6 research outputs found

    A sparsity-driven approach to multi-camera tracking in visual sensor networks

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    In this paper, a sparsity-driven approach is presented for multi-camera tracking in visual sensor networks (VSNs). VSNs consist of image sensors, embedded processors and wireless transceivers which are powered by batteries. Since the energy and bandwidth resources are limited, setting up a tracking system in VSNs is a challenging problem. Motivated by the goal of tracking in a bandwidth-constrained environment, we present a sparsity-driven method to compress the features extracted by the camera nodes, which are then transmitted across the network for distributed inference. We have designed special overcomplete dictionaries that match the structure of the features, leading to very parsimonious yet accurate representations. We have tested our method in indoor and outdoor people tracking scenarios. Our experimental results demonstrate how our approach leads to communication savings without significant loss in tracking performance

    A Sparsity-Driven Approach to Multi-camera Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, a sparsity-driven approach is presented for multi-camera tracking in visual sensor networks (VSNs). VSNs consist of image sensors, embedded processors and wireless transceivers which are powered by batteries. Since the energy and bandwidth resources are limited, setting up a tracking system in VSNs is a challenging problem. Motivated by the goal of tracking in a bandwidth-constrained environment , we present a sparsity-driven method to compress the features extracted by the camera nodes, which are then transmitted across the network for distributed inference. We have designed special overcomplete dictionaries that match the structure of the features, leading to very parsimonious yet accurate representations. We have tested our method in indoor and outdoor people tracking scenarios. Our experimental results demonstrate how our approach leads to communication savings without significant loss in tracking performance

    Power Management in Sensing Subsystem of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    A wireless sensor network consists of sensor nodes deployed over a geographical area for monitoring physical phenomena like temperature, humidity, vibrations, seismic events, and so on. Typically, a sensor node is a tiny device that includes three basic components: a sensing subsystem for data acquisition from the physical surrounding environment, a processing subsystem for local data processing and storage, and a wireless communication subsystem for data transmission. In addition, a power source supplies the energy needed by the device to perform the programmed task. This power source often consists of a battery with a limited energy budget. In addition, it is usually impossible or inconvenient to recharge the battery, because nodes are deployed in a hostile or unpractical environment. On the other hand, the sensor network should have a lifetime long enough to fulfill the application requirements. Accordingly, energy conservation in nodes and maximization of network lifetime are commonly recognized as a key challenge in the design and implementation of WSNs. Experimental measurements have shown that generally data transmission is very expensive in terms of energy consumption, while data processing consumes significantly less (Raghunathan et al., 2002). The energy cost of transmitting a single bit of information is approximately the same as that needed for processing a thousand operations in a typical sensor node (Pottie & Kaiser, 2000). The energy consumption of the sensing subsystem depends on the specific sensor type. In some cases of scalar sensors, it is negligible with respect to the energy consumed by the processing and, above all, the communication subsystems. In other cases, the energy expenditure for data sensing may be comparable to, or even greater (in the case of multimedia sensing) than the energy needed for data transmission. In general, energy-saving techniques focus on two subsystems: the communication subsystem (i.e., energy management is taken into account in the operations of each single node, as well as in the design of networking protocols), and the sensing subsystem (i.e., techniques are used to reduce the amount or frequency of energy-expensive samples).Postprint (published version

    Optimal sensor selection for video-based target tracking in a wireless sensor network

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    The use of wireless sensor networks for target tracking is an active area of research. Imaging sensors that obtain video-rate images of a scene can have a significant impact in such networks, as they can measure vital information on the identity, position, and velocity of moving targets. Since wireless networks must operate under stringent energy constraints, it is important to identify the optimal set of imagers to be used in a tracking scenario such that the network lifetime is maximized. We formulate this problem as one of maximizing the information utility gained from a set of sensors subject to a constraint on the average energy consumption in the network. We use an unscented Kalman filter framework to solve the tracking and data fusion problem with multiple imaging sensors in a computationally efficient manner, and use a lookahead algorithm to optimize the sensor selection based on the predicted trajectory of the target. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this method of sensor selection. 1

    Information selection and fusion in vision systems

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    Handling the enormous amounts of data produced by data-intensive imaging systems, such as multi-camera surveillance systems and microscopes, is technically challenging. While image and video compression help to manage the data volumes, they do not address the basic problem of information overflow. In this PhD we tackle the problem in a more drastic way. We select information of interest to a specific vision task, and discard the rest. We also combine data from different sources into a single output product, which presents the information of interest to end users in a suitable, summarized format. We treat two types of vision systems. The first type is conventional light microscopes. During this PhD, we have exploited for the first time the potential of the curvelet transform for image fusion for depth-of-field extension, allowing us to combine the advantages of multi-resolution image analysis for image fusion with increased directional sensitivity. As a result, the proposed technique clearly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, both on real microscopy data and on artificially generated images. The second type is camera networks with overlapping fields of view. To enable joint processing in such networks, inter-camera communication is essential. Because of infrastructure costs, power consumption for wireless transmission, etc., transmitting high-bandwidth video streams between cameras should be avoided. Fortunately, recently designed 'smart cameras', which have on-board processing and communication hardware, allow distributing the required image processing over the cameras. This permits compactly representing useful information from each camera. We focus on representing information for people localization and observation, which are important tools for statistical analysis of room usage, quick localization of people in case of building fires, etc. To further save bandwidth, we select which cameras should be involved in a vision task and transmit observations only from the selected cameras. We provide an information-theoretically founded framework for general purpose camera selection based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Applied to tracking, it allows tracking people using a dynamic selection of as little as three cameras with the same accuracy as when using up to ten cameras

    Sparse representation frameworks for inference problems in visual sensor networks

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    Visual sensor networks (VSNs) form a new research area that merges computer vision and sensor networks. VSNs consist of small visual sensor nodes called camera nodes, which integrate an image sensor, an embedded processor, and a wireless transceiver. Having multiple cameras in a wireless network poses unique and challenging problems that do not exist either in computer vision or in sensor networks. Due to the resource constraints of the camera nodes, such as battery power and bandwidth, it is crucial to perform data processing and collaboration efficiently. This thesis presents a number of sparse-representation based methods to be used in the context of surveillance tasks in VSNs. Performing surveillance tasks, such as tracking, recognition, etc., in a communication-constrained VSN environment is extremely challenging. Compressed sensing is a technique for acquiring and reconstructing a signal from small amount of measurements utilizing the prior knowledge that the signal has a sparse representation in a proper space. The ability of sparse representation tools to reconstruct signals from small amount of observations fits well with the limitations in VSNs for processing, communication, and collaboration. Hence, this thesis presents novel sparsity-driven methods that can be used in action recognition and human tracking applications in VSNs. A sparsity-driven action recognition method is proposed by casting the classification problem as an optimization problem. We solve the optimization problem by enforcing sparsity through ł1 regularization and perform action recognition. We have demonstrated the superiority of our method when observations are low-resolution, occluded, and noisy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first action recognition method that uses sparse representation. In addition, we have proposed an adaptation of this method for VSN resource constraints. We have also performed an analysis of the role of sparsity in classi cation for two different action recognition problems. We have proposed a feature compression framework for human tracking applications in visual sensor networks. In this framework, we perform decentralized tracking: each camera extracts useful features from the images it has observed and sends them to a fusion node which collects the multi-view image features and performs tracking. In tracking, extracting features usually results a likelihood function. To reduce communication in the network, we compress the likelihoods by first splitting them into blocks, and then transforming each block to a proper domain and taking only the most significant coefficients in this representation. To the best of our knowledge, compression of features computed in the context of tracking in a VSN has not been proposed in previous works. We have applied our method for indoor and outdoor tracking scenarios. Experimental results show that our approach can save up to 99.6% of the bandwidth compared to centralized approaches that compress raw images to decrease the communication. We have also shown that our approach outperforms existing decentralized approaches. Furthermore, we have extended this tracking framework and proposed a sparsitydriven approach for human tracking in VSNs. We have designed special overcomplete dictionaries that exploit the specific known geometry of the measurement scenario and used these dictionaries for sparse representation of likelihoods. By obtaining dictionaries that match the structure of the likelihood functions, we can represent likelihoods with few coefficients, and thereby decrease the communication in the network. This is the first method in the literature that uses sparse representation to compress likelihood functions and applies this idea for VSNs. We have tested our approach for indoor and outdoor tracking scenarios and demonstrated that our approach can achieve bandwidth reduction better than our feature compression framework. We have also presented that our approach outperforms existing decentralized and distributed approaches