429,042 research outputs found

    Optimal structures for social systems

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    Multilevel compression of random walks on networks reveals hierarchical organization in large integrated systems

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    To comprehend the hierarchical organization of large integrated systems, we introduce the hierarchical map equation, which reveals multilevel structures in networks. In this information-theoretic approach, we exploit the duality between compression and pattern detection; by compressing a description of a random walker as a proxy for real flow on a network, we find regularities in the network that induce this system-wide flow. Finding the shortest multilevel description of the random walker therefore gives us the best hierarchical clustering of the network, the optimal number of levels and modular partition at each level, with respect to the dynamics on the network. With a novel search algorithm, we extract and illustrate the rich multilevel organization of several large social and biological networks. For example, from the global air traffic network we uncover countries and continents, and from the pattern of scientific communication we reveal more than 100 scientific fields organized in four major disciplines: life sciences, physical sciences, ecology and earth sciences, and social sciences. In general, we find shallow hierarchical structures in globally interconnected systems, such as neural networks, and rich multilevel organizations in systems with highly separated regions, such as road networks.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. For associated code, see http://www.tp.umu.se/~rosvall/code.htm

    Consensus-based approach to peer-to-peer electricity markets with product differentiation

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    With the sustained deployment of distributed generation capacities and the more proactive role of consumers, power systems and their operation are drifting away from a conventional top-down hierarchical structure. Electricity market structures, however, have not yet embraced that evolution. Respecting the high-dimensional, distributed and dynamic nature of modern power systems would translate to designing peer-to-peer markets or, at least, to using such an underlying decentralized structure to enable a bottom-up approach to future electricity markets. A peer-to-peer market structure based on a Multi-Bilateral Economic Dispatch (MBED) formulation is introduced, allowing for multi-bilateral trading with product differentiation, for instance based on consumer preferences. A Relaxed Consensus+Innovation (RCI) approach is described to solve the MBED in fully decentralized manner. A set of realistic case studies and their analysis allow us showing that such peer-to-peer market structures can effectively yield market outcomes that are different from centralized market structures and optimal in terms of respecting consumers preferences while maximizing social welfare. Additionally, the RCI solving approach allows for a fully decentralized market clearing which converges with a negligible optimality gap, with a limited amount of information being shared.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Hierarchical self-organization of non-cooperating individuals

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    Hierarchy is one of the most conspicuous features of numerous natural, technological and social systems. The underlying structures are typically complex and their most relevant organizational principle is the ordering of the ties among the units they are made of according to a network displaying hierarchical features. In spite of the abundant presence of hierarchy no quantitative theoretical interpretation of the origins of a multi-level, knowledge-based social network exists. Here we introduce an approach which is capable of reproducing the emergence of a multi-levelled network structure based on the plausible assumption that the individuals (representing the nodes of the network) can make the right estimate about the state of their changing environment to a varying degree. Our model accounts for a fundamental feature of knowledge-based organizations: the less capable individuals tend to follow those who are better at solving the problems they all face. We find that relatively simple rules lead to hierarchical self-organization and the specific structures we obtain possess the two, perhaps most important features of complex systems: a simultaneous presence of adaptability and stability. In addition, the performance (success score) of the emerging networks is significantly higher than the average expected score of the individuals without letting them copy the decisions of the others. The results of our calculations are in agreement with a related experiment and can be useful from the point of designing the optimal conditions for constructing a given complex social structure as well as understanding the hierarchical organization of such biological structures of major importance as the regulatory pathways or the dynamics of neural networks.Comment: Supplementary videos are to be found at http://hal.elte.hu/~nepusz/research/supplementary/hierarchy

    Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation in Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems

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    We develop a novel theoretical framework for studying ecosystems in which interacting state variables which are affected by management decisions diffuse in space. We identify (i) mechanisms creating spatial patterns when economic agents maximize profit at each site by ignoring the impact of their actions on other sites and (ii) a diffusion induced externality. Pattern formation mechanisms and externalities create a divergence in the spatiotemporal structures emerging under private or social objectives We develop optimal regulation which internalize the spatiotemporal externalities. Our theory is applied to the management and regulation of a semi-arid system. Supporting numerical simulations are also presented.Economic-Ecological Systems, Pattern Formation, Reaction-Diffusion, Diffusion Instability, Spatial Externalities, Regulation

    Generalized Opinion Dynamics from Local Optimization Rules

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    We study generalizations of the Hegselmann-Krause (HK) model for opinion dynamics, incorporating features and parameters that are natural components of observed social systems. The first generalization is one where the strength of influence depends on the distance of the agents' opinions. Under this setup, we identify conditions under which the opinions converge in finite time, and provide a qualitative characterization of the equilibrium. We interpret the HK model opinion update rule as a quadratic cost-minimization rule. This enables a second generalization: a family of update rules which possess different equilibrium properties. Subsequently, we investigate models in which a external force can behave strategically to modulate/influence user updates. We consider cases where this external force can introduce additional agents and cases where they can modify the cost structures for other agents. We describe and analyze some strategies through which such modulation may be possible in an order-optimal manner. Our simulations demonstrate that generalized dynamics differ qualitatively and quantitatively from traditional HK dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, under revie

    Mining dense substructures from large deterministic and probabilistic graphs

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    Graphs represent relationships. Some relationships can be represented as a deterministic graph while others can only be represented by using probabilities. Mining dense structures from graphs help us to find useful patterns in these relationships having applications in wide areas like social network analysis, bioinformatics etc. Arguably the two most fundamental dense substructures are Maximal Cliques and Maximal Bicliques. The enumeration of both these structures are central to many data mining problems. With the advent of “big data”, real world graphs have become massive. Recently systems like MapReduce have evolved to process such large data. However using these systems to mine dense substrucures in massive graphs is an open question. In this thesis, we present novel parallel algorithms using MapReduce for the enumeration of Maximal Cliques / Bicliques in large graphs. We show that our algorithms are work optimal and load balanced. Further, we present a detailed evaluation which shows that the algorithm scales to large graphs with millions of edges and tens of millions of output structures. Finally we consider the problem of Maximal Clique Enumeration in an Uncertain Graph, which is a probability distribution on a set of deterministic graphs. We define the notion of a maximal clique for an uncertain graph, give matching upper and lower bounds on the number of such structures and present a near optimal algorithm to mine all maximal cliques

    Understanding the structure and processes of primary health care for young indigenous children

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    INTRODUCTION: Primary health care organisations need to continuously reform to more effectively address current health challenges, particularly for vulnerable populations. There is growing evidence that optimal health service structures are essential for producing positive outcomes. AIM: To determine if there is an association between process of care indicators (PoCIs) for important young indigenous child health and social issues and: (i) primary health-care service and child characteristics; and (ii) organisational health service structures. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 1554 clinical child health audits and associated system assessments from 74 primary care services from 2012 to 2014. Composite PoCIs were developed for social and emotional wellbeing, child neurodevelopment and anaemia. Crude and adjusted logistic regression models were fitted, clustering for health services. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were derived. RESULTS: Overall, 32.0% (449) of records had a social and emotional wellbeing PoCI, 56.6% (791) had an anaemia PoCI and 49.3% (430) had a child neurodevelopment PoCI. Children aged 12–23 months were significantly more likely to receive all PoCIs compared to children aged 24–59 months. For every one point increase in assessment scores for team structure and function (aOR 1.14, 95% CI 1.01–1.27) and care planning (aOR 1.14, 95% CI 1.01–1.29) items, there was a 14% greater odds of a child having an anaemia PoCI. Social and emotional wellbeing and child neurodevelopment PoCIs were not associated with system assessment scores. DISCUSSION: Ensuring young indigenous children aged 24–59 months are receiving quality care for important social and health indicators is a priority. Processes of care and organisational systems in primary care services are important for the optimal management of anaemia in indigenous children

    Enhancing topology adaptation in information-sharing social networks

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    The advent of Internet and World Wide Web has led to unprecedent growth of the information available. People usually face the information overload by following a limited number of sources which best fit their interests. It has thus become important to address issues like who gets followed and how to allow people to discover new and better information sources. In this paper we conduct an empirical analysis on different on-line social networking sites, and draw inspiration from its results to present different source selection strategies in an adaptive model for social recommendation. We show that local search rules which enhance the typical topological features of real social communities give rise to network configurations that are globally optimal. These rules create networks which are effective in information diffusion and resemble structures resulting from real social systems
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