14 research outputs found

    SNIP: A Sensor Node-Initiated Probing mechanism for opportunistic data collection in sparse wireless sensor networks

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    In many potential wireless sensor network applications, the cost of the base station infrastructure can be prohibitive. Instead, we consider the opportunistic use of mobile devices carried by people in daily life to collect sensor data. As the movement of these mobile nodes is by definition uncontrolled, contact probing is a challenging task, particularly for sensor nodes which need to be duty-cycled to achieve long life. We propose a Sensor Node-Initiated Probing mechanism for improving the contact capacity when the duty cycle of a sensor node is fixed. In contrast to existing mobile node-initiated probing mechanisms, in which the mobile node broadcasts a beacon periodically, in SNIP the sensor node broadcasts a beacon each time its radio is turned on according to its duty cycle. We study SNIP through both analysis and network simulation. The evaluation results indicate that SNIP performs much better than mobile-initiated probing. When the fixed duty cycle is lower than 1%, the probed contact capacity can be increased by an order of 2-10; alternatively, SNIP can achieve the same amount of probed contact capacity with much less energy consumption

    Human-mobility-based sensor context-aware routing protocol for delay-tolerant data gathering in multi-sink cell-phone-based sensor networks

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    Ubiquitous use of cell phones encourages development of novel applications with sensors embedded in cell phones. The collection of information generated by these devices is a challenging task considering volatile topologies and energy-based scarce resources. Further, the data delivery to the sink is delay tolerant. Mobility of cell phones is opportunistically exploited for forwarding sensor generated data towards the sink. Human mobility model shows truncated power law distribution of flight length, pause time, and intercontact time. The power law behavior of inter-contact time often discourages routing of data using naive forwarding schemes. This work exploits the flight length and the pause time distributions of human mobility to design a better and efficient routing strategy. We propose a Human-Mobility-based Sensor Context-Aware Routing protocol (HMSCAR), which exploits human mobility patterns to smartly forward data towards the sink basically comprised of wi-fi hot spots or cellular base stations. The simulation results show that HMSCAR significantly outperforms the SCAR, SFR, and GRAD-MOB on the aspects of delivery ratio and time delay. A multi-sink scenario and single-copy replication scheme is assumed

    LDAOR - Location and Direction Aware Opportunistic Routing in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 1

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    Routing in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) has found significant attention because of its unique features such as lack of energy constraints and high-speed vehicles applications. Besides, since these networks are highly dynamic, design process of routing algorithms suitable for an urban environment is extremely challenging. Appropriate algorithms could be opportunistic routing (OR) where traffic transmission is performed using the store-carry-forward mechanism. An efficient OR mechanism, called Location and Direction Aware Opportunistic Routing (LDAOR), is proposed in this paper. It is based on the best neighbor node selection by using vehicles positions, vehicles directions, and prioritization of messages from buffers, based on contact histories and positions of neighbor nodes to destination. In LDAOR, when multiple nodes make contact with a carrier node, the closest neighbor node to destination is selected as the best forwarder. However, when only one node makes contact with the carrier node, the message is delivered to it if it moves toward the destination. Using the ONE simulator, the obtained performance evaluation results show that the LDAOR operates better than conventional OR algorithms. The LDAOR not only increases delivery rate, but also reduces network overhead, traffic loss, and number of aborted messages

    Data pre-forwarding for opportunistic data collection in wireless sensor networks

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    Opportunistic data collection in wireless sensor networks uses passing smartphones to collect data from sensor nodes, thus avoiding the cost of multiple static sink nodes. Based on the observed mobility patterns of smartphone users, sensor data should be preforwarded to the nodes that are visited more frequently with the aim of improving network throughput. In this article, we construct a formal network model and an associated theoretical optimization problem to maximize the throughput subject to energy constraints of sensor nodes. Since a centralized controller is not available in opportunistic data collection, data pre-forwarding (DPF) must operate as a distributed mechanism in which each node decides when and where to forward data based on local information. Hence, we develop a simple distributed DPF mechanism with two heuristic algorithms, implement this proposal in Contiki-OS, and evaluate it thoroughly. We demonstrate empirically, in simulations, that our approach is close to the optimal solution obtained by a centralized algorithm. We also demonstrate that this approach performs well in scenarios based on real mobility traces of smartphone users. Finally, we evaluate our proposal on a small laboratory testbed, demonstrating that the distributed DPF mechanism with heuristic algorithms performs as predicted by simulations, and thus that it is a viable technique for opportunistic data collection through smartphones

    Formation-Based Odour Source Localisation Using Distributed Terrestrial and Marine Robotic Systems

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    This thesis tackles the problem of robotic odour source localisation, that is, the use of robots to find the source of a chemical release. As the odour travels away from the source, in the form of a plume carried by the wind or current, small scale turbulence causes it to separate into intermittent patches, suppressing any gradients and making this a particularly challenging search problem. We focus on distributed strategies for odour plume tracing in the air and in the water and look primarily at 2D scenarios, although novel results are also presented for 3D tracing. The common thread to our work is the use of multiple robots in formation, each outfitted with odour and flow sensing devices. By having more than one robot, we can gather observations at different locations, thus helping overcome the difficulties posed by the patchiness of the odour concentration. The flow (wind or current) direction is used to orient the formation and move the robots up-flow, while the measured concentrations are used to centre the robots in the plume and scale the formation to trace its limits. We propose two formation keeping methods. For terrestrial and surface robots equipped with relative or absolute positioning capabilities, we employ a graph-based formation controller using the well-known principle of Laplacian feedback. For underwater vehicles lacking such capabilities, we introduce an original controller for a leader-follower triangular formation using acoustic modems with ranging capabilities. The methods we propose underwent extensive experimental evaluation in high-fidelity simulations and real-world trials. The marine formation controller was implemented in MEDUSA autonomous vehicles and found to maintain a stable formation despite the multi-second ranging period. The airborne plume tracing algorithm was tested using compact Khepera robots in a wind tunnel, yielding low distance overheads and reduced tracing error. A combined approach for marine plume tracing was evaluated in simulation with promising results

    Formation-Based Odour Source Localisation Using Distributed Terrestrial and Marine Robotic Systems

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    This thesis tackles the problem of robotic odour source localisation, that is, the use of robots to find the source of a chemical release. As the odour travels away from the source, in the form of a plume carried by the wind or current, small scale turbulence causes it to separate into intermittent patches, suppressing any gradients and making this a particularly challenging search problem. We focus on distributed strategies for odour plume tracing in the air and in the water and look primarily at 2D scenarios, although novel results are also presented for 3D tracing. The common thread to our work is the use of multiple robots in formation, each outfitted with odour and flow sensing devices. By having more than one robot, we can gather observations at different locations, thus helping overcome the difficulties posed by the patchiness of the odour concentration. The flow (wind or current) direction is used to orient the formation and move the robots up-flow, while the measured concentrations are used to centre the robots in the plume and scale the formation to trace its limits. We propose two formation keeping methods. For terrestrial and surface robots equipped with relative or absolute positioning capabilities, we employ a graph-based formation controller using the well-known principle of Laplacian feedback. For underwater vehicles lacking such capabilities, we introduce an original controller for a leader-follower triangular formation using acoustic modems with ranging capabilities. The methods we propose underwent extensive experimental evaluation in high-fidelity simulations and real-world trials. The marine formation controller was implemented in MEDUSA autonomous vehicles and found to maintain a stable formation despite the multi-second ranging period. The airborne plume tracing algorithm was tested using compact Khepera robots in a wind tunnel, yielding low distance overheads and reduced tracing error. A combined approach for marine plume tracing was evaluated in simulation with promising results


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    Intermittently Connected Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks (ICDT-WSNs), a branch of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), have features of WSNs and the intermittent connectivity of Opportunistic Networks. The applications of ICDT-WSNs are increasing in recent years; however, the communication protocols suitable for this category of networks often fall short. Most of the existing communication protocols are designed for either WSNs or Opportunistic Networks with sufficient resources and tend to be inadequate for direct use in ICDT-WSNs. In this dissertation, we study ICDT-WSNs from the perspective of the characteristics, chal- lenges and possible solutions. A high-level overview of ICDT-WSNs is given, followed by a study of existing work and our solutions to address the problems of routing, flow control, error control, and storage management. The proposed solutions utilize the utility level of nodes and the connectedness of a network. In addition to the protocols for information transmissions to specific destinations, we also propose efficient mechanisms for information dissemination to arbitrary destinations. The study shows that our proposed solutions can achieve better performance than other state of the art communication protocols without sacrificing energy efficiency

    Opportunistische Weiterleitung von netzwerkcodierten Multicast-Übertragungen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen

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    In dieser Dissertation wird ein Kommunikationsschema für drahtlose Sensornetze entwickelt, welches die Multicast-Kommunikation unterschiedlicher Anwendungen mittels Netzwerkcodierung überlagert. Eine besondere Herausforderungen stellen hierbei die Eigenschaften drahtloser Sensornetze dar. Die eingeschränkte Netzwerkkapazität beschränkt zugleich das erreichbare Maximum der handhabbaren Datenmenge

    Opportunistic Data Collection in Sparse Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Opportunistic wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently been proposed as solutions for many remote monitoring problems. Many such problems, including environmental monitoring, involve large deployment scenarios with lower-than-average node density, as well as a long time scale and limited budgets. Traditional approaches designed for conventional situations, and thus not optimized for these scenarios, entail unnecessary complexity and larger costs. This paper discusses the issues related with the design and test of opportunistic architectures, and presents one possible solution&#8212;CHARON (Convergent Hybrid-replication Approach to Routing in Opportunistic Networks). Both algorithm-specific and comparative simulation results are presented, as well as real-world tests using a reference implementation. A comprehensive experimental setup was also used to seek a full characterization of the devised opportunistic approach including the derivation of a simple analytical model that is able to accurately predict the opportunistic message delivery performance in the used test bed.</p