264,934 research outputs found


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    The efficiency of innovation activities of agro-industrial enterprises is provided by the choice of the optimal innovation-investment program, which consists of a set of innovative projects and the appropriate amount of money needed for their implementation. At the same time, given the limited financial resources required for the development of production, it is important to form an optimal set of projects by allocating funds not to local projects, but to the entire innovation and investment program as a whole. In this regard, the article aims to form an effective innovation-investment program of the development of agro-industrial enterprises based on modeling the choice of the optimal set of projects of the development of new innovative products and projects of the introduction of ready innovations on the market. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: systems analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, abstract-logical method, graphical method. According to the research results the proposed economic-mathematical model can be used in the process of choosing an innovative strategy of the development of agro-industrial production, as well as to form targeted programs of innovative development and investment support of agro-industrial enterprises as a whole

    Venture Capital and Sequential Investments

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    We present a dynamic model of venture capital financing, described as a sequential investment problem with uncertain outcome. Each venture has a critical, but unknown threshold beyond which it cannot progress. If the threshold is reached before the completion of the project, then the project fails, otherwise it succeeds. The investors decide sequentially about the speed of the investment and the optimal path of staged investments. We derive the dynamically optimal funding policy in response to the arrival of information during the development of the venture. We develop three types of predictions from our theoretical model and test these predictions in a large sample of venture capital investments in the U.S. for the period of 1987-2002. First, the investment flow starts low if the failure risk is high and accelerates as the projects mature. Second, the investment flow reacts positively to information that arrives while the project is developed. We find that the investment decisions are more sensitive to the information received during the development than to the information held prior to the project launch. Third, investors distribute their investments over more funding rounds if the failure risk is larger.Venture capital, Sequential investment, Stage financing, Intertemporal returns

    Proactive monitoring system for investment projects: mathematical support

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    Using mathematical based evaluation systems will help ranking investment projects to select the best and most promising among the available. Based on the study, the author sees it best to apply mathematical models and concentrate on conceptual investment projects for reducing monitoring and evaluation costs, as well as initial development costs. Optimal ways to form expert groups for investment project proactive monitoring is offered in conclusio

    Venture Capital and Sequential Investments

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    We present a dynamic model of venture capital financing, described as a sequential in­vestment problem with uncertain outcome. Each venture has a critical, but unknown threshold beyond which it cannot progress. If the threshold is reached before the completion of the project, then the project fails, otherwise it succeeds. The investors decide sequentially about the speed of the investment and the optimal path of staged investments. We derive the dynamically optimal funding policy in response to the arrival of information during the development of the venture. We develop three types of predictions from our theoretical model and test these predictions in a large sample of venture capital investments in the U.S. for the period of 1987-2002. First, the investment flow starts low if the failure risk is high and accelerates as the projects mature. Second, the investment flow reacts positively to information that arrives while the project is developed. We find that the investment decisions are more sensitive to the information received during the development than to the information held prior to the project launch. Third, investors distribute their investments over more funding rounds if the failure risk is larger.Venture capital, Sequential investment, Stage financing, Intertemporal returns


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    In this article, the study and analysis of various aspects of investment activity in agriculture in order to identify ways to detect reproduction processes in this industry. The focus is on the effectiveness of investments, their financing, the effectiveness of investment projects, as well as the development of investment policy and intensive development of agriculture. As a result of the study, optimal approaches and recommendations were identified to identify the efficiency of reproduction in agriculture through investment activities

    Network models for solving the problem of multicriterial adaptive optimization of investment projects control with several acceptable technologies

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    This paper discusses the problem of multicriterial adaptive optimization the control of investment projects in the presence of several technologies. On the basis of network modeling proposed a new economic and mathematical model and a method for solving the problem of multicriterial adaptive optimization the control of investment projects in the presence of several technologies. Network economic and mathematical modeling allows you to determine the optimal time and calendar schedule for the implementation of the investment project and serves as an instrument to increase the economic potential and competitiveness of the enterprise. On a meaningful practical example, the processes of forming network models are shown, including the definition of the sequence of actions of a particular investment projecting process, the network-based work schedules are constructed. The calculation of the parameters of network models is carried out. Optimal (critical) paths have been formed and the optimal time for implementing the chosen technologies of the investment project has been calculated. It also shows the selection of the optimal technology from a set of possible technologies for project implementation, taking into account the time and cost of the work. The proposed model and method for solving the problem of managing investment projects can serve as a basis for the development, creation and application of appropriate computer information systems to support the adoption of managerial decisions by business people. © 2017 Author(s).This work was supported by the Russian Basic Research Foundation, project no. 17-01-00315

    How important is the efficiency of government investment ? The case of the Republic of Congo

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    The Republic of Congo, an oil rich country in Central Africa, has made substantial progress in the past decade in stabilizing the economy and achieving high growth rates. However, despite reaching middle-income country status in 2006, the economy is not diversified, poverty remains pervasive, and social indicators are well below the average for countries with a similar income level. This paper analyzes aspects of an ambitious investment program on which the government has embarked to improve the provision of basic services and promote private sector development. The success of this program, however, is questionable given the low absorptive capacity of the country and in particular the poor efficiency of public investment management. The analysis is based on simulations with an economy-wide model for analysis of development strategies and government policies, MAMS (Maquette for MDG Simulations). The results of the simulations show that slightly delaying large investment projects, while simultaneously improving the efficiency of the investment program, would lead to significantly higher growth rates and lower poverty levels. The analysis therefore confirms the importance of efficient public investment management for the optimal use of the country's resources.Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Debt Markets,Access to Finance,Non Bank Financial Institutions

    Results readiness in social protection and labor operations : technical guidance notes for labor markets task teams

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    Labor allocation to its most efficient use, promoting employment and human capital investment as well as functioning labor markets can contribute to long?term economic growth, poverty reduction and to help workers manage their risks. A labor market policy framework includes both regulations and programs. However, the optimal framework is not standard and universal but varies country by country depending on the level of economic and financial development, culture and other structural characteristics. Labor market projects are equally concentrated in Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions and one is China. Interestingly, the number of projects having'improving labor market'as the primary component has increased over time. All project development objectives in the cohort of projects reviewed focus on promoting higher employment and increasing economic opportunities as the main objective especially via training programs. About half of the projects also seek to reach specific vulnerable groups by improving targeting mechanisms and to improve the quality of social assistance services by reducing the cost of job search through access to enhanced employment services and by improving employability.Safety Nets and Transfers,Labor Markets,Labor Policies,Housing&Human Habitats,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis

    The effect of completion risk and project profitability on the investment decisions of the private sector in PPP projects

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    Public-private partnership (PPP) is becoming increasingly popular around the world for the development of infrastructure. However, it is vital that the private sector knows how to make its investment decisions, especially when it bears the burden of completion risk, and the cash flow of PPP projects is hard to predict. In previous studies, completion risk and project profitability have been recognized as critical factors that influence the involvement of the private sector in PPP projects. This study further investigates how these two factors affect private sector investment decisions, including its involvement, withdrawal, and capital structure decisions. First, a continuous real option method is built to explore the investment boundary and default boundary of the private sector. The results show that an increase in completion risk does not necessarily increase the investment boundary; rather, the relationship between them depends on the degree of private sector risk tolerance. The results also indicate that the investment boundary decreases with the expected rate of return and increases with the tax rate, risk-free rate, and volatility of cash flow. The default boundary decreases with the expected rate of return and volatility of cash flow and increases with the risk-free rate. Second, by comparing two different financial arrangements, the results suggest that using debt capital can help lower the private sector's investment boundary. Third, the results reveal the optimal debt level of private sector investment in PPP projects by showing that the optimal debt level increases with the tax rate and decreases with the default loss rate. These results can provide some managerial insights for the private sector as it makes decisions on PPP project investments. They can also provide some policy insights for governments to better promote private sector investment in PPP projects

    Modernization of the Company's Fixed Assets: Critical Factors that Affect the Capital Budgeting Decisions

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    Modernization of the company's fixed assets is a necessary condition for its development and competitiveness. Assessing projects and efficient allocation of the capital depend on the project requirements. The identification of the critical factors makes it possible to compile a realistic investment budget of the company. It also contributes to the optimal solution of the problem of modernization of fixed assets. The capital investment decision of project ranking plays a crucial role in capital investment decisions. The business concerns prioritize the various projects on the base of the kind of project a firm has at a particular point of time. Project ranking is dependent on the fact as to how much would a particular project return as well as which project has the ability to provide the business, a maximum value. The development of recommendations to improve the company's policies of modernization of fixed assets under the investment budget project makes the right accents for the targeted usage of funds