6 research outputs found

    A metric for assessing and optimizing data-driven prognostic algorithms for predictive maintenance

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    Prognostic Health Management aims to predict the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of degrading components/systems utilizing monitoring data. These RUL predictions form the basis for optimizing maintenance planning in a Predictive Maintenance (PdM) paradigm. We here propose a metric for assessing data-driven prognostic algorithms based on their impact on downstream PdM decisions. The metric is defined in association with a decision setting and a corresponding PdM policy. We consider two typical PdM decision settings, namely component ordering and/or replacement planning, for which we investigate and improve PdM policies that are commonly utilized in the literature. All policies are evaluated via the data-driven estimation of the long-run expected maintenance cost per unit time, relying on available monitoring data from run-to-failure experiments. The policy evaluation enables the estimation of the proposed metric. The latter can further serve as an objective function for optimizing heuristic PdM policies or algorithms' hyperparameters. The effect of different PdM policies on the metric is initially investigated through a theoretical numerical example. Subsequently, we employ four data-driven prognostic algorithms on a simulated turbofan engine degradation problem, and investigate the joint effect of prognostic algorithm and PdM policy on the metric, resulting in a decision-oriented performance assessment of these algorithms

    Novel deep cross-domain framework for fault diagnosis or rotary machinery in prognostics and health management

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    Improving the reliability of engineered systems is a crucial problem in many applications in various engineering fields, such as aerospace, nuclear energy, and water declination industries. This requires efficient and effective system health monitoring methods, including processing and analyzing massive machinery data to detect anomalies and performing diagnosis and prognosis. In recent years, deep learning has been a fast-growing field and has shown promising results for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) in interpreting condition monitoring signals such as vibration, acoustic emission, and pressure due to its capacity to mine complex representations from raw data. This doctoral research provides a systematic review of state-of-the-art deep learning-based PHM frameworks, an empirical analysis on bearing fault diagnosis benchmarks, and a novel multi-source domain adaptation framework. It emphasizes the most recent trends within the field and presents the benefits and potentials of state-of-the-art deep neural networks for system health management. Besides, the limitations and challenges of the existing technologies are discussed, which leads to opportunities for future research. The empirical study of the benchmarks highlights the evaluation results of the existing models on bearing fault diagnosis benchmark datasets in terms of various performance metrics such as accuracy and training time. The result of the study is very important for comparing or testing new models. A novel multi-source domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of rotary machinery is also proposed, which aligns the domains in both feature-level and task-level. The proposed framework transfers the knowledge from multiple labeled source domains into a single unlabeled target domain by reducing the feature distribution discrepancy between the target domain and each source domain. Besides, the model can be easily reduced to a single-source domain adaptation problem. Also, the model can be readily updated to unsupervised domain adaptation problems in other fields such as image classification and image segmentation. Further, the proposed model is modified with a novel conditional weighting mechanism that aligns the class-conditional probability of the domains and reduces the effect of irrelevant source domain which is a critical issue in multi-source domain adaptation algorithms. The experimental verification results show the superiority of the proposed framework over state-of-the-art multi-source domain-adaptation models

    Damage Precursor Based Structural Health Monitoring and Prognostic Framework Using Dynamic Bayesian Network

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    Structural health monitoring (SHM), as an essential tool to ensure the health integrity of aging structures, mostly focus on monitoring conventional observable damage markers such as fatigue crack size. However, degradation starts and progressively evolves at microstructural levels much earlier than detection of such indicators. This dissertation goes beyond classical approaches and presents a new SHM framework based on evolution of Damage Precursors, when conventional direct damage indicator, such as crack, is unobservable, inaccessible or difficult to measure. Damage precursor is defined in this research as “any detectable variation in material/ physical properties of the component that can be used to infer the evolution of the hidden/ inaccessible/ unmeasurable damage during the degradation”. Accordingly, the degradation process is to be expressed based on progression of damage precursor through time and the damage state assessment would be updated by incorporating multiple different evidences. Therefore, this research proposes a systematic integration approach through Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) to include all the evidences and their relationships. The implementation of augmented particle filtering as a stochastic inference method inside DBN enables estimating both model parameters and damage states simultaneously in light of various evidences. Incorporating different sources of information in DBN entails advance techniques to identify and formulate the possible interaction between potentially non-homogenous variables. This research uses the Support Vector Regression (SVR) in order to define generally unknown nonparametric and nonlinear correlation between some of the variables in the DBN structure. Additionally, the particle filtering algorithm is studied more fundamentally in this research and a modified approach called “fully adaptive particle filtering” is proposed with the idea of online updating not only the state process model but also the measurement model. This new approach improves the ability of SHM in real-time diagnostics and prognostics. The framework is successfully applied to damage estimation and prediction in two real-world case studies of 1) crack initiation in a metallic alloy under fatigue and, 2) damage estimation and prognostics in composite materials under fatigue. The proposed framework is intended to be general and comprehensive such that it can be implemented in different applications