9,765 research outputs found

    Higher-order infinite horizon variational problems in discrete quantum calculus

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    We obtain necessary optimality conditions for higher-order infinite horizon problems of the calculus of variations via discrete quantum operators.Comment: Submitted 11-May-2011; revised 16-Sept-2011; accepted 02-Dec-2011; for publication in Computers & Mathematics with Application

    Discrete-Time Fractional Variational Problems

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    We introduce a discrete-time fractional calculus of variations on the time scale hZh\mathbb{Z}, h>0h > 0. First and second order necessary optimality conditions are established. Examples illustrating the use of the new Euler-Lagrange and Legendre type conditions are given. They show that solutions to the considered fractional problems become the classical discrete-time solutions when the fractional order of the discrete-derivatives are integer values, and that they converge to the fractional continuous-time solutions when hh tends to zero. Our Legendre type condition is useful to eliminate false candidates identified via the Euler-Lagrange fractional equation.Comment: Submitted 24/Nov/2009; Revised 16/Mar/2010; Accepted 3/May/2010; for publication in Signal Processing

    Calculus of Variations on Time Scales and Discrete Fractional Calculus

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    We study problems of the calculus of variations and optimal control within the framework of time scales. Specifically, we obtain Euler-Lagrange type equations for both Lagrangians depending on higher order delta derivatives and isoperimetric problems. We also develop some direct methods to solve certain classes of variational problems via dynamic inequalities. In the last chapter we introduce fractional difference operators and propose a new discrete-time fractional calculus of variations. Corresponding Euler-Lagrange and Legendre necessary optimality conditions are derived and some illustrative examples provided.Comment: PhD thesis, University of Aveiro, 2010. Supervisor: Delfim F. M. Torres; co-supervisor: Martin Bohner. Defended 26/July/201

    Euler-Lagrange equations for composition functionals in calculus of variations on time scales

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    In this paper we consider the problem of the calculus of variations for a functional which is the composition of a certain scalar function HH with the delta integral of a vector valued field ff, i.e., of the form H(abf(t,xσ(t),xΔ(t))Δt)H(\int_{a}^{b}f(t,x^{\sigma}(t),x^{\Delta}(t))\Delta t). Euler-Lagrange equations, natural boundary conditions for such problems as well as a necessary optimality condition for isoperimetric problems, on a general time scale, are given. A number of corollaries are obtained, and several examples illustrating the new results are discussed in detail.Comment: Submitted 10-May-2009 to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-B); revised 10-March-2010; accepted 04-July-201

    Necessary Optimality Conditions for Higher-Order Infinite Horizon Variational Problems on Time Scales

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    We obtain Euler-Lagrange and transversality optimality conditions for higher-order infinite horizon variational problems on a time scale. The new necessary optimality conditions improve the classical results both in the continuous and discrete settings: our results seem new and interesting even in the particular cases when the time scale is the set of real numbers or the set of integers.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA). Paper submitted 17-Nov-2011; revised 24-March-2012 and 10-April-2012; accepted for publication 15-April-201

    The contingent epiderivative and the calculus of variations on time scales

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    The calculus of variations on time scales is considered. We propose a new approach to the subject that consists in applying a differentiation tool called the contingent epiderivative. It is shown that the contingent epiderivative applied to the calculus of variations on time scales is very useful: it allows to unify the delta and nabla approaches previously considered in the literature. Generalized versions of the Euler-Lagrange necessary optimality conditions are obtained, both for the basic problem of the calculus of variations and isoperimetric problems. As particular cases one gets the recent delta and nabla results.Comment: Submitted 06/March/2010; revised 12/May/2010; accepted 03/July/2010; for publication in "Optimization---A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research

    Direct and Inverse Variational Problems on Time Scales: A Survey

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    We deal with direct and inverse problems of the calculus of variations on arbitrary time scales. Firstly, using the Euler-Lagrange equation and the strengthened Legendre condition, we give a general form for a variational functional to attain a local minimum at a given point of the vector space. Furthermore, we provide a necessary condition for a dynamic integro-differential equation to be an Euler-Lagrange equation (Helmholtz's problem of the calculus of variations on time scales). New and interesting results for the discrete and quantum settings are obtained as particular cases. Finally, we consider very general problems of the calculus of variations given by the composition of a certain scalar function with delta and nabla integrals of a vector valued field.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will be published in the Springer Volume 'Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics II', Edited by A. A. Pinto and D. Zilberman (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Submitted 03/Sept/2014; Accepted, after a revision, 19/Jan/201

    The Variational Calculus on Time Scales

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    The discrete, the quantum, and the continuous calculus of variations, have been recently unified and extended by using the theory of time scales. Such unification and extension is, however, not unique, and two approaches are followed in the literature: one dealing with minimization of delta integrals; the other dealing with minimization of nabla integrals. Here we review a more general approach to the calculus of variations on time scales that allows to obtain both delta and nabla results as particular cases.Comment: 15 pages; Published in: Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim. 4 (2010), 11--2