13 research outputs found

    An ontology-based MDA framework for service-based software systems architecting

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    Model-driven Architecture (MDA) is a software architecture framework proposed by the Object Management Group OMG. MDA emphasises the importance of modelling in the architectural design of software systems. Ontologies are can enhance the modelling aspects here. We present a layered MDA-based modelling approach. We focus on servicebased software and the Web Services platform

    Organising the knowledge space for software components

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    Software development has become a distributed, collaborative process based on the assembly of off-the-shelf and purpose-built components. The selection of software components from component repositories and the development of components for these repositories requires an accessible information infrastructure that allows the description and comparison of these components. General knowledge relating to software development is equally important in this context as knowledge concerning the application domain of the software. Both form two pillars on which the structural and behavioural properties of software components can be addressed. Form, effect, and intention are the essential aspects of process-based knowledge representation with behaviour as a primary property. We investigate how this information space for software components can be organised in order to facilitate the required taxonomy, thesaurus, conceptual model, and logical framework functions. Focal point is an axiomatised ontology that, in addition to the usual static view on knowledge, also intrinsically addresses the dynamics, i.e. the behaviour of software. Modal logics are central here – providing a bridge between classical (static) knowledge representation approaches and behaviour and process description and classification. We relate our discussion to the Web context, looking at Web services as components and the Semantic Web as the knowledge representation framewor

    Knowledge infrastructures for software service architectures

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    Software development has become a distributed, collaborative process based on the assembly of off-the-shelf and purpose-built components or services. The selection of software services from service repositories and their integration into software system architectures, but also the development of services for these repositories requires an accessible information infrastructure that allows the description and comparison of these services. General knowledge relating to software development is equally important in this context as knowledge concerning the application domain of the software. Both form two pillars on which the structural and behavioural properties of software services can be addressed. We investigate how this information space for software services can be organized. Focal point are ontologies that, in addition to the usual static view on knowledge, also intrinsically addresses the dynamics, i.e. the behaviour of software. We relate our discussion to the Web context, looking at the Web Services Framework and the Semantic Web as the knowledge representation framework

    A conceptual architecture for semantic web services development and deployment

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    Several extensions of the Web Services Framework (WSF) have been proposed. The combination with Semantic Web technologies introduces a notion of semantics, which can enhance scalability through automation. Service composition to processes is an equally important issue. Ontology technology – the core of the Semantic Web – can be the central building block of an extension endeavour. We present a conceptual architecture for ontology-based Web service development and deployment. The development of service-based software systems within the WSF is gaining increasing importance. We show how ontologies can integrate models, languages, infrastructure, and activities within this architecture to support reuse and composition of semantic Web services

    Semantic model-driven development of web service architectures.

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    Building service-based architectures has become a major area of interest since the advent of Web services. Modelling these architectures is a central activity. Model-driven development is a recent approach to developing software systems based on the idea of making models the central artefacts for design representation, analysis, and code generation. We propose an ontology-based engineering methodology for semantic model-driven composition and transformation of Web service architectures. Ontology technology as a logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning framework can provide answers to the needs of sharable and reusable semantic models and descriptions needed for service engineering. Based on modelling, composition and code generation techniques for service architectures, our approach provides a methodological framework for ontology-based semantic service architecture

    Онтологічні моделі опису готових ресурсів у розробці програм

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    Досліджено роль домену програмної інженерії у системі концентрації знань з інфраструктури розробки програмних систем. Визначені базові засади побудови інформаційних моделей готових ресурсів розробки програмних систем як складових інфраструктури розробки, особливості онтологічних залежностей для домену програмної інженерії та запропоновано склад значущих для даного домену структурованих та онтологічних аспектів, запропоновано підхід до вирішення проблеми синонімії при побудові онтологій засобами спеціальної службиThe role of Software Engineering Domain in Knowledges Concentration systems is investigated. Main decisions about reusing program recourses modelling are discussed and special dependencies in ontological descriptions of such models are proposed. Also some decision with synonymy are propose

    An ontological framework for web service processes

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    The process notion is central in computing. Business processes and workflow processes are essential elements of software systems implementations. Processes are connected to notions of interaction and composition. The Web Services Framework as a development and deployment platform for services is based on the assembly of interacting processes as the compositional paradigm. Service-based software development on and for the Web platform embracing the philosophy of discovering and using third-party services makes a shared knowledge representation framework necessary. We develop a semantical and ontological framework for service process composition. We propose a framework for the compositional de�nition of Web services based on the �-calculus to de�ne protocol-like restrictions on service interactions and based on description logic and ontologies to guide the discovery and modelling of services and processes

    Toward an IT Agenda

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    The state of the information technology discipline is explored. A point of departure is a depiction of the IT field in a computing space along with computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, and information systems. This examination motivated a proposed distinctive anchoring theme for the IT discipline as deployment and configuration. Recommendations are made for advancing the research component of an IT agenda by seizing on jurisdictional vacancies, abstracting from professional practice, and drawing upon theoretical results from the systems sciences, serving as a reference discipline for IT. Five IT research thrust areas are proposed: IT artifacts, enterprise architectural infrastructure, interaction models, system performance, and domain induction. Appendices provide context by discussing viewpoints on the IS-IT relationship, perspectives on the role of artifacts in IS-IT research, and observations on the perceived standing of IT as a discipline or sub-discipline

    Semantic component selection

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    The means of locating information quickly and efficiently is a growing area of research. However the real challenge is not related to locating bits of information, but finding those that are relevant. Relevant information resides within unstructured ‘natural’ text. However, understanding natural text and judging information relevancy is a challenge. The challenge is partially addressed by use of semantic models and reasoning approaches that allow categorisation and (within limited fashion) provide understanding of this information. Nevertheless, many such methods are dependent on expert input and, consequently, are expensive to produce and do not scale. Although automated solutions exist, thus far, these have not been able to approach accuracy levels achievable through use of expert input. This thesis presents SemaCS - a novel nondomain specific automated framework of categorising and searching natural text. SemaCS does not rely on expert input; it is based on actual data being searched and statistical semantic distances between words. These semantic distances are used to perform basic reasoning and semantic query interpretation. The approach was tested through a feasibility study and two case studies. Based on reasoning and analyses of data collected through these studies, it can be concluded that SemaCS provides a domain independent approach of semantic model generation and query interpretation without expert input. Moreover, SemaCS can be further extended to provide a scalable solution applicable to large datasets (i.e. World Wide Web). This thesis contributes to the current body of knowledge by establishing, adapting, and using novel techniques to define a generic selection/categorisation framework. Implementing the framework outlined in the thesis improves an existing algorithm of semantic distance acquisition. Finally, as a novel approach to the extraction of semantic information is proposed, there exists a positive impact on Information Retrieval domain and, specifically, on Natural Language Processing, word disambiguation and Web/Intranet search