3,239 research outputs found

    Optimal Power Control for Multiuser CDMA Channels

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    In this paper, we define the power region as the set of power allocations for K users such that everybody meets a minimum signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). The SIR is modeled in a multiuser CDMA system with fixed linear receiver and signature sequences. We show that the power region is convex in linear and logarithmic scale. It furthermore has a componentwise minimal element. Power constraints are included by the intersection with the set of all viable power adjustments. In this framework, we aim at minimizing the total expended power by minimizing a componentwise monotone functional. If the feasible power region is nonempty, the minimum is attained. Otherwise, as a solution to balance conflicting interests, we suggest the projection of the minimum point in the power region onto the set of viable power settings. Finally, with an appropriate utility function, the problem of minimizing the total expended power can be seen as finding the Nash bargaining solution, which sheds light on power assignment from a game theoretic point of view. Convexity and componentwise monotonicity are essential prerequisites for this result.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 200

    Randomly Spread CDMA: Asymptotics via Statistical Physics

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    This paper studies randomly spread code-division multiple access (CDMA) and multiuser detection in the large-system limit using the replica method developed in statistical physics. Arbitrary input distributions and flat fading are considered. A generic multiuser detector in the form of the posterior mean estimator is applied before single-user decoding. The generic detector can be particularized to the matched filter, decorrelator, linear MMSE detector, the jointly or the individually optimal detector, and others. It is found that the detection output for each user, although in general asymptotically non-Gaussian conditioned on the transmitted symbol, converges as the number of users go to infinity to a deterministic function of a "hidden" Gaussian statistic independent of the interferers. Thus the multiuser channel can be decoupled: Each user experiences an equivalent single-user Gaussian channel, whose signal-to-noise ratio suffers a degradation due to the multiple-access interference. The uncoded error performance (e.g., symbol-error-rate) and the mutual information can then be fully characterized using the degradation factor, also known as the multiuser efficiency, which can be obtained by solving a pair of coupled fixed-point equations identified in this paper. Based on a general linear vector channel model, the results are also applicable to MIMO channels such as in multiantenna systems.Comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    SGD Frequency-Domain Space-Frequency Semiblind Multiuser Receiver with an Adaptive Optimal Mixing Parameter

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    A novel stochastic gradient descent frequency-domain (FD) space-frequency (SF) semiblind multiuser receiver with an adaptive optimal mixing parameter is proposed to improve performance of FD semiblind multiuser receivers with a fixed mixing parameters and reduces computational complexity of suboptimal FD semiblind multiuser receivers in SFBC downlink MIMO MC-CDMA systems where various numbers of users exist. The receiver exploits an adaptive mixing parameter to mix information ratio between the training-based mode and the blind-based mode. Analytical results prove that the optimal mixing parameter value relies on power and number of active loaded users existing in the system. Computer simulation results show that when the mixing parameter is adapted closely to the optimal mixing parameter value, the performance of the receiver outperforms existing FD SF adaptive step-size (AS) LMS semiblind based with a fixed mixing parameter and conventional FD SF AS-LMS training-based multiuser receivers in the MSE, SER and signal to interference plus noise ratio in both static and dynamic environments

    Video transmission over wireless networks

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    Compressed video bitstream transmissions over wireless networks are addressed in this work. We first consider error control and power allocation for transmitting wireless video over CDMA networks in conjunction with multiuser detection. We map a layered video bitstream to several CDMA fading channels and inject multiple source/parity layers into each of these channels at the transmitter. We formulate a combined optimization problem and give the optimal joint rate and power allocation for each of linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser detector in the uplink and two types of blind linear MMSE detectors, i.e., the direct-matrix-inversion (DMI) blind detector and the subspace blind detector, in the downlink. We then present a multiple-channel video transmission scheme in wireless CDMA networks over multipath fading channels. For a given budget on the available bandwidth and total transmit power, the transmitter determines the optimal power allocations and the optimal transmission rates among multiple CDMA channels, as well as the optimal product channel code rate allocation. We also make use of results on the large-system CDMA performance for various multiuser receivers in multipath fading channels. We employ a fast joint source-channel coding algorithm to obtain the optimal product channel code structure. Finally, we propose an end-to-end architecture for multi-layer progressive video delivery over space-time differentially coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (STDC-OFDM) systems. We propose to use progressive joint source-channel coding to generate operational transmission distortion-power-rate (TD-PR) surfaces. By extending the rate-distortion function in source coding to the TD-PR surface in joint source-channel coding, our work can use the ??equal slope?? argument to effectively solve the transmission rate allocation problem as well as the transmission power allocation problem for multi-layer video transmission. It is demonstrated through simulations that as the wireless channel conditions change, these proposed schemes can scale the video streams and transport the scaled video streams to receivers with a smooth change of perceptual quality

    Impact of Channel Estimation Errors on Multiuser Detection via the Replica Method

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    For practical wireless DS-CDMA systems, channel estimation is imperfect due to noise and interference. In this paper, the impact of channel estimation errors on multiuser detection (MUD) is analyzed under the framework of the replica method. System performance is obtained in the large system limit for optimal MUD, linear MUD and turbo MUD, and is validated by numerical results for finite systems.Comment: To appear in the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking - Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms for Wireless Communication

    Asynchronous CDMA Systems with Random Spreading-Part I: Fundamental Limits

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    Spectral efficiency for asynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) with random spreading is calculated in the large system limit allowing for arbitrary chip waveforms and frequency-flat fading. Signal to interference and noise ratios (SINRs) for suboptimal receivers, such as the linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) detectors, are derived. The approach is general and optionally allows even for statistics obtained by under-sampling the received signal. All performance measures are given as a function of the chip waveform and the delay distribution of the users in the large system limit. It turns out that synchronizing users on a chip level impairs performance for all chip waveforms with bandwidth greater than the Nyquist bandwidth, e.g., positive roll-off factors. For example, with the pulse shaping demanded in the UMTS standard, user synchronization reduces spectral efficiency up to 12% at 10 dB normalized signal-to-noise ratio. The benefits of asynchronism stem from the finding that the excess bandwidth of chip waveforms actually spans additional dimensions in signal space, if the users are de-synchronized on the chip-level. The analysis of linear MMSE detectors shows that the limiting interference effects can be decoupled both in the user domain and in the frequency domain such that the concept of the effective interference spectral density arises. This generalizes and refines Tse and Hanly's concept of effective interference. In Part II, the analysis is extended to any linear detector that admits a representation as multistage detector and guidelines for the design of low complexity multistage detectors with universal weights are provided

    Minimum mean-squared error iterative successive parallel arbitrated decision feedback detectors for DS-CDMA systems

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    In this paper we propose minimum mean squared error (MMSE) iterative successive parallel arbitrated decision feedback (DF) receivers for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. We describe the MMSE design criterion for DF multiuser detectors along with successive, parallel and iterative interference cancellation structures. A novel efficient DF structure that employs successive cancellation with parallel arbitrated branches and a near-optimal low complexity user ordering algorithm are presented. The proposed DF receiver structure and the ordering algorithm are then combined with iterative cascaded DF stages for mitigating the deleterious effects of error propagation for convolutionally encoded systems with both Viterbi and turbo decoding as well as for uncoded schemes. We mathematically study the relations between the MMSE achieved by the analyzed DF structures, including the novel scheme, with imperfect and perfect feedback. Simulation results for an uplink scenario assess the new iterative DF detectors against linear receivers and evaluate the effects of error propagation of the new cancellation methods against existing ones

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: An Overview of Game-Theoretic Approaches

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    An overview of game-theoretic approaches to energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless networks is presented. Focusing on multiple-access networks, it is demonstrated that game theory can be used as an effective tool to study resource allocation in wireless networks with quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. A family of non-cooperative (distributed) games is presented in which each user seeks to choose a strategy that maximizes its own utility while satisfying its QoS requirements. The utility function considered here measures the number of reliable bits that are transmitted per joule of energy consumed and, hence, is particulary suitable for energy-constrained networks. The actions available to each user in trying to maximize its own utility are at least the choice of the transmit power and, depending on the situation, the user may also be able to choose its transmission rate, modulation, packet size, multiuser receiver, multi-antenna processing algorithm, or carrier allocation strategy. The best-response strategy and Nash equilibrium for each game is presented. Using this game-theoretic framework, the effects of power control, rate control, modulation, temporal and spatial signal processing, carrier allocation strategy and delay QoS constraints on energy efficiency and network capacity are quantified.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Special Issue on Resource-Constrained Signal Processing, Communications and Networking, May 200

    Energy-Efficient Power Control in Multipath CDMA Channels via Large System Analysis

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    This paper is focused on the design and analysis of power control procedures for the uplink of multipath code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) channels based on the large system analysis (LSA). Using the tools of LSA, a new decentralized power control algorithm aimed at energy efficiency maximization and requiring very little prior information on the interference background is proposed; moreover, it is also shown that LSA can be used to predict with good accuracy the performance and operational conditions of a large network operating at the equilibrium over a multipath channel, i.e. the power, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and utility profiles across users, wherein the utility is defined as the number of bits reliably delivered to the receiver for each energy-unit used for transmission. Additionally, an LSA-based performance comparison among linear receivers is carried out in terms of achieved energy efficiency at the equilibrium. Finally, the problem of the choice of the utility-maximizing training length is also considered. Numerical results show a very satisfactory agreement of the theoretical analysis with simulation results obtained with reference to systems with finite (and not so large) numbers of users.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, September 15-18, 200
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