15 research outputs found

    State-Compute Replication: Parallelizing High-Speed Stateful Packet Processing

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    With the slowdown of Moore's law, CPU-oriented packet processing in software will be significantly outpaced by emerging line speeds of network interface cards (NICs). Single-core packet-processing throughput has saturated. We consider the problem of high-speed packet processing with multiple CPU cores. The key challenge is state--memory that multiple packets must read and update. The prevailing method to scale throughput with multiple cores involves state sharding, processing all packets that update the same state, i.e., flow, at the same core. However, given the heavy-tailed nature of realistic flow size distributions, this method will be untenable in the near future, since total throughput is severely limited by single core performance. This paper introduces state-compute replication, a principle to scale the throughput of a single stateful flow across multiple cores using replication. Our design leverages a packet history sequencer running on a NIC or top-of-the-rack switch to enable multiple cores to update state without explicit synchronization. Our experiments with realistic data center and wide-area Internet traces shows that state-compute replication can scale total packet-processing throughput linearly with cores, deterministically and independent of flow size distributions, across a range of realistic packet-processing programs

    Database System Acceleration on FPGAs

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    Relational database systems provide various services and applications with an efficient means for storing, processing, and retrieving their data. The performance of these systems has a direct impact on the quality of service of the applications that rely on them. Therefore, it is crucial that database systems are able to adapt and grow in tandem with the demands of these applications, ensuring that their performance scales accordingly. In the past, Moore's law and algorithmic advancements have been sufficient to meet these demands. However, with the slowdown of Moore's law, researchers have begun exploring alternative methods, such as application-specific technologies, to satisfy the more challenging performance requirements. One such technology is field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which provide ideal platforms for developing and running custom architectures for accelerating database systems. The goal of this thesis is to develop a domain-specific architecture that can enhance the performance of in-memory database systems when executing analytical queries. Our research is guided by a combination of academic and industrial requirements that seek to strike a balance between generality and performance. The former ensures that our platform can be used to process a diverse range of workloads, while the latter makes it an attractive solution for high-performance use cases. Throughout this thesis, we present the development of a system-on-chip for database system acceleration that meets our requirements. The resulting architecture, called CbMSMK, is capable of processing the projection, sort, aggregation, and equi-join database operators and can also run some complex TPC-H queries. CbMSMK employs a shared sort-merge pipeline for executing all these operators, which results in an efficient use of FPGA resources. This approach enables the instantiation of multiple acceleration cores on the FPGA, allowing it to serve multiple clients simultaneously. CbMSMK can process both arbitrarily deep and wide tables efficiently. The former is achieved through the use of the sort-merge algorithm which utilizes the FPGA RAM for buffering intermediate sort results. The latter is achieved through the use of KeRRaS, a novel variant of the forward radix sort algorithm introduced in this thesis. KeRRaS allows CbMSMK to process a table a few columns at a time, incrementally generating the final result through multiple iterations. Given that acceleration is a key objective of our work, CbMSMK benefits from many performance optimizations. For instance, multi-way merging is employed to reduce the number of merge passes required for the execution of the sort-merge algorithm, thus improving the performance of all our pipeline-breaking operators. Another example is our in-depth analysis of early aggregation, which led to the development of a novel cache-based algorithm that significantly enhances aggregation performance. Our experiments demonstrate that CbMSMK performs on average 5 times faster than the state-of-the-art CPU-based database management system MonetDB.:I Database Systems & FPGAs 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Databases & the Importance of Performance 1.2 Accelerators & FPGAs 1.3 Requirements 1.4 Outline & Summary of Contributions 2 BACKGROUND ON DATABASE SYSTEMS 2.1 Databases 2.1.1 Storage Model 2.1.2 Storage Medium 2.2 Database Operators 2.2.1 Projection 2.2.2 Filter 2.2.3 Sort 2.2.4 Aggregation 2.2.5 Join 2.2.6 Operator Classification 2.3 Database Queries 2.4 Impact of Acceleration 3 BACKGROUND ON FPGAS 3.1 FPGA 3.1.1 Logic Element 3.1.2 Block RAM (BRAM) 3.1.3 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 3.1.4 IO Element 3.1.5 Programmable Interconnect 3.2 FPGADesignFlow 3.2.1 Specifications 3.2.2 RTL Description 3.2.3 Verification 3.2.4 Synthesis, Mapping, Placement, and Routing 3.2.5 TimingAnalysis 3.2.6 Bitstream Generation and FPGA Programming 3.3 Implementation Quality Metrics 3.4 FPGA Cards 3.5 Benefits of Using FPGAs 3.6 Challenges of Using FPGAs 4 RELATED WORK 4.1 Summary of Related Work 4.2 Platform Type 4.2.1 Accelerator Card 4.2.2 Coprocessor 4.2.3 Smart Storage 4.2.4 Network Processor 4.3 Implementation 4.3.1 Loop-based implementation 4.3.2 Sort-based Implementation 4.3.3 Hash-based Implementation 4.3.4 Mixed Implementation 4.4 A Note on Quantitative Performance Comparisons II Cache-Based Morphing Sort-Merge with KeRRaS (CbMSMK) 5 OBJECTIVES AND ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 5.1 From Requirements to Objectives 5.2 Architecture Overview 5.3 Outlineof Part II 6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OPENCL AND RTL FOR SORT-MERGE PRIMITIVES ON FPGAS 6.1 Programming FPGAs 6.2 RelatedWork 6.3 Architecture 6.3.1 Global Architecture 6.3.2 Sorter Architecture 6.3.3 Merger Architecture 6.3.4 Scalability and Resource Adaptability 6.4 Experiments 6.4.1 OpenCL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.4.2 RTLSorters 6.4.3 RTLMergers 6.4.4 Hybrid OpenCL-RTL Sort-Merge Implementation 6.5 Summary & Discussion 7 RESOURCE-EFFICIENT ACCELERATION OF PIPELINE-BREAKING DATABASE OPERATORS ON FPGAS 7.1 The Case for Resource Efficiency 7.2 Related Work 7.3 Architecture 7.3.1 Sorters 7.3.2 Sort-Network 7.3.3 X:Y Mergers 7.3.4 Merge-Network 7.3.5 Join Materialiser (JoinMat) 7.4 Experiments 7.4.1 Experimental Setup 7.4.2 Implementation Description & Tuning 7.4.3 Sort Benchmarks 7.4.4 Aggregation Benchmarks 7.4.5 Join Benchmarks 7. Summary 8 KERRAS: COLUMN-ORIENTED WIDE TABLE PROCESSING ON FPGAS 8.1 The Scope of Database System Accelerators 8.2 Related Work 8.3 Key-Reduce Radix Sort(KeRRaS) 8.3.1 Time Complexity 8.3.2 Space Complexity (Memory Utilization) 8.3.3 Discussion and Optimizations 8.4 Architecture 8.4.1 MSM 8.4.2 MSMK: Extending MSM with KeRRaS 8.4.3 Payload, Aggregation and Join Processing 8.4.4 Limitations 8.5 Experiments 8.5.1 Experimental Setup 8.5.2 Datasets 8.5.3 MSMK vs. MSM 8.5.4 Payload-Less Benchmarks 8.5.5 Payload-Based Benchmarks 8.5.6 Flexibility 8.6 Summary 9 A STUDY OF EARLY AGGREGATION IN DATABASE QUERY PROCESSING ON FPGAS 9.1 Early Aggregation 9.2 Background & Related Work 9.2.1 Sort-Based Early Aggregation 9.2.2 Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3 Simulations 9.3.1 Datasets 9.3.2 Metrics 9.3.3 Sort-Based Versus Cache-Based Early Aggregation 9.3.4 Comparison of Set-Associative Caches 9.3.5 Comparison of Cache Structures 9.3.6 Comparison of Replacement Policies 9.3.7 Cache Selection Methodology 9.4 Cache System Architecture 9.4.1 Window Aggregator 9.4.2 Compressor & Hasher 9.4.3 Collision Detector 9.4.4 Collision Resolver 9.4.5 Cache 9.5 Experiments 9.5.1 Experimental Setup 9.5.2 Resource Utilization and Parameter Tuning 9.5.3 Datasets 9.5.4 Benchmarks on Synthetic Data 9.5.5 Benchmarks on Real Data 9.6 Summary 10 THE FULL PICTURE 10.1 System Architecture 10.2 Benchmarks 10.3 Meeting the Objectives III Conclusion 11 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK ON FUTURE RESEARCH 11.1 Summary 11.2 Future Work BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLE

    HH-IPG: Leveraging Inter-Packet Gap Metrics in P4 Hardware for Heavy Hitter Detection

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    The research community has recently proposed several solutions based on modern programmable switches to detect entirely in the data plane the flows exceeding pre-determined thra eshold in a time window, i.e., Heavy Hitters (HH). This is commonly achieved by dividing the network stream into fixed time slots and identifying each separately without considering the traffic trends from previous intervals. In this work, we show that using specified time windows can lead to high inaccuracies. We make a case for rethinking how switches analyze the incoming packets and propose to leverage per-flow Inter Packet Gap (IPG) analytics instead of using flow counters for HH detection. We propose an algorithm and present a P4 pipeline design using this new metric in mind. We implement our solution on P4 hardware and experimentally evaluate it against real traffic traces. We show that our results are more accurate than related work by up to 20% while reducing the control channel overhead by up to two orders of magnitude. Finally, we showcase a QoS-oriented application of the proposed dataplane-only IPG-based HH detection in a mobile network scenario

    Achieving Low Latency Communications in Smart Industrial Networks with Programmable Data Planes

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    Industrial networks are introducing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in their manufacturing processes in order to enhance existing methods and obtain smarter, greener and more effective processes. Global predictions forecast a massive widespread of IoT technology in industrial sectors in the near future. However, these innovations face several challenges, such as achieving short response times in case of time-critical applications. Concepts like in-network computing or edge computing can provide adequate communication quality for these industrial environments, and data plane programming has been proved as a useful mechanism for their implementation. Specifically, P4 language is used for the definition of the behavior of programmable switches and network elements. This paper presents a solution for industrial IoT (IIoT) network communications to reduce response times using in-network computing through data plane programming and P4. Our solution processes Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) packets sent by a sensor in the data plane and generates an alarm in case of exceeding a threshold in the measured value. The implementation has been tested in an experimental facility, using a Netronome SmartNIC as a P4 programmable network device. Response times are reduced by 74% while processing, and delay introduced by the P4 network processing is insignificant.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the national project (PID2019-108713RB-C54) titled “Towards zeRo toUch nEtwork and services for beyond 5G” (TRUE-5G), and in part by the “Smart Factories of the Future” (5G-Factories) (COLAB19/06) project

    ALBUS: a Probabilistic Monitoring Algorithm to Counter Burst-Flood Attacks

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    Modern DDoS defense systems rely on probabilistic monitoring algorithms to identify flows that exceed a volume threshold and should thus be penalized. Commonly, classic sketch algorithms are considered sufficiently accurate for usage in DDoS defense. However, as we show in this paper, these algorithms achieve poor detection accuracy under burst-flood attacks, i.e., volumetric DDoS attacks composed of a swarm of medium-rate sub-second traffic bursts. Under this challenging attack pattern, traditional sketch algorithms can only detect a high share of the attack bursts by incurring a large number of false positives. In this paper, we present ALBUS, a probabilistic monitoring algorithm that overcomes the inherent limitations of previous schemes: ALBUS is highly effective at detecting large bursts while reporting no legitimate flows, and therefore improves on prior work regarding both recall and precision. Besides improving accuracy, ALBUS scales to high traffic rates, which we demonstrate with an FPGA implementation, and is suitable for programmable switches, which we showcase with a P4 implementation.Comment: Accepted at the 42nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2023

    Site reliability against anomalous behaviors

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    Many attacks that threaten service providers and legitimate users are anomalous behaviors out of specification, and this dissertation mainly focuses on detecting “large” Internet flows consuming more resources than those allocated to them. Being able to identify large flows accurately can greatly benefit Quality of Service (QoS) schemes and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) defenses. Although large-flow detection has been previously explored, proposed approaches have not been practical for high-capacity core routers due to high memory and processing overhead. Additionally, more efficient schemes are vulnerable against specially tailored attacks in which attackers time their packets based on the knowledge of legitimate cross-traffic. In this dissertation, we aim to design computation- and memory-efficient large-flow detection algorithms to effectively mitigate the large-flow damage in adversarial environments. We propose three large-flow detection schemes: Exact-Outside-Ambiguity-Region Detector (EARDet), Recursive Large-Flow Detection (RLFD), and the scheme of in-Core Limiting of Egregious Flows (CLEF), which is a hybrid scheme with one EARDet and two RLFDs. EARDet is a deterministic algorithm that guarantees exact large-flow detection outside an ambiguity region: there is no false accusation for legitimate flows complying with a low-bandwidth threshold, and no false negative for large flows above a high-bandwidth threshold, with no assumption on the input traffic or attack patterns. Because of the strong enforcement with the arbitrary window model, EARDet is able to immediately detect both flat and bursty flows. RLFD is designed to complement EARDet in detecting large flows in EARDet’s ambiguity region. RLFD is a probabilistic detection scheme that gives higher probability for detecting large flows with higher volume, thus guarantee limited damage (to legitimate flows) across a wide range of flow overuse amounts. Finally CLEF combines EARDet and RLFD to achieve both rapid detection for very large flows and eventually detection for small, persistent large flows. Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation both suggest the CLEF’s efficiency and effectiveness outperform existing algorithms.Ope

    Automatic Parallelization of Software Network Functions

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    Software network functions (NFs) trade-off flexibility and ease of deployment for an increased challenge of performance. The traditional way to increase NF performance is by distributing traffic to multiple CPU cores, but this poses a significant challenge: how to parallelize an NF without breaking its semantics? We propose Maestro, a tool that analyzes a sequential implementation of an NF and automatically generates an enhanced parallel version that carefully configures the NIC's Receive Side Scaling mechanism to distribute traffic across cores, while preserving semantics. When possible, Maestro orchestrates a shared-nothing architecture, with each core operating independently without shared memory coordination, maximizing performance. Otherwise, Maestro choreographs a fine-grained read-write locking mechanism that optimizes operation for typical Internet traffic. We parallelized 8 software NFs and show that they generally scale-up linearly until bottlenecked by PCIe when using small packets or by 100Gbps line-rate with typical Internet traffic. Maestro further outperforms modern hardware-based transactional memory mechanisms, even for challenging parallel-unfriendly workloads.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, to be published in NSDI2

    19th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health

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    We in the School of Science, Engineering and Health welcome you to this 19th Annual Symposium, and we are pleased to invite you to join us physically on campus in the Frey, Kline, and Jordan buildings or to join sessions virtually. Each year our students, faculty and staff present the fruits of their basic and applied research in science and health fields. The outcomes of scientific research expand intellectual understanding and have tremendous impact on quality of life, environmental health, and human flourishing. We warmly welcome you as guests for the day. Angela Hare Dean School of Science, Engineering and Health, Messiah Universit