4 research outputs found

    Online Correction of Dispersion Error in 2D Waveguide Meshes

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    An elastic ideal 2D propagation medium, i.e., a membrane, can be simulated by models discretizing the wave equation on the time-space grid (finite difference methods), or locally discretizing the solution of the wave equation (waveguide meshes). The two approaches provide equivalent computational structures, and introduce numerical dispersion that induces a misalignment of the modes from their theoretical positions. Prior literature shows that dispersion can be arbitrarily reduced by oversizing and oversampling the mesh, or by adpting offline warping techniques. In this paper we propose to reduce numerical dispersion by embedding warping elements, i.e., properly tuned allpass filters, in the structure. The resulting model exhibits a significant reduction in dispersion, and requires less computational resources than a regular mesh structure having comparable accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 2000. Corrected first referenc

    Physics-based models for the acoustic representation of space in virtual environments

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    In questo lavoro sono state affrontate alcune questioni inserite nel tema pi\uf9 generale della rappresentazione di scene e ambienti virtuali in contesti d\u2019interazione uomo-macchina, nei quali la modalit\ue0 acustica costituisca parte integrante o prevalente dell\u2019informazione complessiva trasmessa dalla macchina all\u2019utilizzatore attraverso un\u2019interfaccia personale multimodale oppure monomodale acustica. Pi\uf9 precisamente \ue8 stato preso in esame il problema di come presentare il messaggio audio, in modo tale che lo stesso messaggio fornisca all\u2019utilizzatore un\u2019informazione quanto pi\uf9 precisa e utilizzabile relativamente al contesto rappresentato. Il fine di tutto ci\uf2 \ue8 riuscire a integrare all\u2019interno di uno scenario virtuale almeno parte dell\u2019informazione acustica che lo stesso utilizzatore, in un contesto stavolta reale, normalmente utilizza per trarre esperienza dal mondo circostante nel suo complesso. Ci\uf2 \ue8 importante soprattutto quando il focus dell\u2019attenzione, che tipicamente impegna il canale visivo quasi completamente, \ue8 volto a un compito specifico.This work deals with the simulation of virtual acoustic spaces using physics-based models. The acoustic space is what we perceive about space using our auditory system. The physical nature of the models means that they will present spatial attributes (such as, for example, shape and size) as a salient feature of their structure, in a way that space will be directly represented and manipulated by means of them

    Contributions to discrete-time methods for room acoustic simulation

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    The sound field distribution in a room is the consequence of the acoustic properties of radiating sources and the position, geometry and absorbing characteristics of the surrounding boundaries in an enclosure (boundary conditions). Despite there existing a consolidated acoustic wave theory, it is very difficult, nearly impossible, to find an analytical expression of the sound variables distribution in a real room, as a function of time and position. This scenario represents as an inhomogeneous boundary value problem, where the complexity of source properties and boundary conditions make that problem extremely hard to solve. Room acoustic simulation, as treated in this thesis, comprises the algebraical approach to solve the wave equation, and the way to define the boundary conditions and source modeling of the scenario under analysis. Numerical methods provide accurate algorithms for this purpose and among the different possibilities, the use of discrete-time methods arises as a suitable solution for solving those partial differential equations, particularized by some specific constrains. Together with the constant growth of computer power, those methods are increasing their suitability for room acoustic simulation. However, there exists an important lack of accuracy in the definition of some of these conditions so far: current frequency-dependent boundary conditions do not comply with any physical model, and directive sources in discrete-time methods have been hardly treated. This thesis discusses about the current state-of-the-art of the boundary conditions and source modeling in discrete-time methods for room acoustic simulation, and it contributes some algorithms to enhance boundary condition formulation, in a locally reacting impedance sense, and source modelling in terms of directive sources under a defined radiation pattern. These algorithms have been particularized to some discrete-time methods such as the Finite Difference Time Domain and the Digital Waveguide Mesh.Escolano Carrasco, J. (2008). Contributions to discrete-time methods for room acoustic simulation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8309Palanci

    Musical instrument modelling using digital waveguides

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