616 research outputs found

    Multiphase Machines and Drives-Revisited

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    Although the concept of a multiphase drive system dates back to the middle of the 20th century, the initial pace of development was rather slow, as witnessed by the first two surveys of the area published in the beginning of this century. However, considerably new developments have resulted in the last decade of the 20th century and the beginning of this century, leading to an authoritative survey of the asymmetrical six-phase drive control and subsequently of the review of the complete area. This also initiated the organization and subsequent publication of the first IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics "Special Section on Multiphase Machines and Drives" in May 2008, which commenced with another survey paper, and that contained 12 original research papers. Since the publication of this Special Section in May 2008, the level of interest and pace of developments in the area have further accelerated and substantial new knowledge has been generatedwith an ever-increasing number of published research papers and reported new industrial applications. Such a trend has been emphasized in a recent paper. It therefore seemed appropriate to revisit the area and organize this Special Section as a sequel to the first one. The call for the Special Section papers resulted in 51 submissions, almost twice as many as the total back in 2008, thus confirming a substantial growth of the area. Indeed, the amount of new knowledge acquired since the publication of the first Special Section in 2008 has meant that it was not possible to provide a complete and thorough survey of the field in a single review paper

    Control Strategy for Five-Phase Dual-Stator Winding Induction Starter/Generator System

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    This paper presents an integrated control strategy for a starter/generator (S/G) system based on five-phase dual-stator winding induction machine (FPDWIM). The FPDWIM has a cage-type rotor and two sets of stator windings. One is a five-phase control winding (CW) and the other is a five-phase power winding (PW). In the starting mode, the FPDWIM works as a motor. The CW provides both active power and reactive power to drive the engine. In the generating mode, the CW mainly handles reactive power while the PW outputs active power. To achieve the integration of the starting and generating controls, indirect CW-flux-oriented control (ICWFOC) is proposed to operate in both starting and generating modes. In starting mode, the CW current and flux are controlled to output a constant starting torque; while in generating mode, both CW and PW DC bus voltages are regulated. In this way, the principles and structures of the control strategies in both modes are compatible, resulting in a simpler implementation and improved performance. With the proposed control strategy, the system can complete the starting-generating operation with a smoother transition process. Simulation and experimental results are compared to validate the proposed control strategy

    Control solutions for multiphase permanent magnet synchronous machine drives applied to electric vehicles

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    207 p.En esta tesis se estudia la utilización de un accionamiento eléctrico basado en una máquina simétrica dual trifásica aplicada al sistema de propulsión de un vehículo eléctrico. Dicho accionamiento está basado en una máquina síncrona de imanes permanentes interiores. Además, dispone de un bus CC con una configuración en cascada. Por otra parte, se incorpora un convertidor CC/CC entre el módulo de baterías y el inversor de seis fases para proveer el vehículo con capacidades de carga rápida, y evitando al mismo tiempo la utilización de semiconductores de potencia con altas tensiones nominales. En este escenario, el algoritmo de control debe hacer frente a las no linealidades de la máquina, proporcionando un comando de consigna preciso para todo el rango de par y velocidad del convertidor. Por lo tanto, deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos de acoplamiento cruzado entre los devanados, y la tensión de los condensadores de enlace en cascada debe controlarse y equilibrarse activamente. En vista de ello, los autores proponen un novedoso enfoque de control que proporciona todas estas funcionalidades. La propuesta se ha validado experimentalmente en un prototipo a escala real de accionamiento eléctrico de 70 kW, probado en un laboratorio y en un vehículo eléctrico en condiciones reales de conducción.Tecnali

    Source Grid Interface of Wind Energy Systems

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    Wind power is one of the most developed and rapidly growing renewable energy sources. Through extensive literature review this thesis synthesizes the existing knowledge of wind energy systems to offer useful information to developers of such systems. Any prototyping should be preceded by theoretical analysis and computer simulations, foundations for which are provided here. The thesis is devoted to an in-depth analysis of wind energy generators, system configurations, power converters, control schemes and dynamic and steady state performance of practical wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Attention is mainly focused on interfacing squirrel cage Induction generators (SCIG) and doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) with the power network to capture optimal power, provide controllable active and reactive power and minimize network harmonics using the two-level converter, as a power electronic converter. Control of active and reactive power, frequency and voltage are indispensable for stability of the grid. This thesis focuses on two main control techniques, field oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) for the SCIG. The dynamic model of induction generator is non-linear and hence for all types of control, the flux and the torque have to be decoupled for maintaining linearity between input and output for achieving high dynamic performance. FOC is used for decoupled control for rotor flux and electromagnetic torque . The stator current is decomposed into flux and torque producing components and they both are controlled independently. FOC uses three feedback control loops generate gating signals for the converter. DTC also achieves high dynamic performance by decoupling of rotor flux and electromagnetic torque without the intermediate current loops. DTC asks for the estimation of stator flux and torque and like FOC has 2 branches which have flux and torque comparators. The errors between the set and the estimated value are used to drive the inverters. The two methods are valid for both steady and transient state. Their validity is confirmed by simulating the systems on MATLAB/Simulink platform and comparing them the results obtained by hand calculations. Further DFIG’s are introduced. The dynamic model is developed using the machines equivalent circuit and is expressed in the stationary, rotor and the synchronous reference frames for evaluating the performance of the machine. The stator of the DFIG is directly interfaced to the grid and by controlling the rotor voltage by a two level back-to-back converter the grid synchronization and power control is maintained. The DTC and the direct power control (DPC) methods are used to control the rotor side (RSC) and the grid side converter (GSC). The RSC generates the 3-ph voltages of variable frequency in order to control the generator torque and the reactive power exchanged between the stator and the grid. The GSC exchanges active power with the grid injected by the RSC with a constant frequency. The steady and transient behavior of the machine is investigated through simulations

    Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine

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    Optimal performance of the electric machine/drive system is mandatory to improve the energy consumption and reliability. To achieve this goal, mathematical models of the electric machine/drive system are necessary. Hence, this motivated the editors to instigate the Special Issue “Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine”, aiming to collect novel publications that push the state-of-the art towards optimal performance for the electric machine/drive system. Seventeen papers have been published in this Special Issue. The published papers focus on several aspects of the electric machine/drive system with respect to the mathematical modelling. Novel optimization methods, control approaches, and comparative analysis for electric drive system based on various electric machines were discussed in the published papers

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    DC-signal injection for stator-resistance estimation in symmetrical six-phase induction motors under open-phase fault

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    Multiphase machines are often chosen due to their enhanced fault tolerance. Six-phase ones are especially convenient because they may be fed by off-the-shelf three-phase converters. In particular, those with symmetrical windings offer superior postfault capabilities. On the other hand, estimation of the stator resistance is important for purposes such as thermal monitoring and preserving control performance. Resistance estimation by dcsignal injection provides low sensitivity to parameter deviations compared with other techniques. It has previously been shown that the dc signal can be added in the non-torque-producing (xy) plane of a six-phase machine to avoid the torque disturbances that typically arise in three-phase machines. However, extending this method to the case of an open-phase fault (OPF) is not straightforward, because of the associated current restrictions. This paper addresses dc-signal injection in a symmetrical sixphase induction motor with an OPF. It is shown that, in contrast to healthy operation, the postfault dc injection should be carefully performed so that minimum copper loss, peak phase current and zero-sequence braking torque are achieved. A solution that attains optimum performance in all these aspects simultaneously is proposed. Adapted controller and resistance estimation are also presented. Experimental results confirm the theoryMinistry of Higher Education, Malaysia | Ref. Scheme FP090-2020Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority | Ref. 37066Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2020/03Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2020/07Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018-024407-IAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105612RB-I0

    High Performance Control Techniques for Multiphase eDrives

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    General online current-harmonic generation for increased torque capability with minimum stator copper loss in fault-tolerant multiphase induction motor drives

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    This article proposes a current-reference generation method, including current harmonic injection (CHI) for enhancing the torque capability of multiphase induction machines (IMs) with negligible space-harmonic effects, which is useful, e.g., during transient overload in electric vehicles. The admissible torque is increased because the harmonics reduce the phase-current peaks so that the instantaneous peak-current constraint of the drive, usually associated with the converter ratings, is respected. The harmonics are injected in the so-called x−y subspaces of the IM, which do not produce torque, so that no torque ripple is introduced. The optimum harmonics are found online for each load, making it possible to minimize the stator copper loss (SCL) per torque in the entire torque range, ensuring full-range minimum loss (FRML). The method is suitable for healthy operation or open-phase faults and for multiphase machines of any phase number and with either symmetrical or asymmetrical windings. Compared with FRML methods without CHI, higher torque is achieved. Although some techniques were available for increasing the torque capability by CHI, FRML was not attained, laborious off-line optimization was needed, or they were only suitable for specific drives or healthy conditions, unlike the proposal. Experimental results with a symmetrical six-phase IM are providedXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2020/07Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2020/03Information Technology Industry Development Agency | Ref. ARP2020.R29.7Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105612RB-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018-024407-