21 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant Hamiltonian laceability of Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees

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    AbstractA bipartite graph is Hamiltonian laceable if there exists a Hamiltonian path joining every pair of vertices that are in different parts of the graph. It is well known that Cay(Sn,B) is Hamiltonian laceable, where Sn is the symmetric group on {1,2,…,n} and B is a generating set consisting of transpositions of Sn. In this paper, we show that for any F⊆E(Cay(Sn,B)), if |F|≤n−3 and n≥4, then there exists a Hamiltonian path in Cay(Sn,B)−F joining every pair of vertices that are in different parts of the graph. The result is optimal with respect to the number of edge faults

    Fault-free longest paths in star networks with conditional link faults

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    AbstractThe star network, which belongs to the class of Cayley graphs, is one of the most versatile interconnection networks for parallel and distributed computing. In this paper, adopting the conditional fault model in which each node is assumed to be incident with two or more fault-free links, we show that an n-dimensional star network can tolerate up to 2n−7 link faults, and be strongly (fault-free) Hamiltonian laceable, where n≥4. In other words, we can embed a fault-free linear array of length n!−1 (n!−2) in an n-dimensional star network with up to 2n−7 link faults, if the two end nodes belong to different partite sets (the same partite set). The result is optimal with respect to the number of link faults tolerated. It is already known that under the random fault model, an n-dimensional star network can tolerate up to n−3 faulty links and be strongly Hamiltonian laceable, for n≥3

    Interconnection networks for parallel and distributed computing

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    Parallel computers are generally either shared-memory machines or distributed- memory machines. There are currently technological limitations on shared-memory architectures and so parallel computers utilizing a large number of processors tend tube distributed-memory machines. We are concerned solely with distributed-memory multiprocessors. In such machines, the dominant factor inhibiting faster global computations is inter-processor communication. Communication is dependent upon the topology of the interconnection network, the routing mechanism, the flow control policy, and the method of switching. We are concerned with issues relating to the topology of the interconnection network. The choice of how we connect processors in a distributed-memory multiprocessor is a fundamental design decision. There are numerous, often conflicting, considerations to bear in mind. However, there does not exist an interconnection network that is optimal on all counts and trade-offs have to be made. A multitude of interconnection networks have been proposed with each of these networks having some good (topological) properties and some not so good. Existing noteworthy networks include trees, fat-trees, meshes, cube-connected cycles, butterflies, Möbius cubes, hypercubes, augmented cubes, k-ary n-cubes, twisted cubes, n-star graphs, (n, k)-star graphs, alternating group graphs, de Bruijn networks, and bubble-sort graphs, to name but a few. We will mainly focus on k-ary n-cubes and (n, k)-star graphs in this thesis. Meanwhile, we propose a new interconnection network called augmented k-ary n- cubes. The following results are given in the thesis.1. Let k ≥ 4 be even and let n ≥ 2. Consider a faulty k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) in which the number of node faults f(_n) and the number of link faults f(_e) are such that f(_n) + f(_e) ≤ 2n - 2. We prove that given any two healthy nodes s and e of Q(^k_n), there is a path from s to e of length at least k(^n) - 2f(_n) - 1 (resp. k(^n) - 2f(_n) - 2) if the nodes s and e have different (resp. the same) parities (the parity of a node Q(^k_n) in is the sum modulo 2 of the elements in the n-tuple over 0, 1, ∙∙∙ , k - 1 representing the node). Our result is optimal in the sense that there are pairs of nodes and fault configurations for which these bounds cannot be improved, and it answers questions recently posed by Yang, Tan and Hsu, and by Fu. Furthermore, we extend known results, obtained by Kim and Park, for the case when n = 2.2. We give precise solutions to problems posed by Wang, An, Pan, Wang and Qu and by Hsieh, Lin and Huang. In particular, we show that Q(^k_n) is bi-panconnected and edge-bipancyclic, when k ≥ 3 and n ≥ 2, and we also show that when k is odd, Q(^k_n) is m-panconnected, for m = (^n(k - 1) + 2k - 6’ / ‘_2), and (k -1) pancyclic (these bounds are optimal). We introduce a path-shortening technique, called progressive shortening, and strengthen existing results, showing that when paths are formed using progressive shortening then these paths can be efficiently constructed and used to solve a problem relating to the distributed simulation of linear arrays and cycles in a parallel machine whose interconnection network is Q(^k_n) even in the presence of a faulty processor.3. We define an interconnection network AQ(^k_n) which we call the augmented k-ary n-cube by extending a k-ary n-cube in a manner analogous to the existing extension of an n-dimensional hypercube to an n-dimensional augmented cube. We prove that the augmented k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) has a number of attractive properties (in the context of parallel computing). For example, we show that the augmented k-ary n-cube Q(^k_n) - is a Cayley graph (and so is vertex-symmetric); has connectivity 4n - 2, and is such that we can build a set of 4n - 2 mutually disjoint paths joining any two distinct vertices so that the path of maximal length has length at most max{{n- l)k- (n-2), k + 7}; has diameter [(^k) / (_3)] + [(^k - 1) /( _3)], when n = 2; and has diameter at most (^k) / (_4) (n+ 1), for n ≥ 3 and k even, and at most [(^k)/ (_4) (n + 1) + (^n) / (_4), for n ^, for n ≥ 3 and k odd.4. We present an algorithm which given a source node and a set of n - 1 target nodes in the (n, k)-star graph S(_n,k) where all nodes are distinct, builds a collection of n - 1 node-disjoint paths, one from each target node to the source. The collection of paths output from the algorithm is such that each path has length at most 6k - 7, and the algorithm has time complexity O(k(^3)n(^4))

    Investigation of the robustness of star graph networks

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    The star interconnection network has been known as an attractive alternative to n-cube for interconnecting a large number of processors. It possesses many nice properties, such as vertex/edge symmetry, recursiveness, sublogarithmic degree and diameter, and maximal fault tolerance, which are all desirable when building an interconnection topology for a parallel and distributed system. Investigation of the robustness of the star network architecture is essential since the star network has the potential of use in critical applications. In this study, three different reliability measures are proposed to investigate the robustness of the star network. First, a constrained two-terminal reliability measure referred to as Distance Reliability (DR) between the source node u and the destination node I with the shortest distance, in an n-dimensional star network, Sn, is introduced to assess the robustness of the star network. A combinatorial analysis on DR especially for u having a single cycle is performed under different failure models (node, link, combined node/link failure). Lower bounds on the special case of the DR: antipode reliability, are derived, compared with n-cube, and shown to be more fault-tolerant than n-cube. The degradation of a container in a Sn having at least one operational optimal path between u and I is also examined to measure the system effectiveness in the presence of failures under different failure models. The values of MTTF to each transition state are calculated and compared with similar size containers in n-cube. Meanwhile, an upper bound under the probability fault model and an approximation under the fixed partitioning approach on the ( n-1)-star reliability are derived, and proved to be similarly accurate and close to the simulations results. Conservative comparisons between similar size star networks and n-cubes show that the star network is more robust than n-cube in terms of ( n-1)-network reliability

    Paired 2-disjoint path covers of burnt pancake graphs with faulty elements

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    The burnt pancake graph BPnBP_n is the Cayley graph of the hyperoctahedral group using prefix reversals as generators. Let {u,v}\{u,v\} and {x,y}\{x,y\} be any two pairs of distinct vertices of BPnBP_n for n≥4n\geq 4. We show that there are u−vu-v and x−yx-y paths whose vertices partition the vertex set of BPnBP_n even if BPnBP_n has up to n−4n-4 faulty elements. On the other hand, for every n≥3n\ge3 there is a set of n−2n-2 faulty edges or faulty vertices for which such a fault-free disjoint path cover does not exist.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Automorphisms generating disjoint Hamilton cycles in star graphs

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    In the first part of the thesis we define an automorphism φn for each star graph Stn of degree n − 1, which yields permutations of labels for the edges of Stn taken from the set of integers {1, . . . , bn/2c}. By decomposing these permutations into permutation cycles, we are able to identify edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles that are automorphic images of a known two-labelled Hamilton cycle H1 2(n) in Stn. Our main result is an improvement from the existing lower bound of bϕ(n)/10c to b2ϕ(n)/9c, where ϕ is Euler’s totient function, for the known number of edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in Stn for all odd integers n. For prime n, the improvement is from bn/8c to bn/5c. We extend this result to the cases when n is the power of a prime other than 3 and 7. The second part of the thesis studies ‘symmetric’ collections of edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in Stn, i.e. collections that comprise images of H1 2(n) under general label-mapping automorphisms. We show that, for all even n, there exists a symmetric collection of bϕ(n)/2c edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles, and Stn cannot have symmetric collections of greater than bϕ(n)/2c such cycles for any n. Thus, Stn is not symmetrically Hamilton decomposable if n is not prime. We also give cases of even n, in terms of Carmichael’s reduced totient function λ, for which ‘strongly’ symmetric collections of edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles, which are generated from H1 2(n) by a single automorphism, can and cannot attain the optimum bound bϕ(n)/2c for symmetric collections. In particular, we show that if n is a power of 2, then Stn has a spanning subgraph with more than half of the edges of Stn, which is strongly symmetrically Hamilton decomposable. For odd n, it remains an open problem as to whether the bϕ(n)/2c can be achieved for symmetric collections, but we are able to show that, for certain odd n, a ϕ(n)/4 bound is achievable and optimal for strongly symmetric collections. The search for edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in star graphs is important for the design of interconnection network topologies in computer science. All our results improve on the known bounds for numbers of any kind of edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in star graphs

    Combinatorial Structures in Hypercubes

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