10 research outputs found

    Models for investment capacity expansion

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop and analyse two stochastic control problems arising in the context of investment capacity expansion. In both problems the underlying market 铿倁ctuations are modelled by a geometric Brownian motion. The decision maker鈥檚 aim is to determine admissible capacity expansion strategies that maximise appropriate expected present-value performance criteria. In the 铿乺st model, capacity expansion has price/demand impact and involves proportional costs. The resulting optimisation problem takes the form of a singular stochastic control problem. In the second model, capacity expansion has no impact on price/demand but is associated with 铿亁ed as well as proportional costs, thus resulting in an impulse control problem. Both problems are completely solved and the optimal strategies are fully characterised. In particular, the value functions are constructed explicitly as suitable classical solutions to the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation

    An谩lisis del control de existencias, en la empresa EMAPAVIGS S.A., Nasca 2021

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como principal objetivo, evaluar el control de existencias en sus fases de ingreso, almacenamiento y salida de mercader铆a en la Empresa EMAPAVIGS S.A.; para tal efecto se vali贸 de una metodolog铆a de tipo descriptivo, con dise帽o no experimental, por medio de la aplicaci贸n de una encuesta a trav茅s de un cuestionario como instrumento, el cual fue dirigido a los colaboradores de la empresa, quienes forman la poblaci贸n en este estudio. En los resultados se percibe una adecuada ejecuci贸n de las actividades y medidas de prevenci贸n en los puntos cr铆ticos, puesto que el an谩lisis estad铆stico muestra una percepci贸n absoluta en un 100% calificando todo el proceso como Eficiente, a su vez el proceso de ingreso de mercader铆a es calificado en un 100,00% como eficiente, mientras que el proceso de almacenamiento es calificado como eficiente en un 83.33%; asimismo, el proceso de salida de mercader铆a es calificado de forma eficiente en un 91.67%. Finalmente se concluye que, la empresa tiene deficiencias, en la falta de planificaci贸n durante su almacenamiento y salida de los mismos, aduciendo que existe falta de controles en su mercader铆a, cuyos puntos d茅biles se tiene que ir mejorando para llegar a una mejora y optimizaci贸n de control de existencias

    An Impulse-Regime Switching Game Model of Vertical Competition

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    We study a new kind of non-zero-sum stochastic differential game with mixed impulse/switching controls, motivated by strategic competition in commodity markets. A representative upstream firm produces a commodity that is used by a representative downstream firm to produce a final consumption good. Both firms can influence the price of the commodity. By shutting down or increasing generation capacities, the upstream firm influences the price with impulses. By switching (or not) to a substitute, the downstream firm influences the drift of the commodity price process. We study the resulting impulse--regime switching game between the two firms, focusing on explicit threshold-type equilibria. Remarkably, this class of games naturally gives rise to multiple Nash equilibria, which we obtain via a verification based approach. We exhibit three types of equilibria depending on the ultimate number of switches by the downstream firm (zero, one or an infinite number of switches). We illustrate the diversification effect provided by vertical integration in the specific case of the crude oil market. Our analysis shows that the diversification gains strongly depend on the pass-through from the crude price to the gasoline price

    An谩lisis del control de existencia en la Empresa C & Y CORP S.A.C. Callao, 2021

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    El presente estudio busc贸 analizar el control de existencias en la empresa C & Y CORP S.A.C en el a帽o 2021; para este cometido se utiliz贸 una metodolog铆a de enfoque cuantitativo, nivel explicativo y dise帽o no experimental, en cuanto a la recolecci贸n de datos se utiliz贸 como la encuesta como t茅cnica y el cuestionario como instrumento, el mismo que fue analizado seg煤n los requisitos de validez (V Aiken = 100%) y confiabilidad (alfa de Crombach = 0.805). La muestra no probabil铆stica estuvo constituida por 18 colaboradores. Los resultados denotan que el control de existencias de la empresa no es el adecuado; la calificaci贸n de la ejecuci贸n de la actividades concernientes al proceso en general fue de Regular (73.3%) a Deficiente (38.9%); con relaci贸n a los componentes del proceso, la fase de ingreso, almacenamiento y salida de existencias en la empresa es regular en 73.3%, 86.7% y 93.3% de forma respectiva; en conclusi贸n es necesario la intervenci贸n de acciones correctivas que mejoren el sistema, como la capacitaci贸n del personal en temas referentes a el manejo de Stocks y locaci贸n, as铆 como la implementaci贸n de pol铆ticas que rijan un protocolo de salida, as铆 como la asistencia de alg煤n sistema de registro

    Study of new models for insider trading and impulse control

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    This thesis presents the development and study of two stochastic models. The first one is an equilibrium model for a market involving risk-averse insider trading. In particular, the static information model is considered under new assumptions: a) the insider is risk-averse, b) the signal received by the insider is not necessarily Gaussian, and c) the price set by the market maker is a function of a weighted signal that is not necessarily Gaussian either. Conditions on the weighting and pricing functions ensuring the existence of equilibrium are discussed. Equilibrium pricing and weighting functions as well as the insider鈥檚 optimal trading strategy are derived. Furthermore, the influence of the risk aversion on the equilibrium outcome is investigated. The second model studied, we derive the explicit solution to an impulse control problem with non-linear penalisation of control expenditure. This solution has several features that are not present in impulse control problems with affine penalisation of control effort. The state dependence of the free-boundaries characterising the optimal strategy is the first one. The possibility for the so-called continuation region to not be an interval and the optimal strategy to involve multiple simultaneous jumps while the problem data is convex are further such aspects

    An谩lisis del control de existencias, en la empresa Inversiones JEKY SAC, 2023

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    El presente estudio busc贸 determinar el nivel control de existencias en la empresa Jeky, 2023, a trav茅s de una metodolog铆a de enfoque cuantitativo de nivel descriptivo y dise帽o no experimental, con aplicaci贸n de la encuesta y el cuestionario como t茅cnica e instrumento de recolecci贸n, aplicado en una muestra no probabil铆stica de 25 trabajadores inmersos en las actividades sobre el manejo de las existencias en la empresa en menci贸n, tal cuestionario fue validado y medido en su confiabilidad aceptable. Los resultados determinan que el control en general es de un nivel medio (76%) a alto (24%), en la misma tendencia para la fase de ingreso; para la fase de almacenamiento se obtuvo un nivel medio (84%) a alto (16%) y para la fase de salida se obtuvo un nivel medio (52%) a al to (48%). Se concluye que el control de existencias de la empresa Jeky SAC es funcional, pero que necesita mejorar algunas actividades que optimicen su proceso, siendo las m谩s importantes aquellas relacionadas a la capacitaci贸n del personal y la implementaci贸n de normativa, infraestructura y tecnolog铆a especializada para el almacenamiento de los productos

    Stochastic Clearing Models with Applications in Shipment Consolidation

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    This dissertation focuses on the average cost and service performance models in the shipment consolidation setting, which is treated as an application of stochastic clearing models. Specifically, we consider generalized control policies, generalized demand pattern, multi-item systems, and alternative performance criteria, where various techniques in stochastic analysis and stochastic optimal control are applied. By using stochastic impulsive control technique, we prove that, in the single item shipment consolidation model with drifted Brownian motion demand, the optimal quantity-based policy achieves the least average cost in the long run, among the admissible policies. In multi-item shipment consolidation model, we propose a (Q+蟿 ) policy and an instantaneous rate policy. We prove that among all (Q + 蟿 ) policies, either a quantity-based policy or a time-based policy is optimal in terms of average cost. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the optimal instantaneous rate policy would dominate the optimal (Q + 蟿 ) policy in terms of average cost. In terms of service performance criteria, we propose average order delay in the single-item case and average weighted delay rate in the multi-item case. From a martingale point of view, we provide a unified method to calculate the service measures. Moreover, by revealing new properties of truncated random variables, we provide comparative results among different control policies in terms of the service measures. Finally, we provide an analytical integrated inventory/hybrid consolidation model, and give comparative results in the integrated inventory/shipment consolidation models in terms of service measures and average cost