3,622 research outputs found

    Fault tolerant architectures for integrated aircraft electronics systems

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    Work into possible architectures for future flight control computer systems is described. Ada for Fault-Tolerant Systems, the NETS Network Error-Tolerant System architecture, and voting in asynchronous systems are covered

    Multi-Atlas Segmentation using Partially Annotated Data: Methods and Annotation Strategies

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    Multi-atlas segmentation is a widely used tool in medical image analysis, providing robust and accurate results by learning from annotated atlas datasets. However, the availability of fully annotated atlas images for training is limited due to the time required for the labelling task. Segmentation methods requiring only a proportion of each atlas image to be labelled could therefore reduce the workload on expert raters tasked with annotating atlas images. To address this issue, we first re-examine the labelling problem common in many existing approaches and formulate its solution in terms of a Markov Random Field energy minimisation problem on a graph connecting atlases and the target image. This provides a unifying framework for multi-atlas segmentation. We then show how modifications in the graph configuration of the proposed framework enable the use of partially annotated atlas images and investigate different partial annotation strategies. The proposed method was evaluated on two Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) datasets for hippocampal and cardiac segmentation. Experiments were performed aimed at (1) recreating existing segmentation techniques with the proposed framework and (2) demonstrating the potential of employing sparsely annotated atlas data for multi-atlas segmentation

    A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Ordering Service for the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform

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    Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a flexible permissioned blockchain platform designed for business applications beyond the basic digital coin addressed by Bitcoin and other existing networks. A key property of HLF is its extensibility, and in particular the support for multiple ordering services for building the blockchain. Nonetheless, the version 1.0 was launched in early 2017 without an implementation of a Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) ordering service. To overcome this limitation, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a BFT ordering service for HLF on top of the BFT-SMaRt state machine replication/consensus library, implementing also optimizations for wide-area deployment. Our results show that HLF with our ordering service can achieve up to ten thousand transactions per second and write a transaction irrevocably in the blockchain in half a second, even with peers spread in different continents

    Adaptive Experimental Design Using the Propensity Score

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    Many social experiments are run in multiple waves, or are replications of earlier social experiments. In principle, the sampling design can be modified in later stages or replications to allow for more efficient estimation of causal effects. We consider the design of a two-stage experiment for estimating an average treatment effect, when covariate information is available for experimental subjects. We use data from the first stage to choose a conditional treatment assignment rule for units in the second stage of the experiment. This amounts to choosing the propensity score, the conditional probability of treatment given covariates. We propose to select the propensity score to minimize the asymptotic variance bound for estimating the average treatment effect. Our procedure can be implemented simply using standard statistical software and has attractive large-sample properties.experimental design, propensity score, efficiency bound

    Adaptive Experimental Design Using the Propensity Score

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    Many social experiments are run in multiple waves, or are replications of earlier social experiments. In principle, the sampling design can be modified in later stages or replications to allow for more efficient estimation of causal effects. We consider the design of a two-stage experiment for estimating an average treatment effect, when covariate information is available for experimental subjects. We use data from the first stage to choose a conditional treatment assignment rule for units in the second stage of the experiment. This amounts to choosing the propensity score, the conditional probability of treatment given covariates. We propose to select the propensity score to minimize the asymptotic variance bound for estimating the average treatment effect. Our procedure can be implemented simply using standard statistical software and has attractive large-sample properties.

    Byzantine state machine replication for the masses

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018The state machine replication technique is a popular approach for building Byzantine fault-tolerant services. However, despite the widespread adoption of this paradigm for crash fault-tolerant systems, there are still few examples of this paradigm for real Byzantine fault-tolerant systems. Our view of this situation is that there is a lack of robust implementations of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication middleware, and that the performance penalty is too high, specially for geo-replication. These hindrances are tightly coupled to the distributed protocols used for enforcing such resilience. This thesis has the objective of finding methodologies for enhancing robustness and performance of state machine replication systems. The first contribution is Mod-SMaRt, a modular protocol that preserves optimal latency in terms of the communications steps exchanged among processes. By being a modular protocol, it becomes simpler to validate and implement, thus resulting in greater robustness; by also preserving optimal message-exchanges among processes, the protocol is capable of delivering desirable performance. The second contribution is concerned with implementing Mod-SMaRt into BFTSMART, a reliable and high-performance codebase that was maintained and improved over the entire course of the PhD that offers multicore-awareness, reconfiguration support, and a flexible API. The third contribution presents WHEAT, a protocol derived from Mod-SMaRt that uses optimizations shown to be effective in reducing latency via a practical evaluation conducted in a geo distributed environment. We additionally conducted an evaluation of both BFT-SMART and WHEAT applied to a relational database middleware and an ordering service for a permissioned blockchain platform. These evaluations revealed encouraging results for both systems and validated our work conducted in the geo-distributed context.A técnica de replicação máquina de estados é um paradigma popular usado em vários sistemas distribuídos modernos. No entanto, apesar da adoção deste paradigma em sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas por paragem, ainda existem poucos exemplos de sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas bizantinas. Segundo a nossa experiência nesta área de investigação, isto deve-se ao fato de existirem poucas concretizações robustas para replicação máquina de estados tolerante a faltas bizantinas, assim como uma perda de desempenho demasiado elevada, especialmente em ambientes geo-replicados. A razão fundamental para a existência destes obstáculos vem dos protocolos distribuídos necessários para assegurar este tipo de resiliência. Esta tese tem como objetivo explorar metodologias para a robustez e eficiência da replicação máquina de estados. A primeira contribuição da tese é o algoritmo Mod-SMaRt, um protocolo modular que preserva latência ótima em termos de passos de comunicação executados pelos processos. Sendo um protocolo modular, torna-se mais simples de validar e concretizar, o que resulta em maior robustez; ao preservar troca de mensagens ótima entre processos, também é capaz de entregar um desempenho desejável. A segunda contribuição consiste em concretizar o protocolo Mod SMaRt na ferramenta BFT-SMART, uma biblioteca fiável de alto desempenho, mantida e melhorada ao longo de todo o período correspondente ao doutoramento, capaz de suportar arquiteturas multi-núcleo, reconfiguração do grupo de réplicas, e uma API de programação flexível. A terceira contribuição consiste em um protocolo derivado do Mod-SMaRt designado WHEAT, que usa otimizações que demostraram serem eficientes na redução da latência segundo uma avaliação prática em ambiente geo-replicado. Adicionalmente, foram também realizadas avaliações de ambos os protocolos quando aplicados num middleware para base de dados relacionais, e num serviço de ordenação para uma plataforma blockchain. Ambas as avaliações revelam resultados encorajadores para ambos os sistemas e validam o trabalho realizado em contexto geo-distribuído.Projeto IRCoC (PTDC/EEI-SCR/6970/2014); Comissão Europeia, FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development), projetos FP7/2007-2013, ICT-25724

    Throughput optimization for micro-factories subject to task and machine failures

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    In this paper, we study the problem of optimizing the throughput for micro-factories subject to failures. The challenge is to map several tasks of different types onto a set of machines. The originality of our approach is the failure model for such applications in which not only the machines are subject to failures but the reliability of a task may depend on its type. The failure rate is unrelated: a probability of failure is associated to each couple (task type, machine). We consider different kind of mappings: in one-to-one mappings, each machine can process only a single task, while several tasks of the same type can be processed by the same machine in specialized mappings. Finally, general mappings have no constraints. The optimal one-to-one mapping can be found in polynomial time for particular problem instances, but the problem is NP- hard in most of the cases. For the most realistic case of specialized mappings, which turns out to be NP-hard, we design several polynomial time heuristics and a linear program allows us to find the optimal solution (in exponential time) for small problem instances. Experimental results show that the best heuristics obtain a good throughput, much better than the throughput achieved with a random mapping. Moreover, we obtain a throughput close to the optimal solution in the particular cases where the optimal throughput can be computed