6,196 research outputs found

    Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, we explore the physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks with multiple relays where both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols are considered. We propose the AF and DF based optimal relay selection (i.e., AFbORS and DFbORS) schemes to improve the wireless security against eavesdropping attack. For the purpose of comparison, we examine the traditional AFbORS and DFbORS schemes, denoted by T-AFbORS and TDFbORS, respectively. We also investigate a so-called multiple relay combining (MRC) framework and present the traditional AF and DF based MRC schemes, called T-AFbMRC and TDFbMRC, where multiple relays participate in forwarding the source signal to destination which then combines its received signals from the multiple relays. We derive closed-form intercept probability expressions of the proposed AFbORS and DFbORS (i.e., P-AFbORS and P-DFbORS) as well as the T-AFbORS, TDFbORS, T-AFbMRC and T-DFbMRC schemes in the presence of eavesdropping attack. We further conduct an asymptotic intercept probability analysis to evaluate the diversity order performance of relay selection schemes and show that no matter which relaying protocol is considered (i.e., AF and DF), the traditional and proposed optimal relay selection approaches both achieve the diversity order M where M represents the number of relays. In addition, numerical results show that for both AF and DF protocols, the intercept probability performance of proposed optimal relay selection is strictly better than that of the traditional relay selection and multiple relay combining methods.Comment: 13 page

    Wireless Device Authentication Techniques Using Physical-Layer Device Fingerprint

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    Due to the open nature of the radio signal propagation medium, wireless communication is inherently more vulnerable to various attacks than wired communication. Consequently, communication security is always one of the critical concerns in wireless networks. Given that the sophisticated adversaries may cover up their malicious behaviors through impersonation of legitimate devices, reliable wireless authentication is becoming indispensable to prevent such impersonation-based attacks through verification of the claimed identities of wireless devices. Conventional wireless authentication is achieved above the physical layer using upper-layer identities and key-based cryptography. As a result, user authenticity can even be validated for the malicious attackers using compromised security key. Recently, many studies have proven that wireless devices can be authenticated by exploiting unique physical-layer characteristics. Compared to the key-based approach, the possession of such physical-layer characteristics is directly associated with the transceiver\u27s unique radio-frequency hardware and corresponding communication environment, which are extremely difficult to forge in practice. However, the reliability of physical-layer authentication is not always high enough. Due to the popularity of cooperative communications, effective implementation of physical-layer authentication in wireless relay systems is urgently needed. On the other hand, the integration with existing upper-layer authentication protocols still has many challenges, e.g., end-to-end authentication. This dissertation is motivated to develop novel physical-layer authentication techniques in addressing the aforementioned challenges. In achieving enhanced wireless authentication, we first specifically identify the technique challenges in authenticating cooperative amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. Since AF relay only works at the physical layer, all of the existing upper-layer authentication protocols are ineffective in identifying AF relay nodes. To solve this problem, a novel device fingerprint of AF relay consisting of wireless channel gains and in-phase and quadrature imbalances (IQI) is proposed. Using this device fingerprint, satisfactory authentication accuracy is achieved when the signal-to-noise ratio is high enough. Besides, the optimal AF relay identification system is studied to maximize the performance of identifying multiple AF relays in the low signal-to-noise regime and small IQI. The optimal signals for quadrature amplitude modulation and phase shift keying modulations are derived to defend against the repeated access attempts made by some attackers with specific IQIs. Exploring effective authentication enhancement technique is another key objective of this dissertation. Due to the fast variation of channel-based fingerprints as well as the limited range of device-specific fingerprints, the performance of physical-layer authentication is not always reliable. In light of this, the physical-layer authentication is enhanced in two aspects. On the one hand, the device fingerprinting can be strengthened by considering multiple characteristics. The proper characteristics selection strategy, measurement method and optimal weighted combination of the selected characteristics are investigated. On the other hand, the accuracy of fingerprint estimation and differentiation can be improved by exploiting diversity techniques. To be specific, cooperative diversity in the form of involving multiple collaborative receivers is used in differentiating both frequency-dependent and frequency-independent device fingerprints. As a typical combining method of the space diversity techniques, the maximal-ratio combining is also applied in the receiver side to combat the channel degeneration effect and increase the fingerprint-to-noise ratio. Given the inherent weaknesses of the widely utilized upper-layer authentication protocols, it is straightforward to consider physical-layer authentication as an effective complement to reinforce existing authentication schemes. To this end, a cross-layer authentication is designed to seamlessly integrate the physical-layer authentication with existing infrastructures and protocols. The specific problems such as physical-layer key generation as well as the end-to-end authentication in networks are investigated. In addition, the authentication complexity reduction is also studied. Through prediction, pre-sharing and reusing the physical-layer information, the authentication processing time can be significantly shortened

    Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks: Design and Enhancement.

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    PhDSecurity and privacy have become increasingly significant concerns in wireless communication networks, due to the open nature of the wireless medium which makes the wireless transmission vulnerable to eavesdropping and inimical attacking. The emergence and development of decentralized and ad-hoc wireless networks pose great challenges to the implementation of higher-layer key distribution and management in practice. Against this background, physical layer security has emerged as an attractive approach for performing secure transmission in a low complexity manner. This thesis concentrates on physical layer security design and enhancement in wireless networks. First, this thesis presents a new unifying framework to analyze the average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability. Besides the exact average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability, a new approach for analyzing the asymptotic behavior is proposed to compute key performance parameters such as high signal-to-noise ratio slope, power offset, secrecy diversity order, and secrecy array gain. Typical fading environments such as two-wave with diffuse power and Nakagami-m are taken into account. Second, an analytical framework of using antenna selection schemes to achieve secrecy is provided. In particular, transmit antenna selection and generalized selection combining are considered including its special cases of selection combining and maximal-ratio combining. Third, the fundamental questions surrounding the joint impact of power constraints on the cognitive wiretap channel are addressed. Important design insights are revealed regarding the interplay between two power constraints, namely the maximum transmit at the secondary network and the peak interference power at the primary network. Fourth, secure single carrier transmission is considered in the two-hop decode-andi forward relay networks. A two-stage relay and destination selection is proposed to minimize the eavesdropping and maximize the signal power of the link between the relay and the destination. In two-hop amplify-and-forward untrusted relay networks, secrecy may not be guaranteed even in the absence of external eavesdroppers. As such, cooperative jamming with optimal power allocation is proposed to achieve non-zero secrecy rate. Fifth and last, physical layer security in large-scale wireless sensor networks is introduced. A stochastic geometry approach is adopted to model the positions of sensors, access points, sinks, and eavesdroppers. Two scenarios are considered: i) the active sensors transmit their sensing data to the access points, and ii) the active access points forward the data to the sinks. Important insights are concluded

    Principles of Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical-layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wireless communication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems, followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multiple-access, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical-layer message authentication is also introduced briefly. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 303 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.1609 by other authors. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 201

    Intercept Probability Analysis of Cooperative Wireless Networks with Best Relay Selection in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless medium, wireless communication is extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping attack. Physical-layer security is emerging as a new paradigm to prevent the eavesdropper from interception by exploiting the physical characteristics of wireless channels, which has recently attracted a lot of research attentions. In this paper, we consider the physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks with multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays and investigate the best relay selection in the presence of eavesdropping attack. For the comparison purpose, we also examine the conventional direct transmission without relay and traditional max-min relay selection. We derive closed-form intercept probability expressions of the direct transmission, traditional max-min relay selection, and proposed best relay selection schemes in Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results show that the proposed best relay selection scheme strictly outperforms the traditional direct transmission and max-min relay selection schemes in terms of intercept probability. In addition, as the number of relays increases, the intercept probabilities of both traditional max-min relay selection and proposed best relay selection schemes decrease significantly, showing the advantage of exploiting multiple relays against eavesdropping attack.Comment: 5 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.081

    Enhancing Physical Layer Security in AF Relay Assisted Multi-Carrier Wireless Transmission

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    In this paper, we study the physical layer security (PLS) problem in the dual hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless communication system. First, we consider a single user single relay system and study a joint power optimization problem at the source and relay subject to individual power constraint at the two nodes. The aim is to maximize the end to end secrecy rate with optimal power allocation over different sub-carriers. Later, we consider a more general multi-user multi-relay scenario. Under high SNR approximation for end to end secrecy rate, an optimization problem is formulated to jointly optimize power allocation at the BS, the relay selection, sub-carrier assignment to users and the power loading at each of the relaying node. The target is to maximize the overall security of the system subject to independent power budget limits at each transmitting node and the OFDMA based exclusive sub-carrier allocation constraints. A joint optimization solution is obtained through duality theory. Dual decomposition allows to exploit convex optimization techniques to find the power loading at the source and relay nodes. Further, an optimization for power loading at relaying nodes along with relay selection and sub carrier assignment for the fixed power allocation at the BS is also studied. Lastly, a sub-optimal scheme that explores joint power allocation at all transmitting nodes for the fixed subcarrier allocation and relay assignment is investigated. Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed schemes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), formerly known as European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT

    Performance enhancement solutions in wireless communication networks

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    In this dissertation thesis, we study the new relaying protocols for different wireless network systems. We analyze and evaluate an efficiency of the transmission in terms of the outage probability over Rayleigh fading channels by mathematical analyses. The theoretical analyses are verified by performing Monte Carlo simulations. First, we study the cooperative relaying in the Two-Way Decode-and-Forward (DF) and multi-relay DF scheme for a secondary system to obtain spectrum access along with a primary system. In particular, we proposed the Two-Way DF scheme with Energy Harvesting, and the Two-Way DF Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) scheme with digital network coding. Besides, we also investigate the wireless systems with multi-relay; the best relay selection is presented to optimize the effect of the proposed scheme. The transmission protocols of the proposed schemes EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) and EHDF (Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) are compared together in the same environment and in term of outage probability. Hence, with the obtained results, we conclude that the proposed schemes improve the performance of the wireless cooperative relaying systems, particularly their throughput. Second, we focus on investigating the NOMA technology and proposing the optimal solutions (protocols) to advance the data rate and to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) for the users in the next generation of wireless communications. In this thesis, we propose a Two-Way DF NOMA scheme (called a TWNOMA protocol) in which an intermediate relay helps two source nodes to communicate with each other. Simulation and analysis results show that the proposed protocol TWNOMA is improving the data rate when comparing with a conventional Two-Way scheme using digital network coding (DNC) (called a TWDNC protocol), Two-Way scheme without using DNC (called a TWNDNC protocol) and Two-Way scheme in amplify-and-forward(AF) relay systems (called a TWANC protocol). Finally, we considered the combination of the NOMA and physical layer security (PLS) in the Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network (UCCN). The best relay selection strategy is investigated, which uses the NOMA and considers the PLS to enhance the transmission efficiency and secrecy of the new generation wireless networks.V této dizertační práci je provedena studie nových přenosových protokolů pro různé bezdrátové síťové systémy. S využitím matematické analýzy jsme analyzovali a vyhodnotili efektivitu přenosu z hlediska pravděpodobnosti výpadku přes Rayleighův kanál. Teoretické analýzy jsou ověřeny provedenými simulacemi metodou Monte Carlo. Nejprve došlo ke studii kooperativního přenosu ve dvoucestném dekóduj-a-předej (Two-Way Decode-and-Forward–TWDF) a vícecestném DF schématu s větším počtem přenosových uzlů pro sekundární systém, kdy takto byl získán přístup ke spektru spolu s primárním systémem. Konkrétně jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF schéma se získáváním energie a dvoucestné DF neortogonální schéma s mnohonásobným přístupem (Non-orthogonal Multiple Access–NOMA) s digitálním síťovým kódováním. Kromě toho rovněž zkoumáme bezdrátové systémy s větším počtem přenosových uzlů, kde je přítomen výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu pro optimalizaci efektivnosti navrženého schématu. Přenosové protokoly navržených schémat EHAF (Energy Harvesting Amplify and Forward) a EHDF(Energy Harvesting Decode and Forward) jsou společně porovnány v identickém prostředí z pohledu pravděpodobnosti výpadku. Následně, na základě získaných výsledků, jsme dospěli k závěru, že navržená schémata vylepšují výkonnost bezdrátových kooperativních systémů, konkrétně jejich propustnost. Dále jsme se zaměřili na zkoumání NOMA technologie a navrhli optimální řešení (protokoly) pro urychlení datového přenosu a zajištění QoS v další generaci bezdrátových komunikací. V této práci jsme navrhli dvoucestné DF NOMA schéma (nazýváno jako TWNOMA protokol), ve kterém mezilehlý přenosový uzel napomáhá dvěma zdrojovým uzlům komunikovat mezi sebou. Výsledky simulace a analýzy ukazují, že navržený protokol TWNOMA vylepšuje dosaženou přenosovou rychlost v porovnání s konvenčním dvoucestným schématem používajícím DNC (TWDNC protokol), dvoucestným schématem bez použití DNC (TWNDNC protokol) a dvoucestným schématem v zesil-a-předej (amplify-and-forward) přenosových systémech (TWANC protokol). Nakonec jsme zvážili využití kombinace NOMA a zabezpečení fyzické vrstvy (Physical Layer Security–PLS) v podpůrné kooperativní kognitivní síti (Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network–UCCN). Zde je zde zkoumán výběr nejlepšího přenosového uzlu, který užívá NOMA a bere v úvahu PLS pro efektivnější přenos a zabezpečení nové generace bezdrátových sítí.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově