187 research outputs found

    Passive optical network (PON) monitoring using optical coding technology

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    Les rĂ©seaux optiques passifs (PON) semblent ĂȘtre la technologie gagnante et ultime du futur pour les "fibres jusqu'au domicile" ayant une haute capacitĂ©. L'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle de ce genre de systĂšme est nĂ©cessaire pour s'assurer un niveau de qualitĂ© de service prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ© pour chaque client. En outre, l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle rĂ©duit considĂ©rablement les dĂ©penses en capital et de fonctionnement (CAPEX et OPEX), tant pour le fournisseur du rĂ©seau que les clients. Alors que la capacitĂ© des PON est croissante, les gestionnaires de rĂ©seau ne disposent pas encore d'une technologie efficace et appropriĂ©e pour l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle des rĂ©seaux de capacitĂ© aussi Ă©levĂ©e. Une variĂ©tĂ© de solutions a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Toutes ces derniĂšres solutions ne sont pas pratiques Ă  cause de leur faible capacitĂ© (nombre de clients), d'une faible Ă©volutivitĂ©, d'une grande complexitĂ© et des dĂ©fis technologiques. Plus important encore, la technologie souhaitable pour l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle devrait ĂȘtre rentable car le marchĂ© des PON est trĂšs sensible aux coĂ»ts. Dans cette thĂšse, nous considĂ©rons l'application de la technologie du codage optique passif (OC) comme une solution prometteuse pour l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle centralisĂ©e d'un rĂ©seau optique ramifiĂ© tels que les rĂ©seaux PON. Dans la premiĂšre Ă©tape, nous dĂ©veloppons une expression pour le signal dĂ©tectĂ© par l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle et Ă©tudions ses statistiques. Nous trouvons une nouvelle expression explicite pour le rapport signal utile/signal brouillĂ© (SIR) comme outil de mesure mĂ©trique de performance. Nous considĂ©rons cinq distributions PON gĂ©ographiques diffĂ©rentes et Ă©tudions leurs effets sur l'SIR pour l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle d'OC. Dans la prochaine Ă©tape, nous gĂ©nĂ©ralisons notre modĂšle mathĂ©matique et ses expressions pour le contrĂŽle des signaux dĂ©tectĂ©s par un dĂ©tecteur quadratique et des paramĂštres rĂ©alistes. Nous Ă©valuons ensuite les performances thĂ©oriques de la technologie basĂ©e sur l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle selon le rapport signal/bruit (SNR), le rapport signal/bruit plus coefficient d'interfĂ©rence (SNIR), et la probabilitĂ© de fausse alarme. Nous Ă©laborons l'effet de la puissance d'impulsion transmise, la taille du rĂ©seau et la cohĂ©rence de la source lumineuse sur le rendement des codes unidimensionnels (ID) et bidimensionnels (2D) de l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle d'OC. Une conception optimale est Ă©galement abordĂ©e. Enfin, nous appliquons les tests de Neyman-Pearson pour le rĂ©cepteur de notre systĂšme d'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle et enquĂȘtons sur la façon dont le codage et la taille du rĂ©seau affectent les dĂ©penses de fonctionnement (OPEX) de notre systĂšme d'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle. MalgrĂ© le fait que les codes ID et 2D fournissent des performances acceptables, elles exigent des encodeurs avec un nombre Ă©levĂ© de composants optiques : ils sont encombrants, causent des pertes, et ils sont coĂ»teux. Par consĂ©quent, nous proposons un nouveau schĂ©ma de codage simple et plus appropriĂ© pour notre application de l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle que nous appelons le codage pĂ©riodique. Par simulation, nous Ă©valuons l'efficacitĂ© de l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle en terme de SNR pour un PON employant cette technologie. Ce systĂšme de codage est utilisĂ© dans notre vĂ©rification expĂ©rimentale de l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle d'OC. Nous Ă©tudions expĂ©rimentalement et par simulation, l'Ă©coute de contrĂŽle d'un PON utilisant la technologie de codage pĂ©riodique. Nous discutons des problĂšmes de conception pour le codage pĂ©riodique et les critĂšres de dĂ©tection optimale. Nous dĂ©veloppons Ă©galement un algorithme sĂ©quentiel pour le maximum de vraisemblance avec une complexitĂ© rĂ©duite. Nous menons des expĂ©riences pour valider notre algorithme de dĂ©tection Ă  l'aide de quatre encodeurs pĂ©riodiques que nous avons conçus et fabriquĂ©s. Nous menons Ă©galement des simulations de Monte-Carlo pour des distributions gĂ©ographiques de PON rĂ©alistes, avec des clients situĂ©s au hasard. Nous Ă©tudions l'effet de la zone de couverture et la taille du rĂ©seau (nombre d'abonnĂ©s) sur l'efficacitĂ© de calcul de notre algorithme. Nous offrons une borne sur la probabilitĂ© pour un rĂ©seau donnĂ© d'entraĂźner l'algorithme vers un temps exorbitant de surveillance du rĂ©seau, c'est Ă  dire le dĂ©lai d'attente de probabilitĂ©. Enfin, nous soulignons l'importance du moyennage pour remĂ©dier aux restrictions budgĂ©taires en puissance/perte dans notre systĂšme de surveillance afin de supporter de plus grandes tailles de rĂ©seaux et plus grandes portĂ©es de fibres. Ensuite, nous mettrons Ă  niveau notre dispositif expĂ©rimental pour dĂ©montrer un m PON avec 16 clients. Nous utilisons un laser Ă  modulation d'exploitation directement Ă  1 GHz pour gĂ©nĂ©rer les impulsions sonde. Les donnĂ©es mesurĂ©es par le dispositif expĂ©rimental est exploitĂ© par l'algorithme de MLSE Ă  dĂ©tecter et Ă  localiser les clients. Trois dĂ©ploiements PON diffĂ©rents sont rĂ©alisĂ©s. Nous dĂ©montrons une surveillance plus rigoureuse pour les rĂ©seaux ayant une rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique Ă  plusieurs niveaux. Nous Ă©tudions aussi le budget de la perte de notre dispositif de soutien plus Ă©levĂ©s de capacitĂ©s du rĂ©seau. Enfin, nous Ă©tudions le budget total admissible de la perte d'exploitation du systĂšme de surveillance dans la bande de frĂ©quences Ă  1650 nm en fonction des spĂ©cifications de l'Ă©metteur/rĂ©cepteur. En particulier, la limite totale de la perte de budget est reprĂ©sentĂ©e en fonction du gain de l'amplicateure de transimpĂ©dance (TIA) et le rĂ©solution de la conversion analogique-numĂ©rique (ADC). Par ailleurs, nous enquĂȘtons sur le compromis entre la distance portĂ©e et la capacitĂ© (taille de fractionnement au niveau du noeud distant) dans notre systĂšme de suivi

    Monitoring of passive optical networks utilising an optical coding technique

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    Passive Optical Networks (PONs) have become the most popular fibre based access networks over the last decade. They are widely deployed for use in Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) scenarios. PON is a point-to-multipoint connection (P2MP) between an optical line terminal (OLT) located at the central office (CO) and multiple optical network units (ONU) at the customer premises. The next generation of PONs (NG-PON) are likely to deploy a ring-and-spur long reach PON (LR-PON). NG-PON aims to accommodate more ONUs, extend the network coverage out to 100 km, minimize complexity and improve operational outcomes. An all fibre access network, operating over extended distances, presents a reliability risk, thereby increasing the need for a reliable and cost-effective monitoring system to enhance protection and reduce restoration time. Among existing monitoring techniques, attention is focused on approaches that use optical code division multiplexing (OCDM), also known as optical coding (OC). The OC is applied to a signal that is sent from the network management system (NMS) to the ONUs. The monitoring signal is transmitted onto a fibre and split into a number of sub-signals that are equal in number to the ONUs. Each one of the ONUs receives a sub-signal, encodes it, and then reflects it back to the NMS. The NMS has the capability to identify faulty ONUs by examining the code received from the ONUs. A review of the literature has shown that the use of OCs does improve system performance, especially in the timely detection of faults. Many of the studies, found in the literature, focus on how to implement optical spreading codes that are used in OCDM Access (OCDMA) systems and currently the optical orthogonal code (OOC) is the dominant code implemented for time-domain coding. Although the OOC code performs well, its construction is relatively complex. The available code-words (cardinality) that are offered by OOC are proportional to the code length. Implementing OOC in a high capacity PON requires a long code length causes an inevitable degradation of system performance. Therefore, an improved optical coding technique for PONs should provide code-words that conform to PON split ratios. The main objective of the research was to develop an optical spreading code, based on a prime code family for OCDMA systems, that has the capability to accommodate different PON split ratios and with characteristics that improve transmission system performance when compared to existing prime code families. The novel code presented in this thesis is identified as the extended grouped new modified prime code (EG-nMPC). The number of code-words generated by the proposed codes are substantially higher than those generated by the existing code families and more compatible to the different PON splitting ratios. In addition, with a low code weight, both power consumption and hardware complexity decreases. The code performance was evaluated using mathematical models for two transmission formats - pulse position modulation (PPM) and on-off keying (OOK) modulation. The performance of EG-nMPC was compared to other prime codes, and the results show that the proposed code improves the performance of OCDMA in terms of bit-error rate (BER). As PON is a point-to-multipoint connection oriented access network, downstream traffic is encrypted and broadcast to all ONUs, while the unencrypted upstream traffic from each ONU terminal occurs in a burst mode. The OLT carries out a ranging process to determine transmission delays between ONUs, to prevent collisions between the burst mode traffic from each of the ONUs. In this research, the burst mode traffic ranging process has been replicated in the monitoring system, with this replication providing a fixed equalization delay time for the monitoring transmissions. To investigate the ring-and-spur LR-PON reliability several protection architectures were evaluated, in term of cost and availability, to determine the optimal protection architecture. In this thesis, the reliability parameter Failure Impact Robustness (FIR), has been used to calculate the failure impact of the different components in ring-and-spur LR-PON, hence selecting the optimal protection scheme. A PON-based optical communication system model was developed and the proposed EG-nMPC code was incorporated. Fibre split ratios of 32, 64 and 128, were considered in this study. The simulation results show that the EG-nMPC code improves the performance, efficiency and accuracy of the PON transmission monitoring system. To conclude, this research aims to enhance the PON performance by a fast detection of the fault and quick restoration. This research has contributed to knowledge by identifying a new and novel spreading code that is compatible with the different PON splitting ratios for OC monitoring techniques. By using the ranging process, a fixed equalization delay time has been assigned to each ONU to manage the upstream burst traffic. The spreading code has been implemented in a real-time simulation to show the status of each fibre link. The implementation was carried out based on 1-D tree topology system. However, the proposed EG-nMPC can be exploited to enable network monitoring that is based on hybrid 1D/2D coding. This coding is complementary with the structure of LR-PON as explained in section ‎8.2.3. In addition, with the use of the FIR parameter for the different components in the ring-and-spur architecture, an optimal protection scheme for both OLT and the ring (feeder fibre), has been nominated. This protection scheme ensures that protection, availability and cost are at their optimal values

    Reconfigurable High Performance Secured NoC Design Using Hierarchical Agent-based Monitoring System

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    With the rapid increase in demand for high performance computing, there is also a significant growth of data communication that leads to leverage the significance of network on chip. This paper proposes a reconfigurable fault tolerant on chip architecture with hierarchical agent based monitoring system for enhancing the performance of network based multiprocessor system on chip against faulty links and nodes. These distributed agents provide healthy status and congestion information of the network. This status information is used for further packet routing in the network with the help of XY routing algorithm. The functionality of Agent is enhanced not only to work as information provider but also to take decision for packet to either pass or stop to the processing element by setting the firewall in order to provide security. Proposed design provides a better performance and area optimization by avoiding deadlock and live lock as compared to existing approaches over network design

    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Strategic Location Planning for Broadband Access Networks under Cooperative Transmission

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    To achieve a cost-effective network deployment, employing state-of-art technical advances provides a practical and effective way to enhance system performance and quality of service provisioning. Cooperative transmission has been recognized as one of the most effective paradigms to achieve higher system performance in terms of lower bit-error rate, higher throughput, larger coverage, more efficient energy utilization, and higher network reliability. This dissertation studies the location planning for the deployment of broadband access networks and explores the great potential of cooperative transmission in the context of single-cell cooperative relaying and multi-cell cooperative transmission, respectively. The placement problem is investigated in two categories of network deployment environment, i.e., an existing wireless access network and a perspective broadband access network, respectively. In an existing wireless access network, to solve some practical problems such as the requirements of capacity enhancement and coverage extension, relay stations (RSs) are introduced in the network architecture. We propose two optimization frameworks with the design objectives of maximizing cell capacity and minimizing number of RSs for deployment, respectively. Mathematical formulations are provided to precisely capture the characteristics of the placement problems. The corresponding solution algorithms are developed to obtain the optimal (or near-optimal) results in polynomial time. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to validate the performance benefits due to RS placement and the computation efficiency of the proposed algorithms. To deploy a new metropolitan-area broadband access network, we explore the integration of passive optical network (PON) and wireless cooperative networks (WCN) under the multi-cell cooperative transmission technology. An optimization framework is provided to solve the problem of dimensioning and site planning. The issues of node placement, BS-user association, wireless bandwidth and power breakdown assignment are jointly considered in a single stage to achieve better performance. We also propose a solution to the complex optimization problem based on decomposition and linear approximation. Numerical analysis and case studies are conducted to verify the proposed framework. The results demonstrate the performance gains and economic benefits. Given a set of network parameters, the proposed optimization frameworks and solutions proposed in this dissertation can provide design guidelines for practical network deployment and cost estimations. And the constructed broadband access networks show a more cost-effective deployment by taking advantage of the cooperative transmission technology


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    Limitations of bus-based interconnections related to scalability, latency, bandwidth, and power consumption for supporting the related huge number of on-chip resources result in a communication bottleneck. These challenges can be efficiently addressed with the implementation of a network-on-chip (NoC) system. This book gives a detailed analysis of various on-chip communication architectures and covers different areas of NoCs such as potentials, architecture, technical challenges, optimization, design explorations, and research directions. In addition, it discusses current and future trends that could make an impactful and meaningful contribution to the research and design of on-chip communications and NoC systems

    Enabling Technology in Optical Fiber Communications: From Device, System to Networking

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    This book explores the enabling technology in optical fiber communications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art advances from fundamental theories, devices, and subsystems to networking applications as well as future perspectives of optical fiber communications. The topics cover include integrated photonics, fiber optics, fiber and free-space optical communications, and optical networking
