3,289 research outputs found

    A heuristic approach for new-item cold start problem in recommendation of micro open education resources

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. The recommendation of micro Open Education Resources (OERs) suffers from the new-item cold start problem because little is known about the continuously published micro OERs. This paper provides a heuristic approach to inserting newly published micro OERs into established learning paths, to enhance the possibilities of new items to be discovered and appear in the recommendation lists. It considers the accumulation and attenuation of user interests and conform with the demand of fast response in online computation. Performance of this approach has been proved by empirical studies

    Computational Intelligence for the Micro Learning

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    The developments of the Web technology and the mobile devices have blurred the time and space boundaries of people’s daily activities, which enable people to work, entertain, and learn through the mobile device at almost anytime and anywhere. Together with the life-long learning requirement, such technology developments give birth to a new learning style, micro learning. Micro learning aims to effectively utilise learners’ fragmented spare time and carry out personalised learning activities. However, the massive volume of users and the online learning resources force the micro learning system deployed in the context of enormous and ubiquitous data. Hence, manually managing the online resources or user information by traditional methods are no longer feasible. How to utilise computational intelligence based solutions to automatically managing and process different types of massive information is the biggest research challenge for realising the micro learning service. As a result, to facilitate the micro learning service in the big data era efficiently, we need an intelligent system to manage the online learning resources and carry out different analysis tasks. To this end, an intelligent micro learning system is designed in this thesis. The design of this system is based on the service logic of the micro learning service. The micro learning system consists of three intelligent modules: learning material pre-processing module, learning resource delivery module and the intelligent assistant module. The pre-processing module interprets the content of the raw online learning resources and extracts key information from each resource. The pre-processing step makes the online resources ready to be used by other intelligent components of the system. The learning resources delivery module aims to recommend personalised learning resources to the target user base on his/her implicit and explicit user profiles. The goal of the intelligent assistant module is to provide some evaluation or assessment services (such as student dropout rate prediction and final grade prediction) to the educational resource providers or instructors. The educational resource providers can further refine or modify the learning materials based on these assessment results

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning

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    Learning and teaching resource are available on the Web - both in terms of digital learning content and people resources (e.g. other learners, experts, tutors). They can be used to facilitate teaching and learning tasks. The remaining challenge is to develop, deploy and evaluate Social information retrieval (SIR) methods, techniques and systems that provide learners and teachers with guidance in potentially overwhelming variety of choices. The aim of the SIRTEL’09 workshop is to look onward beyond recent achievements to discuss specific topics, emerging research issues, new trends and endeavors in SIR for TEL. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to present, and more importantly, to discuss the current status of research in SIR and TEL and its implications for science and teaching

    Deliverable D4.1 Specification of user profiling and contextualisation

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    This deliverable presents a comprehensive research of past work in the field of capturing and interpreting user preferences and context and an overview of relevant digital media-specific techniques, aiming to provide insights and ideas for innovative context-aware user preference learning and to justify the user modelling strategies considered within LinkedTV’s WP4. Based on this research and a study over the specific technical and conceptual requirements of LinkedTV, a prototypical design for profiling and contextualizing user needs in a linked media environment is specified

    Supporting community engagement through teaching, student projects and research

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    The Education Acts statutory obligations for ITPs are not supported by the Crown funding model. Part of the statutory role of an ITP is “... promotes community learning and by research, particularly applied and technological research ...” [The education act 1989]. In relation to this a 2017 TEC report highlighted impaired business models and an excessive administrative burden as restrictive and impeding success. Further restrictions are seen when considering ITPs attract < 3 % of the available TEC funding for research, and ~ 20 % available TEC funding for teaching, despite having overall student efts of ~ 26 % nationally. An attempt to improve performance and engage through collaboration (community, industry, tertiary) at our institution is proving successful. The cross-disciplinary approach provides students high level experience and the technical stretch needed to be successful engineers, technologists and technicians. This study presents one of the methods we use to collaborate externally through teaching, student projects and research

    Industrial Symbiosis Recommender Systems

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    For a long time, humanity has lived upon the paradigm that the amounts of natural resources are unlimited and that the environment has ample regenerative capacity. However, the notion to shift towards sustainability has resulted in a worldwide adoption of policies addressing resource efficiency and preservation of natural resources.One of the key environmental and economic sustainable operations that is currently promoted and enacted in the European Union policy is Industrial Symbiosis. In industrial symbiosis, firms aim to reduce the total material and energy footprint by circulating traditional secondary production process outputs of firms to become part of an input for the production process of other firms.This thesis directs attention to the design considerations for recommender systems in the highly dynamic domain of industrial symbiosis. Recommender systems are a promising technology that may facilitate in multiple facets of the industrial symbiosis creation as they reduce the complexity of decision making. This typical strength of recommender systems has been responsible for improved sales and a higher return of investments. That provides the prospect for industrial symbiosis recommenders to increase the number of synergistic transactions that reduce the total environmental impact of the process industry in particular

    Semantic adaptability for the systems interoperability

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    In the current global and competitive business context, it is essential that enterprises adapt their knowledge resources in order to smoothly interact and collaborate with others. However, due to the existent multiculturalism of people and enterprises, there are different representation views of business processes or products, even inside a same domain. Consequently, one of the main problems found in the interoperability between enterprise systems and applications is related to semantics. The integration and sharing of enterprises knowledge to build a common lexicon, plays an important role to the semantic adaptability of the information systems. The author proposes a framework to support the development of systems to manage dynamic semantic adaptability resolution. It allows different organisations to participate in a common knowledge base building, letting at the same time maintain their own views of the domain, without compromising the integration between them. Thus, systems are able to be aware of new knowledge, and have the capacity to learn from it and to manage its semantic interoperability in a dynamic and adaptable way. The author endorses the vision that in the near future, the semantic adaptability skills of the enterprise systems will be the booster to enterprises collaboration and the appearance of new business opportunities

    In-company management education and management development : an arena of contestation? : stakeholder perspectives in accredited in-company programmes

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    This thesis explores the phenomenon of credentialed in-company management development programmes leading to management education postgraduate awards. The empirical site of the research is four case study organizations each of which had partnership arrangements with one of two UK universities. In each case management education programmes leading to management qualifications were undertaken as the means by which managers could develop their abilities to better contribute to organizational goals. In this there is an assumption that management education can seamlessly act as management development to the mutual benefit of the individual managers, the organization and the academy.The purpose of the thesis is to explore the extent to which such an assumption is warranted. The thesis adopts a stakeholder perspective in identifying key stakeholders in the management development/management education arena as the basis for the empirical research they are; the HR professionals, the university academic managers and the manager-learner participants.The research stance of the thesis is critical and contributes to the domains of critical management studies (CMS) and critical management education (CME). In advancing a critical approach, a multi-discourse analysis was undertaken. Thus the thesis produces findings aligning respectively with the concerns of functionalist, constructivist, critical and dialogic, discourses of management development whilst retaining an overall interpretive, critical stance.In so doing the thesis explores and analyses the ways that the management development / management education programmes in these case study organizations can be understood as sites that have conflicting purposes and values and also the extent to which these are reinforced, reconciled and proliferated
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