9,037 research outputs found

    Challenges and Barriers of Wireless Charging Technologies for Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles could be a significant aid in lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Even though extensive study has been done on the features and traits of electric vehicles and the nature of their charging infrastructure, network modeling for electric vehicle manufacturing has been limited and unchanging. The necessity of wireless electric vehicle charging, based on magnetic resonance coupling, drove the primary aims for this review work. Herein, we examined the basic theoretical framework for wireless power transmission systems for EV charging and performed a software-in-the-loop analysis, in addition to carrying out a performance analysis of an EV charging system based on magnetic resonance. This study also covered power pad designs and created workable remedies for the following issues: (i) how power pad positioning affected the function of wireless charging systems and (ii) how to develop strategies to keep power efficiency at its highest level. Moreover, safety features of wireless charging systems, owing to interruption from foreign objects and/or living objects, were analyzed, and solutions were proposed to ensure such systems would operate as safely and optimally as possible

    Low Power Wake-up Signaling for Dense Sensor Networks

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    In wireless sensor networks, nodes are required to reduce their idle listening time in order to minimize energy consumption and increase their lifetime. The idle listening time is decreased by making the nodes remain in sleep mode and wake up only when they are required to sense or transmit information about an event. This strategy requires the source node to send a wake-up signal before it transmits data to the network. This wake-up signal requires energy and the objective of this work is to lower this signal\u27s energy consumption.;In order to achieve this, this work uses Near Field Magnetic Induction Communication technology (NFMIC) that can communicate wirelessly over short distances using low power. Using this technology, the wake-up signal will be magnetic field lines rather than an RF signal. When a source node wants to wake up its neighbors, it generates magnetic field lines disseminating as bubbles. These lines resonate across the receiver coils of neighboring nodes, thus interrupting the sleeping nodes and waking them. This idea was implemented on a node using three different NFMIC systems. Each system had different combinations of TX and RX coils and communicated using different transmitted power. The most efficient setup was determined based on the wakeup energy efficiency. Finally, this work presents the effect of obstacles on NFMIC systems by testing them on one of our NFMIC systems. As a result of this test, the various obstacles were classified into three categories based on their attenuation effect

    Technology development of electric vehicles: A review

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    To reduce the dependence on oil and environmental pollution, the development of electric vehicles has been accelerated in many countries. The implementation of EVs, especially battery electric vehicles, is considered a solution to the energy crisis and environmental issues. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the technical development of EVs and emerging technologies for their future application. Key technologies regarding batteries, charging technology, electric motors and control, and charging infrastructure of EVs are summarized. This paper also highlights the technical challenges and emerging technologies for the improvement of efficiency, reliability, and safety of EVs in the coming stages as another contribution

    Observation of force-detected nuclear magnetic resonance in a homogeneous field

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    We report the experimental realization of BOOMERANG (better observation of magnetization, enhanced resolution, and no gradient), a sensitive and general method of magnetic resonance. The prototype millimeter-scale NMR spectrometer shows signal and noise levels in agreement with the design principles. We present H-1 and F-19 NMR in both solid and liquid samples, including time-domain Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy, multiple-pulse echoes, and heteronuclear J spectroscopy. By measuring a H-1-F-19 J coupling, this last experiment accomplishes chemically specific spectroscopy with force-detected NMR. In BOOMERANG, an assembly of permanent magnets provides a homogeneous field throughout the sample, while a harmonically suspended part of the assembly, a detector, is mechanically driven by spin-dependent forces. By placing the sample in a homogeneous field, signal dephasing by diffusion in a field gradient is made negligible, enabling application to liquids, in contrast to other force-detection methods. The design appears readily scalable to µm-scale samples where it should have sensitivity advantages over inductive detection with microcoils and where it holds great promise for application of magnetic resonance in biology, chemistry, physics, and surface science. We briefly discuss extensions of the BOOMERANG method to the µm and nm scales

    Investigation of methods for data communication and power delivery through metals

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    PhD ThesisThe retrieval of data from a sensor, enclosed by a metallic structure, such as a naval vessel, pipeline or nuclear flask is often very challenging. To maintain structural integrity it is not desirable to penetrate the wall of the structure, preventing any hard-wired solution. Furthermore, the conductive nature of the structure prevents the use of radio communications. Applications involving sealed containers also have a requirement for power delivery, as the periodic changing of batteries is not possible. Ultrasound has previously been identified as an attractive approach but there are two key challenges: efficient/reliable ultrasonic transduction and a method of overcoming the inherent multipath distortion resulting from boundary reflections. Previous studies have utilised piezoelectric contact transducers, however, they are impractical due to their reliance on coupling, i.e. the bond between the transducer and the metal surface, which leads to concerns over long term reliability. A non-contact transducer overcomes this key drawback, thus highlighting the electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) as a favourable alternative. This thesis presents the design and testing of an EMAT with appropriate characteristics for through-metal data communications. A low cost, low power data transmission scheme is presented for overcoming acoustic multipath based on pulse position modulation (PPM). Due to the necessary guard time, the data rate is limited to 50kbps. A second solution is presented employing continuous wave, Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation, allowing data rates in excess of 1Mbps to be achieved. Equalisation is required to avoid intersymbol interference (ISI) and a decision feedback equaliser (DFE) is shown to be adept at mitigating this effect. The relatively low efficiency of an EMAT makes it unsuitable for power delivery, consequently, an alternative non-contact approach, utilising inductive coupling, is explored. Power transfer efficiency of ≈ 4% is shown to be achievable through 20mm thick stainless steel.ICS department of BAE Systems Submarine Solutions, EPSR

    A scalable readout system for a superconducting adiabatic quantum optimization system

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    We have designed, fabricated and tested an XY-addressable readout system that is specifically tailored for the reading of superconducting flux qubits in an integrated circuit that could enable adiabatic quantum optimization. In such a system, the flux qubits only need to be read at the end of an adiabatic evolution when quantum mechanical tunneling has been suppressed, thus simplifying many aspects of the readout process. The readout architecture for an NN-qubit adiabatic quantum optimization system comprises NN hysteretic dc SQUIDs and NN rf SQUID latches controlled by 2N+22\sqrt{N} + 2 bias lines. The latching elements are coupled to the qubits and the dc SQUIDs are then coupled to the latching elements. This readout scheme provides two key advantages: First, the latching elements provide exceptional flux sensitivity that significantly exceeds what may be achieved by directly coupling the flux qubits to the dc SQUIDs using a practical mutual inductance. Second, the states of the latching elements are robust against the influence of ac currents generated by the switching of the hysteretic dc SQUIDs, thus allowing one to interrogate the latching elements repeatedly so as to mitigate the effects of stochastic switching of the dc SQUIDs. We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve single qubit read error rates of <10−6<10^{-6} with this readout scheme. We have characterized the system-level performance of a 128-qubit readout system and have measured a readout error probability of 8×10−58\times10^{-5} in the presence of optimal latching element bias conditions.Comment: Updated for clarity, final versio

    Acoustic power distribution techniques for wireless sensor networks

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    Recent advancements in wireless power transfer technologies can solve several residual problems concerning the maintenance of wireless sensor networks. Among these, air-based acoustic systems are still less exploited, with considerable potential for powering sensor nodes. This thesis aims to understand the significant parameters for acoustic power transfer in air, comprehend the losses, and quantify the limitations in terms of distance, alignment, frequency, and power transfer efficiency. This research outlines the basic concepts and equations overlooking sound wave propagation, system losses, and safety regulations to understand the prospects and limitations of acoustic power transfer. First, a theoretical model was established to define the diffraction and attenuation losses in the system. Different off-the-shelf transducers were experimentally investigated, showing that the FUS-40E transducer is most appropriate for this work. Subsequently, different load-matching techniques are analysed to identify the optimum method to deliver power. The analytical results were experimentally validated, and complex impedance matching increased the bandwidth from 1.5 to 4 and the power transfer efficiency from 0.02% to 0.43%. Subsequently, a detailed 3D profiling of the acoustic system in the far-field region was provided, analysing the receiver sensitivity to disturbances in separation distance, receiver orientation and alignment. The measured effects of misalignment between the transducers are provided as a design graph, correlating the output power as a function of separation distance, offset, loading methods and operating frequency. Finally, a two-stage wireless power network is designed, where energy packets are inductively delivered to a cluster of nodes by a recharge vehicle and later acoustically distributed to devices within the cluster. A novel dynamic recharge scheduling algorithm that combines weighted genetic clustering with nearest neighbour search is developed to jointly minimise vehicle travel distance and power transfer losses. The efficacy and performance of the algorithm are evaluated in simulation using experimentally derived traces that presented 90% throughput for large, dense networks.Open Acces

    A comprehensive study of key Electric Vehicle (EV) components, technologies, challenges, impacts, and future direction of development

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    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EV), including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV), are becoming more commonplace in the transportation sector in recent times. As the present trend suggests, this mode of transport is likely to replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in the near future. Each of the main EV components has a number of technologies that are currently in use or can become prominent in the future. EVs can cause significant impacts on the environment, power system, and other related sectors. The present power system could face huge instabilities with enough EV penetration, but with proper management and coordination, EVs can be turned into a major contributor to the successful implementation of the smart grid concept. There are possibilities of immense environmental benefits as well, as the EVs can extensively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector. However, there are some major obstacles for EVs to overcome before totally replacing ICE vehicles. This paper is focused on reviewing all the useful data available on EV configurations, battery energy sources, electrical machines, charging techniques, optimization techniques, impacts, trends, and possible directions of future developments. Its objective is to provide an overall picture of the current EV technology and ways of future development to assist in future researches in this sector

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    A Review on UAV Wireless Charging: Fundamentals, Applications, Charging Techniques and Standards

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular for applications such as inspections, delivery, agriculture, surveillance, and many more. It is estimated that, by 2040, UAVs/drones will become a mainstream delivery channel to satisfy the growing demand for parcel delivery. Though the UAVs are gaining interest in civil applications, the future of UAV charging is facing a set of vital concerns and open research challenges. Considering the case of parcel delivery, handling countless drones and their charging will become complex and laborious. The need for non-contact based multi-device charging techniques will be crucial in saving time and human resources. To efficiently address this issue, Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) for UAVs is a promising technology for multi-drone charging and autonomous handling of multiple devices. In the literature of the past five years, limited surveys were conducted for wireless UAV charging. Moreover, vital problems such as coil weight constraints, comparison between existing charging techniques, shielding methods and many other key issues are not addressed. This motivates the author in conducting this review for addressing the crucial aspects of wireless UAV charging. Furthermore, this review provides a comprehensive comparative study on wireless charging's technical aspects conducted by prominent research laboratories, universities, and industries. The paper also discusses UAVs' history, UAVs structure, categories of UAVs, mathematical formulation of coil and WPT standards for safer operation.publishedVersio
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