8 research outputs found

    Optimal sampling pattern for free final time linear quadratic regulator: the scalar case

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    The optimal sampling problem is the selection of the optimal sampling instants together with the optimal control actions such that a given cost function is minimized. In this article we solve the optimal sampling problem for free final time linear quadratic regulator with scalar dynamical system. The solution provides the optimal sampling instants, control actions, and the optimal final time in a recursive and constructive way for any arbitrary number of samples N ≥ 1, as it is not based on asymptotic arguments. An application example shows the feasibility of the approach

    Control aperiódico de posición de un servomotor

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    Aunque el control aperiódico es un tema que tienes algunos años de investigación, anteriormente era imposible implementarlo por los requerimientos en procesadores y cálculos matemáticos complejos de realizar. El avance tecnológico en software numérico permite ahora nuevas alternativas para que la investigación en este campo avance. El presente documento contiene el diseño e implementación de un controlador aperiódico de posición para un servomotor. Se empieza con una revisión literaria sobre controles aperiódicos actuales o llamados Event-based Control y se clasifican principalmente en: Event-Triggered control (control disparado por un evento) y Self-Triggered control (control auto disparado). Luego se lleva acabó la identificación de un motor DC sobre este actúa el controlador de posición. Se utiliza la herramienta ident de matlab y se obtiene el modelo matemático del sistema en lazo abierto. En la implementación se utiliza control aperiódico auto disparado (CAAD). Este se divide en dos etapas: la offline que es donde se encuentran los polinomios y valores de ganancias del controlador utilizando control LQR en matlab y la online que es donde se escribe en el microcontrolador los polinomios y ganancias anteriormente calculados y la teoría de muestreo aperiódico que calcula el periodo del siguiente muestreo basado en la estabilidad del sistema. Si el sistema es estable el periodo aumenta hasta alcanzar un valor máximo preestablecido y si es inestable o sigue un cambio de referencia disminuye hasta alcázar un valor mínimo también preestablecido en el diseño. Finalmente se demuestra que esta teoría de control se puede implementar en un servomecanismo ya que el sistema se estabiliza mientras varia el período de muestreo y se recomienda que en trabajos futuros se realicen pruebas físicas de desempeño

    Performance of Self-Triggered Control Approaches

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    The self-triggered control produces non-periodic sampling sequences that vary depending on design factors related to stability and performance of the controlled system. Within this framework, two approaches aimed at minimizing a quadratic cost have been developed recently, considering an optimal performance and pursuing the same control objective; each approach follows a different sampling rule. One approach is based on maintaining the current control value as long as possible, while an optimal performance threshold is not passed. The other approach is based on the generation of a piecewise control signal, which approximates a continuous optimal control signal subject to certain constraints. This article presents a comparative study between the two approaches, providing a useful insight for conducting future research. Control performance and resource utilization were considered as metrics of interest and to evaluate them, the average sampling interval and the standardized cost were taken into account. It was shown that the different search space of each approach poses a challenge to design an equitable framework of comparison, and that both approaches exceed the periodic sampling

    Optimal-sampling-inspired self-triggered control

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    Self-triggered control is an appealing sampling strategy that promises to preserve the same control performance as traditional (periodic) sampling, yet consuming less computing resource by executing the controller less frequently. While the stability of self-triggered controllers is often addressed, their capacity to actually reduce the cost is more difficult to be evaluated. Inspired by a recent result on the optimal density of the sampling instants that minimizes the control cost, in this paper we propose a new self-triggered control strategy. The proposed sampling rule is extremely simple and effective. Significant cost reductions compared to the optimal periodic controller are shown even with larger minimum intersample separation. Thanks to the simplicity of the sampling rule, we also implemented the proposed self-triggered controller over a physical plant. The experimental results are aligned with the theoretical ones

    On the performance improvement of the optimal-sampling-inspired self-triggered control at implementation stage

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    The self-triggered control includes a sampling strategy that focuses on decreasing the use of computational resources (processor and network) while preserving the same control performance as the one obtained via a controller with periodic sampling. Within this framework it has been developed recently a self-triggered control technique inspired by a sampling pattern whose optimal density minimizes the control cost, this approach is called “optimal-sampling inspired self-triggered control”. However, the strategies used to implement it on microprocessor-controlled systems working under perturbation are still unclear; this paper addresses some techniques to organize and improve the implementation on actual controllers. The proposed solution comprises both the formulation of two algorithms to organize the implementation and the insertion of a closed-loop observer to deal with the perturbation that normally appears on real plants. Regarding the former, certain computationally expensive processes involved in the implementation of this control technique are treated through their replacement by lightweight polynomials fitted at design stage. Simulations and practical experiments confirm the solution is effective and there could be an open research topic concerning observation in optimal-sampling self-triggered control strategies

    On the performance improvement of the optimal-sampling-inspired self-triggered control at implementation stage

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    Técnicas para la implementación de control auto-disparado inspirado en muestreo óptimo

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste desarrollar t´ecnicas para la implementaci ´on del control auto-disparado inspirado en muestreo ´optimo sobre sistemas microprocesados reales.En un escenario de disparo automático, el controlador puede elegir cuando debe producirse el siguiente tiempo de muestreo y que acción de control se mantendrá hasta que aquello suceda. El emergente control con disparo automático tiene como objetivo disminuir el uso de recursos computacionales (procesador y red), mientras se mantiene el mismo rendimiento que el obtenido a través de un controlador con muestreo periódico. Dentro de este marco, se ha desarrollado recientemente una nueva técnica de control auto-disparado, inspirada en un patrón de muestreo cuya densidad optima minimiza el costo de control; este enfoque se denomina control auto disparado inspirado en muestreo ´optimo (OSISTC, Optimal Sampling-inspired Self-Triggered Control). Sin embargo, las estrategias utilizadas para implementarlo en sistemas reales que trabajen bajo perturbaciones, controlados por microprocesadores, aun no están claras; este documento aborda algunas pautas de implementación para hacer esta teoría aplicable sobre controladores reales. La solución propuesta comprende una nueva concepción de esta técnica en base a un observador de lazo cerrado, así como la elaboración de estrategias para la implementación de procesos computacionalmente costosos mediante polinomios ligeros ajustados en la fase de dice ˜no. Simulaciones y experimentos prácticos confirman que la solución es efectiva y que podría haber un campo de investigación abierto relacionado con la observación en técnicas de control auto-disparado con muestreo ´optimo