2,813 research outputs found

    Flexible Design and Operation of Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) Desalination Process Subject to Variable Fouling and Variable Freshwater Demand

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    yesThis work describes how the design and operation parameters of the Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) desalination process are optimised when the process is subject to variation in seawater temperature, fouling and freshwater demand throughout the day. A simple polynomial based dynamic seawater temperature and variable freshwater demand correlations are developed based on actual data which are incorporated in the MSF mathematical model using gPROMS models builder 3.0.3. In addition, a fouling model based on stage temperature is considered. The fouling and the effect of noncondensable gases are incorporated into the calculation of overall heat transfer co-efficient for condensers. Finally, an optimisation problem is developed where the total daily operating cost of the MSF process is minimised by optimising the design (no of stages) and the operating (seawater rejected flowrate and brine recycle flowrate) parameters

    Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems: The Case of Desalination

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    Energy-water-environment nexus underpinning future desalination sustainability

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    Energy-water-environment nexus is very important to attain COP21 goal, maintaining environment temperature increase below 2 °C, but unfortunately two third share of CO2 emission has already been used and the remaining will be exhausted by 2050. A number of technological developments in power and desalination sectors improved their efficiencies to save energy and carbon emission but still they are operating at 35% and 10% of their thermodynamic limits. Research in desalination processes contributing to fuel World population for their improved living standard and to reduce specific energy consumption and to protect environment. Recently developed highly efficient nature-inspired membranes (aquaporin & graphene) and trend in thermally driven cycle's hybridization could potentially lower then energy requirement for water purification. This paper presents a state of art review on energy, water and environment interconnection and future energy efficient desalination possibilities to save energy and protect environment

    Seawater desalination in micro grids: an integrated planning approach

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    Background: Islands often depend on the import of fossil fuels for power generation. Due to the combined effect of high oil prices and transportation costs, energy supply systems based on renewable energies are already able to compete successfully with fossil fuel systems for a number of these islands. Depending on local and regional conditions, not only energy supply is a challenge, but also the finding of a reliable supply of water. A promising alternative to freshwater shipments is seawater desalination. Desalination processes can act as a flexible load whenever excess electricity generated by renewable sources is present. Methods: Numerical simulations of combined energy and water supply systems for the Caribbean island Petite Martinique, Grenada, are accomplished. Considering renewable energy sources like wind and solar radiation, energy storage technologies, and desalination processes, various scenarios are introduced and simulated, and the results are compared. Results: An extension of the current energy supply system with renewable energy technologies reduces power generation costs by approximately 40%. The excess energy generated by renewables can supply a significant share of a desalination plant’s energy demand. The levelized costs of electricity and water show that the integration of desalination as a deferrable load is beneficial to the considered micro grid. Conclusions: The implementation of renewable energy generation and desalination as deferrable load is recommendable in Petite Martinique. Possible refinancing strategies depending on the combination of different electricity and water tariffs can be derived and applied to similar business cases in remote regions


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    Society faces diminishing access to clean drinking water because of increasing global population and the development of modern industries. At the same time, climate change and other environmental problems caused by the increase in fossil fuel consumption the emphasis on reducing dependency on traditional energy resources in the process of potable water production. To address both problems, a small-scale wind powered reverse osmosis (RO) desalination system with a unique energy storage mechanism was envisioned to provide an energy buffer such that fluctuating and intermittent wind can be utilized. Energy is stored in the form of compressed air in a pressure vessel (PV). The feasibility of this innovative design was evaluated for both seawater (35 g/l and 45 g/L NaCl solutions were selected for seawater experiments) and brackish water (15 g/L and 25 g/L NaCl solutions were selected for brackish water experiments) desalination. The RO desalination coupled with the PV energy storage device was tested using bench-scale experiments under different operating conditions. It was found that high initial air pressure can help to produce the greatest flux and good water quality (\u3e98.6% salt rejection), while different crossflow speeds did not affect the performance of energy-buffered experiments. The performance was further tested with simulated fluctuating and intermittent wind speeds to mimic real-world conditions. It was demonstrated that the energy storage tank can largely dampen the variability in applied pressure and discharge rate caused by wind fluctuation and significantly improve the desalination performance for both flux and rejection without any pressure control strategy. Since high quality drinking water (\u3e98.6% salt rejection) was produced under applied pressure as low as 700 psi, the applied pressure could be lowered to reduce energy consumption. Under simulated intermittent wind operation, RO desalination with energy storage showed significant advantage over traditional RO desalination (with no energy storage mechanism) in that PV can store the energy when the wind dies down and the stored energy can be used to produce good quality drinking water when a small amount of energy is available to provide crossflow. The effects of dissolved nitrogen under high pressure on the RO process were also evaluated. The experimental results indicated that comparing with conventional RO, the RO process with PV did not show a consistent benefit or detriment in flux using different feed concentrations from 0 to 45 g/L, but caused a slight improvement on rejection for all feed concentrations

    Energía osmótica: modelado, simulación y operación óptima

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    En la tesis doctoral se pretende lo siguiente: Desarrollar modelos matemáticos para la simulación de procesos de Ósmosis Retardada por Presión (PRO), con énfasis en el gradiente de salinidad, a fin de reproducirlos con mayor precisión. Utilizar los valores reales de las salinidades para determinar la potencia eléctrica alcanzable y evaluar la eficiencia real, teniendo en cuenta las demandas energéticas inherentes al proceso. Proporcionar un análisis de sensibilidad de algunas variables del proceso PRO y predecir los consiguientes cambios en la potencia neta.Estudiar la viabilidad de las desembocaduras estratificadas de ríos, centrándose en la ubicación de las tomas de agua. Evaluar las potencias mediante modelos hidrodinámicos, que describirán las variaciones a lo largo de la desembocadura del río, y buscar un conjunto óptimo de puntos de captación para maximizar la potencia neta. Evaluar la recuperación de energía osmótica a partir de sales de salmueras de desalación, y estudiar posibles configuraciones del proceso, comparando su rendimiento.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Potential and analysis of an osmotic power plant in the Magdalena River using experimental field-data

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    Producción CientíficaThe Magdalena River mouth in Colombia is studied as a candidate site for a renewable power plant via osmotic energy technology, using pressure retarded osmosis. This power generation plant would operate through the controlled mix of two flows with different salinities (river water and seawater in this case study). A preliminary design of a pressure retarded osmosis power plant is proposed here by means of experimental data acquisition on-site at the river mouth. The obtained net power production is shown to reach 6 MW, with adequate membrane power densities above 5 W/m2. These promising results consider energetic losses involved in the process, which have been further analysed to propose improvement targets in pretreatment processes and membrane permeability.Spanish Ministry of Economy through the project DPI2014-54530-R and the predoctoral grant BES-2015-073871, by the Junta de Castilla y León and European Regional Development Fund, UIC 233, and by the Banco Santander Iberoamérica Research Grants program. Field data acquisition was funded by COLCIENCIAS -Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia- by the project: 121571451074, resolution 881 – 2015