1,438 research outputs found

    Label-Efficient Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis: Challenges and Future Directions

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    Deep learning has seen rapid growth in recent years and achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications. However, training models typically requires expensive and time-consuming collection of large quantities of labeled data. This is particularly true within the scope of medical imaging analysis (MIA), where data are limited and labels are expensive to be acquired. Thus, label-efficient deep learning methods are developed to make comprehensive use of the labeled data as well as the abundance of unlabeled and weak-labeled data. In this survey, we extensively investigated over 300 recent papers to provide a comprehensive overview of recent progress on label-efficient learning strategies in MIA. We first present the background of label-efficient learning and categorize the approaches into different schemes. Next, we examine the current state-of-the-art methods in detail through each scheme. Specifically, we provide an in-depth investigation, covering not only canonical semi-supervised, self-supervised, and multi-instance learning schemes, but also recently emerged active and annotation-efficient learning strategies. Moreover, as a comprehensive contribution to the field, this survey not only elucidates the commonalities and unique features of the surveyed methods but also presents a detailed analysis of the current challenges in the field and suggests potential avenues for future research.Comment: Update Few-shot Method

    Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Visual Learning: A Survey

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    State-of-the-art deep learning models are often trained with a large amountof costly labeled training data. However, requiring exhaustive manualannotations may degrade the model's generalizability in the limited-labelregime. Semi-supervised learning and unsupervised learning offer promisingparadigms to learn from an abundance of unlabeled visual data. Recent progressin these paradigms has indicated the strong benefits of leveraging unlabeleddata to improve model generalization and provide better model initialization.In this survey, we review the recent advanced deep learning algorithms onsemi-supervised learning (SSL) and unsupervised learning (UL) for visualrecognition from a unified perspective. To offer a holistic understanding ofthe state-of-the-art in these areas, we propose a unified taxonomy. Wecategorize existing representative SSL and UL with comprehensive and insightfulanalysis to highlight their design rationales in different learning scenariosand applications in different computer vision tasks. Lastly, we discuss theemerging trends and open challenges in SSL and UL to shed light on futurecritical research directions.<br

    Semi-Weakly Supervised Learning for Label-efficient Semantic Segmentation in Expert-driven Domains

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    Unter Zuhilfenahme von Deep Learning haben semantische Segmentierungssysteme beeindruckende Ergebnisse erzielt, allerdings auf der Grundlage von überwachtem Lernen, das durch die Verfügbarkeit kostspieliger, pixelweise annotierter Bilder limitiert ist. Bei der Untersuchung der Performance dieser Segmentierungssysteme in Kontexten, in denen kaum Annotationen vorhanden sind, bleiben sie hinter den hohen Erwartungen, die durch die Performance in annotationsreichen Szenarien geschürt werden, zurück. Dieses Dilemma wiegt besonders schwer, wenn die Annotationen von lange geschultem Personal, z.B. Medizinern, Prozessexperten oder Wissenschaftlern, erstellt werden müssen. Um gut funktionierende Segmentierungsmodelle in diese annotationsarmen, Experten-angetriebenen Domänen zu bringen, sind neue Lösungen nötig. Zu diesem Zweck untersuchen wir zunächst, wie schlecht aktuelle Segmentierungsmodelle mit extrem annotationsarmen Szenarien in Experten-angetriebenen Bildgebungsdomänen zurechtkommen. Daran schließt sich direkt die Frage an, ob die kostspielige pixelweise Annotation, mit der Segmentierungsmodelle in der Regel trainiert werden, gänzlich umgangen werden kann, oder ob sie umgekehrt ein Kosten-effektiver Anstoß sein kann, um die Segmentierung in Gang zu bringen, wenn sie sparsam eingestetzt wird. Danach gehen wir auf die Frage ein, ob verschiedene Arten von Annotationen, schwache- und pixelweise Annotationen mit unterschiedlich hohen Kosten, gemeinsam genutzt werden können, um den Annotationsprozess flexibler zu gestalten. Experten-angetriebene Domänen haben oft nicht nur einen Annotationsmangel, sondern auch völlig andere Bildeigenschaften, beispielsweise volumetrische Bild-Daten. Der Übergang von der 2D- zur 3D-semantischen Segmentierung führt zu voxelweisen Annotationsprozessen, was den nötigen Zeitaufwand für die Annotierung mit der zusätzlichen Dimension multipliziert. Um zu einer handlicheren Annotation zu gelangen, untersuchen wir Trainingsstrategien für Segmentierungsmodelle, die nur preiswertere, partielle Annotationen oder rohe, nicht annotierte Volumina benötigen. Dieser Wechsel in der Art der Überwachung im Training macht die Anwendung der Volumensegmentierung in Experten-angetriebenen Domänen realistischer, da die Annotationskosten drastisch gesenkt werden und die Annotatoren von Volumina-Annotationen befreit werden, welche naturgemäß auch eine Menge visuell redundanter Regionen enthalten würden. Schließlich stellen wir die Frage, ob es möglich ist, die Annotations-Experten von der strikten Anforderung zu befreien, einen einzigen, spezifischen Annotationstyp liefern zu müssen, und eine Trainingsstrategie zu entwickeln, die mit einer breiten Vielfalt semantischer Information funktioniert. Eine solche Methode wurde hierzu entwickelt und in unserer umfangreichen experimentellen Evaluierung kommen interessante Eigenschaften verschiedener Annotationstypen-Mixe in Bezug auf deren Segmentierungsperformance ans Licht. Unsere Untersuchungen führten zu neuen Forschungsrichtungen in der semi-weakly überwachten Segmentierung, zu neuartigen, annotationseffizienteren Methoden und Trainingsstrategien sowie zu experimentellen Erkenntnissen, zur Verbesserung von Annotationsprozessen, indem diese annotationseffizient, expertenzentriert und flexibel gestaltet werden

    On the Synergies between Machine Learning and Binocular Stereo for Depth Estimation from Images: a Survey

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    Stereo matching is one of the longest-standing problems in computer vision with close to 40 years of studies and research. Throughout the years the paradigm has shifted from local, pixel-level decision to various forms of discrete and continuous optimization to data-driven, learning-based methods. Recently, the rise of machine learning and the rapid proliferation of deep learning enhanced stereo matching with new exciting trends and applications unthinkable until a few years ago. Interestingly, the relationship between these two worlds is two-way. While machine, and especially deep, learning advanced the state-of-the-art in stereo matching, stereo itself enabled new ground-breaking methodologies such as self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on deep networks. In this paper, we review recent research in the field of learning-based depth estimation from single and binocular images highlighting the synergies, the successes achieved so far and the open challenges the community is going to face in the immediate future.Comment: Accepted to TPAMI. Paper version of our CVPR 2019 tutorial: "Learning-based depth estimation from stereo and monocular images: successes, limitations and future challenges" (https://sites.google.com/view/cvpr-2019-depth-from-image/home

    Segment Anything Meets Point Tracking

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    The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has established itself as a powerful zero-shot image segmentation model, enabled by efficient point-centric annotation and prompt-based models. While click and brush interactions are both well explored in interactive image segmentation, the existing methods on videos focus on mask annotation and propagation. This paper presents SAM-PT, a novel method for point-centric interactive video segmentation, empowered by SAM and long-term point tracking. SAM-PT leverages robust and sparse point selection and propagation techniques for mask generation. Compared to traditional object-centric mask propagation strategies, we uniquely use point propagation to exploit local structure information agnostic to object semantics. We highlight the merits of point-based tracking through direct evaluation on the zero-shot open-world Unidentified Video Objects (UVO) benchmark. Our experiments on popular video object segmentation and multi-object segmentation tracking benchmarks, including DAVIS, YouTube-VOS, and BDD100K, suggest that a point-based segmentation tracker yields better zero-shot performance and efficient interactions. We release our code that integrates different point trackers and video segmentation benchmarks at https://github.com/SysCV/sam-pt

    Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Large-Scale Point Cloud

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    Existing methods for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation require expensive, tedious and error-prone manual point-wise annotations. Intuitively, weakly supervised training is a direct solution to reduce the cost of labeling. However, for weakly supervised large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation, too few annotations will inevitably lead to ineffective learning of network. We propose an effective weakly supervised method containing two components to solve the above problem. Firstly, we construct a pretext task, \textit{i.e.,} point cloud colorization, with a self-supervised learning to transfer the learned prior knowledge from a large amount of unlabeled point cloud to a weakly supervised network. In this way, the representation capability of the weakly supervised network can be improved by the guidance from a heterogeneous task. Besides, to generate pseudo label for unlabeled data, a sparse label propagation mechanism is proposed with the help of generated class prototypes, which is used to measure the classification confidence of unlabeled point. Our method is evaluated on large-scale point cloud datasets with different scenarios including indoor and outdoor. The experimental results show the large gain against existing weakly supervised and comparable results to fully supervised methods\footnote{Code based on mindspore: https://github.com/dmcv-ecnu/MindSpore\_ModelZoo/tree/main/WS3\_MindSpore}