97 research outputs found

    LIGHTest: Lightweight Infrastrucutre for Global and Heterogeneous Trust Management

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    The EU-funded LIGHTest project is developing a global trust infrastructure that enables an easy and efficient verification process of electronic transactions, even if the involved instances belong to different trust domains. LIGHTest builds on the available internet Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. This paper gives an overview on the LIGHTest project, its reference architecture and variety of application fields

    What's in a name: the conflicting views of pseudonymisation under eIDAS and the General Data Protection Regulation

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    Pseudonymisation is gaining traction among modern electronic identification systems as a privacy enhancing technique that can significantly reduce risks of personal data misuse. The recently agreed General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) encourages the use of pseudonymisation to comply with its requirement of privacy-by-design. Art. 5 of the European Regulation on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) on data processing and protection simply allows the use of pseudonyms in electronic transactions although the facilitation of the implementation of the principle of privacy by design is clearly among the aims listed by Art. 12 of eIDAS. This paper examines the concept of pseudonymisation under eIDAS and the GDPR and suggests that the two Regulations employ two very different, if not incompatible, notions of pseudonymisation. It concludes that a common terminology and approach would be preferable in order to ensure consistency and legal certaint

    Systematic Literature Review on the LDAP Protocol As a Centralized Mechanism for the Authentication of Users in Multiple Systems

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    The protocol LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows centralized identity authentication, where the information of the directory is faster and easier to read. This article carries out a systematic literature review (SLR) according to what is proposed in the article by Bárbara Kitchenham [1], aimed to identify different methods for users’ authentication in multiple systems using LDAP protocol, an analysis of criteria is carried out about different studies published in five digital libraries (Scopus, IEEEXplorer, Scientific.net, Google Scholar, DBLP), and two academic magazines (Revista EnergĂ­a of UNL, Revista CientĂ­fica of UTB), making relevant conclusions of the use of four mechanisms for the authentication of users of multiple systems such as: Languaje PHP, SSO (Single sign-on), IAM (Identity and Access Management), and T-RBAC (Access control based on roles and tasks), predominantly the use of the PHP language for its administrative tools for managing LDAP servers.     Keywords: LDAP, authentication, user management, systematic literature review, securit

    Advance Vehicle and Driver Profile Management Using Cloud Frameworks

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    Advancements in semiconductor technology, embedded automotive computing, AI/ML computing and cloud computing has recently helped automotive industry to reach to provide the next generation vehicular experience such as self-driving cars, advanced safety features, cloud-based fleet management, highly efficient automotive manufacturing, connected cars, telematics and many more. Automotive or vehicular industry also started focus on providing better driving experience, in vehicle connectivity, entertainment, remote vehicle diagnostics and driver assistance, etc. Automotive cloud computing is one such domain which helped automotive industry to scale itself to connect the vehicles to cloud and remotely manage and control the vehicles, provide emergency assistance, data science and analytics services to dealers, insurance companies, car manufacturers, fleet management, etc. In this paper we present the research of recent advancements of automotive industry especially using cloud computing and how the cloud computing frameworks are making huge impact on auto industry such as advance driver’s profiles management using cloud framework. This paper also discusses the implementation approach for electronically managing the vehicle and driver’s preferences for their next generation electric and hybrid vehicles. And the paper proposes the smartphone’s NFC or BLE based driver’s profiles management approach

    Electronic identity verification: personal data protection challenges and risks

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    This work highlights the clash of GDPR, eIDAS Regulation and PSD2 Directive, as well as tackles challenges of implementation in practice, specifically the challenges of securing personal data whilst ensuring an electronic identity. A comparative analysis on practical case studies which are concerned with electronic identity verification, electronic identity establishment and use electronic identity verification in the process of providing services is carried out in order to understand how such businesses tackle personal data challenges, how successfully and to what manner. The work concludes with findings of legal uncertainty between all three regulatory acts, as they lack unified definitions and interpretational certainty in terminology, as well as they are in a need of revision due to the fact that some relevant laws were developed prior GDPR
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