85 research outputs found

    Higher-order CIS codes

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    We introduce {\bf complementary information set codes} of higher-order. A binary linear code of length tktk and dimension kk is called a complementary information set code of order tt (tt-CIS code for short) if it has tt pairwise disjoint information sets. The duals of such codes permit to reduce the cost of masking cryptographic algorithms against side-channel attacks. As in the case of codes for error correction, given the length and the dimension of a tt-CIS code, we look for the highest possible minimum distance. In this paper, this new class of codes is investigated. The existence of good long CIS codes of order 33 is derived by a counting argument. General constructions based on cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes and on the building up construction are given. A formula similar to a mass formula is given. A classification of 3-CIS codes of length 12\le 12 is given. Nonlinear codes better than linear codes are derived by taking binary images of Z4\Z_4-codes. A general algorithm based on Edmonds' basis packing algorithm from matroid theory is developed with the following property: given a binary linear code of rate 1/t1/t it either provides tt disjoint information sets or proves that the code is not tt-CIS. Using this algorithm, all optimal or best known [tk,k][tk, k] codes where t=3,4,,256t=3, 4, \dots, 256 and 1k256/t1 \le k \le \lfloor 256/t \rfloor are shown to be tt-CIS for all such kk and tt, except for t=3t=3 with k=44k=44 and t=4t=4 with k=37k=37.Comment: 13 pages; 1 figur

    A new class of codes for Boolean masking of cryptographic computations

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    We introduce a new class of rate one-half binary codes: {\bf complementary information set codes.} A binary linear code of length 2n2n and dimension nn is called a complementary information set code (CIS code for short) if it has two disjoint information sets. This class of codes contains self-dual codes as a subclass. It is connected to graph correlation immune Boolean functions of use in the security of hardware implementations of cryptographic primitives. Such codes permit to improve the cost of masking cryptographic algorithms against side channel attacks. In this paper we investigate this new class of codes: we give optimal or best known CIS codes of length <132.<132. We derive general constructions based on cyclic codes and on double circulant codes. We derive a Varshamov-Gilbert bound for long CIS codes, and show that they can all be classified in small lengths 12\le 12 by the building up construction. Some nonlinear permutations are constructed by using Z4\Z_4-codes, based on the notion of dual distance of an unrestricted code.Comment: 19 pages. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, to appea

    Out-of-Distribution Detection of Melanoma using Normalizing Flows

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    Generative modelling has been a topic at the forefront of machine learning research for a substantial amount of time. With the recent success in the field of machine learning, especially in deep learning, there has been an increased interest in explainable and interpretable machine learning. The ability to model distributions and provide insight in the density estimation and exact data likelihood is an example of such a feature. Normalizing Flows (NFs), a relatively new research field of generative modelling, has received substantial attention since it is able to do exactly this at a relatively low cost whilst enabling competitive generative results. While the generative abilities of NFs are typically explored, we focus on exploring the data distribution modelling for Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection. Using one of the state-of-the-art NF models, GLOW, we attempt to detect OOD examples in the ISIC dataset. We notice that this model under performs in conform related research. To improve the OOD detection, we explore the masking methods to inhibit co-adaptation of the coupling layers however find no substantial improvement. Furthermore, we utilize Wavelet Flow which uses wavelets that can filter particular frequency components, thus simplifying the modeling process to data-driven conditional wavelet coefficients instead of complete images. This enables us to efficiently model larger resolution images in the hopes that it would capture more relevant features for OOD. The paper that introduced Wavelet Flow mainly focuses on its ability of sampling high resolution images and did not treat OOD detection. We present the results and propose several ideas for improvement such as controlling frequency components, using different wavelets and using other state-of-the-art NF architectures

    Analysis and Improvement of the Generic Higher-Order Masking Scheme of FSE 2012

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    Masking is a well-known technique used to prevent block cipher implementations from side-channel attacks. Higher-order side channel attacks (e.g. higher-order DPA attack) on widely used block cipher like AES have motivated the design of efficient higher-order masking schemes. Indeed, it is known that as the masking order increases, the difficulty of side-channel attack increases exponentially. However, the main problem in higher-order masking is to design an efficient and secure technique for S-box computations in block cipher implementations. At FSE 2012, Carlet et al. proposed a generic masking scheme that can be applied to any S-box at any order. This is the first generic scheme for efficient software implementations. Analysis of the running time, or \textit{masking complexity}, of this scheme is related to a variant of the well-known problem of efficient exponentiation (\textit{addition chain}), and evaluation of polynomials. In this paper we investigate optimal methods for exponentiation in F2n\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}} by studying a variant of addition chain, which we call \textit{cyclotomic-class addition chain}, or \textit{CC-addition chain}. Among several interesting properties, we prove lower bounds on min-length CC-addition chains. We define the notion of \GFn-polynomial chain, and use it to count the number of \textit{non-linear} multiplications required while evaluating polynomials over F2n\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}. We also give a lower bound on the length of such a chain for any polynomial. As a consequence, we show that a lower bound for the masking complexity of DES S-boxes is three, and that of PRESENT S-box is two. We disprove a claim previously made by Carlet et al. regarding min-length CC-addition chains. Finally, we give a polynomial evaluation method, which results into an improved masking scheme (compared to the technique of Carlet et al.) for DES S-boxes. As an illustration we apply this method to several other S-boxes and show significant improvement for them

    Ehdolliset normalisoivat virtaukset kuvien käänteisongelmissa

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    Learning-based methods have provided powerful tools for solving classification and regression -related problems yielding far superior results to classical handcrafted rule-based models. These models have proven to be efficient in multiple domains in many different fields. However, many common problems are inherently illposed and lack a unique answer hence requiring a regularization pass or alternatively a probabilistic framework for successful modeling. While many different families of models capable of learning distributions given samples exist, they commonly resort to approximations or surrogate training objectives. In this thesis we solve image-related inverse problems with a family of probabilistic models known as conditional normalizing flows. A normalizing flow consists of repeated applications of invertible transformations on a simple prior distribution rendering it into a more complex distribution with direct and tractable probability density evaluation and efficient sampling. We show that a conditional normalizing flow is able to provide plausible, high-quality samples with visible benign variance from a conditional distribution in image super resolution, denoising and colorization tasks. We quantify the success of the model as well as its shortcomings and inspect how it internally addresses the conversion of white noise into a realistic image.Havainnoista oppimiseen optimoinnin avulla perustuvat mallit kykenevät ratkaisemaan monia ongelmia huomattavasti tehokkaammin, kuin klassiset staattisiin päätössääntöihin perustuvat mallit. Perinteisesti mallit antavat yleensä kuitenkin vain yhden vastauksen, vaikka useilla ongelmilla saattaa olla monta keskenään yhtä hyväksyttävää vastausta. Tämän takia on tarkoituksenmukaista mallintaa todennäköisyysjakaumaa kaikista mahdollisista vastauksista yksittäisen vastauksen sijaan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan normalisoivien virtausten malliluokan soveltamista digitaalisiin kuviin liittyviin käänteisongelmiin. Normalisoiva virtaus muuntaa yksinkertaisen todennäköisyysjakauman neuroverkoilla parametrosoiduilla kääntyvillä funktioilla monimutkaisemmaksi jakaumaksi, siten että havaintojen uskottavuudesta saadaan kuitenkin tarkka numeerinen arvo. Normalisoivat virtaukset mahdollistavat myös tehokkaan näytteiden ottamisen niiden mallintamasta monimutkaisesta todennäköisyysjakaumasta. Työssä määritetään, kuinka hyvin virtausmallit onnistuvat tehtävässään ja kuinka ne muodostavat uskottavia kuvia kohinasta. Työssä todetaan, että ehdollisten normalisoivien virtausten avulla voidaan tuottaa korkealaatuisia näytteitä useissa kuviin liittyvissä käänteisongelmissa

    Restricted Dynamic Programming Heuristic for Precedence Constrained Bottleneck Generalized TSP

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    We develop a restricted dynamical programming heuristic for a complicated traveling salesman problem: a) cities are grouped into clusters, resp. Generalized TSP; b) precedence constraints are imposed on the order of visiting the clusters, resp. Precedence Constrained TSP; c) the costs of moving to the next cluster and doing the required job inside one are aggregated in a minimax manner, resp. Bottleneck TSP; d) all the costs may depend on the sequence of previously visited clusters, resp. Sequence-Dependent TSP or Time Dependent TSP. Such multiplicity of constraints complicates the use of mixed integer-linear programming, while dynamic programming (DP) benefits from them; the latter may be supplemented with a branch-and-bound strategy, which necessitates a “DP-compliant” heuristic. The proposed heuristic always yields a feasible solution, which is not always the case with heuristics, and its precision may be tuned until it becomes the exact DP

    Revisiting Higher-Order Computational Attacks against White-Box Implementations

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    White-box cryptography was first introduced by Chow et al. in 20022002 as a software technique for implementing cryptographic algorithms in a secure way that protects secret keys in an untrusted environment. Ever since, Chow et al.\u27s design has been subject to the well-known Differential Computation Analysis (DCA). To resist DCA, a natural approach that white-box designers investigated is to apply the common side-channel countermeasures such as masking. In this paper, we suggest applying the well-studied leakage detection methods to assess the security of masked white-box implementations. Then, we extend some well-known side-channel attacks (i.e. the bucketing computational analysis, the mutual information analysis, and the collision attack) to the higher-order case to defeat higher-order masked white-box implementations. To illustrate the effectiveness of these attacks, we perform a practical evaluation against a first-order masked white-box implementation. The obtained results have demonstrated the practicability of these attacks in a real-world scenario