19 research outputs found

    An ontology-based approach to knowledge representation for Computer-Aided Control System Design

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    P. 107-125Different approaches have been used in order to represent and build control engineering concepts for the computer. Software applications for these fields are becoming more and more demanding each day, and new representation schemas are continuously being developed. This paper describes a study of the use of knowledge models represented in ontologies for building Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD) tools. The use of this approach allows the construction of formal conceptual structures that can be stated independently of any software application and be used in many different ones. In order to show the advantages of this approach, an ontology and an application have been built for the domain of design of lead/lag controllers with the root locus method, presenting the results and benefits found

    An ontology-based approach to knowledge representation for Computer-Aided Control System Design

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    Different approaches have been used in order to represent and build control engineering concepts for the computer. Software applications for these fields are becoming more and more demanding each day, and new representation schemas are continuously being developed. This paper describes a study of the use of knowledge models represented in ontologies for building Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD) tools. The use of this approach allows the construction of formal conceptual structures that can be stated independently of any software application and be used in many different ones. In order to show the advantages of this approach, an ontology and an application have been built for the domain of design of lead/lag controllers with the root locus method, presenting the results and benefits found

    Modelos de conocimiento basados en ontologías para la construcción de software en el dominio de la Ingeniería de control

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    217 p.El tema abordado en esta tesis es la representación del conocimiento del dominio de la ingeniería de control en las aplicaciones informáticas. En concreto se presenta y estudia el uso de las técnicas de modelado del conocimiento provenientes del campo de la inteligencia artificial como forma de hacer frente a alguna de las necesidades que presenta el software en esta disciplina. Para comprobar la validez de esta aproximación se estudia y lleva a cabo la construcción de una estructura conceptual (una ontología) que recoge el conocimiento existente en un subdominio de esa disciplina, concretamente en el problema de diseño de compensadores de adelanto/retraso con las técnicas del lugar de las raíces. La tesis incluye un estado del arte sobre el software CACE / CACSD y sobre el concepto de ontología y su evolución a partir de los sistemas expertos, dentro del campo de la representación del conocimiento y la ingeniería del conocimient

    Integrating and validating urban simulation models

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    Urban systems are intrinsically complex, involving different dimensions and scales, and consequently various approaches and scientific disciplines. In that context, urban simulation models have been coined as essential for the construction of evidence-based and integrated urban sciences. This review and position paper synthesises previous work focused on coupling and integrating urban models on the one hand, and exploring and validating such simulation models on the other hand. These research directions are complementary basis for a research program towards the development of integrated urban theories, with some application perspectives to sustainable territorial planning

    Multi-level and hybrid modelling approaches for systems biology

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    During the last decades, high-throughput techniques allowed for the extraction of a huge amount of data from biological systems, unveiling more of their underling complexity. Biological systems encompass a wide range of space and time scales, functioning according to flexible hierarchies of mechanisms making an intertwined and dynamic interplay of regulations. This becomes particularly evident in processes such as ontogenesis, where regulative assets change according to process context and timing, making structural phenotype and architectural complexities emerge from a single cell, through local interactions. The informa- tion collected from biological systems are naturally organized according to the functional levels composing the system itself. In systems biology, biological information often comes from overlapping but different scientific domains, each one having its own way of representing phenomena under study. That is, the dif- ferent parts of the system to be modelled may be described with different formalisms. For a model to have improved accuracy and capability for making a good knowledge base, it is good to comprise different sys- tem levels, suitably handling the relative formalisms. Models which are both multi-level and hybrid satisfy both these requirements, making a very useful tool in computational systems biology. This paper reviews some of the main contributions in this field

    A diversity-aware computational framework for systems biology

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    Control Architecture Modeling for Future Power Systems

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    Uncontrollable power generation, distributed energy resources, controllable demand, etc. are fundamental aspects of energy systems largely based on renewable energy supply. These technologies have in common that they contradict the conventional categories of electric power system operation. As their introduction has proceeded incrementally in the past, operation strategies of the power system could be adapted. For example much more wind power could be integrated than originally anticipated, largely due to the flexibility reserves already present in the power system, and the possibility of interregional electricity exchange. However, at the same time, it seems that the overall system design cannot keep up by simply adapting in response to changes, but that also new strategies have to be designed in anticipation. Changes to the electricity markets have been suggested to adapt to the limited predictability of wind power, and several new control strategies have been proposed, in particular to enable the control of distributed energy resources, including for example, distributed generation or electric vehicles. Market designs addressing the procurement of balancing resources are highly dependent on the operation strategies specifying the resource requirements. How should one decide which control strategy and market configuration is best for a future power system? Most research up to this point has addressed single isolated aspects of this design problem. Those of the ideas that fit with current markets and operation concepts are lucky; they can be evaluated on the present design. But how could they be evaluated on a potential future power system? Approaches are required that support the design and evaluation of power system operation and control in context of future energy scenarios. This work addresses this challenge, not by providing a universal solution, but by providing basic modeling methodology that enables better problem formulation and by suggesting an approach to addressing the general chicken/egg problem of planning and re-design of system operation and control. The dissertation first focuses on the development of models, diagrams, that support the conceptual design of control and operation strategies, where a central theme is the focus on modeling system goals and functions rather than system structure. The perspective is then shifted toward long-term energy scenarios and adaptation of power system operation, considering the integration of energy scenario models with the re-design of operation strategies. The main contributions in the first part are, firstly, by adaptation of an existing functional modeling approach called Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM) to the power systems domain, identifying the means-ends composition of control levels and development of principles for the consistent modeling of control structures, a formalization of control-as-a-service; secondly, the formal mapping of fluctuating and controllable resources to a multi-scale and multi-stage representation of control and operation structures; and finally the application to some concrete study cases, including a present system balancing, and proposed control structures such as Microgrids and Cells. In the second part, the main contributions are the outline of a formation strategy, integrating the design and model-based evaluation of future power system operation concepts with iterative energy scenario development. Finally, a new modeling framework for development and evaluation of power system operation in context of energy-storage based power system balancing is introduced.<br/

    Understanding cognitive differences in processing competing visualizations of complex systems

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    Node-link diagrams are used represent systems having different elements and relationships among the elements. Representing the systems using visualizations like node-link diagrams provides cognitive aid to individuals in understanding the system and effectively managing these systems. Using appropriate visual tools aids in task completion by reducing the cognitive load of individuals in understanding the problems and solving them. However, the visualizations that are currently developed lack any cognitive processing based evaluation. Most of the evaluations (if any) are based on the result of tasks performed using these visualizations. Therefore, the evaluations do not provide any perspective from the point of the cognitive processing required in working with the visualization. This research focuses on understanding the effect of different visualization types and complexities on problem understanding and performance using a visual problem solving task. Two informationally equivalent but visually different visualizations - geon diagrams based on structural object perception theory and UML diagrams based on object modeling - are investigated to understand the cognitive processes that underlie reasoning with different types of visualizations. Specifically, the two visualizations are used to represent interdependent critical infrastructures. Participants are asked to solve a problem using the different visualizations. The effectiveness of the task completion is measured in terms of the time taken to complete the task and the accuracy of the result of the task. The differences in the cognitive processing while using the different visualizations are measured in terms of the search path and the search-steps of the individual. The results from this research underscore the difference in the effectiveness of the different diagrams in solving the same problem. The time taken to complete the task is significantly lower in geon diagrams. The error rate is also significantly lower when using geon diagrams. The search path for UML diagrams is more node-dominant but for geon diagrams is a distribution of nodes, links and components (combinations of nodes and links). Evaluation dominates the search-steps in geon diagrams whereas locating steps dominate UML diagrams. The results also show that the differences in search path and search steps for different visualizations increase when the complexity of the diagrams increase. This study helps to establish the importance of cognitive level understanding of the use of diagrammatic representation of information for visual problem solving. The results also highlight that measures of effectiveness of any visualization should include measuring the cognitive process of individuals while they are doing the visual task apart from the measures of time and accuracy of the result of a visual task

    Modelling & analysis of hybrid dynamic systems using a bond graph approach

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    Hybrid models are those containing continuous and discontinuous behaviour. In constructing dynamic systems models, it is frequently desirable to abstract rapidly changing, highly nonlinear behaviour to a discontinuity. Bond graphs lend themselves to systems modelling by being multi-disciplinary and reflecting the physics of the system. One advantage is that they can produce a mathematical model in a form that simulates quickly and efficiently. Hybrid bond graphs are a logical development which could further improve speed and efficiency. A range of hybrid bond graph forms have been proposed which are suitable for either simulation or further analysis, but not both. None have reached common usage. A Hybrid bond graph method is proposed here which is suitable for simulation as well as providing engineering insight through analysis. This new method features a distinction between structural and parametric switching. The controlled junction is used for the former, and gives rise to dynamic causality. A controlled element is developed for the latter. Dynamic causality is unconstrained so as to aid insight, and a new notation is proposed. The junction structure matrix for the hybrid bond graph features Boolean terms to reflect the controlled junctions in the graph structure. This hybrid JSM is used to generate a mixed-Boolean state equation. When storage elements are in dynamic causality, the resulting system equation is implicit. The focus of this thesis is the exploitation of the model. The implicit form enables application of matrix-rank criteria from control theory, and control properties can be seen in the structure and causal assignment. An impulsive mode may occur when storage elements are in dynamic causality, but otherwise there are no energy losses associated with commutation because this method dictates the way discontinuities are abstracted. The main contribution is therefore a Hybrid Bond Graph which reflects the physics of commutating systems and offers engineering insight through the choice of controlled elements and dynamic causality. It generates a unique, implicit, mixed-Boolean system equation, describing all modes of operation. This form is suitable for both simulation and analysis

    The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains

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    This report contains the proceedings from the 14th Overture workshop organized in connection with the Formal Methods 2016 symposium. This includes nine papers describing different technological progress in relation to the Overture/VDM tool support and its connection with other tools such as Crescendo, Symphony, INTO-CPS, TASTE and ViennaTalk