18 research outputs found

    Software dynamic pricing by an optimization deterministic model with presence of piracy

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    This project presents an optimization model for pricing a monopolistic software application with presence of piracy. The purpose is raising revenue produced by product’s sale with adjusting prices in a price skimming strategy and minimizing amount of piracy. The model is a multifunctional price skimming optimization with simplex method which accompanied by deterministic and stochastic methods for calculating time intervals of each segment. Linear functions are used to describing demand of each segment. In addition a linear piracy function is proposed to making piracy a dynamic parameter. The model has the ability to apply penetration pricing and controlling market share. Windows 7 is chosen for case study. Optimizing case of Windows 7 is resulted in 8.2 percentage increase in revenue, while value of net market share is virtually constant. Therefore the developed model demonstrates its competence in optimizing revenue by modifying prices with presence of piracy. Results show that to face with piracy, range of price skimming must decreased in a way that highest price need to be intensely decreased and also lowest one must be slightly decreased. By using this strategy lowest loss in revenue due to piracy can be recurred. Effects of an escalation in piracy on proposed optimization model are: increase in number of sale, demand, selling portion, market share but decrease in price, price difference between segments, and revenue. Time intervals between successive prices, which are obtained for Windows 7, is obtained by deterministic and stochastic technics which are shown to be nearly equal due to large number of customers

    Study on the performance of palm methyl ester in a combustion system

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    Nowadays, the world is adversely affected by the rapid growth of various industries which use fossil diesel fuel as a main source to power their respective industries. As such, this phenomenon has contributed to environmental pollution apart from these natural resources are increasingly reduced thus resulting in price increments. However, biodiesel fuel has recognized by many researcher as a potential replacement of fossil fuel. A study was conducted to investigate the performance of alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly and renewable such as palm biodiesel. Therefore, this project presents an investigation on the combustion performance of Palm Methyl Ester (PME) which also known as Palm Biodiesel in an oil burner system. Several Carotino’s palm biodiesel blends (B10, B20, and B40) also have been made by blended with Conventional Diesel Fuel (CDF). Examination of the fuel properties for each blends including CDF and PME have been carried out. The performance of the fuels have been studied based on its wall temperature profile and gas emissions generated such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO). The test fuels have been burned in the oil burner combustion chamber at different equivalent ratios and using three different oil burner nozzles (1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 USgal/h). From the test, PME is the lowest emission production compared to CDF but generate a low temperature. For example, at stoichiometric mixture with nozzle 1.25 USgal/h, NOx and CO generated by PME decreased of 27% and 30% respectively compared to CDF. PME has recorded about 12% drop in an average temperature compared to the CDF at the same condition. The higher fuel flow rate used, results more heat and emission generated. The results indicated may be benefits to using biodiesel in industrial processes due to less pollution production

    Piracy prevention methods in software business

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    Abstract. There are various forms of piracy in software business, and many prevention techniques have been developed against them. Forms of software piracy are, for example, cracks and serials, softlifting and hard disk loading, internet piracy and software counterfeiting, mischanneling, reverse engineering, and tampering. There are various prevention methods that target these types of piracy, although all of these methods have been broken. The piracy prevention measures can be divided into ethical, legal, and technical measures. Technical measures include measures like obfuscation and tamper-proofing, for example. However, relying on a single method does not provide complete protection from attacks against intellectual property, so companies wishing to protect their product should consider combining multiple methods of piracy prevention

    Un nuevo caso de limitación y excepción a los derechos de autor para el software académico

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    In July of 2018, the Congress of the Republic of Colombia sanctioned the 1915 Law which was mainly geared towards implementing a “series of commercial commitments acquired within the framework of the agreements signed with the United States of America and the European Union.” What calls the attention of this paper is that article 16 of the Law includes several limitations and exceptions that refer to the use and reproduction of works, without taking into account types of intellectual works that exceed the traditional typologies of the concept of “intellectual work.” Also, the cited article 16 refers solely to the possibility of freely reproducing the intellectual work through reprographic means and reproducing it in a digital environment. Based on the latter, this paper has made an effort to answer the following question: To what extent is it possible to apply the current regulation of limitations and exceptions with educational purposes to computational programs in Colombia? This review of the topic has been done using an eminently documental qualitative methodology, which derives from the positivism paradigm of research.En julio de 2018 el Congreso de la República de Colombia emitió la Ley 1915, que tuvo por principal objetivo implementar una “serie de compromisos de carácter comercial adquiridos en el marco de los acuerdos suscritos con los Estados Unidos de América y la Unión Europea”1. Llama la atención en la Ley la consagración, en el artículo 16 referido a limitaciones y excepciones, en el que se establece el uso y reproducción de obras, que por su redacción no se excedan las tipologías tradicionales del concepto mismo de “obra”, haciendo alusión únicamente a una libre reproducción por medios reprográficos de la obra y reproducción temporal en el entorno digital. Con base en lo anterior se ha buscado, a lo largo de este artículo, responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿En qué medida es extensible el régimen de limitaciones y excepciones con propósitos de enseñanza a los programas de computación en Colombia? Esta revisión se ha hecho a través de una metodología eminentemente cualitativa, documental, derivada del paradigma de investigación positivista

    Market Skimming Pricing: An Examination of Elements Supporting High Price for New Products in Pakistan

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    Market skimming is a very important pricing strategy for the companies making innovative and technology based products. Market skimming pricing can be best practiced when the company is highly reputable, providing great quality and innovative products and the customers give a great value to the introduced technology and readily adopt it. The objective of this paper is to find out the factors responsible for market skimming pricing. In this research, the individuals using personal computers are taken as the population whereas Product quality, Brand image, Innovation and Technology adoption are taken as the variables responsible for practicing Market Skimming Pricing. A questionnaire is designed and the survey is conducted. The results showed that all the four variables significantly and positively influence market skimming pricing. The practice of market skimming pricing is explained up to 27% by the independent variables considered. Keywords: market skimming pricing, product quality, brand image, innovation, technology adoption

    Software dynamic pricing by an optimization deterministic model in a monopolistic market

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    This paper develops an optimization model for pricing a monopolistic application software in the presence of piracy. The purpose is raising revenue produced by product’s sale with determining prices in a price skimming strategy and minimizing amount of piracy. The model is a multifunctional price skimming optimization with simplex method which accompanied by a deterministic method for calculating time intervals of each segment. A linear function is used to describe demand of each segment. In addition, a linear piracy function is proposed to make piracy a dynamic parameter. The model has the ability to apply penetration pricing and controlling market share. Rough estimates of Windows 7 sale’s parameters are used to apply in the model. Optimizing case of Windows 7 is resulted in 7.3 percent increase in revenue while value of net market share is virtually constant. Therefore, the developed model demonstrates its competence in optimizing revenue by determining prices with presence of piracy. Results of the research show that to tackle piracy, range of price skimming must be decreased in a way that highest price need to be intensely reduced while lowest one must be slightly reduced. The benefit of using this strategy, is incurring lowest revenue loss due to piracy. The Effects of an escalation in piracy on proposed optimization model include increase in number of sale, demand, selling portion, market share, and decrease in price, price difference between segments, and revenue

    Variable marginal propensities to pirate and the diffusion of computer software

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    In this paper, we empirically investigate the dynamics of the marginal propensity to pirate for computer software. We introduce a state space formulation that allows us to estimate error structures and parameter significance, in contrast to previous work. For data from 1987-92, we find a rising propensity to pirate as the number of existing pirate copies increases, and higher late piracy incidence than implied by static models. We strengthen prior results on the impact of piracy in the spreadsheet market, finding it to be the only significant internal influence on diffusion. However, when we allow for negative error correlation between legal and pirate acquisitions, we contradict earlier work by finding that, in the word processor market, piracy did not contribute to diffusion and only eroded legal sales

    Pricing information goods with piracy and heterogeneous consumers

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    We present an information good pricing model with persistently heterogeneous consumers and a rising marginal propensity for them to pirate. Three offsetting pricing mechanisms occur: skimming, compressing price changes, and delaying product launch. We identify a novel trade off in piracy's effect on welfare. We find that piracy quickens sales times and raises welfare in fixed capacity markets, and does the opposite in growing markets. In our model, consumers benefit from piracy except at very high rates in rapidly expanding markets, legal sellers always dislike it, and pirate providers like high but not very high rates. Purchase delay, transient heterogeneity, inelastic demand, and network externalities reduce piracy's effect, but demand uncertainty doesn't

    Piratismin vaikutus ohjelmistotuotantoon

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