14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of machine learning techniques for electro-mechanical system diagnosis

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    The application of intelligent algorithms, in electro-mechanical diagnosis systems, is increasing in order to reach high Reliability and performance ratios in critical and complex scenarios. In this context, different multidimensional intelligent diagnosis systems, based on different machine learning techniques, are presented and evaluated in an electro-mechanical actuator diagnosis scheme. The used diagnosis methodology includes the acquisition of different physical magnitudes from the system, such as machine vibrations and stator currents, to enhance the monitoring capabilities. The features calculation process is based on statistical time and frequency domains features, as well as timefrequency fault indicators. A features reduction stage is, additionally, included to compress the descriptive fault information in a reduced feature set. After, different classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, Neural Network, k-Nearest Neighbors and Classification Trees are implemented. Classification ratios over inputs corresponding to previously learnt classes, and generalization capabilities with inputs corresponding to learnt classes slightly modified are evaluated in an experimental test bench to analyze the suitability of each algorithm for this kind of application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Characteristics Analysis and Measurement of Inverter-Fed Induction Motors for Stator and Rotor Fault Detection

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    Inverter-fed induction motors (IMs) contain a serious of current harmonics, which become severer under stator and rotor faults. The resultant fault components in the currents affect the monitoring of the motor status. With this background, the fault components in the electromagnetic torque under stator faults considering harmonics are derived in this paper, and the fault components in current harmonics under rotor faults are analyzed. More importantly, the monitoring based on the fault characteristics (both in the torque and current) is proposed to provide reliable stator and rotor fault diagnosis. Specifically, the fault components induced by stator faults in the electromagnetic torque are discussed in this paper, and then, fault components are characterized in the torque spectrum to identify stator faults. To achieve so, a full-order flux observer is adopted to calculate the torque. On the other hand, under rotor faults, the sidebands caused by time and space harmonics in the current are analyzed and exploited to recognize rotor faults, being the motor current signature analysis (MCSA). Experimental tests are performed on an inverter-fed 2.2 kW/380 V/50 Hz IM, which verifies the analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis methods of inverter-fed IMs

    Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Transient motor current signature analysis is a recently developed technique for motor diagnostics using speed transients. The whole speed range is used to create a unique stamp of each fault harmonic in the time-frequency plane. This greatly increases diagnostic reliability when compared with non-transient analysis, which is based on the detection of fault harmonics at a single speed. But this added functionality comes at a price: well-established signal analysis tools used in the permanent regime, mainly the Fourier transform, cannot be applied to the nonstationary currents of a speed transient. In this paper, a new method is proposed to fill this gap. By applying a polynomial-phase transform to the transient current, a new, stationary signal is generated. This signal contains information regarding the fault components along the different regimes covered by the transient, and can be analyzed using the Fourier transform. The polynomial-phase transform is used in radar, sonar, communications, and power systems fields, but this is the first time, to the best knowledge of the authors, that it has been applied to the diagnosis of induction motor faults. Experimental results obtained with two different commercial motors with broken bars are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia" in the framework of the "Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental," project reference DPI2008-06583/DPI.Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R. (2011). Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 58(4):1428-1439. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2010.2050755S1428143958

    Diagnosis of induction motor faults via gabor analysis of the current in transient regime

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Time-frequency analysis of the transient current in induction motors (IMs) is the basis of the transient motor current signature analysis diagnosis method. IM faults can be accurately identified by detecting the characteristic pattern that each type of fault produces in the time-frequency plane during a speed transient. Diverse transforms have been proposed to generate a 2-D time-frequency representation of the current, such as the short time Fourier transform (FT), the wavelet transform, or the Wigner-Ville distribution. However, a fine tuning of their parameters is needed in order to obtain a high-resolution image of the fault in the time-frequency domain, and they also require a much higher processing effort than traditional diagnosis techniques, such as the FT. The new method proposed in this paper addresses both problems using the Gabor analysis of the current via the chirp z-transform, which can be easily adapted to generate high-resolution time-frequency stamps of different types of faults. In this paper, it is used to diagnose broken bars and mixed eccentricity faults of an IM using the current during a startup transient. This new approach is theoretically introduced and experimentally validated with a 1.1-kW commercial motor in faulty and healthy conditions. © 2012 IEEE.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) in the framework of the VI Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica 2008-2011. (Programa Nacional de proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental, project reference DPI2011-23740). The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for this paper was Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay.Riera-Guasp, M.; Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J. (2012). Diagnosis of induction motor faults via gabor analysis of the current in transient regime. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 61(6):1583-1596. doi:10.1109/TIM.2012.2186650S1583159661

    Robust detection of incipient faults in VSI-fed induction motors using quality control charts.

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    A considerable amount of papers have been published in recent years proposing supervised classifiers to diagnose the health of a machine. The usual procedure with these classifiers is to train them using data acquired through controlled experiments, expecting them to perform well on new data, classifying correctly the condition of a motor. But, obviously, the new motor to be diagnosed cannot be the same that has been used during the training process; it may be a motor with different characteristics and fed from a completely different source. These different conditions between the training process and the testing one can deeply influence the diagnosis. To avoid these drawbacks, in this paper a new method is proposed which is based on robust statistical techniques applied in Quality Control applications. The proposed method is based on the online diagnosis of the operating motor and can detect deviations from the normal operational conditions. A robust approach has been implemented using high-breakdown statistical techniques which can reliably detect anomalous data that often cause an unexpected overestimation of the data variability, reducing the ability of standard procedures to detect faulty conditions in earlier stages. A case study is presented to prove the validity of the proposed approach. Motors of different characteristics, fed from the power line and several different inverters, are tested. Three different fault conditions are provoked, broken bar, a faulty bearing and mixed eccentricity. Experimental results prove that the proposed approach can detect incipient faults

    Condition monitoring of induction motors in the nuclear power station environment

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    The induction motor is a highly utilised electrical machine in industry, with the nuclear industry being no exception. A typical nuclear power station usually contains more than 1000 motors, where they are used in safety and non-safety application. The efficient and fault-free operation of this machine is critical to the safe and economical operation of any plant, including nuclear power stations. A comprehensive literature review was conducted that covered the functioning of the induction machine, its common faults and methods of detecting these faults. The Condition Based Maintenance framework was introduced in which condition monitoring of induction machines is an essential component. The main condition monitoring methods were explained with the main focus being on Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) and the various methods associated with it. Three analysis methods were selected for further study, namely, Current Signature Analysis, Instantaneous Power Signature Analysis (IPSA) and Motor Square Current Signature Analysis (MSCSA). Essentially, the methodology used in this dissertation was to study the three common motor faults (bearings, stator and rotor cage) in isolation and compare the results to that of the healthy motor of the same type. The test loads as well as fault severity were varied where possible to investigate its effect on the fault detection scheme. The data was processed using an FFT based algorithm programed in MATLAB. The results of the study of the three spectral analysis techniques showed that no single technique is able to detect motor faults under all tested circumstances. The MCSA technique proved the most capable of the three techniques as it was able to detect faults under most conditions, but generally suffered poor results in inverter driven motor applications. The IPSA and MSCSA techniques performed selectively when compared to MCSA and were relatively successful when detecting the mechanical faults. The fact that the former techniques produce results at unique points in the spectrum would suggest that they are more suitable for verifying results. As part of a comprehensive condition monitoring scheme, as required by a large population of the motors on a nuclear power station, the three techniques presented in this study could readily be incorporated into the Condition Based Maintenance framework where the strengths of each could be exploited

    Modeling and fault diagnosis of broken rotor bar faults in induction motors

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    Due to vast industrial applications, induction motors are often referred to as the “workhorse” of the industry. To detect incipient faults and improve reliability, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction motors are very important. In this thesis, the focus is to model and detect broken rotor bar (BRB) faults in induction motors through the finite element analysis and machine learning approach. The most successfully deployed method for the BRB fault detection is Motor Current Signature Analysis (MSCA) due to its non-invasive, easy to implement, lower cost, reliable and effective nature. However, MSCA has its own limitations. To overcome such limitations, fault diagnosis using machine learning attracts more research interests lately. Feature selection is an important part of machine learning techniques. The main contributions of the thesis include: 1) model a healthy motor and a motor with different number of BRBs using finite element analysis software ANSYS; 2) analyze BRB faults of induction motors using various spectral analysis algorithms (parametric and non-parametric) by processing stator current signals obtained from the finite element analysis; 3) conduct feature selection and classification of BRB faults using support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN); 4) analyze neighbouring and spaced BRB faults using Burg and Welch PSD analysis

    Sviluppo di una Metodologia per la Selezione e il Controllo QualitĂ  di Ventilatori per Cappe Aspiranti in Linea di Produzione Mediante Analisi Vibrazionale

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    Fin dai primi anni del secolo scorso i ricercatori hanno condotto ricerche e sviluppato soluzioni per diagnosticare l’insorgere di difettositĂ  nei motori ad induzione per aumentarne l’affidabilitĂ  e la qualitĂ . La letteratura Ăš ricca di esempi nei quali vengono utilizzate le piĂč conosciute tecniche di elaborazione del segnale e negli ultimi anni l’utilizzo di algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale ha portato ad ulteriori miglioramenti nella prevenzione dei guasti e delle loro conseguenze. In questo lavoro viene presentato un approccio differente per diagnosticare la presenza di difettositĂ  nei motori ad induzione, una metodologia originale per il tipo di applicazione basata sul calcolo delle divergenze statistiche tra distribuzioni di probabilitĂ  e sul calcolo delle entropie e della cross-entropia. Vengono proposti e confrontati cinque diversi metodi per ottenere le distribuzioni di probabilitĂ  dai segnali misurati, due differenti formulazioni per il calcolo delle divergenze e quattro per il calcolo dell’entropia. L’efficacia e la maggiore robustezza degli indicatori calcolati con il metodo proposto rispetto ai tradizionali indicatori statistici sono dimostrate tramite le analisi condotte sulle misure accelerometriche acquisite durante lo sviluppo della procedura per il controllo qualitĂ  dei ventilatori per cappe aspiranti uscenti dalla linea di produzione di SIT S.p.A. Ne viene presentata inoltre una versione modificata utilizzando la trasmissibilitĂ  del banco di collaudo come filtro inverso, soluzione che la rende efficace anche quando applicata alle misure acquisite dal sensore accelerometrico di linea. La procedura proposta ha dimostrato capacitĂ  di classificazione con un accuratezza superiore al 95%. Infine, sfruttando le potenzialitĂ  del machine learning, viene proposta una soluzione che, utilizzando un Autoencoder, Ăš in grado di migliorare i risultati ottenuti in precedenza, raggiungendo valori analoghi come accuratezza ma migliori in termini di falsi negativi.Since the early years of the last century, researchers have conducted research and developed solutions to diagnose the onset of defects in induction motors to increase their reliability and quality. The literature is full of examples in which the well-known signal processing techniques are used and in recent years the use of artificial intelligence algorithms has led to further improvements in the prevention of faults and their consequences. In this work a different approach is presented to diagnose the presence of defects in induction motors, an original methodology for the type of application based on the calculation of statistical divergences between probability distributions and on the calculation of entropies and cross-entropy. Five different methods for obtaining probability distributions from measured signals are proposed and compared, two different formulations for calculating divergences and four for calculating entropy. The effectiveness and greater robustness of the indicators calculated with the proposed method compared to traditional statistical indicators are demonstrated through the analyses conducted on the accelerometric measurements acquired during the development of the procedure for the quality control of the fans for extractor hoods leaving the production line of SIT S.p.A. A modified version is also presented using the transmissibility of the production bench as an inverse filter, a solution that makes it effective even when applied to the measurements acquired by the accelerometric sensor positioned on the production station. The proposed procedure has demonstrated classification capabilities with an accuracy greater than 95%. Finally, exploiting the potential of machine learning, a solution is proposed which, using an Autoencoder, is able to improve the results previously obtained, reaching similar values in terms of accuracy but better in terms of false negatives

    An Intelligent System for Induction Motor Health Condition Monitoring

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    Induction motors (IMs) are commonly used in both industrial applications and household appliances. An IM online condition monitoring system is very useful to identify the IM fault at its initial stage, in order to prevent machinery malfunction, decreased productivity and even catastrophic failures. Although a series of research efforts have been conducted over decades for IM fault diagnosis using various approaches, it still remains a challenging task to accurately diagnose the IM fault due to the complex signal transmission path and environmental noise. The objective of this thesis is to develop a novel intelligent system for more reliable IM health condition monitoring. The developed intelligent monitor consists of two stages: feature extraction and decision-making. In feature extraction, a spectrum synch technique is proposed to extract representative features from collected stator current signals for fault detection in IM systems. The local bands related to IM health conditions are synchronized to enhance fault characteristic features; a central kurtosis method is suggested to extract representative information from the resulting spectrum and to formulate an index for fault diagnosis. In diagnostic pattern classification, an innovative selective boosting technique is proposed to effectively classify representative features into different IM health condition categories. On the other hand, IM health conditions can also be predicted by applying appropriate prognostic schemes. In system state forecasting, two forecasting techniques, a model-based pBoost predictor and a data-driven evolving fuzzy neural predictor, are proposed to forecast future states of the fault indices, which can be employed to further improve the accuracy of IM health condition monitoring. A novel fuzzy inference system is developed to integrate information from both the classifier and the predictor for IM health condition monitoring. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques and integrated monitor is verified through simulations and experimental tests corresponding to different IM states such as IMs with broken rotor bars and with the bearing outer race defect. The developed techniques, the selective boosting classifier, pBoost predictor and evolving fuzzy neural predictor, are effective tools that can be employed in a much wider range of applications. In order to select the most reliable technique in each processing module so as to provide a more positive assessment of IM health conditions, some more techniques are also proposed for each processing purpose. A conjugate Levebnerg-Marquardt method and a Laplace particle swarm technique are proposed for model parameter training, whereas a mutated particle filter technique is developed for system state prediction. These strong tools developed in this work could also be applied to fault diagnosis and other applications

    Predictive Maintenance of Critical Equipment for Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefaction Process

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    Predictive Maintenance of Critical Equipment for Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefaction Process Meeting global energy demand is a massive challenge, especially with the quest of more affinity towards sustainable and cleaner energy. Natural gas is viewed as a bridge fuel to a renewable energy. LNG as a processed form of natural gas is the fastest growing and cleanest form of fossil fuel. Recently, the unprecedented increased in LNG demand, pushes its exploration and processing into offshore as Floating LNG (FLNG). The offshore topsides gas processes and liquefaction has been identified as one of the great challenges of FLNG. Maintaining topside liquefaction process asset such as gas turbine is critical to profitability and reliability, availability of the process facilities. With the setbacks of widely used reactive and preventive time-based maintenances approaches, to meet the optimal reliability and availability requirements of oil and gas operators, this thesis presents a framework driven by AI-based learning approaches for predictive maintenance. The framework is aimed at leveraging the value of condition-based maintenance to minimises the failures and downtimes of critical FLNG equipment (Aeroderivative gas turbine). In this study, gas turbine thermodynamics were introduced, as well as some factors affecting gas turbine modelling. Some important considerations whilst modelling gas turbine system such as modelling objectives, modelling methods, as well as approaches in modelling gas turbines were investigated. These give basis and mathematical background to develop a gas turbine simulated model. The behaviour of simple cycle HDGT was simulated using thermodynamic laws and operational data based on Rowen model. Simulink model is created using experimental data based on Rowen’s model, which is aimed at exploring transient behaviour of an industrial gas turbine. The results show the capability of Simulink model in capture nonlinear dynamics of the gas turbine system, although constraint to be applied for further condition monitoring studies, due to lack of some suitable relevant correlated features required by the model. AI-based models were found to perform well in predicting gas turbines failures. These capabilities were investigated by this thesis and validated using an experimental data obtained from gas turbine engine facility. The dynamic behaviours gas turbines changes when exposed to different varieties of fuel. A diagnostics-based AI models were developed to diagnose different gas turbine engine’s failures associated with exposure to various types of fuels. The capabilities of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique have been harnessed to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset and extract good features for the diagnostics model development. Signal processing-based (time-domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain) techniques have also been used as feature extraction tools, and significantly added more correlations to the dataset and influences the prediction results obtained. Signal processing played a vital role in extracting good features for the diagnostic models when compared PCA. The overall results obtained from both PCA, and signal processing-based models demonstrated the capabilities of neural network-based models in predicting gas turbine’s failures. Further, deep learning-based LSTM model have been developed, which extract features from the time series dataset directly, and hence does not require any feature extraction tool. The LSTM model achieved the highest performance and prediction accuracy, compared to both PCA-based and signal processing-based the models. In summary, it is concluded from this thesis that despite some challenges related to gas turbines Simulink Model for not being integrated fully for gas turbine condition monitoring studies, yet data-driven models have proven strong potentials and excellent performances on gas turbine’s CBM diagnostics. The models developed in this thesis can be used for design and manufacturing purposes on gas turbines applied to FLNG, especially on condition monitoring and fault detection of gas turbines. The result obtained would provide valuable understanding and helpful guidance for researchers and practitioners to implement robust predictive maintenance models that will enhance the reliability and availability of FLNG critical equipment.Petroleum Technology Development Funds (PTDF) Nigeri