67 research outputs found

    On weighted time optimal control for linear hybrid automata using quantifier elimination

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    This paper considers the optimal control problem for linear hybrid automata. In particular, it is shown that the problem can be transformed into a constrained optimization problem whose constraints are a set of inequalities with quantifiers. Quantifier Elimination (QE) techniques are employed in order to derive quantifier free inequalities that are linear. The optimal cost is obtained using linear programming. The optimal switching times and optimal continuous control inputs are computed and used in order to derive the optimal hybrid controller. Our results areapplied to an air traffic management example

    Model checking embedded system designs

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    We survey the basic principles behind the application of model checking to controller verification and synthesis. A promising development is the area of guided model checking, in which the state space search strategy of the model checking algorithm can be influenced to visit more interesting sets of states first. In particular, we discuss how model checking can be combined with heuristic cost functions to guide search strategies. Finally, we list a number of current research developments, especially in the area of reachability analysis for optimal control and related issues

    Computing Nash Equilibrium in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Simulation-Based Approach

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    This paper studies the problem of computing Nash equilibrium in wireless networks modeled by Weighted Timed Automata. Such formalism comes together with a logic that can be used to describe complex features such as timed energy constraints. Our contribution is a method for solving this problem using Statistical Model Checking. The method has been implemented in UPPAAL model checker and has been applied to the analysis of Aloha CSMA/CD and IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA protocols.Comment: In Proceedings IWIGP 2012, arXiv:1202.422

    Synthesis and Stochastic Assessment of Cost-Optimal Schedules

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    We present a novel approach to synthesize good schedules for a class of scheduling problems that is slightly more general than the scheduling problem FJm,a|gpr,r_j,d_j|early/tardy. The idea is to prime the schedule synthesizer with stochastic information more meaningful than performance factors with the objective to minimize the expected cost caused by storage or delay. The priming information is obtained by stochastic simulation of the system environment. The generated schedules are assessed again by simulation. The approach is demonstrated by means of a non-trivial scheduling problem from lacquer production. The experimental results show that our approach achieves in all considered scenarios better results than the extended processing times approach

    Optimal infinite scheduling for multi-priced timed automata

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    This paper is concerned with the derivation of infinite schedules for timed automata that are in some sense optimal. To cover a wide class of optimality criteria we start out by introducing an extension of the (priced) timed automata model that includes both costs and rewards as separate modelling features. A precise definition is then given of what constitutes optimal infinite behaviours for this class of models. We subsequently show that the derivation of optimal non-terminating schedules for such double-priced timed automata is computable. This is done by a reduction of the problem to the determination of optimal mean-cycles in finite graphs with weighted edges. This reduction is obtained by introducing the so-called corner-point abstraction, a powerful abstraction technique of which we show that it preserves optimal schedules

    Kleene Algebras and Semimodules for Energy Problems

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    With the purpose of unifying a number of approaches to energy problems found in the literature, we introduce generalized energy automata. These are finite automata whose edges are labeled with energy functions that define how energy levels evolve during transitions. Uncovering a close connection between energy problems and reachability and B\"uchi acceptance for semiring-weighted automata, we show that these generalized energy problems are decidable. We also provide complexity results for important special cases

    Optimal Reachability in Divergent Weighted Timed Games

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    Weighted timed games are played by two players on a timed automaton equipped with weights: one player wants to minimise the accumulated weight while reaching a target, while the other has an opposite objective. Used in a reactive synthesis perspective, this quantitative extension of timed games allows one to measure the quality of controllers. Weighted timed games are notoriously difficult and quickly undecidable, even when restricted to non-negative weights. Decidability results exist for subclasses of one-clock games, and for a subclass with non-negative weights defined by a semantical restriction on the weights of cycles. In this work, we introduce the class of divergent weighted timed games as a generalisation of this semantical restriction to arbitrary weights. We show how to compute their optimal value, yielding the first decidable class of weighted timed games with negative weights and an arbitrary number of clocks. In addition, we prove that divergence can be decided in polynomial space. Last, we prove that for untimed games, this restriction yields a class of games for which the value can be computed in polynomial time
