61 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Paper by Means of the Densichron Instrument

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    An Evaluation of the Universal Magnephot Densichron as a Reflectometer, Opacimeter and Color Analyzing Device This paper is a report on the evaluation of the Universal Magnephot Densichron, an electronic photocell instrument developed for the photographic industry, for use in the paper industry. This instrument has been found to have several errors which make its use impractical for research work in the laboratory, but it can be used in paper mills for control purposes. If this used for this type of work certain precautions have to be taken as outlined. The major portion of this paper deals with the possibility of this instrument being used as a device for the study and control of color in the paper industry using the Tristimulus Method of Colorimetry. It has been found that this instrument does not give as good a result as other instruments that are being used today for this type of work. Though the Densichron can not be used in the study and analysis of color, it could be used for mill control work with papers white, near white and light pastels provided standardization of the instrument is watched and checked at certain intervals. With refinements by the manufacturer this instrument can find a place in the paper industry for Brightness testing, reflectance testing and opacity testing as well as color analyzing testing and study


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    Praktikum pengujian opasitas gas buang mesin diesel pada mata kuliah Analisa Performa Mesin di Laboratorium Pengujian Performa Kendaraan Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA belum menggunakan modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820. Selama ini, hanya terdapat buku petunjuk berbahasa Italia untuk menggunakan alat uji tersebut. Sedangkan dalam pembelajaran juga masih menggunakan metode konvensional (ceramah) sehingga tidak sebanding antara materi yang harus disampaikan dengan waktu yang tersedia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820 dan mengetahui tingkat validitasnya, mengetahui respon mahasiswa dan respon dosen terhadap penggunaan modul, serta mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan modul tersebut terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development)/R&D. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 fase, yaitu: 1) fase analysis (analisa), 2) fase design (perancangan), 3) fase development (pengembangan), 4) fase implementation (penerapan), dan 5) fase evaluation (evaluasi). Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi dosen ahli, lembar angket respon dosen dan mahasiswa, serta lembar tes. Analisa data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil validasi modul dari ahli materi/isi sebesar 4,41 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 88,28% termasuk kategori sangat layak. Sedangkan hasil validasi modul dari ahli bahasa sebesar 4,04 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 80,83% termasuk kategori layak, kemudian hasil validasi modul dari ahli desain sebesar 4,38 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 87,68% termasuk kategori sangat layak. Respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan modul yang dilihat dari tiga aspek yaitu aspek tampilan, aspek penyajian materi, dan aspek manfaat mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 86,04% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil dari respon dosen terhadap penggunaan modul mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 91,97% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa setelah menggunakan modul sebesar 54%. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820 yang dikembangkan dapat menunjang mata kuliah Analisa Performa Mesin pada materi pengujian opasitas gas buang kendaraan berbahan bakar solar (mesin diesel). Kata Kunci: Modul, Smoke Opacity Meter, Opasitas, model ADDIE, Respon, Hasil BelajarOpacity testing of exhaust diesel engines on the subject of Engine Performance Analysis in the Engine Performance Testing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNESA does not use the module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820. During this time, there is only a manual book in the Italian Language to use the test equipment. While the study also still using conventional methods (direct instructional model) so that no comparison between the material must be submitted by available time. The purpose of the research is to develop a module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820 and find out the level of validity, knowing student’s response and lecturer response on the use of modules, and to see the influence of the user module to the student learning outcomes. This research is research and development (R & D). Development model used is the ADDIE model consisting of 5 phase, 1) analysis phase, 2) design phase, 3) development phase, 4) implementation phase, and 5) evaluation phase. The form of instrument research is experts lecturer validation sheet, lecture and students response questionnaire sheet, and a sheet of the tes. Data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this research are validity modules from experts material of 4,41 including valid category and the percentage of the feasibility of module for 88,28% including very decent class. While, the results of validation module from experts language of 4,04 including valid category and the percentage of the feasibility of modules for 80,83% including worth category, then the results of validation from experts design of 4,38% including correct category and the portion of the possibility of modules for 87,68% including very decent type. Student’s response to the use of modules seen from three aspects that is display aspect, element of the presentation of the material, and perspective of the benefits of getting the percentage of the results of 86,04% including excellent category. While the result of the lecturer response to use the module to get the portion of the effect of 91,97% including perfect category. Percentage increase students are learning outcomes after using module for 54%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820 developed worth used and can be supportive course of Engine Performance Analysis on the opacity testing of exhaust diesel engine. Keywords: Module, Smoke Opacity Meter, Opacity, ADDIE models, Response, Learning Outcomes

    Particle Matter Measurements for Inspection/Maintenance Programs

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    Particle emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles (HDDVs) are currently measured by opacity or dynamometer gravimetric analysis. The Electronic Tailpipe Particle Sensor (ETaPS) is an inexpensive measurement device purported to give real time response to particle mass and was proposed as a possible addition to Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) programs. There were three goals to this study. The first was to verify ETaPS response to particle mass of HDDV exhaust. Integrated ETaPS signal was plotted against filter weight from dynamometer gravimetric analysis and a correlation was found. The second goal was to find a correlation between ETaPS readings and the Remote Sensing Detector (RSD). These tests were invalidated due to interference from power lines greatly affecting the ETaPS signal. The final goal was to find a relationship between the RSD and the dynamometer gravimetric analysis. Comparisons were made from averaged RSD smoke data, and averaged gravimetric data for each HDDV undergoing both tests. A measurable difference was found for RSD smoke readings between Diesel Particle Filter (DPF) equipped vs. non-DPF and DPF bypassed HDDVs

    A new in vitro method to evaluate radio-opacity of endodontic sealers

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a new method for assessing the radio-opacity of endodontic sealers and to compare radio-opacity values with a well-established standard method. METHODS: The sealers evaluated in this study were AH Plus(®) (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany), Endo CPM Sealer (EGEO SRL, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and MTA Fillapex(®) (Angelus Dental Products Industry S/A, Londrina, Parana, Brazil). Two methods were used to evaluate radio-opacity: (D) standard discs and (S) a tissue simulator. For (D), ten standard discs were prepared for each sealer and were radiographed using Digora(®) phosphor storage plates (Soredex; Orion Corporation, Helsinki, Finland), alongside an aluminium stepwedge. For (S), polyethylene tubes filled with sealer (n = 10 for each) were radiographed inside the simulator as described. The digital images were analysed using Adobe Photoshop(®) software v. 10.0 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA). To compare the radio-opacity among the sealers, the data were analysed by ANOVA and Tukey's test, and to compare methods, they were analysed by the Mann–Whitney U test. To compare the data obtained from dentin and sealers in method (S), Student's paired t-test was used (=0.05). RESULTS: In both methods, the sealers showed significant differences, according to the following decreasing order: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and Endo CPM. In (D), MTA Fillapex and Endo CPM showed less radio-opacity than aluminium. For all of the materials, the radio-opacity was higher in (S) than in (D). Compared with dentin, all of the materials were more radio-opaque. CONCLUSIONS: The comparison of the two assessment methods for sealer radio-opacity testing validated the use of a tissue simulator block


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    Aotomotif Diesel Oil (ADO) atau minyak diesel memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dalam transportasi, industri, dan sektor pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, namun, yang paling banyak digunakan pada sektor transportasi. Permintaan solar meningkat setiap tahun, sedangkan produksi minyak solar di Indonesia terbatas, sehingga impor minyak solar yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi peningkatan permintaan domestik. Biodiesel merupakan pilihan energi alternatif untuk menggantikan dan mengganti minyak solar terutama di sektor transportasi. Kita semua menyadari bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk memproduksi Minyak biji jarak pagar sebagai bahan baku alternatif untuk memproduksi biodiesel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan campuran solar-biodiesel dari minyak biji jarak pagar terhadap unjuk kerja mesin diesel dan opasitas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen (experimental research). Objek dari penelitian ini adalah mesin diesel 4 langkah. Pengujian unjuk kerja mesin menggunakan metode fuel open trottle valve dengan standart pengujian berdasarkan SAE J1349 dan standart pengujian kepekatan asap (opasitas) berdasarkan SAE J1167. Biodiesel ini dicampurkan dengan sola dengan presentase minyak jarak dalam campuran bahan bakar solar adalah B17,5; B20; B22,5; dan B25. Peralatan dan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah smoke opacymeter, thermometer, chasis dynamometer,  dan humiditymeter. Kedua pengujian dilakukan dengan dan tanpa campuran solar-biodisel dari minyak biji jarak. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa campuran solar-biodisel dari minyak biji jarak mampu meningkatkan unjuk kerja mesin, menghemat bahan bakar, dan menurunkan opasitas. Hal ini dibuktikan pada campuran solar-biodiesel (B25) yang terbaik dengan peningkatan torsi menjadi 2,79 kgf.m presentase peningkatan 32,23% pada 4500 rpm, campuran solar-biodiesel (B25) terbaik dengan peningkatan daya menjadi 17,70 PS dengan presentase peningkatan sebesar 30,02% pada 4500 rpm. Tekanan efektif rata-rata menjadi 0,35 kg/cm2 dengan presentase peningkatan sebesar 30,02%. Hal ini karena karekteristik campuran solar-biodiesel yaitu angka cetane dan titik nyala lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan solar. Konsumsi bahan bakar menjadi 2,87 kg/jam dengan presentase penurunan sebesar 28,38% pada 4500 rpm. Sedangkan opasitas mengalami penurunan menjadi 6,40% dengan presentase penurunan sebesar 60,02%.   Kata kunci: Biodiesel minyak biji Jarak, solar, opasitas, unjuk kerja mesi

    The Effects of Repeated Recycle on Paper Strength

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    As society stresses the need to recycle to reduce the amount of waste sent to our municipality landfills every year, the effect of secondary fiber on the papers that we produce becomes greater and greater. One of the largest effects that these fibers have is to change the strength properties in the sheets which contain them. Most studies have shown a decrease in the tensile strength of paper as fibers pass repeatedly through a series of recycle. The reason of this tendency is believed to be a loss of bonding potential between fibers as they become shorter and stiffer through a process known as irreversible hornification. Four grades were chosen to observe the effects upon sheet strength when passed through a series of five recycles. The grades covered a range of softwood to hardwood ratios, of filler content, and of degree of refining in the initial sheet. In all cases, tensile strength was shown to increase over the first three to four recycles before beginning to decrease with further recycle. Tests indicate that the leaching of filler from these relatively highly filled sheets was the main reason for these unusual, but not unprecedented results. As the filler is removed from the sheet, more bonding sites between fibers become available. This allows for higher strength within the sheet until this effect becomes increasingly offset by the hornification of the fibers, at which point strength begins to deteriorate. The hypothesis of filler loss is strengthened by general decreases in brightness and opacity through successive stages of recycle. As these fillers are used expressly to enhance these sheet properties in these grades, it is apparent that they are being removed during the sheet formation process. Tear strength was shown to decrease through the course of this investigation, a result which is consistent with a rise in tensile strength. Fiber length analysis and ash testing of sample testing of sample sheets would further aid in evaluation as to the extent to which fiber shortening and the loss of filler affect the strength properties of sheets made from repeatedly recycled fibers

    The Effects of Various Adhesives and Adhesive Levels on the Scattering Coefficient of Pigmented Coatings: An Attempt to Predict Scattering Coefficients

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    The object of this study was to determine the effect of various levels of different adhesives on the scattering coefficients of a coating. Once the relationship of the adhesive effect on the scattering coefficient was determined an equation was to be developed to predict the optical properties of the coated sheet. This study shows that there is an increase in scattering coefficient from 5 to 10pph adhesive and after 10pph a steady decrease in the scattering coefficient as more adhesive is added. The increase is theorized to be due to flocculation of fines within the coating and the decrease due to the filling of voids in the coating. The scattering coefficient of the coating can be predicted for the adhesive addition range of 10 to 30pph by a linear equation. The data obtained in this work correlates with results of other workers using black glass and foil substrates
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