97,950 research outputs found

    Polynomial-Division-Based Algorithms for Computing Linear Recurrence Relations

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    Sparse polynomial interpolation, sparse linear system solving or modular rational reconstruction are fundamental problems in Computer Algebra. They come down to computing linear recurrence relations of a sequence with the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. Likewise, sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation and multidimensional cyclic code decoding require guessing linear recurrence relations of a multivariate sequence.Several algorithms solve this problem. The so-called Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata algorithm (1988) uses polynomial additions and shifts by a monomial. The Scalar-FGLM algorithm (2015) relies on linear algebra operations on a multi-Hankel matrix, a multivariate generalization of a Hankel matrix. The Artinian Gorenstein border basis algorithm (2017) uses a Gram-Schmidt process.We propose a new algorithm for computing the Gr{\"o}bner basis of the ideal of relations of a sequence based solely on multivariate polynomial arithmetic. This algorithm allows us to both revisit the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata algorithm through the use of polynomial divisions and to completely revise the Scalar-FGLM algorithm without linear algebra operations.A key observation in the design of this algorithm is to work on the mirror of the truncated generating series allowing us to use polynomial arithmetic modulo a monomial ideal. It appears to have some similarities with Pad{\'e} approximants of this mirror polynomial.As an addition from the paper published at the ISSAC conferance, we give an adaptive variant of this algorithm taking into account the shape of the final Gr{\"o}bner basis gradually as it is discovered. The main advantage of this algorithm is that its complexity in terms of operations and sequence queries only depends on the output Gr{\"o}bner basis.All these algorithms have been implemented in Maple and we report on our comparisons

    Formal Representation of the SS-DB Benchmark and Experimental Evaluation in EXTASCID

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    Evaluating the performance of scientific data processing systems is a difficult task considering the plethora of application-specific solutions available in this landscape and the lack of a generally-accepted benchmark. The dual structure of scientific data coupled with the complex nature of processing complicate the evaluation procedure further. SS-DB is the first attempt to define a general benchmark for complex scientific processing over raw and derived data. It fails to draw sufficient attention though because of the ambiguous plain language specification and the extraordinary SciDB results. In this paper, we remedy the shortcomings of the original SS-DB specification by providing a formal representation in terms of ArrayQL algebra operators and ArrayQL/SciQL constructs. These are the first formal representations of the SS-DB benchmark. Starting from the formal representation, we give a reference implementation and present benchmark results in EXTASCID, a novel system for scientific data processing. EXTASCID is complete in providing native support both for array and relational data and extensible in executing any user code inside the system by the means of a configurable metaoperator. These features result in an order of magnitude improvement over SciDB at data loading, extracting derived data, and operations over derived data.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Effective partitioning method for computing weighted Moore-Penrose inverse

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    We introduce a method and an algorithm for computing the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse of multiple-variable polynomial matrix and the related algorithm which is appropriated for sparse polynomial matrices. These methods and algorithms are generalizations of algorithms developed in [M.B. Tasic, P.S. Stanimirovic, M.D. Petkovic, Symbolic computation of weighted Moore-Penrose inverse using partitioning method, Appl. Math. Comput. 189 (2007) 615-640] to multiple-variable rational and polynomial matrices and improvements of these algorithms on sparse matrices. Also, these methods are generalizations of the partitioning method for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of rational and polynomial matrices introduced in [P.S. Stanimirovic, M.B. Tasic, Partitioning method for rational and polynomial matrices, Appl. Math. Comput. 155 (2004) 137-163; M.D. Petkovic, P.S. Stanimirovic, Symbolic computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse using partitioning method, Internat. J. Comput. Math. 82 (2005) 355-367] to the case of weighted Moore-Penrose inverse. Algorithms are implemented in the symbolic computational package MATHEMATICA

    Computing Small Certificates of Inconsistency of Quadratic Fewnomial Systems

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    B{\'e}zout 's theorem states that dense generic systems of n multivariate quadratic equations in n variables have 2 n solutions over algebraically closed fields. When only a small subset M of monomials appear in the equations (fewnomial systems), the number of solutions may decrease dramatically. We focus in this work on subsets of quadratic monomials M such that generic systems with support M do not admit any solution at all. For these systems, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz ensures the existence of algebraic certificates of inconsistency. However, up to our knowledge all known bounds on the sizes of such certificates -including those which take into account the Newton polytopes of the polynomials- are exponential in n. Our main results show that if the inequality 2|M| -- 2n \le \sqrt 1 + 8{\nu} -- 1 holds for a quadratic fewnomial system -- where {\nu} is the matching number of a graph associated with M, and |M| is the cardinality of M -- then there exists generically a certificate of inconsistency of linear size (measured as the number of coefficients in the ground field K). Moreover this certificate can be computed within a polynomial number of arithmetic operations. Next, we evaluate how often this inequality holds, and we give evidence that the probability that the inequality is satisfied depends strongly on the number of squares. More precisely, we show that if M is picked uniformly at random among the subsets of n + k + 1 quadratic monomials containing at least Ω\Omega(n 1/2+ϵ\epsilon) squares, then the probability that the inequality holds tends to 1 as n grows. Interestingly, this phenomenon is related with the matching number of random graphs in the Erd{\"o}s-Renyi model. Finally, we provide experimental results showing that certificates in inconsistency can be computed for systems with more than 10000 variables and equations.Comment: ISSAC 2016, Jul 2016, Waterloo, Canada. Proceedings of ISSAC 201