3,741 research outputs found

    An Empirical Bayes Approach for Distributed Estimation of Spatial Fields

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    In this paper we consider a network of spatially distributed sensors which collect measurement samples of a spatial field, and aim at estimating in a distributed way (without any central coordinator) the entire field by suitably fusing all network data. We propose a general probabilistic model that can handle both partial knowledge of the physics generating the spatial field as well as a purely data-driven inference. Specifically, we adopt an Empirical Bayes approach in which the spatial field is modeled as a Gaussian Process, whose mean function is described by means of parametrized equations. We characterize the Empirical Bayes estimator when nodes are heterogeneous, i.e., perform a different number of measurements. Moreover, by exploiting the sparsity of both the covariance and the (parametrized) mean function of the Gaussian Process, we are able to design a distributed spatial field estimator. We corroborate the theoretical results with two numerical simulations: a stationary temperature field estimation in which the field is described by a partial differential (heat) equation, and a data driven inference in which the mean is parametrized by a cubic spline

    Signal tracking beyond the time resolution of an atomic sensor by Kalman filtering

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    We study causal waveform estimation (tracking) of time-varying signals in a paradigmatic atomic sensor, an alkali vapor monitored by Faraday rotation probing. We use Kalman filtering, which optimally tracks known linear Gaussian stochastic processes, to estimate stochastic input signals that we generate by optical pumping. Comparing the known input to the estimates, we confirm the accuracy of the atomic statistical model and the reliability of the Kalman filter, allowing recovery of waveform details far briefer than the sensor's intrinsic time resolution. With proper filter choice, we obtain similar benefits when tracking partially-known and non-Gaussian signal processes, as are found in most practical sensing applications. The method evades the trade-off between sensitivity and time resolution in coherent sensing.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Signal tracking beyond the time resolution of an atomic sensor by Kalman filtering

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    We study causal waveform estimation (tracking) of time-varying signals in a paradigmatic atomic sensor, an alkali vapor monitored by Faraday rotation probing. We use Kalman filtering, which optimally tracks known linear Gaussian stochastic processes, to estimate stochastic input signals that we generate by optical pumping. Comparing the known input to the estimates, we confirm the accuracy of the atomic statistical model and the reliability of the Kalman filter, allowing recovery of waveform details far briefer than the sensor's intrinsic time resolution. With proper filter choice, we obtain similar benefits when tracking partially-known and non-Gaussian signal processes, as are found in most practical sensing applications. The method evades the trade-off between sensitivity and time resolution in coherent sensing.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Distributing the Kalman Filter for Large-Scale Systems

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    This paper derives a \emph{distributed} Kalman filter to estimate a sparsely connected, large-scale, n−n-dimensional, dynamical system monitored by a network of NN sensors. Local Kalman filters are implemented on the (nl−n_l-dimensional, where nl≪nn_l\ll n) sub-systems that are obtained after spatially decomposing the large-scale system. The resulting sub-systems overlap, which along with an assimilation procedure on the local Kalman filters, preserve an LLth order Gauss-Markovian structure of the centralized error processes. The information loss due to the LLth order Gauss-Markovian approximation is controllable as it can be characterized by a divergence that decreases as L↑L\uparrow. The order of the approximation, LL, leads to a lower bound on the dimension of the sub-systems, hence, providing a criterion for sub-system selection. The assimilation procedure is carried out on the local error covariances with a distributed iterate collapse inversion (DICI) algorithm that we introduce. The DICI algorithm computes the (approximated) centralized Riccati and Lyapunov equations iteratively with only local communication and low-order computation. We fuse the observations that are common among the local Kalman filters using bipartite fusion graphs and consensus averaging algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieves full distribution of the Kalman filter that is coherent with the centralized Kalman filter with an LLth order Gaussian-Markovian structure on the centralized error processes. Nowhere storage, communication, or computation of n−n-dimensional vectors and matrices is needed; only nl≪nn_l \ll n dimensional vectors and matrices are communicated or used in the computation at the sensors
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