6 research outputs found

    Queueing System with Potential for Recruiting Secondary Servers

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    In this paper, we consider a single server queueing system in which the arrivals occur according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP). The served customers may be recruited (or opted from those customers’ point of view) to act as secondary servers to provide services to the waiting customers. Such customers who are recruited to be servers are referred to as secondary servers. The service times of the main as well as that of the secondary servers are assumed to be exponentially distributed possibly with different parameters. Assuming that at most there can only be one secondary server at any given time and that the secondary server will leave after serving its assigned group of customers, the model is studied as a QBD-type queue. However, one can also study this model as a G I/M/1-type queue. The model is analyzed in steady state, and a few illustrative numerical examples are presented

    Новые информационные технологии в исследовании сложных структур : материалы Тринадцатой международной конференции, 7-9 сентября 2020 г

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    Тринадцатая конференция с международным участием «Новые информационные технологии в исследовании сложных структур» была проведена в дистанционном формате с 7 по 9 сентября 2020 г. Материалы сборника ориентированы на использование специалистами в области информационных технологий в различных сферах человеческой деятельности, включая вычислительные и телекоммуникационные системы, образование, архитектуру и градостроительство, охрану природы, здравоохранение, разработку систем искусственного интеллекта, исследование дискретных и стохастических структур управления и связи

    Optimal control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers

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    An optimal policy to minimize the queue length in a multi-server controllable queueing system with heterogeneous servers has a threshold property, and it uses the fastest server if necessary (see [8] and [17]). This study gives a numerical description of optimal policies that minimize the operational cost for such a system

    Optimal control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers

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    An optimal policy to minimize the queue length in a multi-server controllable queueing system with heterogeneous servers has a threshold property, and it uses the fastest server if necessary (see [8] and [17]). This study gives a numerical description of optimal policies that minimize the operational cost for such a system

    Fuzzy control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers

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    Summarization: We consider the problem of optimal control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers in parallel. The system objective is to assign customers dynamically to idle servers based on the state of the system so as to minimize the average cost of holding customers. Three cases, either known in the literature or new, are studied in detail: queueing systems with server heterogeneity in-service rates, in-service functions, and both in-service rates and in-service functions. An approach is presented using fuzzy control to solve these problems. Simulation shows that this approach is efficient and promising, especially in cases where analytical solutions do not existPresented on: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System