4,537 research outputs found

    A Hierachical Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization in IMRT

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    Purpose: Current inverse planning methods for IMRT are limited because they are not designed to explore the trade-offs between the competing objectives between the tumor and normal tissues. Our goal was to develop an efficient multiobjective optimization algorithm that was flexible enough to handle any form of objective function and that resulted in a set of Pareto optimal plans. Methods: We developed a hierarchical evolutionary multiobjective algorithm designed to quickly generate a diverse Pareto optimal set of IMRT plans that meet all clinical constraints and reflect the trade-offs in the plans. The top level of the hierarchical algorithm is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). The genes of the individuals generated in the MOEA are the parameters that define the penalty function minimized during an accelerated deterministic IMRT optimization that represents the bottom level of the hierarchy. The MOEA incorporates clinical criteria to restrict the search space through protocol objectives and then uses Pareto optimality among the fitness objectives to select individuals. Results: Acceleration techniques implemented on both levels of the hierarchical algorithm resulted in short, practical runtimes for optimizations. The MOEA improvements were evaluated for example prostate cases with one target and two OARs. The modified MOEA dominated 11.3% of plans using a standard genetic algorithm package. By implementing domination advantage and protocol objectives, small diverse populations of clinically acceptable plans that were only dominated 0.2% by the Pareto front could be generated in a fraction of an hour. Conclusions: Our MOEA produces a diverse Pareto optimal set of plans that meet all dosimetric protocol criteria in a feasible amount of time. It optimizes not only beamlet intensities but also objective function parameters on a patient-specific basis

    PMGDA: A Preference-based Multiple Gradient Descent Algorithm

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    It is desirable in many multi-objective machine learning applications, such as multi-task learning with conflicting objectives and multi-objective reinforcement learning, to find a Pareto solution that can match a given preference of a decision maker. These problems are often large-scale with available gradient information but cannot be handled very well by the existing algorithms. To tackle this critical issue, this paper proposes a novel predict-and-correct framework for locating a Pareto solution that fits the preference of a decision maker. In the proposed framework, a constraint function is introduced in the search progress to align the solution with a user-specific preference, which can be optimized simultaneously with multiple objective functions. Experimental results show that our proposed method can efficiently find a particular Pareto solution under the demand of a decision maker for standard multiobjective benchmark, multi-task learning, and multi-objective reinforcement learning problems with more than thousands of decision variables. Code is available at: https://github.com/xzhang2523/pmgda. Our code is current provided in the pgmda.rar attached file and will be open-sourced after publication.

    Evolutionary Many-objective Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control: From General Optimization to Preference Articulation

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    Many real-world optimization problems have more than three objectives, which has triggered increasing research interest in developing efficient and effective evolutionary algorithms for solving many-objective optimization problems. However, most many-objective evolutionary algorithms have only been evaluated on benchmark test functions and few applied to real-world optimization problems. To move a step forward, this paper presents a case study of solving a many-objective hybrid electric vehicle controller design problem using three state-of-the-art algorithms, namely, a decomposition based evolutionary algorithm (MOEA/D), a non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm (NSGA-III), and a reference vector guided evolutionary algorithm (RVEA). We start with a typical setting aiming at approximating the Pareto front without introducing any user preferences. Based on the analyses of the approximated Pareto front, we introduce a preference articulation method and embed it in the three evolutionary algorithms for identifying solutions that the decision-maker prefers. Our experimental results demonstrate that by incorporating user preferences into many-objective evolutionary algorithms, we are not only able to gain deep insight into the trade-off relationships between the objectives, but also to achieve high-quality solutions reflecting the decision-maker’s preferences. In addition, our experimental results indicate that each of the three algorithms examined in this work has its unique advantages that can be exploited when applied to the optimization of real-world problems

    \u3ci\u3eI\u3c/i\u3e-optimal or \u3ci\u3eG\u3c/i\u3e-optimal: Do We Have to Choose?

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    When optimizing an experimental design for good prediction performance based on an assumed second order response surface model, it is common to focus on a single optimality criterion, either G-optimality, for best worst-case prediction precision, or I-optimality, for best average prediction precision. In this article, we illustrate how using particle swarm optimization to construct a Pareto front of non-dominated designs that balance these two criteria yields some highly desirable results. In most scenarios, there are designs that simultaneously perform well for both criteria. Seeing alternative designs that vary how they balance the performance of G- and I-efficiency provides experimenters with choices that allow selection of a better match for their study objectives. We provide an extensive repository of Pareto fronts with designs for 17 common experimental scenarios for 2 (design size N = 6 to 12), 3 (N = 10 to 16) and 4 (N = 15, 17, 20) experimental factors. These, when combined with a detailed strategy for how to efficiently analyze, assess, and select between alternatives, provide the reader with the tools to select the ideal design with a tailored balance between G- and I- optimality for their own experimental situations

    Balancing partner preferences for logistics costs and carbon footprint in a horizontal cooperation

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    Horizontal cooperation in logistics has gathered momentum in the last decade as a way to reach economic as well as environmental benefits. In the literature, these benefits are most often assessed through aggregation of demand and supply chain optimization of the partnership as a whole. However, such an approach ignores the individual preferences of the participating companies and forces them to agree on a unique coalition objective. Companies with different (potentially conflicting) preferences could improve their individual outcome by diverging from this joint solution. To account for companies preferences, we propose an optimization framework that integrates the individual partners’ interests directly in a cooperative model. The partners specify their preferences regarding the decrease of logistical costs versus reduced CO2 emissions. Doing so, all stakeholders are more likely to accept the solution, and the long-term viability of the collaboration is improved. First, we formulate a multi-objective, multi-partner location-inventory model. Second, we distinguish two approaches for solving it, each focusing primarily on one of these two dimensions. The result is a set of Pareto-optimal solutions that support the decision and negotiation process. Third, we propose and compare three different approaches to construct a unique solution which is fair and efficient for the coalition. Extensive numerical results not only confirm the potential of collaboration but, more importantly, also reveal valuable managerial insights on the effect of dissimilarities between partners with respect to size, geographical overlap and operational preferences

    Multi-objective optimisation of safety-critical hierarchical systems

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    Achieving high reliability, particularly in safety critical systems, is an important and often mandatory requirement. At the same time costs should be kept as low as possible. Finding an optimum balance between maximising a system's reliability and minimising its cost is a hard combinatorial problem. As the size and complexity of a system increases, so does the scale of the problem faced by the designers. To address these difficulties, meta-heuristics such as Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search algorithms have been applied in the past for automatically determining the optimal allocation of redundancies in a system as a mechanism for optimising the reliability and cost characteristics of that system. In all cases, simple reliability block diagrams with restrictive assumptions, such as failure independence and limited 2-state failure modes, were used for evaluating the reliability of the candidate designs produced by the various algorithms.This thesis argues that a departure from this restrictive evaluation model is possible by using a new model-based reliability evaluation technique called Hierachically Performed Hazard Origin and Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS). HiP-HOPS can overcome the limitations imposed by reliability block diagrams by providing automatic analysis of complex engineering models with multiple failure modes. The thesis demonstrates that, used as the fitness evaluating component of a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, HiP-HOPS can be used to solve the problem of redundancy allocation effectively and with relative efficiency. Furthermore, the ability of HiP-HOPS to model and automatically analyse complex engineering models, with multiple failure modes, allows the Genetic Algorithm to potentially optimise systems using more flexible strategies, not just series-parallel. The results of this thesis show the feasibility of the approach and point to a number of directions for future work to consider

    Multi-Objective GFlowNets

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    We study the problem of generating diverse candidates in the context of Multi-Objective Optimization. In many applications of machine learning such as drug discovery and material design, the goal is to generate candidates which simultaneously optimize a set of potentially conflicting objectives. Moreover, these objectives are often imperfect evaluations of some underlying property of interest, making it important to generate diverse candidates to have multiple options for expensive downstream evaluations. We propose Multi-Objective GFlowNets (MOGFNs), a novel method for generating diverse Pareto optimal solutions, based on GFlowNets. We introduce two variants of MOGFNs: MOGFN-PC, which models a family of independent sub-problems defined by a scalarization function, with reward-conditional GFlowNets, and MOGFN-AL, which solves a sequence of sub-problems defined by an acquisition function in an active learning loop. Our experiments on wide variety of synthetic and benchmark tasks demonstrate advantages of the proposed methods in terms of the Pareto performance and importantly, improved candidate diversity, which is the main contribution of this work.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures. ICML 2023. Code at: https://github.com/GFNOrg/multi-objective-gf

    Tour recommendation for groups

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    Consider a group of people who are visiting a major touristic city, such as NY, Paris, or Rome. It is reasonable to assume that each member of the group has his or her own interests or preferences about places to visit, which in general may differ from those of other members. Still, people almost always want to hang out together and so the following question naturally arises: What is the best tour that the group could perform together in the city? This problem underpins several challenges, ranging from understanding people’s expected attitudes towards potential points of interest, to modeling and providing good and viable solutions. Formulating this problem is challenging because of multiple competing objectives. For example, making the entire group as happy as possible in general conflicts with the objective that no member becomes disappointed. In this paper, we address the algorithmic implications of the above problem, by providing various formulations that take into account the overall group as well as the individual satisfaction and the length of the tour. We then study the computational complexity of these formulations, we provide effective and efficient practical algorithms, and, finally, we evaluate them on datasets constructed from real city data

    Effective and efficient algorithm for multiobjective optimization of hydrologic models

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    Practical experience with the calibration of hydrologic models suggests that any single-objective function, no matter how carefully chosen, is often inadequate to properly measure all of the characteristics of the observed data deemed to be important. One strategy to circumvent this problem is to define several optimization criteria (objective functions) that measure different (complementary) aspects of the system behavior and to use multicriteria optimization to identify the set of nondominated, efficient, or Pareto optimal solutions. In this paper, we present an efficient and effective Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler, entitled the Multiobjective Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis (MOSCEM) algorithm, which is capable of solving the multiobjective optimization problem for hydrologic models. MOSCEM is an improvement over the Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis (SCEM-UA) global optimization algorithm, using the concept of Pareto dominance (rather than direct single-objective function evaluation) to evolve the initial population of points toward a set of solutions stemming from a stable distribution (Pareto set). The efficacy of the MOSCEM-UA algorithm is compared with the original MOCOM-UA algorithm for three hydrologic modeling case studies of increasing complexity
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