153,286 research outputs found

    Investigating grid computing technologies for use with commercial simulation packages

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    As simulation experimentation in industry become more computationally demanding, grid computing can be seen as a promising technology that has the potential to bind together the computational resources needed to quickly execute such simulations. To investigate how this might be possible, this paper reviews the grid technologies that can be used together with commercial-off-the-shelf simulation packages (CSPs) used in industry. The paper identifies two specific forms of grid computing (Public Resource Computing and Enterprise-wide Desktop Grid Computing) and the middleware associated with them (BOINC and Condor) as being suitable for grid-enabling existing CSPs. It further proposes three different CSP-grid integration approaches and identifies one of them to be the most appropriate. It is hoped that this research will encourage simulation practitioners to consider grid computing as a technologically viable means of executing CSP-based experiments faster

    Security and computer forensics in web engineering education

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    The integration of security and forensics into Web Engineering curricula is imperative! Poor security in web-based applications is continuing to cost organizations millions and the losses are still increasing annually. Security is frequently taught as a stand-alone course, assuming that security can be 'bolted on' to a web application at some point. Security issues must be integrated into Web Engineering processes right from the beginning to create secure solutions and therefore security should be an integral part of a Web Engineering curriculum. One aspect of Computer forensics investigates failures in security. Hence, students should be aware of the issues in forensics and how to respond when security failures occur; collecting evidence is particularly difficult for Web-based applications

    Business strategies of companies and local production systems in Bulgarian dairy industry

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    Rozdział z: Functioning of the Local Production Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries and Siberia. Case Studies and Comparative Studies, ed. Mariusz E. Sokołowicz.The following paper examines the issues related to product-market business strategies. They are considered in the case of nonbusiness organizations and local production systems (LPS), which operate in the sector of milk and dairy products in Bulgaria. For the purpose of estimating the intensity of competition the number of competitors was computated, including these which are of paramount importance for the industry. The paper outlines some basic types of LPS within the industry. It also disscusses the assertion that a presence of enhanced vertical integration is identified within the sector, where the producers of milk and dairy products have a leading role. On this basis, the product market business strategies for the development of manufacturing companies and for the LPS as a whole appear to play a key role in the sector.Monograph financed under a contract of execution of the international scientific project within 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (title: “Functioning of the Local Production Systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis (Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking for the EU and Beyond”)). Monografia sfinansowana w oparciu o umowę o wykonanie projektu między narodowego w ramach 7. Programu Ramowego UE, współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (tytuł projektu: „Funkcjonowanie lokalnych systemów produkcyjnych w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego (analiza porównawcza i benchmarking w wybranych krajach UE oraz krajach trzecich”))

    Analysis of efficiency indicators

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    There are several variations of efficiency definitions and of course ratios concerned with efficiency. A better understanding of the notion of efficiency is critical to dissolve ambiguity about it. Many confuse efficiency with other supposedly synonymous notions such as profitability, successfulness, competitiveness, liquidity or productivity. This ambiguity originates not only in subjective reasons, but the lack of hierarchical order among certain ideas. The primary driver in our research is, to systematize efficiency in general, and formulate a new categorical approach of the efficiency in corporate level

    The Screenplay Business: Managing creativity in script development in the contemporary British independent film industry

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    A screenplay is sometimes said to be a blueprint for a film, and its genesis and development is therefore important to our understanding of how films are created. Film business studies has traditionally avoided close study of the screenplay development process, perhaps as a result of the film studies emphasis on analysing the text of the completed film, and the auteur theory emphasis on the importance of the director; both of which may have marginalised the study of development and the creativity of development practitioners. Professional screenplay development is a team activity, with creative collaboration between screenwriters, producers, development executives, financiers, and directors. So how does power and creative control shift between members of this team, especially as people arrive or leave? And how does this multiple authorship affect the auteur theory idea that the director is the creative author of the film? This research sets out to open debates around the process and nature of the business of script development, and consider how development practitioners experience, collaborate and participate in the process of screenplay development in the UK today. It uses original interviews, observation and hermeneutic reflection; and asks how cross-disciplinary ideas around creativity, managing creative people, motivation, organisational culture, and team theory could be used to consider how the creative team of writer, producer, director and development executive can work effectively together. It proposes new theories, including defining the independent film value chain and the commitment matrix, analysing changing power relationships during development, and establishing new typologies around film categories and their relationship to funding. The core of this PhD by Prior Publication is the book The Screenplay Business: managing creativity and script development in the film industry. The supporting paper explores the contexts of film industry studies; the film value chain; auteurship and screenplay studies

    Fundamental of collective bargaining in industrial relation

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    Bargaining plays a vital role in the economic process and it has received large attention in the economic literature. Industrial relation is a field that studies about the employment relationship which it’s an interrelation between the employer and employee or the organization and the trade union. Collective bargaining is defined as the dispute between the employer and employee where this dispute can be settled through discussion and negotiation where both parties can come to a mutual agreement and also as one decision (Edmund Heery, Nicholas Bacon, Paul Blyton & Jack Fiorito, 2010). Usually the trade union represent the employee’s interests towards the employer which the employee belongs to the trade union as well. The collective bargaining is usually about the wages scales, working hours, healthcare and safety and also training. Collective bargaining is adapt more easily when the employees demand meets the employers flexibility and easier when the firms boundary is changed accordingly. In collective bargaining wages is a topic that’s regularly being discussed or negotiated between the employer and employee (Arun, 2000; Sinha, 2000)

    Focal Spot, Spring 1973

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