4,129 research outputs found

    A Deep Learning Approach to Geographical Candidate Selection through Toponym Matching

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    Recognizing toponyms and resolving them to their real-world referents is required to provide advanced semantic access to textual data. This process is often hindered by the high degree of variation in toponyms. Candidate selection is the task of identifying the potential entities that can be referred to by a previously recognized toponym. While it has traditionally received little attention, candidate selection has a significant impact on downstream tasks (i.e. entity resolution), especially in noisy or non-standard text. In this paper, we introduce a deep learning method for candidate selection through toponym matching, using state-of-the-art neural network architectures. We perform an intrinsic toponym matching evaluation based on several datasets, which cover various challenging scenarios (cross-lingual and regional variations, as well as OCR errors) and assess its performance in the context of geographical candidate selection in English and Spanish. </p

    Named entity disambiguation at scale

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    Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) is a crucial task in many Natural Language Processing applications such as entity linking, record linkage, knowledge base construction, or relation extraction, to name a few. The task in NED is to map textual variations of a named entity to its formal name. It has been shown that parameterless models for NED do not generalize to other domains very well. On the other hand, parametric learning models do not scale well when the number of formal names expands above the order of thousands or more. To tackle this problem, we propose a deep architecture with superior performance on NED and introduce a strategy to scale it to hundreds of thousands of formal names. Our experiments on several datasets for alias detection demonstrate that our system is capable of obtaining superior results with a large margin compared to other state-of-the-art systems

    City2City: Translating Place Representations across Cities

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    Large mobility datasets collected from various sources have allowed us to observe, analyze, predict and solve a wide range of important urban challenges. In particular, studies have generated place representations (or embeddings) from mobility patterns in a similar manner to word embeddings to better understand the functionality of different places within a city. However, studies have been limited to generating such representations of cities in an individual manner and has lacked an inter-city perspective, which has made it difficult to transfer the insights gained from the place representations across different cities. In this study, we attempt to bridge this research gap by treating \textit{cities} and \textit{languages} analogously. We apply methods developed for unsupervised machine language translation tasks to translate place representations across different cities. Real world mobility data collected from mobile phone users in 2 cities in Japan are used to test our place representation translation methods. Translated place representations are validated using landuse data, and results show that our methods were able to accurately translate place representations from one city to another.Comment: A short 4-page version of this work was accepted in ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference 2019. This is the full version with details. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. AC

    Using deep learning to detect digitally encoded DNA trigger for Trojan malware in Bio‑Cyber attacks

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    This article uses Deep Learning technologies to safeguard DNA sequencing against Bio-Cyber attacks. We consider a hybrid attack scenario where the payload is encoded into a DNA sequence to activate a Trojan malware implanted in a software tool used in the sequencing pipeline in order to allow the perpetrators to gain control over the resources used in that pipeline during sequence analysis. The scenario considered in the paper is based on perpetrators submitting synthetically engineered DNA samples that contain digitally encoded IP address and port number of the perpetrator’s machine in the DNA. Genetic analysis of the sample’s DNA will decode the address that is used by the software Trojan malware to activate and trigger a remote connection. This approach can open up to multiple perpetrators to create connections to hijack the DNA sequencing pipeline. As a way of hiding the data, the perpetrators can avoid detection by encoding the address to maximise similarity with genuine DNAs, which we showed previously. However, in this paper we show how Deep Learning can be used to successfully detect and identify the trigger encoded data, in order to protect a DNA sequencing pipeline from Trojan attacks. The result shows nearly up to 100% accuracy in detection in such a novel Trojan attack scenario even after applying fragmentation encryption and steganography on the encoded trigger data. In addition, feasibility of designing and synthesizing encoded DNA for such Trojan payloads is validated by a wet lab experiment

    Metrics of Graph-Based Meaning Representations with Applications from Parsing Evaluation to Explainable NLG Evaluation and Semantic Search

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    "Who does what to whom?" The goal of a graph-based meaning representation (in short: MR) is to represent the meaning of a text in a structured format. With an MR, we can explicate the meaning of a text, describe occurring events and entities, and their semantic relations. Thus, a metric of MRs would measure a distance (or similarity) between MRs. We believe that such a meaning-focused similarity measurement can be useful for several important AI tasks, for instance, testing the capability of systems to produce meaningful output (system evaluation), or when searching for similar texts (information retrieval). Moreover, due to the natural explicitness of MRs, we hypothesize that MR metrics could provide us with valuable explainability of their similarity measurement. Indeed, if texts reside in a space where their meaning has been isolated and structured, we might directly see in which aspects two texts are actually similar (or dissimilar). However, we find that there is not much previous work on MR metrics, and thus we lack fundamental knowledge about them and their potential applications. Therefore, we make first steps to explore MR metrics and MR spaces, focusing on two key goals: 1. Develop novel and generally applicable methods for conducting similarity measurements in the space of MRs; 2. Explore potential applications that can profit from similarity assessments in MR spaces, including, but (by far) not limited to, their "classic" purpose of evaluating the quality of a text-to-MR system against a reference (aka parsing evaluation). We start by analyzing contributions from previous works that have proposed MR metrics for parsing evaluation. Then, we move beyond this restricted setup and start to develop novel and more general MR metrics based on i) insights from our analysis of the previous parsing evaluation metrics and ii) our motivation to extend MR metrics to similarity assessment of natural language texts. To empirically evaluate and assess our generalized MR metrics, and to open the door for future improvements, we propose the first benchmark of MR metrics. With our benchmark, we can study MR metrics through the lens of multiple metric-objectives such as sentence similarity and robustness. Then, we investigate novel applications of MR metrics. First, we explore new ways of applying MR metrics to evaluate systems that produce i) text from MRs (MR-to-text evaluation) and ii) MRs from text (MR parsing). We call our new setting MR projection-based, since we presume that one MR (at least) is unobserved and needs to be approximated. An advantage of such projection-based MR metric methods is that we can ablate a costly human reference. Notably, when visiting the MR-to-text scenario, we touch on a much broader application scenario for MR metrics: explainable MR-grounded evaluation of text generation systems. Moving steadily towards the application of MR metrics to general text similarity, we study MR metrics for measuring the meaning similarity of natural language arguments, which is an important task in argument mining, a new and surging area of natural language processing (NLP). In particular, we show that MRs and MR metrics can support an explainable and unsupervised argument similarity analysis and inform us about the quality of argumentative conclusions. Ultimately, we seek even more generality and are also interested in practical aspects such as efficiency. To this aim, we distill our insights from our hitherto explorations into MR metric spaces into an explainable state-of-the-art machine learning model for semantic search, a task for which we would like to achieve high accuracy and great efficiency. To this aim, we develop a controllable metric distillation approach that can explain how the similarity decisions in the neural text embedding space are modulated through interpretable features, while maintaining all efficiency and accuracy (sometimes improving it) of a high-performance neural semantic search method. This is an important contribution, since it shows i) that we can alleviate the efficiency bottleneck of computationally costly MR graph metrics and, vice versa, ii) that MR metrics can help mitigate a crucial limitation of large "black box" neural methods by eliciting explanations for decisions

    A Hybrid Templated-Based Composite Classification System

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    An automatic target classification system contains a classifier which reads a feature as an input and outputs a class label. Typically, the feature is a vector of real numbers. Other features can be non-numeric, such as a string of symbols or alphabets. One method of improving the performance of an automatic classification system is through combining two or more independent classifiers that are complementary in nature. Complementary classifiers are observed by finding an optimal method for partitioning the problem space. For example, the individual classifiers may operate to identify specific objects. Another method may be to use classifiers that operate on different features. We propose a design for a hybrid composite classification system, which exploits both real-numbered and non-numeric features with a template matching classification scheme. This composite classification system is made up of two independent classification systems.These two independent classification systems, which receive input from two separate sensors are then combined over various fusion methods for the purpose of target identification. By using these two separate classifiers, we explore conditions that allow the two techniques to be complementary in nature, thus improving the overall performance of the classification system. We examine various fusion techniques, in search of the technique that generates the best results. We investigate different parameter spaces and fusion rules on example problems to demonstrate our classification system. Our examples consider various application areas to help further demonstrate the utility of our classifier. Optimal classifier performance is obtained using a mathematical framework, which takes into account decision variables based on decision-maker preferences and/or engineering specifications, depending upon the classification problem at hand
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