17 research outputs found

    Mathematical optimization and signal processing techniques for cooperative wireless networks

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    The rapid growth of mobile users and emergence of high data rate multimedia and interactive services have resulted in a shortage of the radio spectrum. Novel solutions are therefore required for future generations of wireless networks to enhance capacity and coverage. This thesis aims at addressing this issue through the design and analysis of signal processing algorithms. In particular various resource allocation and spatial diversity techniques have been proposed within the context of wireless peer-to-peer relays and coordinated base station (BS) processing. In order to enhance coverage while providing improvement in capacity, peer-to-peer relays that share the same frequency band have been considered and various techniques for designing relay coefficients and allocating powers optimally are proposed. Both one-way and two-way amplify and forward (AF) relays have been investigated. In order to maintain fairness, a signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) balancing criterion has been adopted. In order to improve the spectrum utilization further, the relays within the context of cognitive radio network are also considered. In this case, a cognitive peer-to-peer relay network is required to achieve SINR balancing while maintaining the interference leakage to primary receiver below a certain threshold. As the spatial diversity techniques in the form of multiple-input-multipleoutput (MIMO) systems have the potential to enhance capacity significantly, the above work has been extended to peer-to-peer MIMO relay networks. Transceiver and relay beamforming design based on minimum mean-square error (MSE) criterion has been proposed. Establishing uplink downlink MSE duality, an alternating algorithm has been developed. A scenario where multiple users are served by both the BS and a MIMO relay is considered and a joint beamforming technique for the BS and the MIMO relay is proposed. With the motivation of optimising the transmission power at both the BS and the relay, an interference precoding design is presented that takes into account the knowledge of the interference caused by the relay to the users served by the BS. Recognizing joint beamformer design for multiple BSs has the ability to reduce interference in the network significantly, cooperative multi-cell beamforming design is proposed. The aim is to design multi-cell beamformers to maximize the minimum SINR of users subject to individual BS power constraints. In contrast to all works available in the literature that aimed at balancing SINR of all users in all cells to the same level, the SINRs of users in each cell is balanced and maximized at different values. This new technique takes advantage of the fact that BSs may have different available transmission powers and/or channel conditions for their users

    Energy Efficiency in MIMO Underlay and Overlay Device-to-Device Communications and Cognitive Radio Systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of resource allocation for systems in which a primary and a secondary link share the available spectrum by an underlay or overlay approach. After observing that such a scenario models both cognitive radio and D2D communications, we formulate the problem as the maximization of the secondary energy efficiency subject to a minimum rate requirement for the primary user. This leads to challenging non-convex, fractional problems. In the underlay scenario, we obtain the global solution by means of a suitable reformulation. In the overlay scenario, two algorithms are proposed. The first one yields a resource allocation fulfilling the first-order optimality conditions of the resource allocation problem, by solving a sequence of easier fractional problems. The second one enjoys a weaker optimality claim, but an even lower computational complexity. Numerical results demonstrate the merits of the proposed algorithms both in terms of energy-efficient performance and complexity, also showing that the two proposed algorithms for the overlay scenario perform very similarly, despite the different complexity.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Resource allocation and optimization techniques in wireless relay networks

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    Relay techniques have the potential to enhance capacity and coverage of a wireless network. Due to rapidly increasing number of smart phone subscribers and high demand for data intensive multimedia applications, the useful radio spectrum is becoming a scarce resource. For this reason, two way relay network and cognitive radio technologies are required for better utilization of radio spectrum. Compared to the conventional one way relay network, both the uplink and the downlink can be served simultaneously using a two way relay network. Hence the effective bandwidth efficiency is considered to be one time slot per transmission. Cognitive networks are wireless networks that consist of different types of users, a primary user (PU, the primary license holder of a spectrum band) and secondary users (SU, cognitive radios that opportunistically access the PU spectrum). The secondary users can access the spectrum of the licensed user provided they do not harmfully affect to the primary user. In this thesis, various resource allocation and optimization techniques have been investigated for wireless relay and cognitive radio networks

    Joint transceiver design and power optimization for wireless sensor networks in underground mines

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    Avec les grands développements des technologies de communication sans fil, les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) ont attiré beaucoup d’attention dans le monde entier au cours de la dernière décennie. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil sont maintenant utilisés pour a surveillance sanitaire, la gestion des catastrophes, la défense, les télécommunications, etc. De tels réseaux sont utilisés dans de nombreuses applications industrielles et commerciales comme la surveillance des processus industriels et de l’environnement, etc. Un réseau WSN est une collection de transducteurs spécialisés connus sous le nom de noeuds de capteurs avec une liaison de communication distribuée de manière aléatoire dans tous les emplacements pour surveiller les paramètres. Chaque noeud de capteur est équipé d’un transducteur, d’un processeur de signal, d’une unité d’alimentation et d’un émetteur-récepteur. Les WSN sont maintenant largement utilisés dans l’industrie minière souterraine pour surveiller certains paramètres environnementaux, comme la quantité de gaz, d’eau, la température, l’humidité, le niveau d’oxygène, de poussière, etc. Dans le cas de la surveillance de l’environnement, un WSN peut être remplacé de manière équivalente par un réseau à relais à entrées et sorties multiples (MIMO). Les réseaux de relais multisauts ont attiré un intérêt de recherche important ces derniers temps grâce à leur capacité à augmenter la portée de la couverture. La liaison de communication réseau d’une source vers une destination est mise en oeuvre en utilisant un schéma d’amplification/transmission (AF) ou de décodage/transfert (DF). Le relais AF reçoit des informations du relais précédent et amplifie simplement le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant. D’autre part, le relais DF décode d’abord le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant au deuxième étage s’il peut parfaitement décoder le signal entrant. En raison de la simplicité analytique, dans cette thèse, nous considérons le schéma de relais AF et les résultats de ce travail peuvent également être développés pour le relais DF. La conception d’un émetteur/récepteur pour le relais MIMO multisauts est très difficile. Car à l’étape de relais L, il y a 2L canaux possibles. Donc, pour un réseau à grande échelle, il n’est pas économique d’envoyer un signal par tous les liens possibles. Au lieu de cela, nous pouvons trouver le meilleur chemin de la source à la destination qui donne le rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) de bout en bout le plus élevé. Nous pouvons minimiser la fonction objectif d’erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE) ou de taux d’erreur binaire (BER) en envoyant le signal utilisant le chemin sélectionné. L’ensemble de relais dans le chemin reste actif et le reste des relais s’éteint, ce qui permet d’économiser de l’énergie afin d’améliorer la durée de vie du réseau. Le meilleur chemin de transmission de signal a été étudié dans la littérature pour un relais MIMO à deux bonds mais est plus complexe pour un ...With the great developments in wireless communication technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained attention worldwide in the past decade and are now being used in health monitoring, disaster management, defense, telecommunications, etc. Such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications such as industrial process and environment monitoring, among others. A WSN network is a collection of specialized transducers known as sensor nodes with a communication link distributed randomly in any locations to monitor environmental parameters such as water level, and temperature. Each sensor node is equipped with a transducer, a signal processor, a power unit, and a transceiver. WSNs are now being widely used in the underground mining industry to monitor environmental parameters, including the amount of gas, water, temperature, humidity, oxygen level, dust, etc. The WSN for environment monitoring can be equivalently replaced by a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. Multi-hop relay networks have attracted significant research interest in recent years for their capability in increasing the coverage range. The network communication link from a source to a destination is implemented using the amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) schemes. The AF relay receives information from the previous relay and simply amplifies the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay. On the other hand, the DF relay first decodes the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay in the second stage if it can perfectly decode the incoming signal. For analytical simplicity, in this thesis, we consider the AF relaying scheme and the results of this work can also be developed for the DF relay. The transceiver design for multi-hop MIMO relay is very challenging. This is because at the L-th relay stage, there are 2L possible channels. So, for a large scale network, it is not economical to send the signal through all possible links. Instead, we can find the best path from source-to-destination that gives the highest end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We can minimize the mean square error (MSE) or bit error rate (BER) objective function by sending the signal using the selected path. The set of relay in the path remains active and the rest of the relays are turned off which can save power to enhance network life-time. The best path signal transmission has been carried out in the literature for 2-hop MIMO relay and for multiple relaying it becomes very complex. In the first part of this thesis, we propose an optimal best path finding algorithm at perfect channel state information (CSI). We consider a parallel multi-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) AF relay system where a linear minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver is used at the destination. We simplify the parallel network into equivalent series multi-hop MIMO relay link using best relaying, where the best relay ..

    Secure Multiuser Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks with TAS and Cooperative Jamming

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    In this paper, we investigate the secure transmission in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consisting of one multiple-antenna base station (BS), multiple single-antenna legitimate users, one single-antenna eavesdropper and one multiple-antenna cooperative jammer. In an effort to reduce the scheduling complexity and extend the battery lifetime of the sensor nodes, the switch-and-stay combining (SSC) scheduling scheme is exploited over the sensor nodes. Meanwhile, transmit antenna selection (TAS) is employed at the BS and cooperative jamming (CJ) is adopted at the jammer node, aiming at achieving a satisfactory secrecy performance. Moreover, depending on whether the jammer node has the global channel state information (CSI) of both the legitimate channel and the eavesdropper's channel, it explores a zero-forcing beamforming (ZFB) scheme or a null-space artificial noise (NAN) scheme to confound the eavesdropper while avoiding the interference to the legitimate user. Building on this, we propose two novel hybrid secure transmission schemes, termed TAS-SSC-ZFB and TAS-SSC-NAN, for WSNs. We then derive the exact closed-form expressions for the secrecy outage probability and the effective secrecy throughput of both schemes to characterize the secrecy performance. Using these closed-form expressions, we further determine the optimal switching threshold and obtain the optimal power allocation factor between the BS and jammer node for both schemes to minimize the secrecy outage probability, while the optimal secrecy rate is decided to maximize the effective secrecy throughput for both schemes. Numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis and illustrate the impact of key system parameters on the secrecy performance.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No. 61501507), and the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. BK20150719). The work of Nan Yang is supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP150103905)

    Distributed transmission schemes for wireless communication networks

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    In this thesis new techniques are presented to achieve performance enhancement in wireless cooperative networks. In particular, techniques to improve transmission rate and maximise end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio are described. An offset transmission scheme with full interference cancellation for a wireless cooperative network with frequency flat links and four relays is introduced. This method can asymptotically, as the size of the symbol block increases, achieve maximum transmission rate together with full cooperative diversity provided the destination node has multiple antennas. A novel full inter-relay interference cancellation method that also achieves asymptotically maximum rate and full cooperative diversity is then designed for which the destination node only requires a single antenna. Two- and four-relay selection schemes for wireless cooperative amplify and forward type networks are then studied in order to overcome the degradation of end-to-end bit error rate performance in single-relay selection networks when there are feedback errors in the relay to destination node links. Outage probability analysis for a four-relay selection scheme without interference is undertaken. Outage probability analysis of a full rate distributed transmission scheme with inter-relay interference is also studied for best single- and two-relay selection networks. The advantage of multi-relay selection when no interference occurs and when adjacent cell interference is present at the relay nodes is then shown theoretically. Simulation results for outage probability analysis are included which support the theoretical expressions. Finally, outage probability analysis of a cognitive amplify and forward type relay network with cooperation between certain secondary users, chosen by best single-, two- and four-relay selection is presented. The cognitive amplify and forward relays are assumed to exploit an underlay approach, which requires adherence to an interference constraint on the primary user. The relay selection scheme is performed either with a max−min strategy or one based on maximising exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. The outage probability analyses are again confirmed by numerical evaluations

    Enabling Technologies for Internet of Things: Licensed and Unlicensed Techniques

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm which is shaping the evolution of the future Internet. According to the vision underlying the IoT, the next step in increasing the ubiquity of the Internet, after connecting people anytime and everywhere, is to connect inanimate objects. By providing objects with embedded communication capabilities and a common addressing scheme, a highly distributed and ubiquitous network of seamlessly connected heterogeneous devices is formed, which can be fully integrated into the current Internet and mobile networks, thus allowing for the development of new intelligent services available anytime, anywhere, by anyone and anything. Such a vision is also becoming known under the name of Machine-to-Machine (M2M), where the absence of human interaction in the system dynamics is further emphasized. A massive number of wireless devices will have the ability to connect to the Internat through the IoT framework. With the accelerating pace of marketing such framework, the new wireless communications standards are studying/proposing solutions to incorporate the services needed for the IoT. However, with an estimate of 30 billion connected devices, a lot of challenges are facing the current wireless technology. In our research, we address a variety of technology candidates for enabling such a massive framework. Mainly, we focus on the nderlay cognitive radio networks as the unlicensed candidate for IoT. On the other hand, we look into the current efforts done by the standardization bodies to accommodate the requirements of the IoT into the current cellular networks. Specifically, we survey the new features and the new user equipment categories added to the physical layer of the LTE-A. In particular, we study the performance of a dual-hop cognitive radio network sharing the spectrum of a primary network in an underlay fashion. In particular, the cognitive network consists of a source, a destination, and multiple nodes employed as amplify-and-forward relays. To improve the spectral efficiency, all relays are allowed to instantaneously transmit to the destination over the same frequency band. We present the optimal power allocation that maximizes the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination while satisfying the interference constrains of the primary network. The optimal power allocation is obtained through an eigen-solution of a channel-dependent matrix, and is shown to transform the transmission over the non-orthogonal relays into parallel channels. Furthermore, while the secondary destination is equipped with multiple antennas, we propose an antenna selection scheme to select the antenna with the highest SNR. To this end, we propose a clustering scheme to subgroup the available relays and use antenna selection at the receiver to extract the same diversity order. We show that random clustering causes the system to lose some of the available degrees of freedom. We provide analytical expression of the outage probability of the system for the random clustering and the proposed maximum-SNR clustering scheme with antenna selection. In addition, we adapt our design to increase the energy-efficiency of the overall network without significant loss in the data rate. In the second part of this thesis, we will look into the current efforts done by the standardization bodies to accommodate the equirements of the IoT into the current cellular networks. Specifically, we present the new features and the new user equipment categories added to the physical layer of the LTE-A. We study some of the challenges facing the LTE-A when dealing with Machine Type communications (MTC). Specifically, the MTC Physical Downlink control channel (MPDCCH) is among the newly introduced features in the LTE-A that carries the downlink control information (DCI) for MTC devices. Correctly decoding the PDCCH, mainly depends on the channel estimation used to compensate for the channel errors during transmission, and the choice of such technique will affect both the complexity and the performance of the user equipment. We propose and assess the performance of a simple channel estimation technique depends in essence on the Least Squares (LS) estimates of the pilots signal and linear interpolations for low-Doppler channels associated with the MTC application

    Adaptive modulation, coding and power allocation in cognitive radio networks

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    Sum-rate maximization for active channels

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    In conventional wireless channel models, there is no control on the gains of different subchannels. In such channels, the transmitted signal undergoes attenuation and phase shift and is subject to multi-path propagation effects. We herein refer to such channels as passive channels. In this dissertation, we study the problem of joint power allocation and channel design for a parallel channel which conveys information from a source to a destination through multiple orthogonal subchannels. In such a link, the power over each subchannel can be adjusted not only at the source but also at each subchannel. We refer to this link as an active parallel channel. For such a channel, we study the problem of sum-rate maximization under the assumption that the source power as well as the energy of the active channel are constrained. This problem is investigated for equal and unequal noise power at different subchannels. For equal noise power over different subchannels, although the sum-rate maximization problem is not convex, we propose a closed-form solution to this maximization problem. An interesting aspect of this solution is that it requires only a subset of the subchannels to be active and the remaining subchannels should be switched off. This is in contrast with passive parallel channels with equal subchannel signal-tonoise- ratios (SNRs), where water-filling solution to the sum-rate maximization under a total source power constraint leads to an equal power allocation among all subchannels. Furthermore, we prove that the number of active channels depends on the product of the source and channel powers. We also prove that if the total power available to the source and to the channel is limited, then in order to maximize the sum-rate via optimal power allocation to the source and to the active channel, half viii ix of the total available power should be allocated to the source and the remaining half should be allocated to the active channel. We extend our analysis to the case where the noise powers are unequal over different subchannels. we show that the sum-rate maximization problem is not convex. Nevertheless, with the aid of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm for optimal source and channel power allocation. To this end, first, we obtain the feasible number of active subchannels. Then, we show that the optimal solution can be obtained by comparing a finite number of points in the feasible set and by choosing the best point which yields the best sum-rate performance. The worst-case computational complexity of this solution is linear in terms of number of subchannels

    Energy efficiency and interference management in long term evolution-advanced networks.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Cellular networks are continuously undergoing fast extraordinary evolution to overcome technological challenges. The fourth generation (4G) or Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) networks offer improvements in performance through increase in network density, while allowing self-organisation and self-healing. The LTE-Advanced architecture is heterogeneous, consisting of different radio access technologies (RATs), such as macrocell, smallcells, cooperative relay nodes (RNs), having various capabilities, and coexisting in the same geographical coverage area. These network improvements come with different challenges that affect users’ quality of service (QoS) and network performance. These challenges include; interference management, high energy consumption and poor coverage of marginal users. Hence, developing mitigation schemes for these identified challenges is the focus of this thesis. The exponential growth of mobile broadband data usage and poor networks’ performance along the cell edges, result in a large increase of the energy consumption for both base stations (BSs) and users. This due to improper RN placement or deployment that creates severe inter-cell and intracell interferences in the networks. It is therefore, necessary to investigate appropriate RN placement techniques which offer efficient coverage extension while reducing energy consumption and mitigating interference in LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. This work proposes energy efficient and optimal RN placement (EEORNP) algorithm based on greedy algorithm to assure improved and effective coverage extension. The performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated in terms of coverage percentage and number of RN needed to cover marginalised users and found to outperform other RN placement schemes. Transceiver design has gained importance as one of the effective tools of interference management. Centralised transceiver design techniques have been used to improve network performance for LTE-Advanced networks in terms of mean square error (MSE), bit error rate (BER) and sum-rate. The centralised transceiver design techniques are not effective and computationally feasible for distributed cooperative heterogeneous networks, the systems considered in this thesis. This work proposes decentralised transceivers design based on the least-square (LS) and minimum MSE (MMSE) pilot-aided channel estimations for interference management in uplink LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. The decentralised transceiver algorithms are designed for the femtocells, the macrocell user equipments (MUEs), RNs and the cell edge macrocell UEs (CUEs) in the half-duplex cooperative relaying systems. The BER performances of the proposed algorithms with the effect of channel estimation are investigated. Finally, the EE optimisation is investigated in half-duplex multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) relay systems. The EE optimisation is divided into sub-optimal EE problems due to the distributed architecture of the MU-MIMO relay systems. The decentralised approach is employed to design the transceivers such as MUEs, CUEs, RN and femtocells for the different sub-optimal EE problems. The EE objective functions are formulated as convex optimisation problems subject to the QoS and transmit powers constraints in case of perfect channel state information (CSI). The non-convexity of the formulated EE optimisation problems is surmounted by introducing the EE parameter substractive function into each proposed algorithms. These EE parameters are updated using the Dinkelbach’s algorithm. The EE optimisation of the proposed algorithms is achieved after finding the optimal transceivers where the unknown interference terms in the transmit signals are designed with the zero-forcing (ZF) assumption and estimation errors are added to improve the EE performances. With the aid of simulation results, the performance of the proposed decentralised schemes are derived in terms of average EE evaluation and found to be better than existing algorithms