31 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Standar Sistem Informasi pada Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia

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    Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai model sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia sebagai langkah awal untuk membangun sistem informasi yang terintegrasi. Model yang dikembangkan mencakup tiga bagian Utama yaitu Course Design and Development, Class and Practicum serta Examination. Model tersebut dibuat berdasarkan value chain dari universitas, serta dilengkapi dengan rancangan database yang diperlukan. tersebut juga dihasilkan berdasarkan value chain dari universitas. Diharapkan model ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi perguruan tinggi yang akan memulai membangun sistem informasi yang terintegrasi

    Simulated Annealing Approach for Solving Stock Cutting Problem

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    The simulated annealing approach is applied to stock cutting. The conceptual approach proposed uses an energy function that measures the area of the rectangular enclosure of all the patterns to be nested, the level of similarity between pattern pairs, and the amount of overlap among patterns in evaluating various pattern configurations to be generated by the simulated annealing algorithm. Three methods for pattern configuration generation are considered. The first method uses heuristics to generate the initial configuration. The second and third methods use random selection and random placement of pattern

    Solving Irregular Strip Packing Problems With Free Rotations Using Separation Lines

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    Solving nesting problems or irregular strip packing problems is to position polygons in a fixed width and unlimited length strip, obeying polygon integrity containment constraints and non-overlapping constraints, in order to minimize the used length of the strip. To ensure non-overlapping, we used separation lines. A straight line is a separation line if given two polygons, all vertices of one of the polygons are on one side of the line or on the line, and all vertices of the other polygon are on the other side of the line or on the line. Since we are considering free rotations of the polygons and separation lines, the mathematical model of the studied problem is nonlinear. Therefore, we use the nonlinear programming solver IPOPT (an algorithm of interior points type), which is part of COIN-OR. Computational tests were run using established benchmark instances and the results were compared with the ones obtained with other methodologies in the literature that use free rotation

    A novel hybrid intelligence approach for 2D packing through Internet crowdsourcing

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    Packing problems on its current state are being utilized for wide area of industrial applications. The aim of present research is to create and implement an intelligent system that tackles the problem of 2D packing of objects inside a 2D container, such that objects do not overlap and the container area is to be maximized. The packing problem becomes easier, when regular/rectangular objects and container are used. In most of the practical situations, the usage of irregular objects comes to existence. To solve the packing problem of irregular objects inside a rectangular container, a hybrid intelligence approach is introduced in our proposed work. The combination of machine intelligence and human intelligence is referred as the hybrid intelligence or semi-automated approach in the proposed methodology. The incorporation of human intelligence in the outcome of machine intelligence is possible to obtain using the internet crowdsourcing as we wish to handle the packing problem through internet crowdsourcing involving rural people. The proposed methodology is tested on different standard data sets and it is observed that it has clear advantage over both manual as well as fully automated heuristic based methods in terms of time and space efficiency

    Optimisation de placement dans les problèmes de conception

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    Dans les problèmes de conception, l'optimisation du placement des composants peut jouer un rôle prédéterminant sur les performances du système à concevoir. Le papier présenté propose une méthode de placement des composants, basée sur un algorithme évolutionnaire couplé à une méthode de séparation des composants. La méthode permet de traiter les problèmes multi-objectifs contraints, et permet au concepteur d'interagir avec les solutions proposées

    A scanline-based algorithm for the 2D free-form bin packing problem

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    Abstract This paper describes a heuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional free-form bin packing (2D-FBP) problem, which is also called the irregular cutting and packing, or nesting problem. Given a set of 2D free-form bins, which in practice may be plate materials, and a set of 2D free-form items, which in practice may be plate parts to be cut out of the materials, the 2D-FBP problem is to lay out items inside one or more bins in such a way that the number of bins used is minimized, and for each bin, the yield is maximized. The proposed algorithm handles the problem as a variant of the one-dimensional bin-packing problem; i.e., items and bins are approximated as sets of scanlines, and scanlines are packed. The details of the algorithm are given, and its application to a nesting problem in a shipbuilding company is reported. The proposed algorithm consists of the basic and the group placement algorithms. The basic placement algorithm is a variant of the first-fit decreasing algorithm which is simply extended from the one-dimensional case to the two-dimensional case by a novel scanline approximation. The group placement algorithm is an extension of the basic placement algorithm with recombination of input items. A numerical study with real instances shows that the basic placement algorithm has sufficient performance for most of the instances, however, the group placement algorithm is required when items must be aligned in columns. The qualities of the resulting layouts are good enough for practical use, and the processing times required for both algorithms are much faster than those by manual nesting. 1

    Crowdsourcing solutions to 2D irregular strip packing problems from Internet workers

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    Many industrial processes require the nesting of 2D profiles prior to the cutting, or stamping, of components from raw sheet material. Despite decades of sustained academic effort algorithmic solutions are still sub-optimal and produce results that can frequently be improved by manual inspection. However the Internet offers the prospect of novel ‘human-in-the-loop’ approaches to nesting problems, that uses online workers to produce packing efficiencies beyond the reach of current CAM packages. To investigate the feasibility of such an approach this paper reports on the speed and efficiency of online workers engaged in the interactive nesting of six standard benchmark datasets. To ensure the results accurately characterise the diverse educational and social backgrounds of the many different labour forces available online, the study has been conducted with subjects based in both Indian IT service (i.e. Rural BPOs) centres and a network of homeworkers in northern Scotland. The results (i.e. time and packing efficiency) of the human workers are contrasted with both the baseline performance of a commercial CAM package and recent research results. The paper concludes that online workers could consistently achieve packing efficiencies roughly 4% higher than the commercial based-line established by the project. Beyond characterizing the abilities of online workers to nest components, the results also make a contribution to the development of algorithmic solutions by reporting new solutions to the benchmark problems and demonstrating methods for assessing the packing strategy employed by the best workers

    Minimización de los costos de desperdicios a través de un algoritmo genético para la distribución de piezas en formatos : caso de estudio empresa Ferrocarpinteria Formar

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    Uno de los principales problemas en las empresas que tiene dentro de sus procesos, el corte de piezas en formatos, es la distribución de estas, tal que el desperdicio generado durante este proceso, sea mínimo. Para este tipo de problemáticas existe una gran variedad de alternativas que permiten encontrar distribuciones, siendo las más utilizadas las técnicas metaheurísticas, debido a los buenos resultados obtenidos en tiempos relativamente cortos. En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación del bin packing problem al proceso de corte de piezas en formato (láminas de triplex) para las cocinas integrales en la empresa FERROCARPINTERÍA FORMAR, para la solución del mismo, se recurre al uso de técnicas metaheurística, en este caso se escoge al algoritmo genético, debido a su flexibilidad en cuanto a su fácil adaptación a una gran variedad de problemas. En la primera sección se realiza una descripción detallada de los diferentes procesos en la empresa, haciendo mayor énfasis en el de corte, en la segunda se discuten los mecanismos utilizados en la solución del problema de empaquetamiento, para esto se muestra la estructura del algoritmo genético utilizada, y se entra a debatir los diferentes sistemas de codificación existente para el caso del bin packing problem, de igual forma se hace con los operadores genéticos; a partir de esta discusión y con base en las revisiones bibliográficas, se eligió el sistema de codificación y los operadores genéticos a utilizar en la construcción del algoritmoIncluye bibliografía, anexo

    Optimal Allocation of Two-Dimensional Irregular Shapes Using Heuristic Search Methods

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