25 research outputs found

    Online Trust and Health Information Websites

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    This study develops and tests a model of online trust of a health care website. The model showed a statistically strong fit to the data (N=176). Trust was significantly explained by perceptions of credibility, ease of use, and risk. Perceived ease of use was a direct predictor of trust and an indirect predictor through credibility. Credibility was both a direct predictor of trust and an indirect predictor through risk

    A Systematic Literature Review of User Trust in AI-Enabled Systems: An HCI Perspective

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    User trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled systems has been increasingly recognized and proven as a key element to fostering adoption. It has been suggested that AI-enabled systems must go beyond technical-centric approaches and towards embracing a more human centric approach, a core principle of the human-computer interaction (HCI) field. This review aims to provide an overview of the user trust definitions, influencing factors, and measurement methods from 23 empirical studies to gather insight for future technical and design strategies, research, and initiatives to calibrate the user AI relationship. The findings confirm that there is more than one way to define trust. Selecting the most appropriate trust definition to depict user trust in a specific context should be the focus instead of comparing definitions. User trust in AI-enabled systems is found to be influenced by three main themes, namely socio-ethical considerations, technical and design features, and user characteristics. User characteristics dominate the findings, reinforcing the importance of user involvement from development through to monitoring of AI enabled systems. In conclusion, user trust needs to be addressed directly in every context where AI-enabled systems are being used or discussed. In addition, calibrating the user-AI relationship requires finding the optimal balance that works for not only the user but also the system

    The Impact of Internet Health Information on Patient Compliance: The Role of Perceived Information Asymmetry

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    In recent years, patients have been increasingly seeking and using Internet Health Information (IHI) to become more active in managing their own health in a partnership with their physicians. This trend has both positive and negative effects on the interactions and trust between the patient and physician. This study will examine the impact of patients’ use of IHI on various elements that characterize the interactions between a patient and her/his physician through the lens of Principal-Agent Theory. Specifically information asymmetry between the patient and physician and its relationships with the patient’s trust in and use of IHI, the patient’s trust in their physician and his/her compliance with the physician’s advice is examined. We outline a survey-based study to empirically validate the proposed theoretical model using structural equation modeling techniques

    Sustaining online communities in the charitable health sector: how to keep a good thing going

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    What happens when an online community part-funded by a competitive grant process in partnership with a relevant charitable organisation reaches its use-by date? What reasons might an organisation have for continuing (or not) to support the community and its future development? How is ‘ownership’ transferred from the research institution to the not-forprofit organisation, along with any possible risks? These are all good questions: not least because it seems that most communities in this position are not ‘adopted’ by their not-forprofit sponsors, but languish on the sidelines waiting for a benefactor to pick up the potential costs and risks. This paper explores the Australian experience of forming online communities to support notfor- profit organisations’ user populations, and then finding the sponsoring organisation hesitating to adopt the project after the research has successfully demonstrated need and demand. It identifies drivers and inhibitors affecting the decision to support, neglect or abandon online communities

    The specialist breast care nurse\u27s role in the indentification and minimisation of distress in a members\u27 only, breast cancer focused online support community

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    Objectives: To show how a specialist breast care nurse (SBCN) can use the distress thermometer to determine an online community member’s distress level and then use the information in their posts and blogs to identify the cause(s) and deal with them appropriately. To highlight the use of a structured written emotional expression (SWEE) format online, as a way of minimising distress. Method: A survey of online community members together with analysis of the content of members’ posts and blogs to determine whether their distress thermometer score had decreased since the SBCN had been online to deal with member distress. Results: The survey showed that four of the survey participants who completed the survey N=30 had completed a SWEE, been personal messaged by the SBCN about their distress thermometer score and declared that the information and advice they received had been instrumental in decreasing their distress score. It was not possible to identify whether a SWEE made any difference to the Distress Score. Conclusion : The SBCN can use the Distress Thermometer tool online to screen for member distress and deal with this distress through information, advice and support or referral to another health professional. A DT scores should be repeated before and after each of the breast cancer treatment stages so that appropriate interventions can be put in place to minimise or prevent the member’s distress. Specialist nurses in other specialised nursing areas can use the distress thermometer to measure and address the problems/issues causing support community members distress. That the content of a SWEE is one way in which members can document and vent about the problems causing their distress and this information can be used by the nurse to put in place appropriate solution or provide advice and support

    The specialist breast care nurse's role in the identification and minimisation of distress in a members' only, breast cancer focused online support community

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    Objectives: To show how a specialist breast care nurse (SBCN) can use the distress thermometer to determine an online community member’s distress level and then use the information in their posts and blogs to identify the cause(s) and deal with them appropriately. To highlight the use of a structured written emotional expression (SWEE) format online, as a way of minimising distress. Method: A survey of online community members together with analysis of the content of members’ posts and blogs to determine whether their distress thermometer score had decreased since the SBCN had been online to deal with member distress. Results: The survey showed that four of the survey participants who completed the survey N=30 had completed a SWEE, been personal messaged by the SBCN about their distress thermometer score and declared that the information and advice they received had been instrumental in decreasing their distress score. It was not possible to identify whether a SWEE made any difference to the Distress Score. Conclusion: The SBCN can use the Distress Thermometer tool online to screen for member distress and deal with this distress through information, advice and support or referral to another health professional. A DT scores should be repeated before and after each of the breast cancer treatment stages so that appropriate interventions can be put in place to minimise or prevent the member’s distress. Specialist nurses in other specialised nursing areas can use the distress thermometer to measure and address the problems/issues causing support community members distress. That the content of a SWEE is one way in which members can document and vent about the problems causing their distress and this information can be used by the nurse to put in place appropriate solution or provide advice and support

    An experiment on data sharing options designs for eHealth interventions

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    Background: With eHealth technology interventions, users' personal health data can be easily shared among different stakeholders. Users should decide with whom they want to share their data. As support, most eHealth technology has data sharing options functionalities. However, there is little research on how to design these visually. In this paper, we took two possible data sharing options designs - data and party perspective – for an existing eHealth technology intervention, and we explored them. Objective: The aim was to find which of the two designs is the best in terms of trust, privacy concerns, ease of use, and information control. Additionally, to investigate how these factors influence each other with also the goal of giving practical advice on designing for privacy. Method: We conducted a between-subjects online design experiment (N = 123). After having visualised one of the two data sharing options designs, participants filled in an online questionnaire. To analyse the data, t-test analyses, correlation analyses, and backward regression analyses were conducted. Results: Information control scored higher in the data perspective condition (t (97) = 2.25, p = .03). From the different regression analyses, we found that trust and ease of use play a role in all sharing-related factors. Conclusions: We concluded that the design of data-sharing options in eHealth technology affects the experience of the user, mostly for trust and ease of use. In the end, we provided several actionable design advices on how to design for privacy.</p

    Web-Based Content on Diet and Nutrition Written in Japanese: Infodemiology Study Based on Google Trends and Google Search

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    The increased availability of content of uncertain integrity obtained through the internet is a major concern. To date, however, there has been no comprehensive scrutiny of the fitness-for-purpose of web-based content on diet and nutrition. This cross-sectional study aims to describe diet- and nutrition-related web-based content written in Japanese, identified via a systematic extraction strategy using Google Trends and Google Search. We first identified keywords relevant for extracting web-based content (eg, blogs) on diet and nutrition written in Japanese using Google Trends. This process included identification of 638 seed terms, identification of approximately 1500 pairs of related queries (top) and search terms, the top 10% of which were extracted to identify 160 relevant pairs of related queries (top) and search terms, and identification of 107 keywords for search. We then extracted relevant web-based content using Google Search. The content (N=1703) examined here was extracted following a search based on 107 keywords. The most common themes included food and beverages (390/1703, 22.9%), weight management (366/1703, 21.49%), health benefits (261/1703, 15.33%), and healthy eating (235/1703, 13.8%). The main disseminators were information technology companies and mass media (474/1703, 27.83%), food manufacturers (246/1703, 14.45%), other (236/1703, 13.86%), and medical institutions (214/1703, 12.57%). Less than half of the content (790/1703, 46.39%) clearly indicated the involvement of editors or writers. More than half of the content (983/1703, 57.72%) was accompanied by one or more types of advertisement. The proportion of content with any type of citation reference was 40.05% (682/1703). The themes and disseminators of content were significantly associated with the involvement of editors or writers, accompaniment with advertisement, and citation of reference. In particular, content focusing on weight management was more likely to clearly indicate the involvement of editors or writers (212/366, 57.9%) and to be accompanied by advertisement (273/366, 74.6%), but less likely to have references cited (128/366, 35%). Content from medical institutions was less likely to have citation references (62/214, 29%). This study highlights concerns regarding the authorship, conflicts of interest (advertising), and the scientific credibility of web-based diet- and nutrition-related information written in Japanese. Nutrition professionals and experts should take these findings seriously because exposure to nutritional information that lacks context or seems contradictory can lead to confusion and backlash among consumers. However, more research is needed to draw firm conclusions about the accuracy and quality of web-based diet- and nutrition-related content and whether similar results can be obtained in other major mass media or social media outlets and even other languages. [Abstract copyright: ©Kentaro Murakami, Nana Shinozaki, Nana Kimoto, Hiroko Onodera, Fumi Oono, Tracy A McCaffrey, M Barbara E Livingstone, Tsuyoshi Okuhara, Mai Matsumoto, Ryoko Katagiri, Erika Ota, Tsuyoshi Chiba, Yuki Nishida, Satoshi Sasaki. Originally published in JMIR Formative Research (https://formative.jmir.org), 16.11.2023.

    Trust and Credibility in Web-Based Health Information: A Review and Agenda for Future Research

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    Background: Online sources are becoming increasingly important in health information seeking, such that they may have a significant effect on health care decisions and outcomes. Hence, given the wide range of different sources of online health information from different organisations and individuals, it is important to understand how information seekers evaluate and select the sources that they use, and, more specifically how they assess their credibility and trustworthiness. Objectives: This article reviews empirical studies on trust and credibility in the use of online health information. The article seeks to present a profile of the research conducted on trust and credibility in online health information seeking, to identify the factors that impact judgements of trustworthiness and credibility, and to explore the role of demographic factors affecting trust formation. On this basis, it aims to identify the gaps in current knowledge and to propose an agenda for future research. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted. Searches were conducted using a variety of combinations of the terms: online health information, trust, credibility, and their variants, in four multi-disciplinary and four health-oriented databases. Articles selected were published in English from 2000 onwards; this process generated 3827 unique records. After the application of exclusion criteria, this was reduced to a final dataset of 73 articles, which was analysed in full. Results: Interest in this topic has persisted over the last 15 years, with articles being published in medicine, social science and computer science, and focussing mostly on the USA and the UK. Documents in the dataset fell into three categories: those using trust or credibility as a dependent variable, those using trust or credibility as an independent variable, and studies of the demographic factors that influence the role of trust or credibility in online health information seeking. There is a consensus that in terms of website design, clear layout and design, interactive features and the authority of the owner have a positive effect on trust or credibility, whilst advertising has a negative effect. With regard to content features, authority of the author, ease of use and content have a positive effect on trust or credibility formation. Demographic factors influencing trust formation are age, gender and perceived health status. Conclusions: There is considerable scope for further research. This includes: increased clarity of the interaction between the variables associated with health information seeking; increased consistency on the measurement of trust and credibility; a greater focus on specific online health information sources; and, enhanced understanding of the impact of demographic variables on trust and credibility judgement

    Gender as an Influencer of Online Health Information-Seeking and Evaluation Behavior

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    This article contributes to the growing body of research that explores the significance of context in health information behavior. Specifically, through the lens of trust judgments, it demonstrates that gender is a determinant of the information evaluation process. A questionnaire-based survey collected data from adults regarding the factors that influence their judgment of the trustworthiness of online health information. Both men and women identified credibility, recommendation, ease of use, and brand as being of importance in their trust judgments. However, women also take into account style, while men eschew this for familiarity. In addition, men appear to be more concerned with the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information, the ease with which they can access it, and its familiarity, whereas women demonstrate greater interest in cognition, such as the ease with which they can read and understand the information. These gender differences are consistent with the demographic data, which suggest that: women consult more types of sources than men; men are more likely to be searching with respect to a long-standing health complaint; and, women are more likely than men to use tablets in their health information seeking. Recommendations for further research to better inform practice are offered