953 research outputs found

    Enabling context-aware HTTP with mobile edge hint

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    Due to dynamic wireless network conditions and heterogeneous mobile web content complexities, web-based content services in mobile network environments always suffer from long loading time. The new HTTP/2.0 protocol only adopts one single TCP connection, but recent research reveals that in real mobile environments, web downloading using single connection will experience long idle time and low bandwidth utilization, in particular with dynamic network conditions and web page characteristics. In this paper, by leveraging the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) technique, we present the framework of Mobile Edge Hint (MEH), in order to enhance mobile web downloading performances. Specifically, the mobile edge collects and caches the meta-data of frequently visited web pages and also keeps monitoring the network conditions. Upon receiving requests on these popular webpages, the MEC server is able to hint back to the HTTP/2.0 clients on the optimized number of TCP connections that should be established for downloading the content. From the test results on real LTE testbed equipped with MEH, we observed up to 34.5% time reduction and in the median case the improvement is 20.5% compared to the plain over-the-top (OTT) HTTP/2.0 protocol

    Transform recipes for efficient cloud photo enhancement

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    Cloud image processing is often proposed as a solution to the limited computing power and battery life of mobile devices: it allows complex algorithms to run on powerful servers with virtually unlimited energy supply. Unfortunately, this overlooks the time and energy cost of uploading the input and downloading the output images. When transfer overhead is accounted for, processing images on a remote server becomes less attractive and many applications do not benefit from cloud offloading. We aim to change this in the case of image enhancements that preserve the overall content of an image. Our key insight is that, in this case, the server can compute and transmit a description of the transformation from input to output, which we call a transform recipe. At equivalent quality, our recipes are much more compact than JPEG images: this reduces the client's download. Furthermore, recipes can be computed from highly compressed inputs which significantly reduces the data uploaded to the server. The client reconstructs a high-fidelity approximation of the output by applying the recipe to its local high-quality input. We demonstrate our results on 168 images and 10 image processing applications, showing that our recipes form a compact representation for a diverse set of image filters. With an equivalent transmission budget, they provide higher-quality results than JPEG-compressed input/output images, with a gain of the order of 10 dB in many cases. We demonstrate the utility of recipes on a mobile phone by profiling the energy consumption and latency for both local and cloud computation: a transform recipe-based pipeline runs 2--4x faster and uses 2--7x less energy than local or naive cloud computation.Qatar Computing Research InstituteUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Agreement FA8750-14-2-0009)Stanford University. Stanford Pervasive Parallelism LaboratoryAdobe System

    Learning Automata Based Q-Learning for Content Placement in Cooperative Caching

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.acceptedVersio

    Towards a proper service placement in combined Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) architectures

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has empowered the development of a plethora of new services, fueled by the deployment of devices located at the edge, providing multiple capabilities in terms of connectivity as well as in data collection and processing. With the inception of the Fog Computing paradigm, aimed at diminishing the distance between edge-devices and the IT premises running IoT services, the perceived service latency and even the security risks can be reduced, while simultaneously optimizing the network usage. When put together, Fog and Cloud computing (recently coined as fog-to-cloud, F2C) can be used to maximize the advantages of future computer systems, with the whole greater than the sum of individual parts. However, the specifics associated with cloud and fog resource models require new strategies to manage the mapping of novel IoT services into the suitable resources. Despite few proposals for service offloading between fog and cloud systems are slowly gaining momentum in the research community, many issues in service placement, both when the service is ready to be executed admitted as well as when the service is offloaded from Cloud to Fog, and vice-versa, are new and largely unsolved. In this paper, we provide some insights into the relevant features about service placement in F2C scenarios, highlighting main challenges in current systems towards the deployment of the next-generation IoT servicesPostprint (author's final draft

    SAP: Stall-aware pacing for improved DASH video experience in cellular networks

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    The dramatic growth of cellular video traffic represents a practical challenge for cellular network operators in providing a consistent streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) to their users. Satisfying this objective has so-far proved elusive, due to the inherent system complexities that degrade streaming performance, such as variability in both video bitrate and network conditions. In this paper, we present SAP as a DASH video traffic management solution that reduces playback stalls and seeks to maintain a consistent QoE for cellular users, even those with diverse channel conditions. SAP achieves this by leveraging both network and client state information to optimize the pacing of individual video flows. We extensively evaluate SAP performance using real video content and clients, operating over a simulated LTE network. We implement state-of-the-art client adaptation and traffic management strategies for direct comparison. Our results, using a heavily loaded base station, show that SAP reduces the number of stalls and the average stall duration per session by up to 95%. Additionally, SAP ensures that clients with good channel conditions do not dominate available wireless resources, evidenced by a reduction of up to 40% in the standard deviation of the QoE metric

    Using Machine Learning to Optimize Web Interactions on Heterogeneous Mobile Systems

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    The web has become a ubiquitous application development platform for mobile systems. Yet, web access on mobile devices remains an energy-hungry activity. Prior work in the field mainly focuses on the initial page loading stage, but fails to exploit the opportunities for energy-efficiency optimization while the user is interacting with a loaded page. This paper presents a novel approach for performing energy optimization for interactive mobile web browsing. At the heart of our approach is a set of machine learning models, which estimate at runtime the frames per second for a given user interaction input by running the computation-intensive web render engine on a specific processor core under a given clock speed. We use the learned predictive models as a utility function to quickly search for the optimal processor setting to carefully trade responsive time for reduced energy consumption. We integrate our techniques to the open-source Chromium browser and apply it to two representative mobile user events: scrolling and pinching (i.e., zoom in and out). We evaluate the developed system on the landing pages of the top-100 hottest websites and two big.LITTLE heterogeneous mobile platforms. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed approach reduces the system-wide energy consumption by over 36% on average and up to 70%. This translates to an over 17% improvement on energy-efficiency over a state-of-the-art event-based web browser scheduler, but with significantly fewer violations on the quality of service

    Measuring and Mitigating Potential Risks of Third-party Resource Inclusions

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    In today's computer services, developers commonly use third-party resources like libraries, hosting infrastructure and advertisements. Using third-party components improves the efficiency and enhances the quality of developing custom applications. However, while using third-party resources adopts their benefits, it adopts their vulnerabilities, as well. Unfortunately, developers are uninformed about the risks, as a result of which, the services are susceptible to various attacks. There has been a lot of work on how to develop first-hand secure services. The key focus in my thesis is quantifying the risks in the inclusion of third-party resources and looking into possible ways of mitigating them. Based on the fundamental ways that risks arise, we broadly classify them into Direct and Indirect Risks. Direct risk is the risk that comes with invoking the third-party resource incorrectly—even if the third party is otherwise trustworthy whereas indirect risk is the risk that comes with the third-party resource potentially acting in an untrustworthy manner—even if it were invoked correctly. To understand the security related direct risks in third-party inclusions, we study cryptographic frameworks. Developers often use these frameworks incorrectly and introduce security vulnerabilities. This is because current cryptographic frameworks erode abstraction boundaries, as they do not encapsulate all the framework-specific knowledge and expect developers to understand security attacks and defenses. Starting from the documented misuse cases of cryptographic APIs, we infer five developer needs and we show that a good API design would address these needs only partially. Building on this observation, we propose APIs that are semantically meaningful for developers. We show how these interfaces can be implemented consistently on top of existing frameworks using novel and known design patterns, and we propose build management hooks for isolating security workarounds needed during the development and test phases. To understand the performance related direct risks in third-party inclusions, we study resource hints in webpage HTML. Today's websites involve loading a large number of resources, resulting in a considerable amount of time issuing DNS requests, requesting resources, and waiting for responses. As an optimization for these time sinks, websites may load resource hints, such as DNS prefetch, preconnect, preload, pre-render, and prefetch tags in their HTML files to cause clients to initiate DNS queries and resource fetches early in their web-page downloads before encountering the precise resource to download. We explore whether websites are making effective use of resource hints using techniques based on the tool we developed to obtain a complete snapshot of a webpage at a given point in time. We find that many popular websites are highly ineffective in their use of resource hints, causing clients to query and connect to extraneous domains, download unnecessary data, and may even use resource hints to bypass ad blockers. To evaluate the indirect risks, we study the web topology. Users who visit benign, popular websites are unfortunately bombarded with malicious popups, malware- loading sites, and phishing sites. The questions we want to address here are: Which domains are responsible for such malicious activity? At what point in the process of loading a popular, trusted website does the trust break down to loading dangerous content? To answer these questions, we first understand what third-party resources websites load (both directly and indirectly). I present a tool that constructs the most complete map of a website’s resource-level topology to date. This is surprisingly nontrivial; most prior work used only a single run of a single tool (e.g., Puppeteer or Selenium), but I show that this misses a significant fraction of resources. I then apply my tool to collect the resource topology graphs of 20,000 websites from the Alexa ranking, and analyze them to understand which third-party resource inclusions lead to malicious resources. I believe that these third-party inclusions are not always constant or blocked by existing Ad-blockers. We argue that greater accountability of these third parties can lead to a safer web

    Web Content Delivery Optimization

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    Milliseconds matters, when they’re counted. If we consider the life of the universe into one single year, then on 31 December at 11:59:59.5 PM, “speed” was transportation’s concern, and now after 500 milliseconds it is web’s, and no one knows whose concern it would be in coming milliseconds, but at this very moment; this thesis proposes an optimization method, mainly for content delivery on slow connections. The method utilizes a proxy as a middle box to fetch the content; requested by a client, from a single or multiple web servers, and bundles all of the fetched image content types that fits into the bundling policy; inside a JavaScript file in Base64 format. This optimization method reduces the number of HTTP requests between the client and multiple web servers as a result of its proposed bundling solution, and at the same time optimizes the HTTP compression efficiency as a result of its proposed method of aggregative textual content compression. Page loading time results of the test web pages; which were specially designed and developed to capture the optimum benefits of the proposed method; proved up to 81% faster page loading time for all connection types. However, other tests in non-optimal situations such as webpages which use “Lazy Loading” techniques, showed just 35% to 50% benefits, that is only achievable on 2G and 3G connections (0.2 Mbps – 15 Mbps downlink) and not faster connections
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