3,568 research outputs found

    Analysis of Bidirectional Associative Memory using SCSNA and Statistical Neurodynamics

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    Bidirectional associative memory (BAM) is a kind of an artificial neural network used to memorize and retrieve heterogeneous pattern pairs. Many efforts have been made to improve BAM from the the viewpoint of computer application, and few theoretical studies have been done. We investigated the theoretical characteristics of BAM using a framework of statistical-mechanical analysis. To investigate the equilibrium state of BAM, we applied self-consistent signal to noise analysis (SCSNA) and obtained a macroscopic parameter equations and relative capacity. Moreover, to investigate not only the equilibrium state but also the retrieval process of reaching the equilibrium state, we applied statistical neurodynamics to the update rule of BAM and obtained evolution equations for the macroscopic parameters. These evolution equations are consistent with the results of SCSNA in the equilibrium state.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A study of pattern recovery in recurrent correlation associative memories

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    In this paper, we analyze the recurrent correlation associative memory (RCAM) model of Chiueh and Goodman. This is an associative memory in which stored binary memory patterns are recalled via an iterative update rule. The update of the individual pattern-bits is controlled by an excitation function, which takes as its arguement the inner product between the stored memory patterns and the input patterns. Our contribution is to analyze the dynamics of pattern recall when the input patterns are corrupted by noise of a relatively unrestricted class. We make three contributions. First, we show how to identify the excitation function which maximizes the separation (the Fisher discriminant) between the uncorrupted realization of the noisy input pattern and the remaining patterns residing in the memory. Moreover, we show that the excitation function which gives maximum separation is exponential when the input bit-errors follow a binomial distribution. Our second contribution is to develop an expression for the expectation value of bit-error probability on the input pattern after one iteration. We show how to identify the excitation function which minimizes the bit-error probability. However, there is no closed-form solution and the excitation function must be recovered numerically. The relationship between the excitation functions which result from the two different approaches is examined for a binomial distribution of bit-errors. The final contribution is to develop a semiempirical approach to the modeling of the dynamics of the RCAM. This provides us with a numerical means of predicting the recall error rate of the memory. It also allows us to develop an expression for the storage capacity for a given recall error rate

    Optimal learning rules for discrete synapses

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    There is evidence that biological synapses have a limited number of discrete weight states. Memory storage with such synapses behaves quite differently from synapses with unbounded, continuous weights, as old memories are automatically overwritten by new memories. Consequently, there has been substantial discussion about how this affects learning and storage capacity. In this paper, we calculate the storage capacity of discrete, bounded synapses in terms of Shannon information. We use this to optimize the learning rules and investigate how the maximum information capacity depends on the number of synapses, the number of synaptic states, and the coding sparseness. Below a certain critical number of synapses per neuron (comparable to numbers found in biology), we find that storage is similar to unbounded, continuous synapses. Hence, discrete synapses do not necessarily have lower storage capacity

    Non-Convex Multi-species Hopfield models

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    In this work we introduce a multi-species generalization of the Hopfield model for associative memory, where neurons are divided into groups and both inter-groups and intra-groups pair-wise interactions are considered, with different intensities. Thus, this system contains two of the main ingredients of modern Deep neural network architectures: Hebbian interactions to store patterns of information and multiple layers coding different levels of correlations. The model is completely solvable in the low-load regime with a suitable generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi technique, despite the Hamiltonian can be a non-definite quadratic form of the magnetizations. The family of multi-species Hopfield model includes, as special cases, the 3-layers Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) with Gaussian hidden layer and the Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) model.Comment: This is a pre-print of an article published in J. Stat. Phy

    Sparse neural networks with large learning diversity

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    Coded recurrent neural networks with three levels of sparsity are introduced. The first level is related to the size of messages, much smaller than the number of available neurons. The second one is provided by a particular coding rule, acting as a local constraint in the neural activity. The third one is a characteristic of the low final connection density of the network after the learning phase. Though the proposed network is very simple since it is based on binary neurons and binary connections, it is able to learn a large number of messages and recall them, even in presence of strong erasures. The performance of the network is assessed as a classifier and as an associative memory

    Probabilistic Quantum Memories

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    Typical address-oriented computer memories cannot recognize incomplete or noisy information. Associative (content-addressable) memories solve this problem but suffer from severe capacity shortages. I propose a model of a quantum memory that solves both problems. The storage capacity is exponential in the number of qbits and thus optimal. The retrieval mechanism for incomplete or noisy inputs is probabilistic, with postselection of the measurement result. The output is determined by a probability distribution on the memory which is peaked around the stored patterns closest in Hamming distance to the input.Comment: Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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