5 research outputs found

    Ontology-driven word recommendation for mobile Web search

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    The Web search has special characteristics against the desktop search when realized from mobile devices. To establish an improvement within this paradigm, an option is to take into account the context from which the search is developed. To conceptualize the mobile context, we propose the use of ontologies, which will include the device characteristics, environmental conditions and user preferences, among other term conceptualizations. This context definition would be used to determinate the behavior of a word recommendation when searching from mobile devices. As an essential process of creating this context ontology, we have made a real user's evaluation of the ontology terms by means of a survey. This paper shows a brief introduction to the project and focuses mainly on the results obtained in this concept's evaluatio

    Definición de contexto por medio de ontologías como mejora de servicios y aplicaciones en dispositivos móviles

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    El uso de los dispositivos móviles es el medio preferido por los usuarios alrededor del mundo como medio de conexión a Internet y para la utilización de aplicaciones en aspectos de ocio, entretenimiento y laborales. El contexto en la utilización de estos dispositivos tiene un valor primordial al ser medios de acceso en los que la ubicación, características del uso en determinado momento, las preferencias del usuario o los aspectos temporales pueden ser factores a considerar que permitan a una aplicación determinada ofrecer una experiencia de uso mejorada o esperada por el usuario. La presente tesis plantea en primer lugar el desarrollo de una ontología que permita definir el contexto en dispositivos móviles, entendiendo al contexto como el conjunto de factores o condiciones interrelacionadas en las que algo ocurre, de forma que este pueda ser utilizado en aplicaciones en las que considerar el contexto pueda ser un factor de mejora en la experiencia para el usuario. La ontología propuesta establece 6 elementos base para la definición del contexto, los cuales permiten definir de forma completa los elementos necesarios para hacer uso del contexto como mejora de servicios o aplicaciones móviles. De la misma forma, en el presente trabajo se hace uso de la ontología de definición del contexto en dos actividades que se llevan a cabo comúnmente en los dispositivos móviles, la escritura de texto y el envío de mensajes o notificaciones a los dispositivos móviles, buscando, en ambos casos, obtener una mejora en la percepción del usuario. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo nos demostraron que la utilización del contexto definido utilizando una ontología ha sido de utilidad, ya que se obtuvieron mejoras en las dos acciones mencionadas: en la escritura de texto se obtuvo un impacto de un 45% de mejora en promedio, mientras que en el envío de mensajes la mejora fue de un 58%.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Ontology-driven word recommendation for mobile Web search

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    The hyperiid amphipod community of Banderas Bay, a tropical embayment on the central coast of the Mexican Pacific in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region, is studied based on surface zooplankton samples obtained during September and November, 1990. A taxonomic analysis of this group of pelagic amphipods yielded 20 species belonging to 11 families and 17 genera. Lestrigonus bengalensis and Hyperioides sibaginis were the dominant species; together, they represented ca. 94% of total hyperiid numbers in the area, the former species being dominant in November and the latter in September. The average density of the hyperiids was higher in September (1160 ind./1000 m3) than in November (731 ind./1000 m3). During the surveyed period, the warm waters of the North Equatorial Current were dominant in the area, thus favouring a tropical profile of the local hyperiid community. Local variations in density, diversity, and composition during the two months surveyed suggest that the bay is a highly dynamic system. The species composition showed a closer affinity with the Gulf of California than with the California Current system, or with the inferred general pattern of the Eastern Pacific. The shelf-coastal hyperiid fauna is distinctly different from that of the oceanic realm and should be studied further in this region. During the surveyed period, the hyperiid community of Banderas was featured by a relatively low diversity, but with an important influence of oceanic elements as a result of (1) the physiography of this large, open, and deep embayment, and (2) the narrowness of the continental shelf. This is the first information about this group of amphipods from coastal areas in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. " 2008 Brill Academic Publishers.",,,,,,"10.1163/156854008784092256",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/42013","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-42149157737&partnerID=40&md5=e7917aabe51a7ac510a469107afb16fe",,,,,,"5",,"Crustaceana",,"56

    Ontology-driven word recommendation for mobile Web search

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    The Web search has special characteristics against the desktop search when realized from mobile devices. To establish an improvement within this paradigm, an option is to take into account the context from which the search is developed. To conceptualize the mobile context, we propose the use of ontologies, which will include the device characteristics, environmental conditions and user preferences, among other term conceptualizations. This context definition would be used to determinate the behavior of a word recommendation when searching from mobile devices. As an essential process of creating this context ontology, we have made a real user's evaluation of the ontology terms by means of a survey. This paper shows a brief introduction to the project and focuses mainly on the results obtained in this concept's evaluation. Copyright © 2014 Cambridge University Press

    Ontology-driven word recommendation for mobile Web search

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