol positions. The SNR gain obtained in fading channels is also provided for three different use cases: single-RF transmissions, CB with 2 RF channels as adopted in ATSC 3.0, and extension of multi-RF techniques to 4 RF channels.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, through the European FEDER Fund under Grant TEC2014-56483-R.Fuentes Muela, M.; Giménez Gandia, JJ.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2016). Optimization and Performance of Non-Uniform Rotated Constellations With Multi-RF Transmission Technique. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(4):855-863. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2016.2576601S85586362

    DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices

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    This paper reviews the main technical solutions adopted by the next-generation mobile broadcasting standard DVB-NGH, the handheld evolution of the second-generation digital terrestrial TV standard DVB-T2. The main new technical elements introduced with respect to DVB-T2 are: layered video coding with multiple physical layer pipes, time-frequency slicing, full support of an IP transport layer with a dedicated protocol stack, header compression mechanisms for both IP and MPEG-2 TS packets, new low-density parity check coding rates for the data path (down to 1/5), nonuniform constellations for 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and 256QAM, 4-D rotated constellations for Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), improved time interleaving in terms of zapping time, end-to-end latency and memory consumption, improved physical layer signaling in terms of robustness, capacity and overhead, a novel distributed multiple input single output transmit diversity scheme for single-frequency networks (SFNs), and efficient provisioning of local content in SFNs. All these technological solutions, together with the high performance of DVB-T2, make DVB-NGH a real next-generation mobile multimedia broadcasting technology. In fact, DVB-NGH can be regarded the first third-generation broadcasting system because it allows for the possibility of using multiple input multiple output antenna schemes to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna wireless communications. Furthermore, DVB-NGH also allows the deployment of an optional satellite component forming a hybrid terrestrial-satellite network topology to improve the coverage in rural areas where the installation of terrestrial networks could be uneconomical.Gómez Barquero, D.; Douillard, C.; Moss, P.; Mignone, V. (2014). DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):246-257. doi:10.1109/TBC.2014.2313073S24625760

    Advanced constellation and demapper schemes for next generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting systems

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    206 p.Esta tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de constelaciones llamadas no uniformes. Estos esquemas presentan una eficacia de hasta 1,8 dB superior a las utilizadas en los últimos sistemas de comunicaciones de televisión digital terrestre y son extrapolables a cualquier otro sistema de comunicaciones (satélite, móvil, cable¿). Además, este trabajo contribuye al diseño de constelaciones con una nueva metodología que reduce el tiempo de optimización de días/horas (metodologías actuales) a horas/minutos con la misma eficiencia. Todas las constelaciones diseñadas se testean bajo una plataforma creada en esta tesis que simula el estándar de radiodifusión terrestre más avanzado hasta la fecha (ATSC 3.0) bajo condiciones reales de funcionamiento.Por otro lado, para disminuir la latencia de decodificación de estas constelaciones esta tesis propone dos técnicas de detección/demapeo. Una es para constelaciones no uniformes de dos dimensiones la cual disminuye hasta en un 99,7% la complejidad del demapeo sin empeorar el funcionamiento del sistema. La segunda técnica de detección se centra en las constelaciones no uniformes de una dimensión y presenta hasta un 87,5% de reducción de la complejidad del receptor sin pérdidas en el rendimiento.Por último, este trabajo expone un completo estado del arte sobre tipos de constelaciones, modelos de sistema, y diseño/demapeo de constelaciones. Este estudio es el primero realizado en este campo

    Constellation design for future communication systems: a comprehensive survey

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    [EN] The choice of modulation schemes is a fundamental building block of wireless communication systems. As a key component of physical layer design, they critically impact the expected communication capacity and wireless signal robustness. Their design is also critical for the successful roll-out of wireless standards that require a compromise between performance, efficiency, latency, and hardware requirements. This paper presents a survey of constellation design strategies and associated outcomes for wireless communication systems. The survey discusses their performance and complexity to address the need for some desirable properties, including consistency, channel capacity, system performance, required demapping architecture, flexibility, and independence. Existing approaches for constellation designs are investigated using appropriate metrics and categorized based on their theoretical algorithm design. Next, their application to different communication standards is analyzed in context, aiming at distilling general guidelines applicable to the wireless building block design. Finally, the survey provides a discussion on design directions for future communication system standardization processes.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Program PRE_2020_2_0105, and in part by the Spanish Government through the Project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Gran

    The bit interleaved coded modulation module for DVB-NGH: enhanced features for mobile reception

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    International audienceThis paper describes the main features of the DVB-NGH Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) module. This latter is derived from a sub-set of DVB-T2 BICM components with additional features intended to first lower receiver complexity and power consumption and then to increase receiver robustness over mobile reception. Therefore, the long code block size was removed, a different range of coding rates was chosen, non-uniform constellations were adopted in order to provide shaping gain, and the principle of signal space diversity was extended to four-dimensional rotated constellations. Moreover the structure of the time interleaver offers the possibility to significantly increase the interleaving depth, a feature required for mobility over terrestrial and satellite links

    Beamforming for Magnetic Induction based Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Multiple Receivers

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    Magnetic induction (MI) based communication and power transfer systems have gained an increased attention in the recent years. Typical applications for these systems lie in the area of wireless charging, near-field communication, and wireless sensor networks. For an optimal system performance, the power efficiency needs to be maximized. Typically, this optimization refers to the impedance matching and tracking of the split-frequencies. However, an important role of magnitude and phase of the input signal has been mostly overlooked. Especially for the wireless power transfer systems with multiple transmitter coils, the optimization of the transmit signals can dramatically improve the power efficiency. In this work, we propose an iterative algorithm for the optimization of the transmit signals for a transmitter with three orthogonal coils and multiple single coil receivers. The proposed scheme significantly outperforms the traditional baseline algorithms in terms of power efficiency.Comment: This paper has been accepted for presentation at IEEE GLOBECOM 2015. It has 7 pages and 5 figure

    Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems

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    El uso combinado de diversidad en el dominio temporal, frecuencial y espacial constituye una valiosa herramienta para mejorar la recepción de servicios de difusión móviles. Gracias a la mejora conseguida por las técnicas de diversidad es posible extender la cobertura de los servicios móviles además de reducir la infraestructura de red. La presente tesis investiga el uso de técnicas de diversidad para la provisión de servicios móviles en la familia europea de sistemas de difusión terrestres estandarizada por el prpoyecto DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). Esto incluye la primera y segunda generación de sistemas DVB-T (Terrestrial), DVB-NGH (Handheld), y DVB-T2 (Terrestrial 2nd generation), así como el sistema de siguiente generación DVB-NGH. No obstante, el estudio llevado a cabo en la tesis es genérico y puede aplicarse a futuras evoluciones de estándares como el japonés ISDB-T o el americano ATSC. Las investigaciones realizadas dentro del contexto de DVB-T, DVB-H y DVBT2 tienen como objetivo la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles en redes terrestres. Esta Convergencia puede facilitar la introducción de servicios móviles de TB debido a la reutilización de espectro, contenido e infraestructura. De acuerdo a los resultados, la incorporación de entrelazado temporal en la capa física para diversidad temporal, y de single-input multiple-output (SIMO) para diversidad espacial, son esenciales para el rendimiento de sistemas móviles de difusión. A pesar de que las técnicas upper later FEC (UL-FEC) pueden propocionar diversidad temporal en sistemas de primera generación como DVB-T y DVB-H, requieren la transmisión de paridad adicional y no son útiles para la recepción estática. El análisis en t�ñerminos de link budjget revela que las técnicas de diversidad noson suficientes para facilitar la provision de servicios móviles en redes DVB-T y DVB-T2 planificadas para recepción fija. Sin embargo, el uso de diversidad en redes planificadas para recepción portableGozálvez Serrano, D. (2012). Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16273Palanci