236 research outputs found

    A Review on Feasible and Reliable Underwater Wireless Optical Communication System for Achieving High Data Rate and Longer Transmission Distance

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    Underwater Wireless Optical Communication (UWOC) offers significant research prospective with major challenges in the design and implementation. UWOC is capable of providing high rate of data transmission across large distances. This paper attempts to focus on the intricacies of practical implementations and open research issues of UWOC systems. Critical advances and progresses made in the field, modelling techniques and link design challenges are summarised. The purpose of this review is to give suggestions towards feasible and reliable UWOC design with improved performance. Finally the major points are summarized so that it will assist the future research in UWOC

    Design and implementation of a bi-directional visible light communication testbed

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    Abstract. This work defines a bi-directional visible light communication (VLC) testbed design and implementation process using Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) software defined radios (SDR) and open-source software. The visible light communication design uses LED light sources for wireless communications purposes. The testbed combines light, infrared and radio frequencies as wireless media to be utilized in a hybrid wireless communication system. Bi-directional communication at 12.5 Mbps bit rate was successfully achieved and only limited by a sample rate of the USRP system. The achieved communication distance was in the range of 0.5 to 7 meters depending on the used optics. A TCP-IP communication and access to the Internet was also established by using light and infrared communication links. The Internet connection was also established by using power line communication for providing data to the lighting through the existing power line cables. The results in the work were obtained by using a GMSK modulation. Also, GFSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM and OFDM modulation were initially tested for future study.Kaksisuuntaisen näkyvän valon tiedonsiirtotestialustan suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Työssä suunnitellaan ja rakennetaan kaksisuuntainen kokeiluympäristö valon käyttöön langattomassa tiedonsiirrossa käyttäen ohjelmistoradioita ja avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoja. Kokeiluympäristössä voidaan tutkia ja käyttää valon, Infrapunan ja radioaaltojen taajuusalueita tiedonsiirtoon. Valon tiedonsiirrossa käytetään valaistuskäyttöön suunniteltuja LED valaisimia sekä valaistukseen että tiedonsiirtoon. Työssä saavuttiin laitteiston näytteistystaajuuden rajoittama kaksisuuntainen 12,5 Mb/s tiedonsiirtonopeus ja käytetyn optiikan ominaisuuksista sekä tiedonsiirtonopeudesta riippuvainen tiedonsiirtoetäisyys 0,5–7 metriä. Järjestelmään ohjelmoitiin valo- ja infrapunalinkin avulla toimiva TCP-IP yhteys Internetiin. Internet yhteys valaisimelle onnistuttiin siirtämään myös käyttäen sähköverkon valmiita kaapelointeja. Työn tulokset saavuttiin käyttäen GMSK moduloitua signaalia. Myös GFSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM ja OFDM modulaatioiden toimivuus testattiin tutkimuksen jatkoa varten

    Vehicular Visible Light Communications

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    Vehicular communications are foreseen to play a key role to increase road safety and realize autonomous driving. In addition to the radio frequency (RF)-based dedicated short range communication (DSRC) and long-term evolution (LTE) communication technologies, vehicular visible light communication (V2LC) is proposed as a complementary solution, utilizing readily deployed vehicle light emitting diode (LED) lights as transmitter with image sensors such as photodetector (PD) and camera as the receivers. V2LC fundamentals including transmitter and receiver characteristics with dimming capabilities are reviewed in this chapter. Depending on the field measurements using off-the-shelf automotive LED light, communication constraints are demonstrated. Moreover, considering the line-of-sight (LoS) characteristics, security aspects of V2LC is compared with the DSRC for a practical vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication scenario. Finally, superiority of V2LC in terms of communication security with the proposed SecVLC method is demonstrated through simulation results

    Design and implementation of an uplink connection for a light-based IoT node

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    Abstract. In the wake of soaring demand for shrinking radio frequency (RF) spectrum, light-fidelity (LiFi) has been heralded as a solution to accommodate resources for future communication networks. Infrared (IR) and visible light communication (VLC) are meant to be used within LiFi because of numerous advantages. By combining the paradigm of internet of things (IoT) along with LiFi, light-based IoT (LIoT) emerges as a potential enabler of future 6G networks. With tremendous number of interconnected devices, LIoT nodes need to be able to receive and transmit data while being energy autonomous. One of the most promising clean energy sources comes from both natural and artificial light. In addition to providing illumination and energy, light can also be utilized as a robust information carrier. In order to provide bidirectional connectivity to LIoT node, both downlink and uplink have to be taken into consideration. Whereas downlink relies on visible light as a carrier, uplink approach can be engineered freely within specific requirements. With this in mind, this master’s thesis explores possible solutions for providing uplink connectivity. After analysis of possible solutions, the LIoT proof-of-concept was designed, implemented and validated. By incorporating printed solar cell, dedicated energy harvesting unit, power-optimised microcontroller unit (MCU) and light intensity sensor the LIoT node is able to autonomously transmit data using IR

    Sistemas de comunicação por luz visível aplicados para assistência ao tráfego automóvel

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    Motivated by the topic of promoting traffic safety applications and information systems, this work aims to bring a study on VLC outdoor application scenarios. The developed topic is part of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that aim at the delivery of traffic safety and information amongst other safety functions. VLC technology in traffic communication applications gains interest due to some advantages it presents. The use of LEDs in traffic signaling infrastructures and vehicle headlights started to be a growing standard. With the combination of illuminating proprieties and communication in the same device, VLC becomes a very attractive technology for the implementation of outdoor communication systems for traffic information and control. Outdoor VLC channels present variable ambient conditions, with the presence of different optical sources. One major problem in this communication channel is the presence of shot-noise, generated by optical background radiance from different light sources. This dissertation presents two different communication scenarios for traffic information systems, the first being directed at the infrastructure to car (I2C) link and the second one for car to car (C2C) communication. In order to simulate the communication link performance with variable ambient channel conditions, several models for optical propagation, emitter, receiver and noise sources were implemented in MATLAB. Models for different optical sources were also implemented, with field measurements on the illuminance incident on a photo detector and their impact on the noise generated. In the simulation’s performance of the VLC link, several baseband modulation schemes were considered, aiming at the assessment of link performance, based on the traditional digital modulation performance metrics.Motivado em promover o tópico de segurança rodoviária e sistemas de informação, este trabalho providência um estudo dedicado a sistemas de comunicação por luz visível (VLC) para aplicação em cenários de exterior. O tópico desenvolvido faz parte de sistemas de transporte inteligentes (ITS) cujo propósito é a disseminação de sistemas de segurança no tráfego e transferência de informação, para aplicações de segurança. A tecnologia VLC aplicada a sistemas de comunicação de tráfego rodoviário suscita elevado interesse devido a vantagens que esta apresenta. O uso de LED’s em semáforos e faróis de carros começa a ser bastante comum. Com a combinação de diferentes valências, como iluminação e transferência de dados no mesmo dispositivo, a tecnologia VLC torna-se muito atrativa para a implementação em sistema de comunicação exterior dedicados a sistemas de informação e controlo de tráfego. O canal de comunicação VLC exterior apresenta condições variáveis, devido ao fato de existirem condições ambientais diferentes. Um grave problema neste tipo de canal de comunicação é a presença de ruido Shot, que é normalmente gerado devido á radiância causada por diferentes fontes de luz de fundo. Nesta dissertação estão presentes dois tipos de cenários para sistemas de informação de tráfego, em que o primeiro dedica-se á comunicação semáforo-carro (I2C) e o segundo cenário para a comunicação entre carros (C2C). Para simular o desempenho do canal de comunicação com diferentes condições ambientais, foram implementados em MATLAB modelos para a propagação ótica, descrição do emissor, recetor e fontes de ruido. Também foram incluídos modelos para diferentes fontes óticas de radiação, com medições de campo da iluminância incidente num foto recetor e modulado o impacto na geração de ruido. Nas simulações de desempenho da comunicação por luz visível, foram considerados diferentes esquemas de modulação da informação com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho da ligação, a qual foi feita recorrendo a métricas clássicas de desempenho de modulações digitais.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Performance evaluation of FSO communication systems over weak atmospheric turbulence channel for eastern coast of South Africa.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Free space optical (FSO) communication, otherwise known as optical wireless communication (OWC), is an established line-of-sight telecommunication technique which utilises an optical signal carrier to propagate modulated signals in the form of a light wave (visible or infrared) over the atmospheric medium. It has numerous advantages, including ease of deployment, large bandwidth, cost effective, full duplex high data rate throughput, protocol independence, highly secured data rate transmission, unregulated frequency spectrum, limited electromagnetic interference, and minimum amount of power consumption. With all the inherent advantages in FSO systems, the technology is impaired by atmospheric turbulence. Atmospheric turbulence occurs due to the persistent random changes of the refractive index as a result of variations in atmospheric temperature and pressure. This results in fluctuations in the irradiance of the laser (simply referred to as scintillation), which may lead to attenuation of optical signals in the FSO communication system. Thus, atmospheric attenuation and turbulent conditions have negative effects on the performance and ease of deployment of FSO communication systems. In this dissertation, we examine the performance of FSO systems over weak atmospheric turbulence channel for the eastern coast of South Africa. We evaluate the feasibility of the FSO link and how to improve the reliability by estimating the link margin, probability of attenuation exceedance, power scintillation index, overall power loss due to attenuation and turbulence, link budget estimate for different link lengths and wavelengths. The FSO system availability estimated for the eastern coast of South Africa is above 99% for link distances ranging from 1 km-4 km at 850 nm, 950 nm and 1550 nm. It is also observed that the FSO link availability increases with corresponding increase in wavelengths. Adopting the Kim model to estimate the atmospheric attenuation at 850 nm wavelength, the attenuation due to scattering contributes 9.47% to the absolute atmospheric losses while the atmospheric turbulence loss contributes 90.53% to the overall power loss at a link range of 4 km. Using the Ferdinandov model for a link range of 4 km at 950 nm wavelength, the attenuation due to scattering contributes 8.81% to the total power loss while the atmospheric turbulence loss contributes 91.19% to the overall power loss. It is observed that the attainable link distance increases with increase in atmospheric visibility status. The FSO system availability reduces with increase in the propagation link distance. Furthermore, it is found that the fading loss from scintillation effects strongly depends on the power scintillation index. An increase in the power scintillation index, causes an increase in the fading loss. Thus, the power scintillation index also increases per unit increase in transmission link length and refractive index. The compensation margin for such atmospheric fading loss increases with decrease in accessible FSO system bound probability. Therefore, for a highly reliable FSO system link, extra margin must be incorporated to compensate for fading loss caused by scintillation