121 research outputs found

    NASA Thesaurus supplement: A four part cumulative supplement to the 1988 edition of the NASA Thesaurus (supplement 3)

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    The four-part cumulative supplement to the 1988 edition of the NASA Thesaurus includes the Hierarchical Listing (Part 1), Access Vocabulary (Part 2), Definitions (Part 3), and Changes (Part 4). The semiannual supplement gives complete hierarchies and accepted upper/lowercase forms for new terms

    A Problem Solving Approach to Enterprise FileVault 2 Management and Integration

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    Consumer technology adoption into large enterprise environments is occurring at an unprecedented rate. Employees require the flexibility and efficiency of using operating systems, computers, and mobility products they are familiar with and that enable their productivity. Due to this industry phenomenon, one large shipping enterprise must work to create solutions to integrate Apple’s OS X operating system into its traditional Windows-based operating environment. This level of integration must take place carefully to enable usability and foster the continued data security of enterprise assets. This paper describes the steps and methodology taken, as well as the rationale used, to accomplish the task of integrating Apple’s FileVault 2 full disk encryption technology into existing McAfee management infrastructure and traditional deployment and support workflows. Using a combination of industry and community solutions and techniques, a low-cost software solution named EscrowToEPO is created to facilitate the secure and user-friendly adoption of FileVault 2 as a full disk encryption solution. This paper also includes the success/failure rate of adoption and implications as to how the adoption of similar solutions can occur to support future operating systems or other environments

    Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи з курсу "Організація комп'ютерних мереж"

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    Students are required to produce a term project building upon and complementing the material covered in class. The topic of the project should be related to making Ethernet cable, Network design, network security. A set of suggested projects is attached below. Each of you is required to pair up with another student to form a team of two members for the project. The final result of the project will be a technical report and a presentation. Students participate in computer networking courses during third course. Computer networking projects give students hands-on experience to learn and digest the course materials being taught. These course project also give students practical experience, especially for those who plan to continue their careers within the field

    Faculty Senate Minutes - November 19, 1999

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    Mixing Them Up: Group Work with NESB Students

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    This paper describes the implementation of a Problem-Based Learning assessment in a postgraduate ICT fundamentals subject. With an entirely international student cohort drawn from 14 countries, many students had never participated in group work. To facilitate student adjustment into the Australian educational environment, and develop understanding of the role and importance of group work, students were educated in group work theory prior to engaging in the group work process. The experiences of both teaching staff and students identified a number of positive outcomes resulting from this approach

    Digital Forensics and the Law

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    As computers and digital devices become more entrenched in our way of life, they become tools for both good and nefarious purposes. When the digital world collides with the legal world, a vast chasm is created. This paper will reflect how the legal community is failing to meet its obligation to provide adequate representation due to a lack of education about digital (computer) forensics. Whether in a civil litigation setting or a criminal setting, attorneys, prosecutors and judges have inadequate knowledge when it comes to the important questions they need to ask regarding digital evidence. Reliance on expert witnesses is not enough when the attorney cannot discern whether the opinion presented by the expert (even their own expert) is accurate, factual, or even plausible. The results of a survey distributed to attorneys, prosecutors and judges throughout the United States bear this out in a startling manner. Keywords: attorneys, lawyers, computer forensics, digital forensics, CL

    Thoughts on finding the right computer buddy: a moveable feast.

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    The burgeoning supernova of medical information is rapidly overtaking the practicing physician's envelope of comprehension. More physicians by necessity are turning to automated resources as a means of amplifying the information they need to know while, at the same time, reducing the volume of technical pollution. Computers are capable of being a silent partner at your side as you talk with your patient--ready to cut to the quick and retrieve the latest information for the particular clinical problem at hand. Computers can be considered an extension of the brain. In a sense, they are silicon-based "life" forms. Virtuosity is learned from them as familiarity is gained--the same as becoming acquainted with a human stranger. This article is about one physician's solution to the problem of too much information. It's unabashedly anecdotal but we hope the reader will glean some hints while navigating through the realms of cyberspace

    McGill Library Makes E-books Portable: E-reader Loan Service in a Canadian Academic Library

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    E-readers are increasingly popular personal devices, but can they be effectively used for the needs of academic libraries’ clients? This paper employs an evidence-based approach that examines the role and efficacy of implementing an E-reader Loan Service at McGill University Library. Suggestions are offered as to what lending model and device features best meet client needs. Observations are made based on the lessons learned from active use. The paper also examines relevant issues, such as electronic formats, Digital Rights Management, and the role of e-readers as library technology that facilitates the ideals of mobile learning

    High-Throughput GoMiner, an 'industrial-strength' integrative gene ontology tool for interpretation of multiple-microarray experiments, with application to studies of Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID)

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    BACKGROUND: We previously developed GoMiner, an application that organizes lists of 'interesting' genes (for example, under-and overexpressed genes from a microarray experiment) for biological interpretation in the context of the Gene Ontology. The original version of GoMiner was oriented toward visualization and interpretation of the results from a single microarray (or other high-throughput experimental platform), using a graphical user interface. Although that version can be used to examine the results from a number of microarrays one at a time, that is a rather tedious task, and original GoMiner includes no apparatus for obtaining a global picture of results from an experiment that consists of multiple microarrays. We wanted to provide a computational resource that automates the analysis of multiple microarrays and then integrates the results across all of them in useful exportable output files and visualizations. RESULTS: We now introduce a new tool, High-Throughput GoMiner, that has those capabilities and a number of others: It (i) efficiently performs the computationally-intensive task of automated batch processing of an arbitrary number of microarrays, (ii) produces a human-or computer-readable report that rank-orders the multiple microarray results according to the number of significant GO categories, (iii) integrates the multiple microarray results by providing organized, global clustered image map visualizations of the relationships of significant GO categories, (iv) provides a fast form of 'false discovery rate' multiple comparisons calculation, and (v) provides annotations and visualizations for relating transcription factor binding sites to genes and GO categories. CONCLUSION: High-Throughput GoMiner achieves the desired goal of providing a computational resource that automates the analysis of multiple microarrays and integrates results across all of the microarrays. For illustration, we show an application of this new tool to the interpretation of altered gene expression patterns in Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID). High-Throughput GoMiner will be useful in a wide range of applications, including the study of time-courses, evaluation of multiple drug treatments, comparison of multiple gene knock-outs or knock-downs, and screening of large numbers of chemical derivatives generated from a promising lead compound