1,115 research outputs found

    Optimal Capacity of a Firm\u27s Computer Backup Center

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    Steam-Electric Cogeneration in Industry: An Economic and Thermodynamic Analysis

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    The purpose of this thesis is to apply the theoretical frameworks and statistical techniques of economic analysis to an area which has been viewed primarily from a technical, engineering perspective: the simultaneous generation of steam and electricity by industry firms. It improves upon previous studies in two ways. First, it makes an empirical assessment of the importance of market forces in industrial cogeneration decisions. Second, both components of cogeneration behavior -- investment and utilization -- are examined

    Networking high-end CAD systems based on PC/MS-DOS platforms

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    The concept of today\u27s technology has been dropped. Everything is now either oobsolete or experimental. Yesterday\u27s technology is appealing only because it is tried-and-true and prices are reduced for clearance. Tomorrow\u27s technology is exciting, somewhat expensive and not well tested. In the field of architecture, where most firms are medium or small, having limited resources, the high cost initially required for a CAD installation was generally impossible to meet not too many years ago. From spreadsheets and CAD graphics to network file systems and distributed database management, the basic systems and application tools have matured to the point that the possibilities are now limited mainly by how creatively the architects can apply them. CAD systems on the market today are not so different from the systems of the mid 70s, except they have gone from hardware costing a hundred thousand dollar to PC based systems, costing under ten thousand dollars. Choices of hardware and software for CAD systems undergo continual changes in power and efficiency. There will come a point where upgrading will create more a deficiency rather than an augmentation of capability efficiency and overall function. Thus it becomes a major problem for the prospect buyer

    Review of Quantitative Methods for Supply Chain Resilience Analysis

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    Supply chain resilience (SCR) manifests when the network is capable to withstand, adapt, and recover from disruptions to meet customer demand and ensure performance. This paper conceptualizes and comprehensively presents a systematic review of the recent literature on quantitative modeling the SCR while distinctively pertaining it to the original concept of resilience capacity. Decision-makers and researchers can benefit from our survey since it introduces a structured analysis and recommendations as to which quantitative methods can be used at different levels of capacity resilience. Finally, the gaps and limitations of existing SCR literature are identified and future research opportunities are suggested

    Review of Quantitative Methods for Supply Chain Resilience Analysis

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    Supply chain resilience (SCR) manifests when the network is capable to withstand, adapt, and recover from disruptions to meet customer demand and ensure performance. This paper conceptualizes and comprehensively presents a systematic review of the recent literature on quantitative modeling the SCR while distinctively pertaining it to the original concept of resilience capacity. Decision-makers and researchers can benefit from our survey since it introduces a structured analysis and recommendations as to which quantitative methods can be used at different levels of capacity resilience. Finally, the gaps and limitations of existing SCR literature are identified and future research opportunities are suggested

    The cornerstone of data warehousing for government applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss data warehousing storage issues and the impact of EMC open storage technology for meeting the myriad of challenges government organizations face when building Decision Support/Data Warehouse system

    Cargo Logistics Airlift Systems Study (CLASS). Volume 2: Case study approach and results

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    Models of transportation mode decision making were developed. The user's view of the present and future air cargo systems is discussed. Issues summarized include: (1) organization of the distribution function; (2) mode choice decision making; (3) air freight system; and (4) the future of air freight

    Сборник текстов по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению на английском языке для студентов специальностей 1-28 01 01 – "Экономика электронного бизнеса" 1-28 01 02 – "Электронный маркетинг"

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    Rakhuba Valery Ivanovich. Основы электронного бизнеса и маркетинга. Learning Textbook professionally oriented reading in EnglishСборник текстов по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению на английском языке предназначается для студентов специальностей 1-28 01 01 Экономика электронного бизнеса и 1-28 01 02 Электронный маркетинг. Тематика текстов дает достаточно полное представление о практической реализации принципов деятельности в этих сферах экономической активности

    Strategies for maximizing supply chain resilience : learning from the past to prepare for the future

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2003.Also issued in leaves.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-120).The terrorist attacks undertaken by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization on the morning of September 11, 2001 ushered in a new era of indiscriminate global terrorism characterized by an unprecedented focus on security, risk management, and business continuity. The probability of future attacks, coupled with government response to the threat, has introduced myriad new challenges that virtually every manufacturer, distributor, and retailer engaged in global commerce must now face. This thesis will explore and analyze the impact that the "new" terrorist threat has, and will continue to have, on the supply chains of those manufacturers, distributors, and retailers by studying relevant historical disruptions; in essence, looking to the past to glean important insights as to how enterprises can best prepare for the future. Throughout history, numerous disruptive events have occurred that bear comparison to a potential terrorist attack. These events include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, industrial accidents, and labor strikes, as well as other terrorist attacks. By studying such events in detail and understanding the impact that they had on the supply chains of companies that were affected, important lessons can be learned regarding how best to prepare for, and react to, future disruptions. This thesis project ultimately seeks to collect, analyze, and synthesize historical data with the goal of presenting insights and conclusions that can be applied by businesses in the current operating environment to best prepare their supply chains for future disruptions, whether natural or man-made. All research results are organized and presented in terms of the nature of the specific supply chain disruption (key supplier down, transportation capability disrupted, etc.)(cont.), as opposed to the nature, location, or other defining characteristics of the disaster itself. Conclusions consist of a discussion of the unifying themes and the relevant lessons learned. The thesis then goes on to recommend ten prescriptive measures that organizations can take in today's business environment to strengthen their supply chains, minimize their exposure to future disruptions, and maximize their operational resilience.by Christopher B. Pickett.M.Eng.in Logistic