11 research outputs found

    A Scalable Approach for Service Chain (SC) Mapping with Multiple SC Instances in a Wide-Area Network

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) aims to simplify deployment of network services by running Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) on commercial off-the-shelf servers. Service deployment involves placement of VNFs and in-sequence routing of traffic flows through VNFs comprising a Service Chain (SC). The joint VNF placement and traffic routing is called SC mapping. In a Wide-Area Network (WAN), a situation may arise where several traffic flows, generated by many distributed node pairs, require the same SC; then, a single instance (or occurrence) of that SC might not be enough. SC mapping with multiple SC instances for the same SC turns out to be a very complex problem, since the sequential traversal of VNFs has to be maintained while accounting for traffic flows in various directions. Our study is the first to deal with the problem of SC mapping with multiple SC instances to minimize network resource consumption. We first propose an Integer Linear Program (ILP) to solve this problem. Since ILP does not scale to large networks, we develop a column-generation-based ILP (CG-ILP) model. However, we find that exact mathematical modeling of the problem results in quadratic constraints in our CG-ILP. The quadratic constraints are made linear but even the scalability of CG-ILP is limited. Hence, we also propose a two-phase column-generation-based approach to get results over large network topologies within reasonable computational times. Using such an approach, we observe that an appropriate choice of only a small set of SC instances can lead to a solution very close to the minimum bandwidth consumption. Further, this approach also helps us to analyze the effects of number of VNF replicas and number of NFV nodes on bandwidth consumption when deploying these minimum number of SC instances.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1704.0671

    Low-latency and Resource-efficient Service Function Chaining Orchestration in Network Function Virtualization

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    © 2014 IEEE. Recently, network function virtualization (NFV) has been proposed to solve the dilemma faced by traditional networks and to improve network performance through hardware and software decoupling. The deployment of the service function chain (SFC) is a key technology that affects the performance of virtual network function (VNF). The key issue in the deployment of SFCs is proposing effective algorithms to achieve efficient use of resources. In this article, we propose an SFC deployment optimization (SFCDO) algorithm based on a breadth-first search (BFS). The algorithm first uses a BFS-based algorithm to find the shortest path between the source node and the destination node. Then, based on the shortest path, the path with the fewest hops is preferentially chosen to implement the SFC deployment. Finally, we compare the performances with the greedy and simulated annealing (G-SA) algorithm. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is optimized in terms of end-to-end delay and bandwidth resource consumption. In addition, we also consider the load rate of the nodes to achieve network load balancing

    Dynamic Network Function Provisioning to Enable Network in Box for Industrial Applications

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    Network function virtualization (NFV) in 6G can use standard virtualization techniques to enable network functions via software. Resource scheduling is one of the key research areas of NFV in 6G and is mainly used to deploy service function chains (SFCs) in substrate networks. However, determining how to utilize network resources efficiently has always been a difficult problem in SFC deployment. This article focuses on how to efficiently provision online SFC requests in NFV with 6G. We first establish a mathematical model for the problem of online SFC provisioning. Then, we propose an efficient online service function chain deployment (OSFCD) algorithm that selects the path to deploy that is close to the SFC length. Finally, we compare our proposed algorithm with three other existing algorithms by simulation experiments. The experimental results show that the OSFCD algorithm optimizes multiple performance indicators of online SFC deployment

    Network Function Virtualization in Dynamic Networks: A Stochastic Perspective

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordAs a key enabling technology for 5G network softwarization, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides an efficient paradigm to optimize network resource utility for the benefits of both network providers and users. However, the inherent network dynamics and uncertainties from 5G infrastructure, resources and applications are slowing down the further adoption of NFV in many emerging networking applications. Motivated by this, in this paper, we investigate the issues of network utility degradation when implementing NFV in dynamic networks, and design a proactive NFV solution from a fully stochastic perspective. Unlike existing deterministic NFV solutions, which assume given network capacities and/or static service quality demands, this paper explicitly integrates the knowledge of influential network variations into a twostage stochastic resource utilization model. By exploiting the hierarchical decision structures in this problem, a distributed computing framework with two-level decomposition is designed to facilitate a distributed implementation of the proposed model in large-scale networks. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed solution not only improves 3∼5 folds of network performance, but also effectively reduces the risk of service quality violation.The work of Xiangle Cheng is partially supported by the China Scholarship Council for the study at the University of Exeter. This work is also partially supported by the UK EPSRC project (Grant No.: EP/R030863/1)

    Safeguard Network Slicing in 5G: A Learning Augmented Optimization Approach

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Network slicing, as a key 5G enabling technology, is promising to support with more flexibility, agility, and intelligence towards the provisioned services and infrastructure management. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as nowadays networks are increasingly heterogeneous, dynamic and large-dimensioned. This contradicts the dominant network slicing solutions that only customize immediate performance over one snapshot of the system in the literature. Instead, this paper first presents a two-stage slicing optimization model with time-averaged metrics to safeguard the network slicing in the dynamical networks, where prior environmental knowledge is absent but can be partially observed at runtime. Directly solving an off-line solution to this problem is intractable since the future system realizations are unknown before decisions. Therefore, we propose a learning augmented optimization approach with deep learning and Lyapunov stability theories. This enables the system to learn a safe slicing solution from both historical records and run-time observations. We prove that the proposed solution is always feasible and nearly optimal, up to a constant additive factor. Finally, we demonstrate up to 2.6× improvement in the simulation when compared with three state-of-the-art algorithms.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    VNF performance modelling : from stand-alone to chained topologies

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    One of the main incentives for deploying network functions on a virtualized or cloud-based infrastructure, is the ability for on-demand orchestration and elastic resource scaling following the workload demand. This can also be combined with a multi-party service creation cycle: the service provider sources various network functions from different vendors or developers, and combines them into a modular network service. This way, multiple virtual network functions (VNFs) are connected into more complex topologies called service chains. Deployment speed is important here, and it is therefore beneficial if the service provider can limit extra validation testing of the combined service chain, and rely on the provided profiling results of the supplied single VNFs. Our research shows that it is however not always evident to accurately predict the performance of a total service chain, from the isolated benchmark or profiling tests of its discrete network functions. To mitigate this, we propose a two-step deployment workflow: First, a general trend estimation for the chain performance is derived from the stand-alone VNF profiling results, together with an initial resource allocation. This information then optimizes the second phase, where online monitored data of the service chain is used to quickly adjust the estimated performance model where needed. Our tests show that this can lead to a more efficient VNF chain deployment, needing less scaling iterations to meet the chain performance specification, while avoiding the need for a complete proactive and time-consuming VNF chain validation

    Learning Augmented Optimization for Network Softwarization in 5G

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and applications are posing unprecedented traffic burdens on the existing networking infrastructures. In order to maximize both user experience and investment return, the networking and communications systems are evolving to the next gen- eration – 5G, which is expected to support more flexibility, agility, and intelligence towards provisioned services and infrastructure management. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as nowadays networks are increasingly heterogeneous, dynamic and expanded with large sizes. Network softwarization is one of the critical enabling technologies to implement these requirements in 5G. In addition to these problems investigated in preliminary researches about this technology, many new emerging application requirements and advanced opti- mization & learning technologies are introducing more challenges & opportunities for its fully application in practical production environment. This motivates this thesis to develop a new learning augmented optimization technology, which merges both the advanced opti- mization and learning techniques to meet the distinct characteristics of the new application environment. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: • We first develop a stochastic solution to augment the optimization of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) services in dynamical networks. In contrast to the dominant NFV solutions applied for the deterministic networking environments, the inherent network dynamics and uncertainties from 5G infrastructure are impeding the rollout of NFV in many emerging networking applications. Therefore, Chapter 3 investigates the issues of network utility degradation when implementing NFV in dynamical networks, and proposes a robust NFV solution with full respect to the underlying stochastic features. By exploiting the hierarchical decision structures in this problem, a distributed computing framework with two-level decomposition is designed to facilitate a distributed implementation of the proposed model in large-scale networks. • Next, Chapter 4 aims to intertwin the traditional optimization and learning technologies. In order to reap the merits of both optimization and learning technologies but avoid their limitations, promissing integrative approaches are investigated to combine the traditional optimization theories with advanced learning methods. Subsequently, an online optimization process is designed to learn the system dynamics for the network slicing problem, another critical challenge for network softwarization. Specifically, we first present a two-stage slicing optimization model with time-averaged constraints and objective to safeguard the network slicing operations in time-varying networks. Directly solving an off-line solution to this problem is intractable since the future system realizations are unknown before decisions. To address this, we combine the historical learning and Lyapunov stability theories, and develop a learning augmented online optimization approach. This facilitates the system to learn a safe slicing solution from both historical records and real-time observations. We prove that the proposed solution is always feasible and nearly optimal, up to a constant additive factor. Finally, simulation experiments are also provided to demonstrate the considerable improvement of the proposals. • The success of traditional solutions to optimizing the stochastic systems often requires solving a base optimization program repeatedly until convergence. For each iteration, the base program exhibits the same model structure, but only differing in their input data. Such properties of the stochastic optimization systems encourage the work of Chapter 5, in which we apply the latest deep learning technologies to abstract the core structures of an optimization model and then use the learned deep learning model to directly generate the solutions to the equivalent optimization model. In this respect, an encoder-decoder based learning model is developed in Chapter 5 to improve the optimization of network slices. In order to facilitate the solving of the constrained combinatorial optimization program in a deep learning manner, we design a problem-specific decoding process by integrating program constraints and problem context information into the training process. The deep learning model, once trained, can be used to directly generate the solution to any specific problem instance. This avoids the extensive computation in traditional approaches, which re-solve the whole combinatorial optimization problem for every instance from the scratch. With the help of the REINFORCE gradient estimator, the obtained deep learning model in the experiments achieves significantly reduced computation time and optimality loss